Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"The Scepter is alien. There are elements I can't quantify."
"So there's elements you can."
"The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful."
J.A.R.V.I.S. and Tony Stark[src]

The Scepter, occasionally referred to as Loki's Scepter, was a staff weapon that served as the original containment vessel for the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. Gifted by Thanos, the staff was wielded by Loki to lead and command the Chitauri Invasion to Earth. After the Battle of New York, the Scepter was confiscated by HYDRA, whose scientists used it to give extraordinary powers to the twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Following an attack on the Sokovian HYDRA Research Base, the Scepter was retrieved by the Avengers who took it to Avengers Tower where Tony Stark experimented on it to complete the Ultron Program. The Scepter was taken and dismantled by Ultron after shattering its blue gem casing, which revealed the Mind Stone inside.

In 2023, the Avengers initiated a Time Heist in order to resurrect the victims of the Snap. Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk and Ant-Man were sent back in time to 2012 during the Battle of New York to retrieve the Scepter, creating an alternate timeline. After the Battle of Earth, where Iron Man used all six stones to kill Thanos and his army at the cost of his own life, Captain America time-traveled to the alternate 2012 to return the Mind Stone, albeit without the Scepter.


In Loki's Possession[]

"You question us? You question him? He, who put the Scepter in your hand, who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose when you were cast out, defeated?"
The Other to Loki[src]
Avengers 41

Loki arrives on Earth with the Scepter

The Scepter was a weapon that was powered by the Mind Stone and originally portrayed as a containment vessel for the Mind Stone encased inside its blue gem. The Infinity Stone granted the Scepter such diverse abilities to fire energy projectile blasts, manipulate minds, enable teleportation through the Tesseract, perform astral projection and allow mental communication. The Infinity Stone has been under Thanos' possession, who entrusted the Scepter to Loki of Asgard, along with an armada of Chitauri infantry troops and Leviathans, under the condition that Loki invade Earth to obtain the Tesseract and plan absolute subjugation under his reign. However, Loki was also under the influence of the Mind Stone.

Upon arrival, Loki arrived on Earth via energy portal unwillingly emitted by the Tesseract, where he found himself arriving in the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility in New Mexico. After arrival, Loki used the Scepter to defeat a unit of armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents by shooting energy blasts and impaling them. Loki proceeded to use the Scepter's powers to brainwash Clint Barton and Erik Selvig before escaping the facility which was on the verge of exploding.

Bruce analyzing the Scepter

Bruce Banner analyzes the Scepter

Loki continued to wield the Scepter to plot the oncoming invasion on Earth, where he used the staff to establish a mental communication to interact with The Other, and used his weapon during several altercations against the Avengers. After held captive and imprisoned on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier, the Scepter was transported at the laboratory station on board, where it was observed and studied by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. During an heated argument between the Avengers and Nick Fury, the Scepter slowly affected their minds, increasing tensions and consequently, turning them against each other until an immediate threat finally put them back to concentration.


Loki attempting to brainwash Tony Stark

Escaping from his prison on the Helicarrier, Loki reclaimed the Scepter, which he later used to impale Agent Phil Coulson through his heart when Coulson attempted to confront him. He later attempted to use the Scepter to place Tony Stark under his control atop Stark Tower, however, the Arc Reactor in Tony's chest seemed to neutralize the effect. Loki continued to use the Scepter to fight against the Avengers in New York City after opening a portal for the Chitauri to invade Earth, until he lost it shortly after fighting his brother Thor. Near the end of the battle Black Widow picked up the Scepter and used it to activate a fail-safe that closed the portal being generated by the Tesseract.[1]

In HYDRA's Possession[]


Black Widow surrenders the Scepter to HYDRA

"Who gets the magic wand?"
"STRIKE team's coming to secure it."
Black Widow and Captain America[src]

Following the Battle of New York, as Loki and the Tesseract were prepared to be taken back to Asgard by Thor, Jasper Sitwell along with Brock Rumlow and his STRIKE unit were given the Scepter by Black Widow. However, Sitwell and Rumlow, secretly HYDRA agents, had been actually ordered by Alexander Pierce to bring the Scepter to List in order to study it.[2]

However, the Scepter was taken to the S.H.I.E.L.D. S.T.A.T.I.O.N. where Nicholas Cooper conducted a research to study its nature and found the connection between the Scepter and the Tesseract. Cooper reviewed Erik Selvig's analysis of the Tesseract, that only began to explain the cosmic forces that worked inside the object, as the Scepter, despite appearing to be innocuous, yielded an unquantifiable energy return. However, Cooper was killed by Mark Smith who defected from S.H.I.E.L.D. to HYDRA after being recruited by Baron Strucker and transported the Scepter to the HYDRA Research Base in Sokovia.[3]

