Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

With the release of Deadpool & Wolverine we'd like to remind the community of some things. Please DO NOT add info from the Fox X-Men movies when it comes to pages. Only information stated within the movie itself is eligible to be added. In addition, do not upload pirated images from cam copies. We'd also like to ask that universe pages NOT be created if the universe name has a Placeholder template on it, as that indicates it is not the intended final name. Thank you.


Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is continually revising our policies.
If you locate any unwritten rule that should be clarified, use the talk page to make a proposal

Conjecture, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki, is speculation and inferences based on something other than the official sources or sources otherwise considered as valid.


The goal of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is to present official information of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in an encyclopedic format. Therefore, the content of an article is not meant to be expanded by using fanfiction and/or material from the Marvel Comics as a means of filling in knowledge gaps or answering unanswered questions is not allowed. Deductions based on scientific facts, basic common sense and overall use of English language rules are allowed when justified.

It's a known fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is based on characters, events, and places from the Marvel comic books. The creative team involved in the MCU uses the Marvel Comics mainly as a primary resource to lay the foundations of the MCU or to kick off its storylines. However, they use those elements at their own discretion and convenience. When a specific detail pertaining to a place, character or event is not mentioned, accounted or implied on-screen (or off-screen by the developers) one should not assume that those unstated details coincide with the comics.

For example, just because Iron Man was secretly adopted by the Stark family in the comics, that doesn't mean that such fact should be conveyed into the MCU, in the lack of background minutiae.

At the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki, our main concern is to register only facts, leaving unspecified details out of the information provided. Although, there are exceptions.


Given the scope of the Marvel Cinematic Universe vs. the amount of background details unaccounted for, we are compelled to resort to a modicum of conjecture to circumvent certain conventions and impediments.

Conjecture is permitted in three situations:

  • Names for characters, groups, places, and objects, confirmed to exist within the fictional universe of the franchise, that deserve to have an article, but have not been fully named otherwise. This situation particularly includes the full names of characters adapted from Marvel Comics whose full name is not totally revealed, as a character's full name is considered stable across all alternate realities unless otherwise explicitly stated.
  • The full names of individuals, and the name of the species they belong to, in order to fill the character infobox.
  • Information regarding a particular character or event that is revealed for an alternate universe counterpart, and it is not affected by the points of divergence that led to that alternate universe.

Article Names

Naming characters, places and objects is absolutely necessary, at least, to create an article for the "existing but unnamed" elements of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Following the Naming Policy of the wiki, these names must match the description given in dialogue as accurately as possible. (eg. Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant; Theta Brain-Wave Frequency Machine; Atmospheric Moisture Freezing Device). Once the article is created, this name will be the one used to refer to the subject across all articles in the wiki.

Races and Species

Most human beings appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are never stated identified as such on-screen, which means that, for example, identifying Pepper Potts as "Human" is a mere assumption. Therefore, it is suitable to assume that a character that appears to be a human being is an actual human being unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.

A similar approach can be used for other races, such as Asgardians, Xandarians or Inhumans, given the context of their appearances in MCU media, who all have human-like features. As such, for example, every character with the basic physical features of an Asgardian appearing in an Asgardian community is assumed to be Asgardian unless explicit evidence to the contrary.

This also takes into account the race that a character may belong to in the original comics. Every character is assumed to belong to the same race as he belongs in the original Marvel comics, unless explicit evidence to the contrary. This also takes into account the cases where a character's race is changed via a retcon of their established origins, if the version presented in the MCU is more akin to that pre-retcon origin than the retconned one.

Usually, if that particular race has not been identified in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the race in question would not be granted an article or a category, and its mention would be limited to the character's infobox.


General Cases

Appliance of the Conjecture policy for character's names must be cited within the character infobox, with the use of the Template:Conjecture, that would underline the conjectural part of the name where it is applied.

Sometimes, only one part of the real name is conjectural, usually the middle names, though it sometimes happens with first or last names. In these cases, only these parts would be included within the citation template. If a middle name is well sourced officially within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the source is added in the infobox of the article, right after the full name.


Certain cases require further explanation beyond highlighting the conjectural part of the real name, and clarify how the name was chosen according to the policy. These different cases, known as tiers, are explained below:

Known Only by Codename

Characters that are referred only by their comics codename are allowed to be added their real name per the conjecture policy. The whole real name has to be included within Template:Conjecture, and outside of the template, a reference with the formula "{{Ref|ConjecCode}}" after the name.

Per Visual Resemblance

Characters that are adapted from their Marvel comics counterpart, sharing a set of unmistakable visual similarities, but do not explicitly receive a name, are allowed to be added their real name per the conjecture policy. Either the whole real name or the codename, whichever one is conjectural, has to be included within Template:Conjecture, and outside of the template, a reference with the formula "{{Ref|ConjecPVR}}" after the name (e.g.: Mister Gryphon, One Above All).

Relatives of a Character

Characters that are relatives of other established characters, but are only refered by the honorific signaling the relationship, are allowed to be added their real name per the conjecture policy. The whole real name has to be included within Template:Conjecture, and outside of the template, a reference with the formula "Character's Relationship after the name (e.g: Faith Bradley as Isaiah Bradley's Wife, or Max as Frank Castle's Dog).

Names Revealed in Non-Canon Media

Characters whose name is revealed in non-canon media such as novelizations or video games are allowed to have said name added under the conjecture policy. A reference formula following the format of "This character's name comes from Media. While the full details of the Media are not compatible with the version of the events portrayed in the movie, this character's name is considered to be the same." must be added (e.g: Bezerra, Duhg, or Julius Allen).

Rename Template

Unlike other wikis, the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki advises against the spread of maintenance templates, as it is its purpose to work every article to such an state of quality that makes those templates unnecessary.

One of this templates is the Template:Rename, whose use in the Marvel Cinematic Universe should be limited to discuss the current conjectural name of a specific article and propose a name better matching this site's policies.


If any editor wants to propose a rename for an article with a conjectural name, the Template:Rename must be added to the article, and the new name must be proposed and discussed in the associated talk page. If a consensus to keep the current name or to change to the newly proposed name is not reached, a vote can be proposed following what established in the Voting Policy.

Of course, if a conjectural article is moved following the reveal of its actual in-universe name, or to fix any spelling mistake in the name, the whole discussion and voting process can be skipped.

If the page is decided to be renamed, any administrator or content moderator who actually performs the move must make sure that all links point to the correct destination using this special page.
