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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility."
May Parker to Spider-Man

Spider-Man: No Way Home is a 2021 superhero film, based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. The film is a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, as well as a crossover/sequel to the Spider-Man trilogy and The Amazing Spider-Man duology. It is the twenty-seventh film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the ninth installment of Phase Four. The film was released in the United States on December 17, 2021 and an extended cut of the film, titled Spider-Man: No Way Home - The More Fun Stuff Version was released for one week on September 2, 2022.

The film is directed by Jon Watts and stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Zendaya as Michelle Jones, Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Jacob Batalon as Ned Leeds, Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan, Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon/Electro, Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, Alfred Molina as Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Benedict Wong as Wong, Tony Revolori as Flash Thompson, Marisa Tomei as May Parker, Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, and Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

A sequel was revealed to be in development on November 29, 2021.[1]


For the first time in the cinematic history of Spider-Man, our friendly neighborhood hero's identity is revealed, bringing his Super Hero responsibilities into conflict with his normal life and putting those he cares about most at risk. When he enlists Doctor Strange's help to restore his secret, the spell tears a hole in their world, releasing the most powerful villains who’ve ever fought a Spider-Man in any universe. Now, Peter will have to overcome his greatest challenge yet, which will not only forever alter his own future but the future of the Multiverse.[2]


MJ and Spider-Man (No Way Home)

Spider-Man and Michelle Jones atop the Queensboro Bridge

J. Jonah Jameson of The Daily Bugle has exposed Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man to the world, while simultaneously framing him as the individual responsible for Mysterio's death and an alleged mass casualty event in London. Numerous civilians nearby begin to surround him and Michelle Jones, forcing them to flee from the media and the police. They hide in Parker's apartment and reunite with May Parker and Happy Hogan, who reveal that they have broken up. Not long after, the United States Department of Damage Control take them along with Ned Leeds in their custody for interrogation. Parker hires Matt Murdock to represent him, who manages to get his criminal charges dropped. However, as Parker, Jones, and Leeds return to Midtown High for their senior year, the intense controversy causes them to be rejected from every college they apply to, including MIT.

Peter Parker and Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange casts the Runes of Kof-Kol

Parker visits the New York Sanctum and asks Doctor Strange to make the identity of Spider-Man a secret once more to get his friends into MIT. Despite being warned by Wong not to, Strange attempts to cast the spell with the Runes of Kof-Kol. However, Parker incessantly alters the spell when requesting various individuals close to him to be exempt from its effects. As a result, the spell becomes unstable, forcing Strange to contain it. For not consulting with college administrators before meeting with him, Strange furiously kicks Parker out of the Sanctum. Contacting Flash Thompson, who was admitted to MIT, Parker is led to an administrator heading to the Alexander Hamilton Bridge in an attempt to appeal his, Jones' and Leeds' applications.

Spider-Man and Doc Ock3

Doctor Octopus confronts Spider-Man on the Alexander Hamilton Bridge

Parker is suddenly ambushed by Doctor Octopus, who seems to know him personally. Doctor Octopus grabs him and rips out a piece of the Iron Spider Armor, transferring its nanites onto his tentacles. He goes for another strike, but Spider-Man reveals his face, which is unfamiliar to Doctor Octopus. Spider-Man then takes control of Doctor Octopus’ tentacles with the suit’s nanites and rescues the MIT admin from falling off the bridge, who decides to help get him and his friends admitted out of gratitude.


Green Goblin attacks the Alexander Hamilton Bridge

Green Goblin arrives and attempts to attack Spider-Man, but he and Doctor Octopus are transported into the Sanctum, where Strange imprisons Doctor Octopus and Lizard. He informs Parker that the botched spell began bringing in people that knew Spider-Man's identity from other universes within Multiverse into their universe. He then tells him that despite containing the spell, Doctor Octopus, Lizard and Green Goblin were among the few from other universes that squeaked through. To ensure the spell remains contained, Strange locks it in the Macchina di Kadavus, a mystical containment unit.

Spider-Man Tao Mandalas

Spider-Man prepares to capture Electro

Parker is recruited to help find and capture these “visitors”, receiving a magic-based upgrade to his suit. With assistance from Jones and Leeds, Spider-Man locates Electro outside the city. Startled, he attacks Spider-Man and gains the upper hand, but Sandman intervenes to shield the hero. The two work together to cut the power lines, which fully restores Electro's body. When he is sent to the Sanctum, Sandman believes Spider-Man killed him, but is also captured before he can retaliate. Elsewhere, Norman Osborn attempts to escape from his Green Goblin alter, breaking his mask before fleeing to a F.E.A.S.T. facility seeking refuge. Spider-Man locates Osborn thanks to May and brings him to the Sanctum as well. Osborn, Doctor Octopus, and Electro soon realize that they had originally died fighting the Spider-Man of their respective universes and were spared by the spell, with Octopus and Electro recalling their last memories before ending up in this universe. Octopus then claims that if they were to return home, they would then perish.

