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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Loki (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Loki, see Loki's Character Hub

"I know what I want. I know what kind of god I need to be. For you, for all of us."
―Loki to Sylvie Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Loki Laufeyson is a former Prince of Asgard and the adoptive brother of Thor, whose attempts to conquer Earth were thwarted by the Avengers. Before Loki could be taken back to Asgard, the Avengers from another timeline altered history and caused Loki to escape using the Tesseract. He was then arrested by the Time Variance Authority and was recruited by Mobius M. Mobius to hunt down Sylvie Laufeydottir, another Variant of his. Having learned that the TVA had been built on lies, Loki helped Laufeydottir track down the Time-Keepers and the TVA's founder, He Who Remains. Loki and Laufeydottir were warned by He Who Remains that if he was killed, his Variants would conquer the Multiverse. Loki was against murdering him, although Laufeydottir pushed him into a Timedoor and murdered He Who Remains, causing the timeline to branch indefinitely. Loki found himself in a different TVA, one of the past, and thus began Time Slipping between the past, the present and the future.

Returning to the present, Loki met TVA employee Ouroboros and learned that the Temporal Loom was on the verge of failing. His work to repair the Loom would have him reunite with Sylvie and encounter Victor Timely, a variant of He Who Remains. Despite their best efforts, the Loom collapsed and destroyed the TVA; however, Loki's Time Slipping had drawn him into a branched timeline where he met alternate versions of his friends and learned to control his condition. Loki used his new power to go back to before the Loom was destroyed, trying everything he could to salvage it. Unable to do so, he Time Slipped back to his original confrontation with He Who Remains, who revealed that the Loom was a failsafe whose purpose was to protect the Sacred Timeline whilst eliminating the excess branches and preventing a new Multiversal War. Defiant and motivated by Sylvie, Loki chose to destroy the Loom and weave the branches together by hand, sitting on his newly created throne at the End of Time, determined to protect the people of the Multiverse in his own way.


Early Life[]

Asgardian Upbringing[]

Loki was born on Jotunheim, as the rejected son of Laufey, only for him to be found and adopted by Odin of Asgard, and raised alongside Thor. While Thor would grow up a warrior, Loki was taught magic by Frigga, who was much closer to Loki than Odin.[6] At one point, Loki slept with Sif[9] and cut her hair during the night. Sif found Loki the next morning and hit him, causing him to fall to the ground, and told him that he would forever be alone.[10]

Loki mid-season trailer 14

Loki appeals to the Asgardians

In an attempt to earn the throne of Asgard, Loki turned Thor into a frog and portrayed to the Asgardians that he was gone. In turn, Loki said that he would be working to earn the throne, which the people applauded him for. However, his moment to shine was interrupted when frog Thor returned to Asgard and wound up Mjølnir, punching Loki.[11]

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Loki uses the alias of D.B. Cooper

In 1971, Loki lost a bet to Thor, so he visited Earth for a heist. He hijacked a flight under the alias D. B. Cooper and told Florence Schaffner that he had a bomb. He demanded money, making the plane land, where the passengers were exchanged for money. The plane took off again, where he jumped off the plane. In the air, he was taken back to Asgard by the Bifrost Bridge. Upon learning of his true heritage, Loki attempted to conquer Asgard, only to be defeated.[1]

Thor's Banishment[]

Thor was banished to Midgard by Odin.[3] Meanwhile, Loki discovered that he was a Frost Giant, rather than Asgardian.[6] Thor came back changed, and Loki believed this to be weakness. He mocked Thor for this change, claiming he had gone soft.[3]

Battle of New York[]

Challenging the Avengers[]

"It's funny. For someone 'born to rule', you sure do lose a lot. You might even say it's in your nature."
"You know, things didn't turn out so well for the last person who said that to me."
"Oh, yeah, Phil Coulson. Didn't the Avengers come together to literally avenge him by defeating you?"
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki then formed an alliance with Thanos, who gave him the Scepter and an army of the Chitauri to conquer Earth.[12] He went out of anger with Odin and Thor, and was confronted by the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. and their allies, which resulted in Loki killing Phil Coulson.[1][12]

Escape from S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Rumlow & Avengers

Loki is apprehended by the Avengers

"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue."
"'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue.' I mean, honestly, how do you keep your food down?"
Captain America and Loki[src]

Loki eventually managed to use the Tesseract to bring the Chitauri army to Earth.[5] Loki attempted to use the Mind Stone on Tony Stark, but it did not work. Out of retaliation, Loki threw Stark out of a window.[13] Loki was defeated by the Avengers in the Battle of New York. Loki was apprehended by the Avengers and mocked Captain America, before Thor gagged him with an Asgardian Collar. Loki was escorted by Thor and Stark to the first floor of Stark Tower; however, they came across of Alexander Pierce and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.[5] Loki then sensed that another Tony Stark was present because of his cologne.[1]

Loki's Reaction (Endgame Deleted Scene)

Loki reacts to Tony Stark's cardiac arrest

Thor and Stark argued with Pierce, as Thor noted that Loki must be judged by Asgardians, an argument that did not convince Pierce, who wanted to take both Loki and the Tesseract under S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Suddenly, Stark fell into cardiac arrest, causing Pierce and Thor to tend to him. In the ensuing chaos, the confused Loki noticed Ant-Man kicking the briefcase with the Tesseract to the alternate Stark, who was disguised as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Stark retrieved the Tesseract, but when he began to exit, he was knocked over by Hulk while he was opening the door from the stairway.

Loki uses the Tesseract

Loki escapes with the Tesseract

Hulk's interference caused the Tesseract to slide to Loki's feet. Taking advantage of the commotion caused by the Hulk, Loki took the Tesseract and used it to open a portal and escape his confinement. After Thor managed to reboot Stark's Arc Reactor, he turned his back to see that Loki was already gone.[5] Teleporting away with the Space Stone, Loki created a branched reality in the alternate timeline.[1]

TVA Prisoner[]

Captured by the Minutemen[]

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Loki lands in the Gobi Desert

"It's been a very long day, and I think I've had my fill of idiots in armored suits telling me what to do, so, if you don't mind, this is actually your last chance. Now get out of my way."
―Loki to Hunter B-15[src]

Loki landed in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia after being spat out from the portal he previously created using the Tesseract. After he removed his heavily damaged collar and handcuffs, Loki attempted to appear superior to the group of Mongolian locals who found him and ran to stand above them on a rock, to establish superiority. He introduced himself as Loki of Asgard to them, though they could not understand a word he said and questioned his sudden arrival.

Alternate 2012 Loki

Loki witnesses the arrival of the TVA

Just then, the Time Variance Authority arrived at Mongolia through a portal with several Minutemen investigating the area. Confused, Loki approached the Minutemen, telling them not to touch the Tesseract. Hunter B-15 arrived and announced that Loki created a standard sequence violation to the timeline and stating he is a Variant, confusing Loki more. Hunter B-15 declared that he was under arrest for crimes against the Sacred Timeline and told him to surrender. Loki asked who they were again, but Hunter B-15 activated her Time Stick instead of answering.

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Loki being slowed by Hunter B-15's weapon

Loki then noted that it had been a very long day for him after the Battle of New York and announces that he is done having idiots in armored suits ordering him around, and warned them that this was their last chance and that they get out of his way. However, Hunter B-15 swatted Loki with her Time Stick, causing him to move at 1/16th speed, and collared him. The Minutemen then took Loki and the Tesseract away and left Mongolia, pruning the alternate timeline in the process.[1]

Arrival at the TVA[]

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Loki in the Time Variance Authority Office

"This is a mistake! I shouldn't be here!"
"Hey there! You're probably saying, 'This is a mistake. I shouldn't even be here'. Welcome to the Time Variance Authority. I'm Miss Minutes, and it's my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your crimes!"
―Loki and Miss Minutes[src]

Loki was then brought to the Time Variance Authority Office being escorted by Hunter B-15 while trying to get a look on his surroundings. Hunter B-15 stopped him at a reception desk being run by Casey and witnessed Martin being pushed by a Minuteman. Seizing the opportunity in front of him, Loki tried to escape, running away from incarceration, but Hunter B-15 activated her Time Twister, making him appear back next to her.

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Loki pointingly threatens Hunter B-15

Loki, shocked by the ability, tried a few more attempts before Hunter B-15 force Loki to move. She approached Casey and gave him the Tesseract, telling him to log it as evidence before moving onward, but Casey questioned what it was, which Loki answered what it was and to be very careful handling it. Approaching a prosecution process chamber, Loki threatened Hunter B-15, telling her that there will be consequences for arresting him, but Hunter B-15 was not fazed and shoved Loki into the chamber and closing it behind him.

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Loki is undressed by the Processing Droid

Now locked in the chamber, the Processing Droid activated and attempted to remove Loki's regal armor, agitating him. The droid continued trying to remove his Asgardian Armor, however, making Loki resist, and noted that it was Asgardian leather, and he would not allow it. The droid, however, told Loki to be very still, and vaporized all of his armor and clothing, leaving him without anything on. The floor then dropped beneath him, dropping into a Time Variance Authority Variant inmate jumpsuit, and another room.

Loki TVA Desk

Loki signs everything he has ever said

In the room, Loki was met by a TVA paperwork clerk's office, where he served Loki a pile of papers, asking for his signature on the listing for verification on everything he had ever said in his life. Loki, confused as to what that means, voiced his confusion, calling it absurd. However, the printer next to the employee published Loki's confusion, and gave the paper to him, telling him to sign that paper as well. Loki, not wanting to have to sign more papers, silently obliged, dropping him into another location when he finished.

Loki & Small Man

Loki enters the Robot Detector room

Loki found himself in the next processing room, where a clerk told him to confirm that he was indeed not a robot and was an organic-born being to his knowledge. Loki questioned if people did not know if they were robots, but the scanner clerk simply thanked Loki for his cooperation and instructed him to pass through the Robot Detector machine. Loki hesitated, however, and asked what if he was a robot and did not know it, but the clerk irritable told him that it would melt him. After hesitating enough, Loki successfully passed through, much to his relief. The clerk urged Loki through the next door after showing him his temporal aura, walked into the waiting room.

Loki and another inmate (Loki 2021)

Loki passes through the waiting hall

There, Loki met up with Martin again, who dismissed a Minuteman guard telling him to take a ticket. Loki approached the ticket vender as the guard ordered him to take a ticket, but Loki noted that it there were only two Variants here. However, the guard insisted, and Loki took a ticket before passing through the empty waiting line. Taking his time navigating through, Loki screamed aloud that he should not be here, but no one acknowledged his outburst.

