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Fallout Wiki

The HERAKLES power fist is a weapon that was to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. It also appears in the Van Buren tech demo game files.


HERAKLES was an unfinished power fist project by Poseidon Energy and the Enclave.[1]


The power fist could be constructed by Science-oriented characters.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

In Greek mythology, Herakles (Ἡρακλῆς) was a great demigod hero who possessed superhuman strength. He is often referred to by his Roman name Hercules.


  1. 1.0 1.1 J.E. Sawyer at No Mutants Allowed: "I also really enjoyed working on the 'Poseidon-tier' technologies for Van Buren. They were a bunch of unfinished projects that science-oriented characters could complete to gain goodies like the ARTEMIS Light Rail Gun and HERAKLES Power Fist. The story behind the projects helped tie the Enclave to Poseidon, which was fun."
Enclave Symbol (FO3)