Spider-Man and Strange

Spider-Man steals the Macchina di Kadavus from Doctor Strange

Strange explains to Spider-Man that these three are doomed to die fighting their own Spider-Men. He intends to use the Macchina to reverse the spell and send them back to their fates for the sake of the greater Multiverse, much to the fear to Octopus, Green Goblin, Lizard and Electro. Convinced that they can be cured of their antagonistic natures and be spared from death, Spider-Man steals the Macchina before Strange can use it and flees. Strange gives chase, takes Spider-Man’s magic back, and sends him into the Mirror Dimension to retrieve the Macchina, while also trying to implore him of the Multiversal stakes relying on the visitors being sent back. Unfazed, Spider-Man entangles Strange in a web matrix and steals his Sling Ring before returning to the Earthly Plane. He passes the ring to Leeds and the Macchina to Jones before releasing the prisoners from confinement.

Peter Parker (No Way Home)

May Parker says her final words to Peter Parker

Taking them to Hogan’s condominium, Spider-Man attempts to administer cures for the Multiversal refugees. He starts with Doctor Octopus, using a Stark Industries Fabricator to engineer a replacement inhibitor chip for his tentacles and restore his higher brain function. In addition, Electro has an energy siphon installed into him which is designed to extract his powers. But before he could affect Osborn, the Green Goblin persona takes over his body, who persuades Electro to remove the siphon before it can fully take away his abilities. He steals an Arc Reactor and, drawing its power, blasts Octavius out of the building. Lizard, Sandman, and Electro escape, while Green Goblin attacks Spider-Man, sending him to the ground floor. Running outside, May injects an antidote into Green Goblin, which doesn't work. After striking May with his Goblin Glider, Green Goblin tosses two Pumpkin Bombs, which Spider-Man fails to block and explodes in their proximity. Spider-Man manages to locate May in the rubble. Unaware that she had been gravely injured, May tells her nephew not to give up helping others despite all odds, lecturing him that with great power comes great responsibility. As DODC officers surround them, Spider-Man tries to save May, to no avail, as she passes away in front of him. Hogan arrives on the scene and is immediately apprehended by authorities.

Peter Parker (NWH)

Peter Parker reminisces the death of Aunt May

Grief-stricken, Spider-Man flees, his guilt worsening with Jameson's gaslighting coverage of the attack. Growing worrisome after Spider-Man's silence, Jones prepares to activate the Macchina, but Leeds manages to open a portal with the Sling Ring by accident. Attempting to find Spider-Man, they see what seems to be their Spider-Man on the other side of the portal, calling him over. However, they soon realize that this Spider-Man is not theirs, but rather one from another universe that previously fought the Lizard and Electro. Leeds tries again, but summons yet another alternate Peter Parker, who previously fought Green Goblin, Octavius, and Sandman. The group finally manage to find their Spider-Man alone on top of Midtown and attempt to console him about May, but he is too distraught about his mistakes to even care. Before he can use the Macchina to send the Multiversal travellers home, the other two Parkers begin sharing their own personal experiences of loss and bitterness to help him cope and realize that he is not alone.

Peter One Two Three

Spider-Man works with his variants to create cures for the villains

A cheered up Spider-Man then decides to do what he planned to do: heal the villains. The Parkers, Jones, and Leeds then retreat to a classroom laboratory in Midtown to create the cure for the villains. Osborn's Parker engineers an anti-serum for Green Goblin as Electro's Parker recreates the Lizard antidote to return him back to normal, while Spider-Man prepares the cures for Sandman and Electro. Afterwards, Leeds brings them to the Statue of Liberty via portal as he and Jones remain in the lab, with the former cheering them up for the upcoming battle ahead of them.

The Three Spider-Men

The Spider-Men battle atop the Statue of Liberty

Spider-Man calls into The Daily Bugle to broadcast a message, using the Macchina as a lure while announcing his presence to Lizard, Electro, and Sandman. They arrive and attack the three Spider-Men on the scaffolding. The web-slingers are unable to coordinate effectively, which leads them to be easily overpowered by their enemies. Grouping up, Spider-Man assumes command of the trio due to his experience as part of the Avengers; the three adopt codenames: Spider-Man as Peter-One, Osborn's and Sandman's Spider-Man as Peter-Two, and Electro's and Lizard's Spider-Man as Peter-Three. They decide to engage and cure one enemy at a time, with Sandman first. After restraining Lizard, Peter-Three retrieves Sandman's cure and passes the device to Peter-One, who then delivers the cure to Peter-Two, allowing Marko to be neutralized.