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Loki watches Miss Minutes's advertisement

Right on que, however, Miss Minutes repeated Loki's statement on a PA system, showing herself on screen of a TV in the room and introduced the viewer to the TVA. Loki curiously watched as Miss Minutes told the story of how the Time-Keepers restored order to the Multiverse by creating a "Sacred Timeline", and about how Variants veer off the Sacred Timeline, unintentionally creating a nexus event, which were being monitored by the TVA. Miss Minutes finished by telling the viewer that they must be ready to stand trial for their crimes before the message ended.

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Loki witnesses Martin being reset

Loki, left in utter awe having watched and heard everything Miss Minutes had said, scoffed and questioned the legitimacy of the Time-Keepers and the Sacred Timeline, and voices his question aloud about who actually believes in the story Miss Minutes told. Turning his attention elsewhere, Loki watched as Martin argued with a Minuteman about his ticket, with Martin lying about having asked for a ticket. When Martin continued lying about not having a ticket, the Minuteman used his baton and seemingly erased Martin from existence. Terrified, Loki frantically pulled out his ticket, ready for his check-in.[1]

Judged in the TVA[]

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Loki getting judged by Ravonna Renslayer

"Not supposed to happen? According to whom?"
"The Time-Keepers."
"Oh, the Time-Keepers. Right. Well, perhaps I should speak to these Time-Keepers, gods to gods."
―Loki and Ravonna Renslayer[src]

Soon after, Loki's placed in front of Ravonna Renslayer, a judge in the Time Variance Authority, who sets out his charges as a sequence violation. She proceeded to ask Loki how he pleaded to the charges, to which he responded saying that a God would not plead and asked if he could return home. Instead, Renslayer repeated the question, asking him if he was guilty or not guilty. Loki told Renslayer he was guilty of being the God of Mischief and for finding all of this unnecessary, but not for a crime against the Sacred Timeline. Renslayer then asked who they should hold accountable instead, and Loki replied saying that she should suspect the Avengers, as they went on their Time Heist allowing him to end up in this situation.

Loki TVA Court

Loki suggests the Avengers be questioned

Loki had then offered to personally kill them with a taskforce, if they could provide him with one along with resources, and that he knew because that he could smell two Tony Starks. Renslayer explained that the Avengers were meant to do their Time Heist, but Loki escaping was not supposed to happen. Renslayer asked one more time if Loki was innocent or not, to which Loki replied that he was guilty, before attempting to blast all the agents in the room with his Magic. Unfortunately nothing came of it when Loki questioned why his power to not work Hunter B-15 and Renslayer explain that his powers do not work in the TVA. As Renslayer planned on punishing Loki by having him erased, Loki was enraged and said that they would not dictate how his story ended, to which Renslayer said that it never was his story. Loki stated they have no clue what he was capable of, but Mobius M. Mobius intervened and suggested he would take Loki in, which Renslayer reluctantly agreed to.[1]

Interrogated by Mobius M. Mobius[]

Loki and Mobius window

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius at a window

"If you hadn't picked up the Tesseract, you would have been taken to a cell on Asgard."
"What is this? This is nonsense, more tricks. This never even happened."
"Not to you. Not yet."
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

While escorting Loki to an interrogation room, Loki threatened to burn the Time Variance Authority down, and Mobius M. Mobius offered his desk as a starting point, as it had a lot of paperwork that would work as tinder. When Loki was sidetracked by his first glimpse of the Time Variance Authority Office outside, he wondered if it was magic, to which Mobius said it was not. Loki then believed he was in a nightmare, but Mobius said it was a different department and that he would help Loki if he wished to burn down that department.

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Loki talks with Mobius M. Mobius in an elevator

In an elevator, Mobius introduced himself to Loki, who brushed him off and asked if he was being taken to be executed. Mobius told him that he was taking him to talk instead, and Loki said that he did not like to talk. Mobius then called him out on his lie, and also commented that he loves to lie as well. When asked how long he had worked there, Mobius said it was hard to say as time passes differently in the TVA. When Loki was confused, Mobius simply said that he would catch up. As he continued escorting Loki to the interrogation room, Loki asked if he was part of the TVA workforce and if he was created by the Time-Keepers to protect the Sacred Timeline, to which Mobius said yes. When Loki laughed at the ridiculousness of it, Mobius questioned if he liked to talk.

Loki attacks Mobius

Loki tries to attack Mobius M. Mobius

Mobius waved Loki into the interrogation room and sat down at a table that held the TVA Holoprojector that could play the memories of someone's life. When Loki said he still believed he was going to be killed, Mobius commented on his lack of trust in anyone but himself and that he should slap that motto on a t-shirt while turning on the device. When Loki questioned why he had never heard of the TVA, Mobius told him that he had not needed to because Loki had always lived within his path. Loki tried to ascertain his free will, but Mobius did not rise to the bait. He asked Loki to sit, and Loki tried to attack him, so Mobius used his Time Twister to transport Loki back to where he was standing before.

Mobius & Loki - Loki EP1

Loki is interrogated by Mobius M. Mobius

Prompting Loki to sit, Mobius began the interrogation by asking for Loki's cooperation and revealing that he knew Loki would try to woo and then betray him. Loki disagreed and said that Mobius knew nothing about him, but Mobius said he'd like to learn. He told Loki of his specialization of pursuing extremely dangerous Variants, and then insulted Loki when Loki assumed that he was a dangerous Variant. He then asked Loki to answer his set of questions honestly in exchange for something Loki wanted. His first question was what Loki would do if he returned. Loki said that he would rule Midgard, and Mobius asked what would happen after that. Loki said he wanted to rule the Nine Realms and eventually the universe. Mobius mocked him slightly, but when Loki was offended Mobius told him he was a fan and wondered why someone with so much range simply wanted to rule. Loki told him about the "illusion" of freedom and how living things make mistakes with freedom, and Mobius wondered if he was an exception to this rule. Loki commented on how Mobius was simply a clown for the Time-Keeper's circus.

Mobius & Loki

Loki watches his projected early life

Mobius started the playback on the device, projecting the image of New York City onto the wall. Loki asked what it was, and Mobius explained that it would play Loki's greatest hits. The first scene they watched was when Loki was tracked down by the Avengers at Stark Tower and asked them for a drink. Mobius cracked open a Josta and tried to hand it to Loki but Loki said no and commented on how he knew about this memory already. Mobius commented on how for someone born to rule, Loki's nature is to lose.

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Loki annoyed by the footage

When Loki threatened him, Mobius turned the device to play the memory of Phil Coulson's death, and pointed out how Loki created his own enemy by giving the Avengers someone to avenge. Mobius then asked if Loki enjoyed hurting people while playing images of destruction from the Battle of New York. Loki said that his games would not work, and that he was not a murderer but a liberator, to which Mobius played the memory of Loki removing an eyeball and commented on his smile and how he enjoyed it. Loki said he was a god, but Mobius said that none of his actions seemed mischievous.

Loki's Time Reel Start

Loki watches the D.B Cooper Hijacking

Trying a new approach, Mobius talked about how Loki was good at escaping, and played a memory of Loki being the famous plane hijacker D. B. Cooper. After the memory was done, Mobius exclaimed his disbelief at how Loki was the famous hijacker. When Loki asked where the TVA was before when Loki was meddling, Mobius responded that they were right there alongside him and that his mischievous tricks were all along his set path. When Loki asked why that had the Time-Keeper's approval, Mobius explained that the Time-Keepers did not dictate the timeline according to approval and disapproval.

Mobius asked what Loki was running from, and when Loki tried to stand up to make a point, Mobius used his Time Twister to sit him in his chair. Loki explained why he tried to stand up, and Mobius let him stand up for emphasis. When Loki asked him what he wanted, Mobius said he wanted Loki to be honest about his motivations and a deeper understanding of what makes Loki tick. When Loki proposed that the TVA was an illusion and a desperate attempt at control and affirmed his free will. Going off of that, Mobius played Loki's speech at Stuttgart, and Loki said that he was on the verge of earning what he was owed, not because the TVA allowed him to. Mobius told him to start taking this seriously and played a memory that had not happened yet, of Loki's trial on Asgard and him speaking to his mother.

Mobius told Loki of how, when the Dark Elves attack, Loki attempts to send them to Thor, but indirectly causes them to kill Frigga instead, showing Loki her death. When Loki started to demand where Frigga was and started to accuse that it was fake, Mobius told him that he was always fated to kill his mother and that he always was and will be and continued to press Loki on whether he enjoyed killing people, and an enraged Loki attempted to attack him. Mobius used his Time Twister to transport Loki to the floor. Mobius told Loki of his predetermined fate to cause suffering and death, before explaining that his role was to help others achieve their best selves while playing a recording of the Avengers. Mobius then helped Loki up from the floor.[1]

Learning About the TVA[]

"Is this the greatest power in the universe?"

Before Mobius M. Mobius could continue, he was interrupted by Hunter B-15 and told there was a situation. Mobius slightly lamented that he had to leave as the interrogation was just getting somewhere, and told Loki not to go anywhere before leaving with Hunter B-15 and having his Time Twister taken by Loki.

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Loki questions the TVA's power

Loki used the opportunity to escape with the Time Twister. After spotting Casey, Loki followed him to his office and threatened to gut him like a fish if he did not give him the Tesseract. Casey asked what a fish was, much to Loki's confusion, since Casey had apparently lived his life behind a desk. After clarifying to Casey that he was threatening him with death, Casey complied and handed the Tesseract over to him; however, Loki noticed multiple Infinity Stones in a drawer and questioned why the Time Variance Authority had them. After Casey told him that they had acquired the Stones from alternate timelines, using them as paperweights, Loki was completely starstruck questioned if the TVA was the greatest power in the universe.

Variant Loki smiles

Loki watches his alternate self's life

Before he could get answered, B-15 and Minutemen arrived through an elevator to prune him. As B-15 attempted to hit Loki with her Time Stick, Loki escaped with the Time Twister. He teleported to the room where he got interrogated by Mobius and placed the Time Twister on the table. He then used the TVA Holoprojector to scroll through his alternate self's life. Loki teared up as he witnessed Odin confessing his love to his sons before passing away, his strengthened bond with Thor, and his membership in the Revengers. Upon seeing his own death to Thanos, however, Loki laughed ruefully as he had discovered his "glorious purpose".

Loki using Time Twister

Loki uses the Time Twister

Hunter B-15 then came into the room and asked what was funny to which Loki straightened himself out before answering. B-15 soon attacked the Asgardian, but he transferred his collar to the TVA soldier, teleporting her out of the room using the Time Twister. Loki played around with it by having B-15 repeatedly appear and disappear in front of him, until he sent her elsewhere.

