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"Trust me, kid, I'm no hero."
―Logan to Laura[src]

James Howlett, more commonly referred to as Logan, is a formidable mutant with retractable claws and regenerative abilities operating under the alias Wolverine, who failed both his teammates, the X-Men, and his world, sending him into a depressive spiral. He was taken from his universe by Deadpool in the latter's attempt to replace his own reality's Wolverine, though the two were banished to the Void by Paradox's rogue faction of Time Variance Authority agents. Wolverine and Deadpool formed an initially very uneasy alliance to try and escape the Void, which they did with the aid of the Resistance. Now together as friends, the pair was able to stop Paradox's plan to destroy Deadpool's timeline and eliminate Cassandra Nova to save the entire Multiverse, eventually allowing Logan to come to better terms with his past mistakes and live peacefully in Wade Wilson's universe.


Early Life[]


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Letting Everyone Down[]

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Deadpool Multiversal Incident[]

Taken From His World[]

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Fight in the Void[]

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Escape From Cassandra Nova[]

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Violent Car Ride[]

"You know what? You're a fuckin' joke. No wonder the Avengers didn't take you - or the X-Men, and they'll take fucking anyone. I mean, you are a ridiculous, immature, half-wit moron. I have never met a sadder, more attention-starved jabbering little prick in my entire life, and that says a lot because I've been alive for more than 200 fuckin' years! And I'll tell ya, that bald chick was right about one thing: you will never save the world. You couldn't even save a relationship with a goddamn stripper! Motherfucker, I wish I could say you'll die alone, but it's one of God's best jokes that you can't die! Except that's on all of US! What? Got nothing to say, Mouth?"
―Logan to Deadpool[src]

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Meeting the Resistance[]

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Escaping the Void[]

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Fighting the Deadpool Corps[]

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Saving All Timelines[]

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New World, New Life[]

Living With Wade Wilson[]

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"I'm about to lose everything I've ever cared about."
"Not my fucking problem."
"Is that what you said when your world went to shit?"
"Come again?"
Deadpool and Wolverine[src]

Depressed, alcoholic and easily irritated, this Variant of Wolverine is described by Paradox of the Time Variance Authority as being “the worst.” Due to his fault in the deaths of his X-Men teammates and the desecration of the legacy of the mutants in his timeline, he is widely regarded by those in his world and in the TVA as a failure. This Wolverine himself fell into a depressive spiral after this disastrous incident, wasting his days in pubs and increasingly hostile to anyone who goes near him, especially those who openly mentioned his past. When Deadpool provoked him of his past in the Void, Wolverine reacted strongly by immediately fighting him. Wolverine, particularly, can also be very rude and vulgar when irritated, as seen when he fired continuous insults and foul language at Deadpool, chastising him for attempting to save an entire universe when he could not even save one relationship. This shows that he can be quite inconsiderate when insulting others, hurting their feelings.

In reality, this Wolverine is deeply haunted and regrets having made the decision to leave the X-Men alone. Gradually, he has lost the will to live and find another purpose, as shown when he willingly put his forehead on Deadpool’s pistols, reflecting that he sees death as a way that can finally put him at peace. Wolverine also indulged himself in harmful habits such as heavy-drinking so that he can nullify his senses to forget the trauma and pain from the past.

This Wolverine on the surface is unsociable and hard-to-reach, as shown when he did not want to associate himself with the X-Men and his unwillingness to wear the team suit. But beneath the aloof front and the neglect to his friends, this Wolverine deeply loved and missed his teammates, as he wore the Wolverine suit under normal clothes as a constant reminder of them, and when he expressed remorse over not properly showing his love and compassion for his teammates when they were still alive. In fact, the reason why Wolverine agreed to forming an alliance with Deadpool initially, albeit reluctantly, was that Deadpool promised him that he could change the past and bring back his teammates. This highlights his regret of the decision of not showing his true emotions to his friends in the past.

After the tragedy that occurred in his home universe, Wolverine became incredibly pessimistic and even more reluctant to join teams. Being at fault for the deaths of his former teammates, he is afraid that more acquaintances meant that he would eventually harm more people, and thus when Deadpool and Resistance members were planning their attack on Nova’s compound, Wolverine merely stood by and drank alcohol, while disapproving their plans as a suicide mission. This attitude changed when he had a brief talk with his alternate self’s daughter, X-23, in the woods that night, who persuaded him that even her father was not the right person initially. This inspired Wolverine to search for his new purpose in life, so that he can amend his past wrongdoings. Wolverine eventually joined the Resistance in the attack on Nova the next morning, and fully embraced his identity as a X-Men when Nova attempted to persuade him to unleash his beastly self in the Void.

Although he agreed to work with Deadpool to escape the Void and reach Paradox, Wolverine, who maintains a serious no-nonsense attitude, was very annoyed with his partner’s enthusiasm and antics when working with him. As such, Wolverine often reprimanded Deadpool or threatened to use brute force to shut him up. Initially, Wolverine only agreed to join because Deadpool promised him he would change his past, bringing Logan’s X-Men friends back to life. He even expressed in multiple occasions that he did not care about Deadpool’s universe, and he just wanted to save his own. As their adventures progress, however, a sense of mutual respect grew between the duo, and Wolverine opted to sacrifice himself to destroy the Time Ripper, knowing full well that he would die. Eventually, Wolverine had come to terms with his dark past and is willing to die for another person’s universe. Wolverine, who started off as a reluctant partner acting out of his own selfish desire to change his past, ended up being a selfless hero for another universe. It is this reconciliation with the self and his self-redemption that led him to becoming the new “anchor being” of Deadpool’s timeline, showing that he has indeed become worthy. After the conflict with Cassandra Nova, Logan stayed in Deadpool’s universe, having come to terms with his grief, and is last seen enjoying his new life with Deadpool and his friends.