Electro & Doc Ock

Electro is offered aid by Doctor Octopus

The three Spider-Men attempt to take the Arc Reactor from Electro, but he proves to be too much of a match for them due to his increased power from the energy source. Lizard breaks free and attacks Jones and Leeds in the lab, forcing Peter-One to leave and fight him. With the help of Leeds and his Sling Ring, Peter-One forces Lizard to break open a bottle containing the antidote which reverts him back to his human form, Curt Connors. Leeds accidentally summons Strange to the battlefield who, upon seeing Connors, realizes Peter-One’s pacifist plan is working. Strange grabs back the Macchina and his Sling Ring from Leeds. Peter-Two and Peter-Three are overpowered by Electro, until Octavius arrives to extract the Arc Reactor himself and render him powerless with the finished neutralizer. Peter-Three reconciles with Dillon, while Peter-Two warmly reunites with Octavius.

Spider-Man (No Way Home)

Spider-Man prepares to fight Green Goblin

Peter-One returns to Strange as he prepares to use the Macchina to send everyone home. Suddenly, Green Goblin ambushes the group and takes the Macchina, but Octavius and Strange grab it back. Unbeknownst to them, Green Goblin had snuck a Pumpkin Bomb inside the object. It detonates and releases the unstable contained spell, tearing the fabric of the universe and opens it up to the Multiverse. The blast also causes Jones to fall from the Statue of Liberty. Peter-One dives to rescue her, but is knocked aside by Green Goblin — Peter-Three saves her, and begins to tear up as it reminded him of the night Gwen Stacy died. As dawn breaks, Peter-One confronts Green Goblin alone. Ravaged with vengeance, he viciously beats him down and attempts to finish him off with his glider, but is stopped by Peter-Two. This however leaves him open to get stabbed in the back by Green Goblin.

Do it

Peter Parker tells Doctor Strange to erase the world's memory of him

Peter-Three provides Peter-One with the anti-serum, allowing him to cure Osborn from Green Goblin. He notices Peter-Two's injury, which is non-fatal, which horrifies him, and caused him to ask what he had done. Strange struggles to hold the rifts in the universe together, in which intruders are already preparing to invade this reality. However, Peter-One requests him enact a new spell to make everyone forget who he is to fix it, which Strange was initially unwilling to do because this would mean everyone would forget him, but is persuaded by Peter to do so. Afterwards, Peter-One embraces his alternate selves, who encourage him to continue on as Spider-Man. Strange repairs the rifts with the new spell and successfully transports Peter-Two, Peter-Three, Dillon, Octavius, Osborn, Marko and Connors back to their origin universes. Spider-Man embraces Leeds and Jones for a final time, while promising to return someday and help them remember him. He then departs as Strange unleashes the spell, leaving the entire world completely oblivious to Parker’s existence.

Spider-Man's New Suit

Spider-Man, reborn, swings across New York City

A few weeks later, it is now the holidays. Parker tries to reconnect with his MIT-bound friends, but after being reminded of Jones' wounds, he decides not to. He visits May’s grave to pay his respects and is joined by Hogan, who is also now a stranger to him. Contending to carry on with his new life, Parker moves into a new apartment alone and begins studying to earn his GED. Alerted to criminal activity on his phone, he stitches together a simpler suit and resumes his heroics undisturbed as Spider-Man, honoring May's mantra of community service and responsibility.

In a credits scene, Eddie Brock, who was also transported from another universe by Strange's spell, drinks in a bar in Tijuana and talks to Venom about what is going in that universe. Brock thinks that they need to find Spider-Man but in that moment, he and Venom get transported back to their universe, however, Venom leaves a symbiote fragment there.







