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This is a transcript for dialogue with Senior Knight Lorenzo.


EDERadioConversation EDERadioConversation Neutral 50 Uh... Hello? Hi. Are you there? Oh, right. You can't respond.{Pause} Listen, I'm using your robot as a relay to get this message to you. 1
Neutral 50 I've picked up some unusual chatter regarding your robot. It seems that it has some information that we could use. Oh wait, where are my manners? 2
Neutral 50 This is Lorenzo, a Knight with the Brotherhood of Steel. We'd be very interested in examining your tech. 3
Neutral 50 Whenever you get a chance, can you bring your robot back to Hidden Valley so I can take a look at it? 4
EDERadioConversation2 EDERadioConversation Neutral 50 Uh... Hello? Hi. Are you there? Oh, right. You can't respond.{Pause} Listen, I'm using your robot as a relay to get this message to you. 5
Neutral 50 I've picked up some unusual chatter regarding your robot. It seems that it has some information that we could use. Oh wait, where are my manners? 6
Neutral 50 This is Lorenzo, a Knight with the Brotherhood of Steel. We'd be very interested in examining your tech. 7
Neutral 50 Could you bring your robot to one of our patrols so they can examine it? I'll have the robot mark the location on your map. 8
EDETopicTest Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Oh, well if you change your mind let me know. I have some parts here I can use to upgrade his armor if you leave it with me for a bit. 9
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You're the one with that robot, I was hoping you'd bring him my way. Pretty impressive piece of hardware. 10
Neutral 50 I can't say that I've seen anything quite like him before. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Hmmm? Oh, you must be the outsider everyone's buzzing about. Pleased to meet you. I'm Lorenzo, Senior Knight and general handyman around here. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, good to see you again. Have you thought any more about letting me take a look at the logs on your robot? 13
GREETING Happy 50 Good to see you! Alive, that is. Have you found all of the components yet? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 Good to see you again. What can I help you with? 15
I've heard some information from its logs, sounds like it is carrying some Enclave data.
I've heard some information from its logs, sounds like it is carrying some Enclave data. Neutral 50 Really? What kind of logs? What kind of data does he have on it? 16
I'd like to talk to you about ED-E again. Neutral 50 Great, I'd love to take a look at that log data. 17
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic001 The logs spoke about Enclave Duraframe research and Poseidon Energy research. Surprise 50 {Surprise} Did... did you say Poseidon Energy? I've been researching some Poseidon projects here. 18
Happy 15 Do you think you could leave your robot with me for a few days? I have some materials that I can use to upgrade his armor while he's here. 19
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic002 The Elder wants me to retrieve components to help fix the air filtration system. Neutral 50 {Beat} ...So now I'm going to have your death on my conscience, too. Great. 20
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic005 Your terminal had some very interesting things to say about the state of the air filtration system. Neutral 50 {Initially outraged} What were you doing looking at my terminal? {Distracted, calmer} No, never mind that. You can't tell anyone about what you found! 21
Neutral 50 There'd be widespread panic. The Elder has the situation under control. 22
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic006 So you and the McNamara both know about this? Neutral 50 {Resigned} ...Yes. When I first discovered how much the systems had deteriorated, I reported it to the Elder right away. 23
Neutral 50 He told me he'd take action right away, and sent out several patrols to search for parts. 24
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic007 The rest of the chapter should be told! Neutral 50 {Panicked} No! Please don't! Everyone would blame me! Look, I'll do whatever you want, just name it! 25
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic008 Don't worry, I'll keep your little secret. Neutral 50 {Relieved} Thank you. There's no telling what would happen if everyone were to suddenly find out, but I trust it wouldn't be good. 26
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic009 Vote for Hardin when he calls a tribunal. Neutral 50 Fine, but you're making a big mistake. Hardin isn't half the leader that McNamara is. 27
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic011 I'll have to think on this more. Sad 25 {Sad} Okay, but I'd really like to take a look at him. Remember, I'll be able to give his armor some extra plating while I've got him here. 28
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic012 Er, what? Neutral 50 {scornful, with a little hysteria} You think you're the first person the Elder's trusted with this? He sent three of our patrols out looking for those components, and they're all dead. 29
Neutral 50 I was the one who supplied the Elder with the location of possible sites where we could find the components, so their deaths are my fault. 30
Neutral 50 {speaking somewhat quickly, nervous} And now it's your turn. Well, don't say you weren't warned. I won't take the blame when you die horribly. But I can tell you're getting impatient. 31
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic013 Maybe you misheard me. Neutral 50 No, I heard you quite clearly. You're being sent off to be killed like the others. 32
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic015 Just give the details. Neutral 50 The items I'll need to keep the system running are a differential pressure controller, a reverse pulse cleaner, and several {HEP-uh} HEPA cartridge filters. 33
Neutral 50 At present, my best guess for finding the items would be to search any of the old vaults in the area. 34
Neutral 50 Those vaults were usually built much like these military bunkers, even using the same contractors in their constructions at times. 35
Neutral 50 I'll mark the vaults' locations on your map. Best of luck to you. 36
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic016 They're all right here. Neutral 50 {Had serious doubts the player could do it} Really? I mean, that's great! I knew you could do it all along. I'll get right to work installing these. 37
Neutral 50 Why don't you go tell the Elder the good news. I'm sure it'll be a huge load off of his shoulders. 38
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic017 Not all of them. Neutral 50 It's amazing that you've found any of them and not gotten gruesomely mangled. Keep up the good work! 39
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic018 No, I haven't found any of them yet. Neutral 50 I don't want to rush you or anything, but time is of the essence. Please try to find those components as soon as you can. 40
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVKnightEDETopic019 I wanted to ask you some questions. Neutral 50 Sure, what about? 41
vQuestEdeGone Ok, you can have ED-E for a little bit. Neutral 50 This is excellent news. I'll send him back to you soon. 42