Scepter in Sokovia

The Scepter in HYDRA's possession

With the Scepter now in HYDRA's possession, von Strucker and List conducted a series of experiments and managed to power up a large number of Chitauri Guns, recovered from the Battle of New York. As von Strucker was not completely satisfied with the results, he ordered List to gather volunteers among the rioting population of Sokovia for experiments with the Scepter. Although many volunteers died as a result, the twins Pietro Maximoff and Wanda Maximoff gained extraordinary powers. By the time of the Battle at the Triskelion, von Strucker and his scientists realized that the Scepter's powers were far greater than they originally thought.[4]

Von Strucker ordered his scientists to use the gem inside the Scepter to start experimenting with the artificial intelligence, for which they designed several very advanced robots.[5] Later, during the Attack on the Arctic HYDRA Research Facility, Phil Coulson was able to learn the location of the scepter and sent the information to Maria Hill, so she could give it to the Avengers. Meanwhile, the Inhuman clairvoyant, Raina, had a vision about the Scepter.[6]

In Tony Stark's Possession[]

Avengers Age of Ultron 102

Tony Stark holds the Scepter

"The Scepter. You see, we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive. So, I've been analyzing the gem inside."
Tony Stark to Bruce Banner[src]

When the Avengers invaded and captured Strucker's fortress, Tony Stark discovered the Scepter in the secret laboratory. Once the Scepter was transported to the Avengers Tower, Stark began experimenting on it, aiming to unlock its secrets before Thor could take it to Asgard. Discovering a powerful A.I. inside, Stark started creating the Ultron Program with help from Bruce Banner. Three days later, the gem inside the Scepter successfully connected with Stark's Ultron Program, thus creating the new artificial intelligence, Ultron.

Ultron attacked J.A.R.V.I.S. and immediately took control of Stark's equipment, building himself a robotic body from the damaged parts of Stark's Iron Legion robots. The robots then attacked the Avengers, and though they were defeated, one of them escaped with the Scepter, while Ultron hacked into the internet and moved his consciousness to the computers at Strucker's fortress, where he built himself a new, more advanced body, and an army of robots.[5]

In Ultron's Possession[]


Ultron brainwashes Helen Cho

"It has the Scepter. Now we have to retrieve it, again."
Thor to the Avengers[src]

Ultron used the power of the Scepter to enthrall Helen Cho, in order to make him a new body with a combination of her expertise using the Regeneration Cradle and Ultron's supply of Vibranium. He later broke the protective casing around the tip of the Scepter, extracting the Mind Stone within and installing it on the forehead of a new vibranium synthezoid.[5]

Alternate Universe Versions[]

Theft of the Mind Stone[]

Black Widow (Stark Tower)

Black Widow with the Scepter

"I'm gonna be running point on the Scepter."
"Sir? I don't understand."
"We got word there may be an attempt to steal it."
Captain America and Jasper Sitwell[src]

In 2023, the Avengers initiated a Time Heist, where they used time travel to travel through the Multiverse into alternate past timelines in order to acquire all six Infinity Stones in order to resurrect the victims of Thanos' Snap. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner and Scott Lang traveled to an alternate 2012 during the Battle of New York in order to retrieve the Scepter which contained the Mind Stone. Infiltrating Stark Tower, where they witnessed Black Widow relinquishing the Scepter to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Brock Rumlow and Jasper Sitwell, unaware that they were secretly loyal to HYDRA.

Captain America Scepter

Captain America subdues his past self with the Scepter

In order to retrieve the Scepter, Rogers, disguised as his 2012 self, intercepted the HYDRA agents on the elevator. Rogers informed the agents that Alexander Pierce had requested that the Scepter be relinquished to him, citing concerns over a possible theft attempt. Rumlow and Sitwell refused, Sitwell informing Rogers that he would have to obtain permission from Nick Fury first. Rogers told Sitwell to trust him and utters "Hail HYDRA", shocking the agents, who then hand over the Scepter to Rogers. As Rogers attempts to leave Stark Tower, he is ambushed by his past self, who believes he is Loki in disguise. The pair fight until the 2023 Captain America uses the Scepter to subdue his past self.

Ant-Man (Loki's Scepter)

Ant-Man is given the Scepter

As he regrouped with Stark and Lang, Rogers gave the Scepter to Lang, who used the Quantum Realm to transport it and himself back to his timeline. Returning to 2023, the Mind Stone was removed from the Scepter and the six Stones were used to initiate the Blip. After the Battle of Earth, Rogers returned to the alternate 2012 to return the Mind Stone, albeit without the Scepter.[2]

Loki's Conquest[]

In the alternate universe, Loki became a Crown Prince of Asgard and let the Einherjar army on Earth as a retribution for a death of Thor. The Asgardian Invasion eventually led to a battle between Loki's army and the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. on the Helicarrier. Armed with the Scepter, Loki managed to pin down Nick Fury and prepared to enthrall him to gain access to S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets, however, he was stopped by Black Widow who took the Scepter and used it on Loki himself, rendering him neutralized.[7]

1602 Universe[]

"So we're stuck."
"Well, there is one thing rumored to have enough power to propel a thousand ships."
"I doubt our new king will let me borrow his scepter."
Captain Carter and Tony Stark[src]
This section needs a rewrite

