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"No matter what my so-called superiors say, the Multiverse does not need it a babysitter, it needs a mercy killer. And in this instance, I am the mercy killer!"
―Paradox to Deadpool[src]

Paradox is a rogue agent who worked for the Time Variance Authority and was placed in charge of overseeing timelines within the Multiverse. Having constructed an unauthorised Time Ripper capable of destroying timelines entirely, Paradox planned to accelerate the destruction of Earth-10005 due to the death of its Anchor Being, Wolverine. He recruited Deadpool and gave him the chance to relocate to Earth-616, but this act backfired heavily when Deadpool learned of Paradox's conspiracy and escaped to different realities. Later, Paradox had Deadpool and an alternate Wolverine pruned to the Void, before they both ultimately returned to Earth-10005 to stop Paradox. Cassandra Nova, having extracted information from Paradox's sleeper agent Pyro, angrily confronted him and decided to destroy all timelines, but her plans were foiled by Deadpool and Wolverine. After the conflict, Paradox was arrested by his former leader Hunter B-15 for his defection.


Early Life[]

Working With the TVA[]

"I've been tasked with overseeing the end of your universe through this little TemPad, and I will not waste my life watching a whole universe die of natural causes."
―Paradox to Deadpool[src]

Paradox was born as a human on the Sacred Timeline who became a Variant and caused a divergence, causing him to be taken by the Time Variance Authority and have his memory suppressed so that he could become a member of the organization.[2] However, despite initially loving his job at the TVA, when the organization decided to stop pruning timelines, Paradox was given the responsibility of watching all the timelines of the Multiverse, including the Sacred Timeline and Earth-10005, seeing many universes getting slowly destroyed thanks to the death of their anchor beings, with him being also responsible of watching each of those universes slowly wither away. Tired and irritated by the TVA's new direction, Paradox secretly ordered the creation of a Time Ripper in order to accelerate the process, with fellow TVA agents who were also opposed to the new TVA's direction helping him. When his idol, the anchor being of Earth-10005, died, which resulted in his whole timeline starting to unravel, Paradox decided to test the new Time Ripper on his universe, but not before deciding to recruit Deadpool by offering him the chance to join the Sacred Timeline, sending Minutemen to do the job.[1]

Meeting Wade Wilson[]

"Mr. Wilson. You appear to have soiled yourself while unconscious."
"I wasn't unconscious. Who are you? And why am I here?"
"Walk with me."
―Paradox and Wade Wilson[src]

To be added[1]

Offering A Change to Wade[]

"I brought you here to offer you a opportunity, a opportunity you sought years ago before you were ready. We beleive your ready now. Ready for the chance to leave your timeline and join the greatest universe of all time. I'm about to give you the thing you always wanted."
―Paradox to Wade Wilson[src]

To be added[1]


Paradox is a middle-management man in the Time Variance Authority who dislikes their new practices to preserve timelines, instead of the old ways of pruning them, which Paradox sees as efficient and a form of mercy killing. This unorthodox belief eventually led Paradox to build an unsanctioned Time Ripper capable of destroying entire timelines, a tool he believed provided closure to timelines which lost their anchor being and started to deteriorate until the entire timeline is destroyed completely albeit within a long time. As Paradox is deeply dissatisfied with the state of the TVA and his position in it, he wishes to overthrow the current TVA management with his version of the Time Ripper (which provides a higher efficiency) and hence establish himself as the new overseer of the timelines.

Paradox views the natural process of timeline destruction due to the death of anchor beings as slow, and wished to use the Time Ripper to accelerate this process, which he describes as a painless obliteration of the entire universe. He thus saw the work of fixing things back to what he sees fit as his sacred purpose, a responsibility he thinks he alone can take. This self-perceived mission also fuelled his thirst for power, as he tried to use the Time Ripper as a bargain up the ladder of hierarchy in the TVA. He does not care about the countless lives on the timelines, nor does he show any empathy with them over their fate, as shown when he nonchalantly dismissed the deaths of Deadpool’s friends when he tried to convince Deadpool to relocate to Earth-616. Paradox is also a trickster, as he lied to Deadpool about his superiors ordering him to oversee the destruction of his timeline, and later immediately tried to associate Deadpool and Wolverine’s success in stopping Cassandra Nova with himself, stating that he and the duo were friends, in order to avoid arrest by Hunter B-15. However, B-15 didn't buy it, nor did she seem surprised to learn that Paradox was the culprit, suggesting that she was familiar with his ways.

Despite his negative qualities, Mr. Paradox seemed to genuinely respect and idolize the Wolverine, who sacrificed himself to save Laura. Despite the respect, Paradox did not hesitate to destroy his timeline for what he viewed of as a greater good. Paradox heavily despised and looked down on another Wolverine, one whom he called “the worst,” just because this Wolverine had let down his entire world. This reflects Paradox's stubborn belief that individuals will not change, and their past actions define their entire life and future.


  • Expert Tactician: To be added



  • Time Stick: Paradox had a Time Stick as a weapon when Deadpool threatened to expose his conspiracy plan, which he subsequently used to prune Deadpool and Wolverine into the Void to prevent further complications.

Other Equipment[]

  • TemPad: As a member of the TVA bureaucracy, Mr. Paradox carries with him a standard TemPad, which has multiple capabilities, including displaying footage of what happened in the timelines and also the diagrammatic overview of the state of different timelines.


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  • Time Variance Authority Outpost: Being tasked to oversee Earth-10005, Paradox mainly worked at the TVA outpost in that reality, which is located in an underground metro network.






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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Paradox.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Paradox.

External Links[]