Sentient Species[]





On June 26, 2016, Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group chairman Tom Rothman announced that Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios were committed to making more Spider-Man films after Spider-Man: Homecoming.[5]

On July 27, 2016, Kevin Feige announced plans for future Spider-Man films to follow the model of the Harry Potter film series.[6]

On June 14, 2017, during an interview with AlloCiné, Tom Holland announced that Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios were making a trilogy of Spider-Man films, with two more films informally titled Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3, as opposed to the Homecoming 2 title that Sony had announced in December 2016.[7]

On June 19, 2019, during an interview with, Amy Pascal confirmed that a third Spider-Man film was in development and that titles such as Spider-Man: Home Run or Spider-Man: Homeless were being considered.[8] Pascal also said that "So, you never know, he might be a fugitive. He's going to be in a very different place, and it's a different story than we've ever told before. You have to keep changing these movies, because there's only so many times it can be "To be Spider-Man or to be Peter Parker."[9]

On August 20, 2019, it was announced that Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios had severed their partnership after a financial dispute, as Marvel and its parent company Disney wanted to receive more profits from the third Spider-Man film whereas Sony wished to retain their pre-existing agreement where Marvel received a modest five percent of first-dollar gross as well as all merchandising revenue. As a result, Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios were dropped from the project, removing the film and the character of Spider-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.[10]

On September 27, 2019, Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios announced that they had come to an arrangement and that the film, slated to be released on July 16, 2021, would be set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Kevin Feige restored as a producer. The new deal stipulated that Marvel and Disney would receive roughly twenty-five percent of the profits in exchange for putting up roughly a quarter of the financing while also retaining all merchandising rights. Additionally, as part of the new arrangement, Spider-Man would also appear in one future Marvel Studios film.[11]

On January 16, 2020, it was reported that the film was expected to begin production in July and run through November in Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, and Iceland, under the working title "Serenity Now."[12][13]

On March 30, 2020, Discussing Film reported that Seamus McGarvey had joined the film as the cinematographer.[14] The next day, the British Film Institute reported that the production of the film had been paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[15]

On April 24, 2020, it was announced that the film had been pushed back from its initial release date to November 5, 2021.[16]

On July 23, 2020, it was announced that the film had been pushed back from its November 5, 2021 release date to December 17, 2021.[17]

On October 1, 2020, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Jamie Foxx would portray Max Dillion/Electro in the film. Foxx previously portrayed the character in the non-MCU film The Amazing Spider-Man 2.[18]

On October 6, 2020, it was reported that the film would shoot in Queens on October 16.[19]

On October 8, 2020, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Benedict Cumberbatch would be reprising his role as Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange in the film.[20]

On November 21, 2020, Michael Giacchino revealed that he would be composing the score for the film.[21]

On December 8, 2020, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Alfred Molina would portray Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus in the film. Molina previously portrayed the character in the non-MCU film Spider-Man 2.[22] The next day, it was reported that Charlie Cox would be reprising his Marvel Cinematic Universe role of Matt Murdock in the film.[23]

On December 14, 2020, it was reported Willem Dafoe and Thomas Haden Church were in talks to portray Norman Osborn/Green Goblin and Flint Marko/Sandman, respectively, in the film. Dafoe previously portrayed Green Goblin in the non-MCU film Spider-Man and Church previously portrayed Sandman in the non-MCU film Spider-Man 3.[24]

On February 23, 2021, Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon, and Zendaya posted the fake titles Spider-Man: Phone Home,[25] Spider-Man: Home-Wrecker,[26] and Spider-Man: Home Slice,[27] respectively, on their Instagram accounts. The next day, it was announced that the actual title of the film would be Spider-Man: No Way Home.[28]

On March 26, 2021, it was reported that the film had wrapped production.[29]

On April 16, 2021, it was reported that Jon Favreau would be reprising his role as Happy Hogan in the film.[30] That same day, Alfred Molina stated that Jon Watts told him that the incarnation of Doctor Octopus that he was portraying "would pick up" after the character's final scene in the non-MCU film Spider-Man 2. Molina also stated that he was digitally de-aged with CGI to fit his character's appearance from the 2004 film.[31]

On April 22, 2021, it was reported that Paula Newsome had joined the cast of the film in an undisclosed role.[32]

On April 26, 2021, J.B. Smoove revealed that he would be reprising his role as Julius Dell in the film.[33]

On May 27, 2021, it was reported that villains from The Amazing Spider-Man duology, such as Curt Connors/Lizard, would appear in the film.[34]

On August 23, 2021, the film's official teaser trailer was released and it confirmed reports that Benedict Wong would be reprising his role as Wong and that Green Goblin, Lizard and Sandman would appear in the film.[35][36][37]

On October 24, 2021, it was reported that Paula Newsome would portray a MIT administrator in the film.[38]

On June 10, 2022, it was announced that an extended cut of the film titled Spider-Man: No Way Home - The More Fun Stuff Version would be released in theaters in the United States and Canada on September 2.[39]



TV Spots[]