Tesseract (Loki)

Loki confessing to Mobius M. Mobius

When Mobius had returned to the interrogation room, he found Loki in some distress as he held the Tesseract. Loki told him that he didn't enjoy hurting people, and he did it because he had to. Mobius asked for more, and Loki told him that it was illusion, a desperate play for control, and that he was a villain. Mobius told him he did not see it that way, and looked amused when Loki admitted he tried to use the Tesseract. Mobius said he couldn't offer Loki salvation, but instead something better: a chance to work with them to stop an extremely dangerous Variant who was actually another Loki.[1]

TVA Recruit[]

Investigating an Ambush[]

Loki and Miss Minutes

Loki being questioned by Miss Minutes

"The Time Variance Authority and the gods of Asgard, one and the same. Drunk with power, blinded to the truth. Those you underestimate will devour you. You underestimate me, just as you underestimate this lesser Loki."
―Loki to Time Variance Authority[src]

Agreeing to help Mobius M. Mobius to hunt the Variant, Loki was assigned as an unofficial employee of the Time Variance Authority and Mobius' assistant on the case. Sometime later, Loki looked through Mobius' jet ski magazine while answering a series of questions from Miss Minutes of the nature of the timeline and the TVA. He asked if she was alive or a recording, and she said that she was a bit of both. Loki then used the magazine to try and squash her like a bug, forcing her to retreat into a computer. Mobius then arrived, handing him a jacket, told him to gear up, as another group of Minutemen led by Hunter C-20 had been attacked.

Loki Variants (5)

Loki sees different Variants of himself

Loki put on the jacket and followed Mobius to a briefing with Hunter B-15 and her Minutemen, where B-15 explained that C-20 and her men went dark shortly after entering 1985, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and that it was certainly a Loki Variant, although they were not sure what kind of Loki they were. Loki made sure to tell them that it must have been a lesser kind of Loki than himself. B-15 then asked him to show off his jacket, which said "Variant", as a way to humble him before calling him a cosmic mistake. Loki then watched as Mobius played a series of images depicting different Loki Variants. When Mobius began to list Loki's various powers, Loki made sure to tell them the difference between illusion projection and duplication casting as a way of proving that he was an expert on himself. Mobius then said they would be splitting up into teams, and that Loki would travel with him.

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Loki gets daggers taken away by Hunter B-15

Loki then asked for a weapon, and wondered out loud why Mobius was not concerned about him betraying him, especially since he would have his Magic back. Mobius said no, and made it clear that there was a chance Loki could receive an audience with the Time-Keepers if he did well enough.[14]

Discovering the Variant's Attack[]

They then traveled into 1985 Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Loki then asked Mobius why they could not travel to before the attack and prevent it, but Mobius explained that the destabilization of the timeline led to time acting differently near Nexus Events. Mobius then asked if he watched any training videos, and Loki proved that he did watch some by restating the definition of reset charges verbatim, and noting that it sounded like just disintegrating everything.

Loki Mobious & Hunter Still

Loki in 1985 Wisconsin

Inside a tent, Loki entered the crime scene where some Minutemen were killed, and Hunter C-20 was taken. Loki told B-15 not to underestimate the Variant, and when B-15 told her men to fan out and search for the Variant, he told them to stop, as there was most likely an ambush outside for them. Loki then went on to fabricate a theory of how the Variant needed him to complete his master plan of ruling the TVA and used many time-wasting tricks to try to get the timeline near the red line as well as convince Mobius that he needed an urgent meeting with the Time-Keepers. Mobius did not fall for this and told everyone that Loki was lying, and the timeline was reset, returning to the TVA.[14]

Confronting Mobius M. Mobius[]

Loki Desk Still

Loki researching in the library

"I could go down to Asgard before Ragnarök causes its complete destruction and I could do anything I wanted. I could, let's say, push the Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge."
―Loki to Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Upon returning to the Time Variance Authority Office, Loki was sent to the library to look over files of where the Variant could be. Later, Loki went to the librarian and asked if there were any files relating to the TVA's origins and the Time-Keepers, but she directed him to files only on his history. There he stumbled upon Ragnarök, in which there were many casualties of Asgardians.

Mobius Loki EP2 02

Loki talks to Mobius M. Mobius about his theory

After proposing a theory, Loki left the library and found Mobius M. Mobius in the TVA dining area and approached him. Ignoring Mobius' comments about him interrupting his lunch, Loki sat down at the table across from him and told him about his findings. Loki then asked to borrow Mobius' salad for a demonstration and then got up and took Casey's drink to add to the demonstration. Loki made his proposition with Mobius reluctantly agreeing to help him, and the two left to test the theory.[14]

Pompeii Incident[]

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Loki watches the destruction of Pompeii

"Be free my horned friends, be free!"

To test out Loki's theory, Loki and Mobius M. Mobius went back in time to Pompeii, Italy in 79 AD. Loki, clearly giddy about the upcoming disaster, was attempted to be calmed down by Mobius. Loki defended himself by saying that the upcoming disaster was "cool", which Mobius countered by reminding Loki they need to keep it calm in order to successfully try Loki's theory. Loki then ran out into the Public Square of Pompeii and let loose a bunch of goats, shouting for them to be freed and then to the rest of the citizens in Latin that he was called Loki. He then warned them that they were soon going to be killed by the eruption of the volcano, and that he knew because he was from the future, before questioning Mobius if the Time Variance Authority was from the future in English since he was not sure when the TVA is. As the volcano erupted, Mobius realized that Loki was right and that there were no Nexus points emerging, thus proving Loki's theory as correct.[14]

Debating Free Will[]

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Loki speaks with Mobius M. Mobius

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius returned via Timedoor to the Time Variance Authority Office and sat down at a table. The two then discussed free will, with Loki asking Mobius how he had gotten to the TVA, and was shocked when Mobius said he was created by the Time-Keepers. Loki pressed on asking how long Mobius wanted to continue working with the TVA, with Mobius telling him that he was until the job was done. Loki was confused by Mobius' answers and how unwilling he was to explore more about the TVA and their origins. After Mobius put the analogy of the boy he met in France together with Loki as a young child, he ran off to the library and asked Loki if Asgard had any Kablooie gum. They then discovered through the files about the hurricane that would devastate a whole town in Alabama and deduced that this was the Variant was.[14]

Chasing the Variant[]

Infiltration into Roxxcart Store[]

Loki using magic

Loki uses his magic to dry himself

"Just what do you want from me?"
"This isn't about you."
―Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Loki had joined Mobius M. Mobius, Hunter B-15, and the other Minutemen transported themselves via Timedoors to the year 2050 in Haven Hills, Alabama at the Roxxcart Mall. They arrived during a hurricane and once inside the building, Loki used his magic to make himself dry. B-15 and Loki split off from the others and explored the store looking for the Variant. They soon came across a man shopping for azaleas, and Loki questioned why he was casually roaming the mall amid the hurricane.

Loki & Hunter Still

Loki and Hunter B-15 explore Roxxcart

B-15 asked Loki whether the shopper could be the Variant in disguise, and Loki suggested that it was possible. As B-15 moved forward, the enthralled shopper grabbed her arm, transferring energy into her body and enthralling her. After Randy, a store employee, was also enthralled, Loki realized that he had found the Variant. He then pressed to find out what the Variant wanted, before getting attacked by an enthralled Alabamian man who knocked Loki around the store.

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Loki confronting the Variant

Loki then held his ground and demanded to see the Variant herself, and soon found himself facing her. She then detonated a mass of Reset Charges, throwing the Sacred Timeline into disarray by creating hundreds of branched alternate realities, before departing through a Timedoor. Loki then watched as Mobius and the Minutemen ran towards him, but decided to leave them and jumped into the Timedoor to chase the Variant.[14]

Confrontation with the Variant[]

Loki blades pointing

Loki finding and confronting the Variant

Loki came out the other side of the Timedoor and found himself back in the Time Variance Authority Office. He then took possession of the daggers that were previously put away in a locker. He then chased after the Variant and cornered her in a hall outside a golden elevator. After a brief struggle, Ravonna Renslayer and two Minutemen walked up to attack them. The Variant held her sword to Loki's neck, threatening to kill him, but when Renslayer did not seem to care, Loki stole a TemPad from the Variant and dropped both Variants through a Timedoor to Lamentis-1 in 2077, in the midst of a devastating apocalypse.[6]

Escape from Lamentis-1[]

Arrival on Lamentis-1[]

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Loki hiding the TemPad from the Variant

Loki and the Variant landed in a shed, and with the TemPad out in the open. The Variant tried to recover it; however, Loki stopped her multiple times before recovering it himself, and the Variant slammed him into an ashtray. She then took the TemPad off him before trying to leave, but the TemPad had run out of charge, and she could go nowhere. The Variant then tried to stab Loki, but he used illusions to disappear, then reappear behind her and push her into a nearby rack. When Loki took the TemPad back, she told him to give it to her as he didn't know how to recharge it. Loki said he did, as she was not the only tech savvy Loki, but she took offense to being called a Loki and told him to never call her that. As she lunged for the TemPad, Loki made it disappear from his grasp.

Sylvie and Loki start running

Loki learns he's on Lamentis-1

As Loki pulled out his daggers to fight, the Variant indignantly taunted him about being a magician, to which he threatened to make her "disappear". However, before another fight could break out, a purple meteor smashed through the roof and took them off guard. The Variant asked where Loki sent them, and they left the shed to find they were on the planet Lamentis-1 in the year 2077, where an apocalypse was taking place in the form of a moon crashing into the surface. The variant called him an idiot for bringing them here, but Loki didn't know what she meant. Another meteor crashed down in front of them and the two ran for cover as the Variant explained that this was the worst apocalypse saved in the TemPad and that no one survives. She almost was hit by a meteor, but Loki pushed her out of the way.

Sylvie under truck looking camera

Loki takes cover with the Variant

The two managed to take cover under a large truck, and Loki asked why she wasn't killing him, and she said that because he had hidden the TemPad, if he dies it is lost. She then pointed to a mining shack to take shelter in and the two took off, but when Loki asked if they were a team, she said no. The two were bombarded by meteors on the way over, but the two safely made it inside.