In an alternate 1602, it acted as the scepter of the royal family, although the scepter had the Time Stone instead of the Mind Stone in this universe. It was later stolen by Captain Carter and her allies in order to gain access to the Time Stone in order to power Tony Stark's device.[8]


"Let's start with that stick of his. It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon."
"I don't know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys."
Steve Rogers and Nick Fury[src]

The Scepter has a long golden grip handle and a black fitting containing the Mind Stone encased inside an encircled blue gem between platinum blades. The Scepter portrayed its role as a gate key allowing its owner to open rifts into dimensions by using the Tesseract. The Scepter has the ability to fire lethal energy blasts, allows its owner to communicate mentally via astral projection, and bend the victims' wills by brainwashing their minds.

The Scepter has two sharp platinum blades encircling the blue gem attached, an elongated blade above the gem and a shortened blade underneath it, especially the grip handle estimated at two feet in length overall, which is deemed useful for close-quarters melee and firing accurate energy blasts against any targets. The Scepter functions as a formidable weapon, its sharp platinum blades capable of violently impaling and slashing targeted enemies. Its blades were possibly of such highly durable elements strong enough to match Thor's Mjølnir in close-quarters combat.

The Scepter also produces lethal energy blasts given by the Mind Stone's powers, akin to the advanced exoskeleton firearms HYDRA soldiers used in World War II, which were powered by harnessing the power of the Tesseract. This ability led the Avengers to conclude that the Scepter, in theory, was powered by the Tesseract. Just like the Tesseract's unlimited energy source, the Scepter's energy source emitted low levels of Gamma Radiation. In addition, the scepter could also be used to project barriers, such as what Loki used to block bullets aimed at his head when faced with S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives.

Barton scepter

Hawkeye being controlled by the Mind Stone

When the blade tip is placed against the targets' hearts, the Mind Stone within the blue gem produces a blue, wisp-like energy which is transferred into the person's body where it spreads up to their head, notably affecting their eyes, turning them a fluorescent blue color. This causes the affected individual to become loyal to the wielder indefinitely. It seems that sufficient blunt force to the head or Scarlet Witch's magic eliminates the Stone's hold on its victim, as shown with Hawkeye, since a temporary loss of consciousness will allow their normal mental state to "reset" and return. In some situations, the effects of the mind control can be negated outright if the energy from the scepter is unable to diffuse into the target's body, such as when Tony Stark's Arc Reactor absorbed the energy instead. Even without directly making contact with a target, the Scepter was still able to subtly influence the minds of others in its immediate vicinity, with it slowly intensifying an argument between Stark and Steve Rogers close enough to cause the two to nearly come to blows, as well as causing Banner to unconsciously pick it up in a fit of agitation.

Moreover, the Scepter has the ability to link the consciousness of its wielder to that of another person, as evidenced when Loki used the scepter to mentally communicate with the Other. This form of astral projection appears to have no real limits on distance, as Loki and the Other's conversation had been all the way from Earth to far off space. This link was so strong that, during this conversation, The Other was able to physically touch Loki's projection, making the latter was able to feel and reflexively recoil at. It's unclear whether this function was a property of the Mind Stone, or a function built into the Scepter when it was created so that the Other could communicate with Loki. Additionally, this feature of the Scepter was used by Loki to project himself to Earth imperceptibly in order to subliminally influence Erik Selvig into working on the Tesseract, to the point where Selvig repeated the words the unseen Loki spoke.[9] It also acted as a "key" to Selvig's portal device, which he built under its influence.[1]

The Scepter "opened the eyes" of Clint Barton and Erik Selvig, showing them visions and granting them special knowledge they can use. Clint under brainwashed condition was shown targets and detailed plans for breaking into installations, and Selvig was shown knowledge of universal forces and other dimensions.[1] While the Scepter was in HYDRA's possession, Baron Strucker commented that the scientists studying it had only just scratched the surface, implying that the Scepter's capabilities are more diverse than they appear. It bestowed powers to Wanda and Pietro Maximoff[4] via lethal experimentation.[10][5] Scarlet Witch seemingly retained a connection to the stone, or was able to influence it.[5]

After the gem was cracked open, the Stone inside appeared in its true form: a yellowish jewel. It was able to grant sentience to Vision, and enabled Vision to hack computers, as well as seemingly granting him other powers in conjunction with his Vibranium physiology, such as energy blasts, density manipulation, and flight.[5][4]


Appearances for Scepter

In chronological order:

Out of time:


  • The Scepter was first confirmed as holding one of the Infinity Stones in the teaser trailer for the film Avengers: Infinity War.[11]
  • Following its appearance in The Avengers, a scepter with identical design, but different capabilities, has become Loki's weapon of choice in most comics, animated series and video games.
  • The Stone's power registered as a powerful computer, which J.A.R.V.I.S. highlighted when he attempted to access its inner workings and came to the conclusion that he was deciphering computer language code.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Scepter.

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