Song title Artist Location(s)
I Zimbra Talking Heads
Native New Yorker Odyssey
Scraper Liquid Liquid
No Sleep till Brooklyn Beastie Boys
Flashpoint Eugene Thompson
Theme from Doctor Strange Michael Giacchino
Concerto For two Violins in G Major, RV 516: III. Allegro Antonio Vivaldi
Doc Ock Is Born Danny Elfman
Enter the Goblin
Spider-Man Main Title
Monster Mash (The More Fun Stuff Version) Bobby Pickett
I'm Electro Hans Zimmer, Tom Holkenborg
Deck the Halls Thomas Oliphant
Main Title - Young Peter James Horner
The Magic Number De La Soul
  • End credits.
Bailando Cumbia Danny Osuna
  • Eddie Brock drinks at a bar and talks with a bartender.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Spider-Man: No Way Home.
  1. 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Producer Amy Pascal Reveals More About the Historic Film and Confirms Tom Holland's Future as Spider-Man
  2. Spider-Man: No Way Home - Sony Pictures Entertainment
  3. Alysia Reiner on Twitter - August 8, 2022
  4. Spider-Man: No Way Home Fan Discovers Hidden Iron Man Easter Egg (
  5. Tom Rothman on 'Spider-Man' Plans and Loving 'Ghostbusters' Trolls: "Can We Please Get Some More Haters to Say Stupid Things?"
  6. Kevin Feige Says ‘Spider-Man’ Sequels Could Follow the ‘Harry Potter’ Format
  7. Spider-Man: Homecoming is the beginning of a trilogy
  8. Amy Pascal Talks Spider-Man: Far From Home Spoilers, Venom Sequel, Spider-Verse, and More
  9. Amy Pascal Interview: Spider-Man: Far From Home
  10. Sony, Marvel to Split on Future 'Spider-Man' Releases
  11. Spider-Man Will Stay in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  12. Spider-Man 3 Production Start Date, Global Locations Revealed
  13. Marvel Studios' Spider-Man 3 Working Title Revealed
  14. Seamus McGarvey Joins ‘Spider-Man 3’ (EXCLUSIVE)
  15. How the coronavirus hit cinema
  16. ‘Spider-Man’ Sequels Pushed Back Amid Sony Release Schedule Shuffle
  17. ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Sequel Delayed to December 2021
  18. 'Spider-Man 3' Jolt: Jamie Foxx Returning as Electro (Exclusive)
  19. Spider-Man 3 Apparently Begins Filming Next Week!
  20. Benedict Cumberbatch Joins ‘Spider-Man 3’ as Doctor Strange (Exclusive)
  21. Michael Giacchino on Twitter - November 21, 2020
  22. 'Spider-Man 3': Alfred Molina Returning as Doctor Octopus
  23. EXCLUSIVE: Charlie Cox is Back as Daredevil in 'SPIDER-MAN 3'
  24. Spider-Man 3: Willem Dafoe And Thomas Haden Church Negotiating A Return in Mind-Blowing Sequel: Exclusive
  25. Tom Holland on Instagram - February 23, 2021
  26. Jacob Batalon on Instagram - February 23, 2021
  27. Zendaya on Instagram - February 23, 2021
  28. 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Premieres in December 2021
  29. Spider-Man: No Way Home News on Twitter - March 26, 2021
  30. EXCLUSIVE: Jon Favreau Returning for Spider-Man: No Way Home
  31. Alfred Molina Details Doc Ock’s Return in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’: ‘The Tentacles Do All the Work’ (EXCLUSIVE)
  32. ‘Barry’ Actress Paula Newsome Confirmed For Role In ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’
  33. Disney Not Racist Enough? Almost GOAT Wedding? 4.26.21
  34. 'The Sneider Cut' Ep. 85: Kraven the Hunter, Willy Wonka, Mike Tyson, and a Review of 'Cruella'
  35. Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Confirms Another Marvel Character Return
  36. Everything CBM on Twitter - August 23, 2021
  37. Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer May Reveal Sandman's Return
  38. Paula Newsome’s Role in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ Revealed (Exclusive)
  39. ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ Swings Back Into Theaters This Summer

External Links[]

Phase Four Films Black WidowShang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten RingsEternalsSpider-Man: No Way HomeDoctor Strange in the Multiverse of MadnessThor: Love and ThunderBlack Panther: Wakanda Forever
TV Series
Phase Five Films Ant-Man and the Wasp: QuantumaniaGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3The MarvelsDeadpool & WolverineCaptain America: Brave New WorldThunderbolts*
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Phase Six Films The Fantastic Four: First StepsAvengers: DoomsdayAvengers: Secret Wars
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Unknown Phase Films BladeArmor Wars
TV Series