Sylvie tries to control Loki

The Variant tries to enchant Loki

While Loki was catching his breath, the Variant approached him and touched his neck before trying to use her powers to subdue his mind, similar to how she used her powers on Hunter C-20, which failed due to Loki's stronger mind. The two then drew their blades again, but Loki, growing weary of their conflict, proposed a truce which she scoffed at. She asked where the TemPad was hidden, but Loki jokingly said it was in his heart, so she threatened to cut it out. Loki told her to stop trying to kill him every 30 seconds, but the variant said that he was full of it as he needed her to figure out how to recharge it and that's why Loki saved her. The Variant told him that her plan was years in the making, and that when she would get the TemPad back, she would go finish her plan, and then kill him.[6]

Partnering with Sylvie Laufeydottir[]

Sylvie and Loki walking

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir exploring

"Love is a dagger. It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it…"
"It isn't real."
―Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Loki accompanied the Variant after she left left to find a power source to charge the TemPad. The two trekked to a nearby town, and the two argued on the way, especially how she was a Variant but did not like to be called one, and also did not like to be called Loki. She then told him her name was Laufeydottir, and Loki told her that having an alias when not Loki-like. Laufeydottir then dragged Loki for working for the Time Variance Authority, and said that he did not know what he wanted. He asked what he wanted, as he was confused why Laufeydottir would create a power vacuum so large in the TVA without planning to fill it herself, and that he never would do that. Laufeydottir said that she was not him.

Sylvie and Loki in the woman's house

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir search for a power source

When they arrived at an abandoned town, Laufeydottir noted that their fleeing was in vain as everyone died anyways. She then said they had about twelve hours before they would die along with them, and that it would get worse as the landscape changed and society collapsed. They then found a neon sign that was powered on, and Laufeydottir pretended to check the electrics before asking for the TemPad, but planned to leave and abandon Loki as soon as she took it. Loki saw through it and told her to try harder. Laufeydottir then told him to stop pretending to be tech savvy, as the TemPad required a large energy source to recharge, not just enough power to light up a sign.

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Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir speak to a woman

They then continued past the town and came upon a house with inhabitants. Laufeydottir grabbed her sword, but Loki stopped her, telling her that his diplomacy and guile would work better than her violence. She then kicked the door down, before being blown backwards by a woman with a concussive blaster cannon pointed at her door. She got up and Loki taunted her slightly before trying his tactics, which also failed, and he, too, got blown back. The woman derided them, calling them "devils", and then asked what they wanted with her, before Laufeydottir asked where everyone had gone. She said they went to an evacuation vessel called the Ark, and Laufeydottir realized that the Ark could power the TemPad. Laufeydottir then learned that they could get there via train, but that there were no tickets left. She and Loki then left for the train at the edge of town, discussing how they would get on it.

Guards looking Sylvie and Loki

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir on the train

The two found the train station, which had many people waiting outside to be let on. Loki then told her that they couldn't fight their way on, and Laufeydottir said her plan didn't involve fighting. Her plan was to enchant a guard to lead them through the crowd, and use him to kill anyone who stood in their way, probably killing all the guards and hijacking the train, and that it wasn't violent as whether there was a fight was up to the guards. Loki told her that they'd be doing this his way, before he manifested a guard's outfit onto himself. While they passed by, the crowd yelled about how unfair it was that only the rich received tickets to salvation. When asked to see their tickets to Shuroo, Laufeydottir enchanted the guard to believe that headquarters had radioed a request for Sylvie to go to Shuroo that morning. The two then boarded the train.

Loki magic trick

Loki shows Sylvie Laufeydottir a magic trick

Loki and Laufeydottir sat down at a table on the train and Loki asked Laufeydottir about her early life, before telling her about his mother and how she'd taught him magic tricks. He then demonstrated by showing SLaufeydottir a burst of fireworks in his palm. Laufeydottir then asked Loki what he thought love was and Loki did not deny when asked about whether or not he was romantically interested in just women or men also.

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Loki singing Asgardian songs

Once Laufeydottir fell asleep, Loki took off his guard uniform and began to be friendly with the passengers, singing Asgardian songs with them, while drinking. Having drunk too many drinks, Loki became drunk and not worried about his cover getting blown.

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Loki repels Hicks with his magic

Loki was interrupted from his singing, when Laufeydottir who had woken up immediately went to him and told him that a man was staring suspiciously at him; however, Loki was not worried. He then told Laufeydottir that love was a dagger and not real, which Laufeydottir dismissed. When a few guards walked in, Loki and Laufeydottir fought them off. Loki used his magic to blast one of the guards off his feet and proceeded to kick another through a window, before getting tossed outside by guards himself.

Sylvie tired of Loki

Loki finds out that the TemPad is destroyed

Loki landed roughly on the ground and Laufeydottir followed close behind. When she asked him about the status of the TemPad, Loki revealed it had been rendered invisible and stored in his pocket, but found it to be destroyed during his fall from the train. This further angered Laufeydottir who called him a joke for not protecting it better. After Loki retorted that she wouldn't be able to beat the TVA, she stormed off and released a small blast of energy while screaming in rage.

Loki and Sylvie sit

Loki consoles Sylvie Laufeydottir

Laufeydottir sat down in defeat, while Loki followed suit and consoled her over his failure to protect the TemPad. Loki then suggested that they still aim to escape, which would ensure their survival. Convinced that their presence might alter the programmed timeline, Laufeydottir and Loki made their way to Shuroo.

The TVA are also variants

Loki learns the truth about the TVA

As they were walking towards the city, Laufeydottir told Loki that the Minutemen at the Time Variance Authority were Variants too and that she had to go back a hundred years to one of Hunter C-20's memories of when she was on Earth to get information. This revelation about the TVA surprised Loki.[6]

Infiltration into the Ark[]

Sylvie and Loki running 3

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir in Shuroo

However, upon entering Shuroo, Loki and Laufeydottir found it crowded and struggled to get to the front. Loki asked if all the people down below were going to be left to die, startled by that fact. The two then went around the crowds through the backway before getting attacked by some more guards.

Loki telekinetic powers 1

Loki reverses the fall of a collapsing structure

They then had to take cover after asteroids began falling down over the city. As they were running, a large section of a structure almost fell on them, but Loki used his telekinetic powers to keep it away from them.

Lamentis last scene

Loki sees the Ark destroyed

When they reached some distance from the impact site, they observed a gigantic asteroid crashing into the Ark. Loki and Laufeydottir fearfully gazed at the Ark, as their only hope of survival was smashed to pieces. Upon seeing this, Laufeydottir walked away from Loki, having fully given up on their chances of survival, while Loki stood still in shock.[6]

Escape and Capture[]

Loki and Sylvie wait for death

Loki speaks with Sylvie Laufeydottir

"Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose?"
"No. We may lose, sometimes painfully, but we don't die. We survive."
Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki[src]

Seeing the destruction of the Ark, Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir left Shuroo and waited on the outskirts for their impending doom. Sitting down next to each other, Loki was told by Laufeydottir about her past on Asgard and how she had been taken as young girl by the Time Variance Authority. Loki was then told that she escaped the TVA and ran from them her whole life, which impressed him. As meteors crashed closer to them, Loki grabbed Laufeydottir's hand and waited for their death, when two Timedoors appeared before them. As Lamentis-1 was destroyed, Loki and Laufeydottir turned around to see Timedoors opening.[10]

The TVA on Lamentis

Loki holds Sylvie Laufeydottir in a chokehold

Thinking on his feet, Loki grabbed Laufeydottir and held her in a chokehold as she struggled. He told the TVA that he had got what they wanted, the Loki Variant. However, Ravonna Renslayer, Hunter B-15, the Minutemen and especially Mobius M. Mobius did not believe him. Despite Loki trying to convince, they did not care. Laufeydottir then bit Loki's arm in an attempt to get free. She broke away from Loki and charged B-15 who punched her to the ground. The two Lokis were then taken in.[15]

Second TVA Imprisonment[]

Second Interrogation[]

Loki angry

Loki gets taken under Time Variance Authority custody again

"So I'm just supposed to take the word of two Lokis?"
"How about the word of a friend?"
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki and Laufeydottir were transported to the Time Variance Authority Office, where they were separated from each other. Loki was then reunited with Mobius M. Mobius. Mobius and two Minutemen took Loki to the interrogation room, where Loki told Mobius that the TVA were lying to him. However, Mobius shrugged his warning off.

Loki and Sif official image

Loki in the Time Cell with Sif's recreation

Mobius then opened up a Time Cell and the Minutemen pushed Loki inside. Loki appeared in a past memory of him in Asgard and found himself being confronted by Lady Sif, who slapped and hit him for cutting a piece of her hair off. After Loki was knocked to the ground, he was confronted by Sif again, realizing that he had been put in a time loop. Loki then confessed to Sif that he was a narcissist and feared being alone, which caused him to do things to get attention. Following this, Mobius appeared and brought Loki out of the Cell.

"You're all variants!"

Loki exposing the TVA's secrets to Mobius M. Mobius

Loki sat down at the interrogation table with Mobius and was questioned about his relationship with Laufeydottir. When Mobius told Loki that Laufeydottir had been pruned, Loki was visibly distressed at the news. Loki was then told that Mobius was lying and had been wanting to know the seriousness of his feelings for her, and that the romantic relationship he and Laufeydottir formed at Lamentis-1 could break the current reality. Frustrated at Mobius' questions, Loki exclaimed that everyone in the TVA were Variants and had a life before the TVA. To Loki's exasperation, Mobius believed he was lying and ordered him sent back into the Time Cell.

Loki reaction

Loki witnessing Mobius M. Mobius getting pruned

Loki met Sif again in the Cell, but was able to stop her from punching him again, breaking the TVA's time loop. Shortly after, Mobius arrived in the Cell and told Loki that he had been right about the TVA. Loki was then led out of the Cell by Mobius only for them to be confronted by Ravonna Renslayer and a group of Minutemen. Loki witnessed Mobius returning Renslayer's TemPad to one of the Minutemen and proclaiming that he wanted to live his life before the TVA. Then to Loki's horror, Renslayer ordered Mobius to be pruned and a Minutemen zapped Mobius, causing him to disappear.[10]

Meeting the Time-Keepers[]

To the Time-Keepers 1

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir are taken

Loki was then taken by the Minutemen under Ravonna Renslayer's orders to meet up with Sylvie Laufeydottir who was also in custody of some Minutemen. Upon seeing each other, Laufeydottir asked Loki how he was doing. Renslayer then dismissed the Minutemen telling them that she could take care of Loki and Laufeydottir and then led them into a golden elevator. When the elevator stopped, Loki and Laufeydottir found themselves in the Time-Keepers chamber.

Loki and Sylvie before the Time-Keepers

Loki standing before the Time-Keepers

They walked up to confront the Time-Keepers, and after getting threatened by them, Loki stated that he had been killed many times so it would not matter if he was again. Loki then watched as Laufeydottir tried to run at them, only to be caught in Renslayer's Time Twister.