Powers and Abilities[]


"Oh... Whiskey dick of the claws. It's quite common in Wolverines over forty."
Deadpool to Logan[src]
  • Mutant Physiology: As a mutant, Logan possesses various paranormal traits, his specific mutation granting him animalistic characteristics such as advanced senses, heightened instincts and retractible bone claws, as well as superhuman physical attributes and regenerative capabilities that render him nearly immortal.
    • Superhuman Strength: Logan has demonstrated many great feats of strength, effortlessly lifting Deadpool into the air and hurling him through concrete barriers. He also was able to deform and break down a metal blast door with his bare hands.
    • Superhuman Durability: A combination of his healing factor and adamantium coated skeleton allows Logan to recover quickly from any damage without long-lasting, debilitating effects. This ability extends to his internal organs such as his liver, allowing him to drink copious amounts of alcohol and rubbing alcohol and merely becoming slightly intoxicated from its alcoholic content. Logan was submerged in the soil for an extended period of time by Cassandra Nova and emerged harmlessly.
    • Superhuman Agility: Logan possesses enhanced agility beyond the capability of an ordinary human being. He is able to pounce and dodge attacks with little effort.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Logan's healing factor provides him with some immunity to fatigue as a result of physical exertion. He was able to fight with Deadpool while enduring numerous injuries for hours before succumbing to exhaustion. He also possesses an extremely high pain tolerance, being able to receive grievous wounds without affecting his fighting ability.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Logan is able to effortlessly dodge melee attacks at a greater rate of success than a normal human being.
    • Enhanced Senses: Logan possess enhanced mutant senses, particularly, a keen sense of smell. While in the Void, Logan was able to detect the presence of food in an abandoned diner hundreds of meters away.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Logan does not suffer from long-term effects of many injuries. Stab wounds, impalement, gunshot wounds, burns and even matter-antimatter annihilation are little to no threat to him as he will heal with no lingering signs in mere seconds.
    • Longevity: A byproduct of his healing factor, Logan's aging process has been decelerated. He has lived since the early 19th century, noting to be over two hundred years old, he still possesses the overall look, health, and vitality of a man in his prime.
    • Retractable Claws: Logan has a pair of three, 12-inch retractable adamantium coated claws in each forearm which extend between each of his fingers' knuckles.
    • Psychic Shield: Logan was able to resist the telepathic effects of Cassandra Nova, distracting her for long enough to be subdued by Deadpool.


"You don't want this."
―Logan to Deadpool[src]
  • Master Combatant: To be added
  • Master Acrobat: To be added



To be added





Behind the Scenes[]

  • Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation also portrayed by Hugh Jackman with Troye Sivan as a younger version of Wolverine in 20th Century Fox's X-Men film series.
  • In 2015, Hugh Jackman stated that he planned to retire from playing Wolverine in 2017 with Logan, which was developed as Jackman's final outing as the character.[3] However, Ryan Reynolds often approached him to return for the role one more time so they could make a Wolverine-Deadpool crossover, as Jackman had enjoyed the first Deadpool film. Around 2022, Jackman finally decided to call Reynolds during a family road trip just as Reynolds prepared to meet with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige to discuss Deadpool & Wolverine, which led to Jackman joining the project to reprise his role as Wolverine for one more film.[4] Jackman initially retired because he felt the role was too demanding around 2013, but since 2017, he had had a break from it and done other things like dance or stage shows, making him find it really fun to return as Wolverine.[5]
    • Upon announcing the film, Reynolds and Jackman quickly assured fans that despite Jackman's early promise to retire from Wolverine, Deadpool & Wolverine will not retcon the emotional events of Logan, claiming that the former film takes place before the latter's 2029 setting;[6] Jackman even reached out to Logan writer-director James Mangold to inform him that their film would not be contradicted in any ways, as he felt it was important to preserve the finality of Logan.[7] Feige was actually nervous over seeing Jackman back in the role and he advised him to not come back to "undo" the ending of Logan, but accepted Jackman's insistence after a long drive to return once he pointed out that the Wolverine he would play wouldn't be exactly the same Logan one.[8] In order for Wolverine to return, Jackman said that Marvel Studios came up with a plot device to move around the timelines and not mess the continuity of Fox's films.[9]
  • Anthony and Joe Russo have stated, had The Walt Disney Company acquired 20th Century Fox and thus regained the X-Men film rights prior to the development of Avengers: Infinity War, they would have had Wolverine leading a mutant team against Thanos and would have killed off all of Wolverine's teammates minus himself with the Snap to have a bloodthirsty Wolverine go after Thanos.[10]
  • Hugh Jackman's diet to develop the right physique for Deadpool & Wolverine involved him consuming eight thousand calories per day.[11] Jackman acknowledged this process as the hardest part of returning as Wolverine, as he had to eat like five or six meals every day because his body type is naturally skinny.[12]
  • Daniel Stevens was a stunt double for Hugh Jackman in the role of Wolverine.


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External Links[]
