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LB orbital strike

Bradley-Hercules warheads descending on Liberty Prime.

Bradley-Hercules is the satellite from which the Enclave (and later the Lone Wanderer) launches orbital strikes during the events of Broken Steel.


The satellite was launched after the Kovac-Muldoon Platform. Teething problems that manifested with the Kovac-Muldoon were impossible to solve without spending trillions of dollars, but essential information was passed on to the developers of the Bradley-Hercules. While they were not cleared for learning the precise nature of the Kovac-Muldoon project, this information allowed them to avoid making the same mistakes that limited the lifespan of the Platform.[1]

The satellite was capable of launching eight salvos of nine warheads, striking targets from orbit. Each payload was powerful enough to destroy hardened underground facilities,[2] and the satellite was intended to autonomously reload each payload and continue firing until warhead supplies were extinguished.[3]

Bradley-Hercules remained in stable orbit and mostly operational into 2277. While its electrical, optical, and navigational systems were functioning, its propulsion system was not, making it impossible for it to change orbit. Its launch hardware was intact and capable of delivering precise orbital nuclear strikes, but the corresponding loading hardware malfunctioned and could no longer reload salvos after firing. As a result, the remaining payloads were locked in fire position, awaiting final commands.[3]

Three of its payloads were expended at unspecified targets,[4] with the fourth used by the remnants of the Enclave to destroy Liberty Prime at Rockland. The satellite was used for the final time by Lone Wanderer to destroy the mobile base crawler at Adams AFB, expending the remaining warheads.[5]


As stated, a single salvo of nine missiles was fired during Death From Above, targeted at Liberty Prime. The remaining four, totaling 36 missiles, can be launched during Who Dares Wins from the satellite control tower. While the preset target list offers five locations for destruction - Citadel, Project Purity, Megaton, Rivet City carrier and the Adams AFB Platform - only the Citadel and Adams AFB can be selected due to the satellite being in the incorrect orbit path.

If the player chooses to destroy the Citadel, the Brotherhood's main base will be wiped out and all members of the Brotherhood will be permanently hostile to the player character. Sarah Lyons and her team will also attack upon arrival at the ruins of the Citadel.



Bradley-Hercules is mentioned in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel, in the terminal from which the player character has to launch an orbital Strike. The satellite is also mentioned in Fallout 76 at a terminal in the Enclave's congressional bunker.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The satellite is a reference to the 1979 film Meteor in which the US has an orbital nuclear launch platform called Hercules which was designed by a Doctor Bradley.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Whitespring bunker terminal entries; Archival terminal, Kovac-Muldoon: Final Report
  2. The Citadel becomes a giant crater if the player chooses to nuke it.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Diagnostic: "Propulsion ............ FAULT
    Electrical ............ OK
    Optical ............... OK
    Navigation ............ OK
    Payload Status ........ OK
    Loading Hardware ...... FAULT
    Launch Hardware ....... OK
    Propulsion system RED. Propulsion inavailableIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar.
    Payload loading error.
    Remaining payloads locked in fire position.
    All fire control systems are GREEN.
    Satellite ready to commit and fire payload."

  4. Warhead Salvo One ..... DEPLETED
    Warhead Salvo Two ..... DEPLETED
    Warhead Salvo Three ... DEPLETED
    Warhead Salvo Four .... DEPLETED
    Warhead Salvo Five .... READY
    Warhead Salvo Six ..... READY
    Warhead Salvo Seven ... READY
    Warhead Salvo Eight ... READY"
  5. Who Dares Wins