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Loki fights the Minutemen Royal Guards

However, the elevator opened up behind them and Hunter B-15 walked in, unlocking Loki and Laufeydottir's neck collars. B-15 then provided Laufeydottir with a Time Stick and the two began to fight off the Minutemen Royal Guards. Loki used Laufeydottir's weapon to kill the last of the Guards while Laufeydottir knocked Renslayer out. Loki and Laufeydottir then confronted the Time-Keepers, but Laufeydottir threw her weapon at one of them, decapitating it and causing its head to roll to the ground. Loki and Laufeydottir then realized that the Time-Keepers were actually androids, causing Loki to wonder aloud who created the TVA.

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Loki being pruned by Ravonna Renslayer

Realizing that it was just the two of them now, Loki attempted to confess his feelings for Laufeydottir, telling her that he had never felt that way before. However, as he was about to profess his love for her, he was pruned by Renslayer's baton, vanishing in front of Laufeydottir's eyes.[10]

Trapped in the Void[]

Meeting Alternate Selves[]

Loki Post-Credits

Loki wakes up in the Void

"Is this... Hel? Am I dead?"
"Not yet. But you will be unless you come with us."
―Loki and Classic Loki[src]

Loki woke up in the Void and realized he had been transported to an alternate dimension. He then asked aloud if he was in Hel. To his surprise, four other alternate versions of him were looking at him and the eldest one invited him to join them in order to stay alive.[16]

Loki on apocalyptic earth 2

Loki is taken through the Void by the Lokis

Loki tried to get his bearings, but the four versions of him told him to come with them as they needed to find shelter from a creature called Alioth. Once they got away from the place Loki had been sent from, he was introduced to Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Boastful Loki, and Alligator Loki. Loki was surprised upon finding out that Alligator Loki was also, in fact, a Loki Variant.

Loki with the others

Loki speaking with the other Loki Variants

Loki went back with them to their hideout underground and sat down while they explained who they were to him. Classic Loki told him about his life, tricking Thanos on the Statesman, and living his life by himself secluded, until he tried to reunite with his brother and was arrested by the TVA. Kid Loki told Loki that he killed Thor when he was younger, which caused him to be arrested, while Boastful Loki said he killed two Avengers and collected all Infinity Stones, but Alligator Loki snapped at him, knowing that he might have been lying.

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Loki asking for the help of the other Lokis

Shortly, Loki got up and told them that he was going to go back out and get past Alioth so he could find a way out of the Void. He then asked them to join him as he needed all the help he could get, but they all laughed at him and stayed seated. Frustrated, Loki walked off to the ladder.

Loki sees pres loki

Loki is discovered by President Loki's army

When Loki opened the hatch to get out of the hideout, he was met by President Loki and an army made up of several other Loki Variants, who looked down at him and asked which Loki was he. Exasperated at how many different Lokis he had met, Loki didn't even try to fight them off and let them come down to the hideout.[17]

Ambush at the Loki Palace[]

Loki irritated

Loki being irritated at the alternate Lokis

"Hello. Which one of us are you?"
"This is a nightmare."
President Loki and Loki[src]

Loki stayed off on the sidelines while Boastful Loki told Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki that he had double crossed them by leading President Loki and his army there. When President Loki found out he was too double crossed, Loki put his hand on his face in irritation. Loki then watched as Alligator Loki bit President Loki's hand off, and a fight ensued. Classic Loki created a portal for them to escape, and Loki followed behind as he, Alligator Loki, Kid Loki, and Classic Loki left the hideout.

Three Lokis watch Alioth destroy the USS Eldridge

Loki with Kid Loki, Classic Loki, and Alligator Loki

Loki, Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki wandered throughout the Void until they saw a beam shine down from the sky and a huge warship, called the USS Eldridge, crashed down onto the ground. They then watched as Alioth arrived and kills everyone on the ship.[17]

Reuniting with His Friends[]

Loki reunited with m and s

Loki speaks with Mobius M. Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir

"I betrayed everyone who ever loved me. I betrayed my father, my brother... my home. I know what I did. And I know why I did it. And that's not who I am anymore."
―Loki to Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Loki watched as a car drove up to them and saw Sylvie Laufeydottir step out of the car, much to his excitement. He ran over to meet her and was also pleased to see Mobius M. Mobius. Sylvie told Loki that she was there because she thought he needed backup. Loki then introduced them to Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki.

Loki with sylvie

Loki spends time with Sylvie Laufeydottir

Loki sat down with Laufeydottir on the grassy field, while Mobius talked to the other Loki's. As they were sitting, Loki used his powers to have a blanket materialize around him, and later, around Laufeydottir. Laufeydottir asked Loki if she could trust him, and Loki assured her that she could, as he had changed for the better.

Loki hugs mobius

Loki says goodbye to Mobius M. Mobius

Laufeydottir handed Loki a TemPad, but he told her that he would stay with her as she attempted to enchant Alioth. He gave the TemPad to Mobius instead, who asked Kid and Classic Loki if they wanted to go with him, but they declined, opting to stay in the Void. As Mobius opened up a Timedoor to leave, Loki hugged him and thanked him for being his friend.[17]

Battle in the Void[]

Come and get me! 2

Loki tries to distract Alioth

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir waited around for some time before Alioth returned. When he did, Loki told Laufeydottir he would make a distraction and ran off away from her, hoping that Alioth would follow him. However, the distraction did not work and Alioth headed towards Laufeydottir instead. However, she was saved by Classic Loki, who cast an illusion of Asgard, and drew Alioth's attention to him, ultimately sacrificing his life so they could enchant him.

Loki helps outh

Loki helps enchant Alioth

Loki caught back up with Laufeydottir and watched as she tried to enchant Alioth. She told him to join her, and that he could do it, even though he thought he couldn't. Loki joined her and was able to use his powers to enchant Alioth, leading the two of them to be able to get past Alioth.

Sylvie Sees the Portal

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir see the portal

After Alioth went away, Loki and Laufeydottir watched as a portal opened up and in the distance, they could see a castle. Together, the two held each other's hands and walked towards the portal.[17]

Attack on the Citadel at the End of Time[]

Confronting He Who Remains[]

Sylive Loki Castle

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir arrive outside of the Citadel

"You're a flea on the back of a dragon. In for one hell of a ride. But you did manage to hang on. I guess that counts for something."
"I'm not sure you quite understand the situation. You've lost. We found you."
He Who Remains and Loki[src]

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir walked up to the Citadel at the End of Time and debated outside whether or not they would knock on the doors or not. Laufeydottir told Loki she wanted to have a moment to process everything, since it was personal for her to be there. However, the doors opened up on their own and Loki and Laufeydottir, with weapons drawn, walked inside cautiously.

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Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir confronted by Miss Minutes

The doors closed behind them and when they turned back around, Miss Minutes popped up in front of them, startling them. Miss Minutes told them that they had finished their long journey and that He Who Remains had proposed a deal for them to stay together on the Sacred Timeline. Miss Minutes then told them that they could have what they wanted, and Loki asked what they wanted. Miss Minutes told him that he could be winning the Battle of New York, kill Thanos, take the Infinity Gauntlet, and become king of Asgard, additionally telling Sylvie she could have happy memories. However, Loki and Laufeydottir believed it to be fictional and Loki said that they write their own destinies, before walking away.

Loki Sylvie see HE

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir discover He Who Remains

After walking into another room, Loki saw several statues resembling the Time-Keepers, some were dusty, and others fallen on the floor. An elevator door rung, causing Loki and Laufeydottir to draw their weapons in defense. The elevator then opened up revealing He Who Remains, who invited them to come up to talk with him in his office. In the elevator, Laufeydottir tried to kill He Who Remains, but he evaded her effortlessly.

Loki listens to He

Loki listens to He Who Remains' stories

In He Who Remains' chamber, Loki was offered a seat and a drink. Eventually, Loki and Laufeydottir sat down and listened as He Who Remains told them that he had been behind their every move from Lamentis-1 to the Void. He Who Remains then told them about the Multiversal War, his Variants, Alioth, and creating the Time Variance Authority to protect the Sacred Timeline. He Who Remains then offered them a deal telling them that they could take his place, as he was old and tired, or kill him and unleash his Variants and another Multiversal War.[18]

Fighting Sylvie Laufeydottir[]

Loki stops Sylvie

Loki tries to stop Sylvie Laufeydottir

"I've been where you are. I've felt what you feel. Don't ask me how I know. All I know... is I don't wanna hurt you. I don't want a throne. I just... I just want you to be okay."
―Loki to Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Laufeydottir then tried to kill He Who Remains again, until Loki stopped her, leading her to believe that he could not be trusted and that he had lied to her. Loki tried to reason with her about the necessity to just talk about it, but Laufeydottir, who was full of revenge, didn't want to listen and accused Loki of wanting the throne of Asgard. Loki declined this and dueled Laufeydottir as she tried to get at He Who Remains.

Loki pleads with Sylvie

Loki pleads with Sylvie Laufeydottir

After another almost kill, Loki intervened and told Laufeydottir that he had been in her place before and knew how she felt. He told her that all he wanted was for her to be okay, leading Laufeydottir to drop her sword.

Loki Sylvie kiss

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir kiss

Laufeydottir then kissed Loki, expressing their feelings towards each other. At the end, however, she stepped back and told him that she was different than him. Loki watched in horror as she grabbed He Who Remains' TemPad, opened a Timedoor, and pushed him into it.[18]

Sent to a Past TVA[]

Loki sad

Loki returns to the Time Variance Authority

"What are you talking about?"
"Who are you? What's your name?"
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Loki was sent back to the Time Variance Authority, leaving him shocked and saddened by Sylvie Laufeydottir's actions. He sat down on a couch and thought about it, before composing himself and walking off.

Loki speaks to alte

Loki finds and speaks to Mobius M. Mobius

Loki ran off to find Mobius M. Mobius, and found him and Hunter B-15 in the library. He rushed over to them and told them about the Citadel at the End of Time and the different Variants of He Who Remains. He told them that they had unleashed them, and they were coming, however, Mobius didn't recognize Loki and asked who he was and what division he was in, leading Loki to become panicked.

Loki sees Kang

Loki sees the statue of "Kang"

Loki then looked over to where the Time-Keepers' statues were, only to find a statue of "Kang." Loki looked in horror as he believed that "Kang" had already come into power and that he was in Kang's TVA,[18] unaware that he time-slipped, and was actually in a TVA of the past.

Loki running

Loki flees the Time Variance Authority

Soon, however, Loki became pursued as everyone, including Mobius, realized he was a Variant. Loki tried to plead with his friend Mobius, unaware that he was in the past. Mobius reiterated that he did not know who Loki was. As more Minutemen surrounded Loki, he jumped off the ledge and into the city below, crashing into a Time Variance Authority Mail Cart. His presence startled the driver, causing her to clip the cheek of "Kang's" statue and crash into the window of a section, where Casey was buffing the floor. The mail cart caused a monitor to fall, cracking the floor.

That Looks Painful

Loki time slips away

Loki then exited the vehicle and collected himself as he assured the personnel that he was fine and greeted them, before the mail cart slipped down, alarming the security force. Loki collected himself and saw Casey, who asked him if they met before. Loki asked for help and if Casey remembered him. Casey stepped backward and deemed him an intruder, but Loki was suddenly pulled away.[19]

Time Slipping[]

Searching for Mobius M. Mobius[]

Loki Present TVA

Loki time slips to the present

"Casey, something terrible is happening. I'm being pulled from... Wait, no. Has that always been there?"
"The crack? It's been there as long as I can remember."
―Loki and Casey[src]

Loki suddenly found himself in the same room, which was now empty except for himself and Casey. Loki approached Casey, relieved that Casey recognized him. He started to tell Casey what was happening, but stopped as he recognized the crack in the floor. Loki asked how long the crack had been there and Casey said it was there as long as he could remember, causing Loki to realize that he was in the past.

Loki and Casey

Loki tries to persuade Casey

He asked for Mobius M. Mobius and Hunter B-15, so Casey started to take him to them. However, Loki was pulled away again. He eventually returned to be in front Casey, frightening him. Loki asked where Mobius was, so Casey pointed him to the War Room. He reached Mobius but was pulled away before Mobius saw him.[19]

Showing the Judges' Council[]

He Who Remains Variants

Loki discovers a He Who Remains wall decoration

"That's who built this place. That's who stole your lives! That's who's coming back!"

Loki made his way into the War Room, finding it empty. He looked in the room and saw a wall decoration featuring several images of He Who Remains' head. Loki discovered a recording of He Who Remains talking to Ravonna Renslayer, complimenting her efforts in the Multiversal War and expressing excitement to lead with her. He was pulled back into the present, where he saw Mobius M. Mobius and rushed to him, happy that Mobius recognized him. He explained that a moment ago, Mobius had not recognized him, and Dox loudly demanded that everyone be quiet.

Lokis Warning

Loki warns everyone

Loki told Mobius that he and Sylvie Laufeydottir had found He Who Remains. Loki attempted to motion to the wall decoration to explain who he was talking about, but found that it had been covered by a mural of the Time-Keepers. He rushed over to Hunter X-05 and stole his Time Stick, using it to prune the mural and reveal the He Who Remains wall out behind it. Loki decleared that He was the one who had built the TVA and would be returning. Mobius tried to get Loki to calm down, but Loki told Mobius that Sylvie intended to kill He Who Remains. Dox demanded to know Sylvie's location, but Loki said that he did not know as Mobius guided him out of the room.[19]

Catching Mobius Up[]

Loki and Mobius (Season Two)

Loki tells Mobius M. Mobius what happened

"We thought it was about freeing the timeline, but that brings only more malevolence, more violence, more war. More of him. They're coming."

Loki asked Mobius M. Mobius who Dox was and what she wanted with Sylvie Laufeydottir, but Mobius simply told him not to worry about it and asked what happened with Alioth. Loki explained that Alioth was a distraction and they found a Citadel at the End of Time contiaining He Who Remains. Mobius asked where Sylvie was, but Loki explained that she was still at the Citadel. Loki panicked, talking about how he simply wanted time to consider the choice which He Who Remains had given them.

Loki Explains HWR

Loki talks about He Who Remains

Mobius asked Loki to slow down, and Loki explained that freeing the timeline would only bring more versions of He Who Remains and more war. Loki told Mobius that Sylvie sent Loki through a Timedoor, though insisted that their fight was a draw since he was not trying to fight her. Loki motioned to a mural of the Multiversal War and insisted that it was coming, suggesting that He Who Remains may have been right. Mobius asked how it was possible for him not to remember, so Loki added that Mobius' memories were erased multiple times.

Loki Time Slip

Loki brutally time slips

Loki attempted to return to the Judges' Council and make them listen, but Mobius stopped him and asked how Loki was able to simply appear. Loki explained that he was in the past, but Mobius did not believe him since time worked differently in the Time Variance Authority's office. Loki was suddenly pulled away and returned to that moment. He asked Mobius how it looked, insisting that it did not feel bad. Mobius tried to call Miss Minutes for help, but Loki stopped him, explaining that she was with He Who Remains. Despite Loki's protests, Mobius brought him to another department to figure out what was happening.[19]

Meeting Ouroboros Twice[]

Loki Season 2 Trailer (4)

Loki meets Ouroboros

"That's not impossible because I was just with you in the future."
"Mmm, I think I would remember that."
"Yes, but it hasn't happened to you yet."
―Loki and Ouroboros[src]

As they walked, Loki explained that his disappearing started once Sylvie Laufeydottir sent him away from the Citadel at the End of Time using He Who Remains' TemPad, suggesting that the TemPad was the reason it was possible for Loki to be appearing. They found the room, and the man inside recognized Mobius, although Mobius did not recognize him. The man introduced himself as Ouroboros, noting that Mobius had a nickname for him and that they had not seen each other for four hundred years. Loki watched as Mobius struggled to pretend to remember Mobius, getting details of their past wrong. Ouroboros quickly handled a work order and returned, asking what was happening. However, before Mobius could explain, Loki was pulled into the past again.

Loki Creates Aura Extractor 2

Loki creates the Temporal Aura Extractor

Loki found himself still in Ouroboros' workspace and greeted him, asking to call him by Mobius' nickname, which Ouroboros liked. Loki explained that he was being pulled through time, which Ouroboros recognized as Time Slipping and said it was impossible to do in the Time Variance Authority. Loki reminded Ouroboros that he had just seen it, which Ouroboros struggled to reconcile.

Loki Drums

Loki drums in excitement

Ouroboros insisted that it was impossible, but Loki explained that he was just talking to Ouroboros in the future. Ouroboros claimed not to remember it, but Loki explained that it had not happened to him yet. Ouroboros told Loki that it would be better to have the conversation in the future, frustrating Loki. Ouroboros explained that someone in the appropriate time period would need to use a Temporal Aura Extractor, which Ouroboros built. Loki asked Ouroboros to hold onto until Mobius met him again in the future.

Loki Scared

A scared Loki hears what he must do

Ouroboros told Loki that he had to prune himself for their plan to work, upsetting Loki. Loki asked what would happen if it did not work, so Ouroboros warned that he would undergo spaghettification. Loki suddenly time slipped back to the present, where he and Mobius argued about who had the least pleasant part of saving Loki. Loki asked if there was another way, but Ouroboros simply offered Mobius a Time Stick. Ouroboros' lamp flickered, and Mobius explained that the entire Time Variance Authority Office was experiencing power surges, worrying Ouroboros.[19]

Preparing to Prune Himself[]

OB Loki B15 Mobius

Loki discovers the Temporal Loom

"Then I'll need to close the blast doors to protect the TVA, while I figure out how to retrofit it to handle all those branches."
"What about the Time Slipping?"
"Once those doors close, we won't be able to re-sync you, so, it's now or never."
Ouroboros and Loki[src]

As Loki walked to the Temporal Loom, he and Mobius M. Mobius explained to Ouroboros that the timeline was being allowed to branch. Hunter B-15 joined them as Ouroboros realized that the branching was overloading the Temporal Loom, leading to the power surges which were occurring in the Time Variance Authority Office. Loki did not know what the Temporal Loom was, so Ouroboros gave him a copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook. A light blew up behind them, and the group went into the room where the Temporal Loom was managed. Ouroboros checked on the Temporal Loom as he explained that it refined raw time into physical timeline.

It's Now

Loki attempts to prune himself

Loki noted that the Loom looked like a disaster, and Ouroboros agreed. Loki asked how to stop the meltdown, and B-15 added that they could not prune branches. Ouroboros said that he could close the blast doors, but Loki asked about his Time Slipping. Ouroboros explained that they would need to do it before the doors closed. Loki prepared to prune himself, but Ouroboros told him to wait for Mobius to be ready. He gave Loki a timer synchronized to the blaster, so that in the event that Loki time slipped, he would know when to prune himself.

Nah This is The Worst One

Loki time slips once again

Hunter D-90 arrived and revealed that Dox was raiding the armory. Loki realized that Dox was targeting Sylvie Laufeydottir and rushed to protect her, but Mobius stopped him, noting that they only had one chance to get it right. Loki started to give a message to Mobius in case he did not make it back, but he was suddenly pulled away.[19]

Glimpsing the Future[]

Loki (Season Two)

Loki realizes he has run out of time

"There you are."
Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Loki landed in the room with the Temporal Loom, finding the blast doors to be closed and Mobius M. Mobius's dust-written note from before he time-slipped still on the computer, causing him to realize that he was in the future. He checked the clock which Ouroboros gave him and saw that it was still in the red, then realized that he did not take the Time Stick he had to the future and rushed to find one.

Loki Sees Sylvie

Loki sees Sylvie Laufeydottir

He ran through the Time Variance Authority Office as it was evacuated, noting that the Loom had overloaded despite the blast doors being closed. Loki noticed the power surges getting worse and mass areas of the Time Variance Authority losing electricity as he continued his search. The timer went into the green, and Loki got upset at being too late to prune himself.

Loki gets pruned

Loki is pruned

Loki heard a phone ringing and walked toward it. He noticed the elevator opening and watched it as the person opening it revealed herself to be Sylvie Laufeydottir, who was happy to see him. Loki was suddenly pruned, sending him into the Temporal Loom, where he was grabbed by the Temporal Aura Extractor and pulled out. Loki crashed into Mobius, pushing both back inside the Time Variance Authority's office before the blast doors could close. As the two took a moment to breathe, Loki insisted that they needed to find Sylvie.[19]

Searching for Sylvie Laufeydottir[]

Chase of Hunter X-05[]

Kingo Breaks Bad

Mobius M. Mobius and Loki discuss the likelihood of finding Sylvie Laufeydottir

"Come on, X-05, did you really think you could outrun me?"
―Loki and Brad Wolfe[src]

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius went to 1977 on the Sacred Timeline, to find Sylvie Laufeydottir. Loki got nervous and realized that they were not in the right place since it was too safe for her, rather than being a war zone or apocalypse. Mobius said that Sylvie might have changed, and noted that they needed to follow up on information they had received from Hunter X-05's TemPad in the area. Loki realized that the TemPad going dark could mean Sylvie had incapacitated X-05, but Mobius insisted that it was their only lead.


Brad Wolfe offers drinks to Loki and Mobius M. Mobius

They went to a movie premiere for The Zaniac! and saw X-05 get out of the car, being referred to as "Brad Wolfe." Loki and Mobius discussed the revelation, but Mobius suggested it was a cover. Mobius intercepted Wolfe, who tried to back out, but Loki cut him off. Wolfe insisted that he was happy to see the pair and left, claiming to be getting drinks for them so they could catch up. As Mobius tried to convince Loki that it would be alright to drink, Wolfe ran away. Loki found Wolfe yelling at Mobius, so he used his magic to send Wolfe flying down the stairs.

Three Lokis

Loki surrounds Brad Wolfe

Wolfe ran again, and Loki chased after him. They reached a dead end, but Wolfe used a Time Twister to escape. Loki created an illusion of a crowd where Wolfe appeared and had the crowd taunt Wolfe. Wolfe attacked the crowd, causing Loki to make the illusions freeze and call Wolfe unsophisticated. Loki magically tossed the Time Twister to the side, prompting Wolfe to demand that he fight fair. Wolfe tried to run away, but a Loki appeared in front of him and said that the fight was not fair. He ran into another alley, so Loki and two illusions of himself surrounded him. Loki then animated the shadows cast by himself and the illusions to hold Wolfe back. Mobius arrived, and Wolfe shouted that he did not do anything wrong. Mobius commented that the shadows were over the top, so Loki dropped the illusion and said that he felt it appropriate.[13]

Examining the TemPad[]

Brad Wolfe Hunter D-90 Hunter B-15 Mobius M

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius confront Wolfe as he is escorted into holding

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius waited outside the room where Brad Wolfe was to be brought, and watched him get escorted by Hunter B-15 and Hunter D-90. Loki taunted Wolfe about the collar, which was put on him, so Wolfe sarcastically commented that he would get a looser collar for Loki next time. Wolfe refused to tell B-15 how he had altered his TemPad, so he was locked in a holding room. B-15 gave Wolfe's TemPad to Mobius so that he and Loki could ask Ouroboros to see how Wolfe had altered it.

OB Season Two Promo

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius find Ouroboros frantically working

Loki and Mobius went to repairs and found Ouroboros worked frantically on a device to help the Temporal Loom handle new branches. Mobius asked if Ouroboros could look at Wolfe's TemPad, and Ouroboros agreed to. However, he then asked if it was more or less important than a potential temporal meltdown, so Loki and Mobius both agreed that the meltdown was more important. Ouroboros gave Loki and Mobius a copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook, saying it had everything they needed to know about TemPads.

Fixing X-5 Tempad

Loki struggles with Brad Wolfe's TemPad

The pair went to Mobius' desk and struggled to understand the handbook's instructions. B-15 brought Casey over, and he revealed that Miss Minutes was helping Ravonna Renslayer. Loki remembered the conversation between Renslayer and He Who Remains which he had heard while Time Slipping in which they appeared to be partners. Mobius asked where Renslayer and Miss Minutes were, and Loki resumed working on the TemPad while Casey explained that he did not yet know. B-15 asked how they were doing with the TemPad, and Mobius admitted they were struggling despite Loki's attempts to assure them they would be alright. They told Casey Wolfe's claim that the alterations blocked Time Variance Authority tracking, but Casey realized that he was lying. B-15 suggested it was a good starting point for Wolfe, so Loki declared they should go interrogate him.[13]

Questioning Brad Wolfe[]

Room CCC-073

Loki prepares to interrogate Brad Wolfe with Mobius M. Mobius and Hunter B-15

"A loser. Always have been. Always will be. And perhaps I've been... holding something back."
"Perhaps I've just been biding my time. Perhaps I've just been waiting for a moment like this, so I can do terrible, awful things to you."
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Outside Brad Wolfe's holding room, Mobius M. Mobius reminded Loki and Hunter B-15 to focus on three questions: Dox's location, Sylvie Laufeydottir's location, and Wolfe's alterations to his TemPad. He also reminded Loki that Wolfe could get under people's skin and not to let him. The three entered, and Wolfe greeted them by reminding them that he outranked them. Loki stated that he did not work for the Time Variance Authority, so Wolfe told him to stop talking. Mobius asked why he was on the Sacred Timeline, and Wolfe claimed to simply be making movies. Loki asked what he had done to his TemPad, so Wolfe reiterated his lie that it blocked trackers. B-15 asked again what he had done, but Wolfe continued to refuse to answer, deflecting by claiming none of them were ranked highly enough to make that call.

Powerful Loki Angle

Loki threatens Brad Wolfe

Wolfe asked why they were upset with him for getting a life on the Sacred Timeline, so Loki told him that there were lives at stake. Wolfe told Loki that they all knew he was trying to make up for his mistakes, calling him pathetic. Mobius attempted to cut Wolfe off, but Loki told Wolfe to continue. Wolfe told Loki that everything he and Sylvie tried to do only made things worse and that Loki was the source of the problems in his life. He went on to say he was making things worse for his friends and his mother, calling him a loser. He told Loki to stop trying to be a hero, and Loki thanked him. He said that Wolfe was right and approached him, suggesting that he would hurt Wolfe if he did not give the information they wanted. He demanded to know where Sylvie was, but Wolfe simply suggested that Loki needed therapy.

Silly Little Man

Loki pulls Mobius M. Mobius away

Mobius separated Wolfe and Loki, commenting on how tense the situation got. He tried to offer Wolfe a deal, but Wolfe started taunting Mobius about not knowing he was meant to be on the timeline. He insisted that Mobius should care and continued to taunt Mobius until he slapped him. Loki pulled Mobius outside as Mobius yelled at Wolfe.[13]

Discussing Mobius' Stolen Life[]

Loki n mobius in the pie room

Loki tries to ask Mobius M. Mobius what happened

"Don't you want to see the life you were supposed to live before they kidnapped you and brought you into the TVA?"
"Not really."
"Because it's not my life."
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius went for a walk, and Loki tried to get Mobius to tell him what happened. Loki said that Mobius was not acting like himself, but Mobius insisted that he was alright as the pair found themselves in the automat. They enjoyed key lime pie together, and Mobius confessed to having gotten angry at Brad Wolfe. Loki assured Mobius that it was alright, mentioning his release of frustration in the Battle of New York.

X-5 Theories

Loki strategizes about Brad Wolfe

Loki asked whether Mobius wanted to visit his place on the timeline, but Mobius expressed disinterest since it was not his life. Loki was confused about why, but Mobius insisted that he liked his life in the TVA. Loki expressed understanding at Mobius' hesitation in case it were a bad life, but Mobius corrected him, saying his true fear was that he was missing out a good life, and Loki understood. Loki claimed they would not be able to make Wolfe talk, but Mobius insisted they would, noting that it did not making sense for Wolfe to not have been able to find Sylvie Laufeydottir. Loki suggested that the theory only made sense if Sylvie did not know that Wolfe had found her. Mobius said that they simply needed to get Wolfe to admit it, so they made a plan.[13]

Torturing Brad Wolfe[]

Loki Locks Mobius

Loki locks Mobius M. Mobius out of the room

"I'm not trying to be a hero, Brad. I'm a villain. Remember?"
―Loki to Brad Wolfe[src]

Loki visited Brad Wolfe's holding room, where Wolfe sarcastically asked if Loki was ready to go again. Loki said he needed another session, and Mobius M. Mobius wheeled in a torture device. Wolfe expressed doubt that they would torture him, but Loki and Mobius noted that they were getting desperate. Loki told Mobius that he had forgotten the controller for the device, so Mobius left the room. Loki locked Mobius out of the room, declaring his intention to torture Wolfe while Mobius yelled for him to stop and open the door.

Breaking Brad

Loki tortures Brad Wolfe

Loki revealed that he had merely hidden the controller from Mobius and asked where Sylvie Laufeydottir was. Wolfe claimed that Loki did not know how to work the controller, but Loki simply reiterated Wolfe's assertion that Loki was a villain and started the device. Wolfe attempted to apologize for insulting Loki and called for Mobius while Loki simply laughed. Wolfe told Loki to put the controller down, but Loki smiled and experimented with the controller. He surrounded Wolfe's stool with a cage and crushed it. Loki trapped Wolfe in a similar cage and started to make the cage shrink.

Brad Let Go

Loki releases Brad Wolfe

Wolfe admitted to not knowing where Dox and her loyalists were, but Loki simply restated that he had done terrible things and shrunk the cage. Wolfe tried to claim that he was never told Dox's plan, but Loki did not believe him. Wolfe confessed to lying, but then claimed that he bailed on his assignment to search for Sylvie. Loki did not believe him, so he again shrunk the cage, making it levitate and continuously shrink. Wolfe finally agreed to reveal Sylvie's location, so Loki turned off the machine. Mobius then let himself into the room as Wolfe explained that she was on a branched timeline, and they made Wolfe take them to Sylvie.[13]

Reunion with Sylvie Laufeydottir[]

Loki and Sylvie at McDonald's

Loki confronts Sylvie Laufeydottir

"You like it here? You like this place? You've made a home? If what He Who Remains said is true, the TVA is the only defense. And if what I saw of you is true, then there's that stands between this world and utter destruction."
―Loki to Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Brad Wolfe brought Loki and Mobius M. Mobius to a McDonald's on a branched timeline and tried to leave, but Mobius stopped him. Loki said that he needed to find out what Sylvie knew and entered, telling Mobius to be ready. He saw Sylvie and slowly approached her. The pair greeted each other, and Loki asked to talk, so she agreed to once her break started.

Loki (1982)

Loki tries to explain to Sylvie Laufeydottir what is happening

Sylvie and Loki met in the parking lot, where Sylvie sat on her car and ate. Loki acknowledged that Sylvie did not want to see him, assuring her that he was not there for trouble. Sylvie asked why he was there, so Loki stumbled through an explanation of his Time Slipping. He explained that he saw Sylvie in the Time Variance Authority Office in the future and needed to know why. Sylvie insisted that she would not be returning to the TVA, so Loki asked for an explanation of what he saw. Loki claimed that since it was the future, it was bound to happen. This upset Sylvie, saying that it sounded like Time Variance Authority propaganda. Loki asked Sylvie to enchant him, but Sylvie refused. Loki tried to claim that her new timeline might disappear, but Sylvie insulted him for sounding like the TVA. Loki explained that his mission was bigger than the TVA, which he saw as the only way to prevent a Multiversal War.

Loki, Sylvie, Mobius & Brad

Loki learns of Dox's plan

Loki and Sylvie continued talking, but Sylvie eventually had to return to work. Loki asked what Sylvie would do if variants of He Who Remains appeared, but Sylvie simply said she would kill them. Mobius and Wolfe joined them, and Wolfe started ranting that everyone there would die. Sylvie enchanted Wolfe and learned that Dox was planning to destroy all of the branched timelines.[13]

Attack on the Branching Timelines[]

Loki Season 2 Trailer (81)

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir defeat the loyalists

"Is this the best you lot can do?"
"There was nothing we could do."
"Some defense."
Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki[src]

Sylvie Laufeydottir brought Loki and Mobius M. Mobius to where Dox and her loyalists were deploying the Reset Charges, and they took in their surroundings. Loki started fighting the loyalists to distract them while Sylvie and Mobius went for the controls. Loki fought through several loyalists and defeated them. He grabbed Hunter M-34 and threw him into another loyalist. Loki eventually met with Sylvie, and the two created a blast of magic together which defeated the rest of the loyalists.

TVA Loki

Loki returns to see the damage done

Loki stayed with Sylvie while the loyalists were arrested, but Mobius came and told him they had to go. Loki turned to Sylvie as he went, but she stayed in place. He entered the Time Variance Authority Office and looked at the screen, then turned as he noticed that Sylvie had decided to follow him. He joined Mobius and Hunter B-15 as they stared in horror at the screen reporting how many timelines had been destroyed. Casey was suddenly able to track Ravonna Renslayer's TemPad, and Loki looked as his computer displayed the results.

It's Harder to Stay

Loki reasons with Sylvie Laufeydottir

Loki turned his attention to Sylvie, who folded her arms in anger and asked if it was the best they could do. Loki tried to claim that there was nothing they could do, but Sylvie rejected the defense. She used He Who Remains' TemPad to return to the timeline she had taken residence in, angry. Loki pleaded with her not to, but Sylvie was already gone. He returned his friends and comforted Mobius.[13]

Work on the Temporal Loom[]

Rising Threat[]

OB At Controls

Loki tries to brainstorm solutions

"How are we going to find a little rogue cartoon clock that doesn't wanna be found?"
"I'd say the sooner we find her, the better."
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

As the branches which were bombed started to grow back, the Temporal Loom started to get overwhelmed again. Loki watched with Casey and Ouroboros as the threat elevated and asked how they could get in through the blast doors to fix it. Ouroboros explained that he did not know how without He Who Remains' temporal aura and started explaining the technicalities of their task. Loki asked for a simpler explanation, so Ouroboros explained that if they did not scale the Loom's ability to handle new branches, it would fail. Loki insisted that they find another way, so Mobius had the idea to hack the system. Ouroboros mistook Mobius' thought as a possible suggestion, so Loki and Mobius clarified his intention.

Face to Face with Killer

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius resolve to look for Ravonna Renslayer

Ouroboros said that it was not possible, so Casey suggested they find Miss Minutes. Ouroboros explained that it was possible she could help, but Mobius asked how they would find her since she was missing. The Temporal Loom creaked, so Loki simply noted that they needed to find her soon. B-15 noted that they could use the results of Casey's trace on Ravonna Renslayer's TemPad, and Loki agreed that they would be together. Mobius noted that it would be an awkward reunion given Renslayer's attempts to kill him and Loki, so Loki suggested they focus on Miss Minutes as the two left together.[20]

Chicago World's Fair[]

Loki and Mobius Hear Newsie

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius realize that Miss Minutes is in 1893

"It's completely inaccurate, first of all."
"What, you don't think that looks like Odin?"
"It's embarassing. It's a crass generalization. I mean, you can't reduce an entire culture down to a simple diorama."
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius went to 1868, which Mobius explained was one of the two places where Ravonna Renslayer had been found before going to the same spot in 1893. Loki wondered why they would go to the same place twice, and Mobius shared in the confusion, noting that the place and time period were not of historical significance. They decided to go to 1893, where they came across a large fair. Loki expressed confusion, but Mobius realized that they were at the World's Columbian Exposition. Loki suggested that Renslayer and Miss Minutes went to 1868 by mistake, but Mobius insisted that it was not a mistake and they needed to learn their purpose. They started talking about how to find Renslayer and Miss Minutes when they heard a newspaper boy announcing a story about a "ghost clock" haunting the midway. They got a newspaper and realized that Miss Minutes was there, so they started searching.

Loki (June 1893)

Loki looks to the statues of his family

Loki and Mobius searched the Bulgarian Curiosities exhibit and the Chinese pavilions. They stopped to get Cracker Jacks, which Loki was not pleased about. However, Mobius convinced Loki to try his, so he complained about the taste and accused Mobius of sightseeing. Mobius defended himself, and they came across a depiction of Thor, Odin and Balder the Brave. Loki was upset by the depiction, claiming it was inaccurate to their looks. He claimed that they were reducing his culture, so Mobius suggested that Loki was upset not to be included. Loki continued to complain about Balder's inclusion since he was lesser-known, but Mobius said that humans knew who he was. Mobius said that it amazed him that Loki was Asgardian and walked away. Loki commented on the depiction's inaccurate portrayal of Thor's height before joining Mobius.

Loki and Mobius

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius learn about Victor Timely's performance

Mobius looked through the newspaper for more places to look for Renslayer and Miss Minutes, but Loki stopped him as he saw a sign advertising a show which included a man named Victor Timely. He and Mobius noted that the show's title made reference to "Temporal" marvels and decided to investigate.[20]

Spotting Victor Timely[]

Loki (Quantumania)

Loki spots Victor Timely on the stage

"It's him."
"What? You made him sound like this terrifying figure."
"He is."
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius went to Victor Timely's show and searched the crowd. Mobius found Ravonna Renslayer and started to approach her, but Loki stopped him and told him not to let her see him. As the show started, the two recognized the Temporal Loom, and Loki recognized Timely as a variant of He Who Remains.[20] They both watch Timely, and Loki told Mobius who he was. Mobius was confused, as Loki described He Who Remains as a terrifying figure, but Loki assured him that he is.[21][20] Loki insisted that they needed to do something, but Mobius said that Timely was unlikely to be a threat due to his demeanor.

Dude Exploded

Loki teleports a man away

Timely demonstrated the Loom's ability to turn time energy into electricity, and Mobius told Loki that they needed to get him to the Time Variance Authority. Loki said that he could not be trusted, but Mobius insisted that Timely's aura was needed to get them access to the Loom. Mobius started to talk about how Renslayer and Miss Minutes would not have helped, when he suddenly realized he could not find Renslayer. Mobius found her talking to Timely, so he and Loki started to approach. Loki bumped into a man, so he apologized and smiled at him. The man threatened Loki, so he used his magic to teleport him into a pigpen and pursued Timely.


Loki and Mobius M. Mobius compete for Victor Timely's attention

Loki and Mobius found Timely talking to Renslayer and tried to pull him away, leading to an argument. A Councilman approached Timely about an invention he sold not working, and Loki watched as Timely convinced the Councilman that he simply needed to adjust the settings. As the Councilman walked away, Loki realized that he was a con man, but Timely claimed his inventions were simply ahead of their time. A Robber Baron which Timely had scammed then started chasing Timely, who ran away.[20]

Protecting Victor Timely[]

Sylvie Faces Loki

Loki defends Victor Timely from Sylvie Laufeydottir

"Sylvie, I have never met this man in my life. I didn't give him this book. I never heard the name Victor Timely until today. I was shocked when I saw his face too. Maybe you're right. Maybe we should throw him off this Ferris wheel. But we need him. The TVA needs him."
―Loki to Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Loki found Victor Timely at the Ferris wheel and complimented his ability to escape, when Sylvie Laufeydottir suddenly appeared and aimed her sword at Timely. Loki put himself in front of the sword, but she told him to stay out of it and pushed both of them into a capsule of the Ferris wheel. As the Ferris wheel started to move, the two argued and Sylvie tried to stab Timely. Loki pushed her back magically, and Sylvie reminded him of her insistence that she would kill variants of He Who Remains who appeared. Loki tried to explain that the Time Variance Authority would be destroyed without Timely, but Sylvie questioned whether Loki cared about things other than the TVA. Sylvie lurched toward them, but Loki explained that the Temporal Loom failing would mean there would not be a life for her to go back to.

Loki Glowing Hands

Loki separates Sylvie Laufeydottir and Victor Timely

Sylvie telekinetically pinned Timely to the wall and told Loki that working with him would not fix the TVA or stop it from being destroyed. Loki noted that killing had not solved any problems either. Sylvie noted that she did not want to kill Timely, so Loki simply told her not to. Sylvie took Timely's copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook and threw it at Loki, asking where Timely got it. She explained that Timely would not have been dangerous without Ravonna Renslayer's interference and scolded Loki for wanting to bring Timely into the TVA. Loki insisted that the TVA needed him and freed Timely. Sylvie charged at Timely, but Loki magically separated the two. As the capsule stopped, Sylvie and Loki blasted at each other, sending Loki and Timely flying out one end and Sylvie crashing into the other.

Sylvie Blames Loki

Sylvie Laufeydottir blames Loki for Victor Timely's escape

Mobius rushed to check on Loki while Renslayer and Miss Minutes caused a distraction, allowing Renslayer to escape with Loki. Sylvie found Loki on the ground and declared that Timely's escape was his fault. Mobius then appeared with a tandem bicycle, which Loki at first appeared to use. However, Mobius convinced Loki and they went to search for Timely. They found Timely with Renslayer and Miss Minutes and chased them, but were interrupted by the Robber Baron, who insulted them. Loki displayed his magic powers, sending the Robber Baron running. Loki and Mobius failed to find Timely, so they kept looking.[20]

Retrieving Victor Timely[]

Loki (1893)

Loki watches Sylvie Laufeydottir confront Victor Timely

"What do you want with me?"
"Come with us and we'll show you."
"That didn't sound nearly as reassuring as you hoped it would."
Victor Timely and Loki[src]

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius reached Victor Timely's lab and found Ravonna Renslayer threatening Timely with a Time Stick. They asked Renslayer to them take him since they needed him, and Loki stood ready to attack as Mobius tried to reason with her. Mobius and Renslayer argued, when everyone was suddenly knocked over by a magical blast from Sylvie Laufeydottir. Loki watched as Sylvie pointed her sword at Timely, who insisted that he could be better than He Who Remains. Sylvie was convinced, so she told Loki and Mobius to leave with Timely. Mobius opened a Timedoor which Timely went through, and Loki and Mobius went to follow. Before the entered, Sylvie told them not to make her regret it and to leave Renslayer behind. Loki then walked through the Timedoor, followed by Mobius.[20]

Loki Mobius B-15 E4

Loki tries to calm down Victor Timely

Loki and Mobius found Timely in a hallway and approached Timely, who demanded to know what they wanted. Loki told him that they show him if he came, but Timely simply said that Loki was not being reassuring. Sylvie then arrived, and Timely noted that everyone there wanted him and demanded a say. Another power surge then occurred, and Timely asked if the Temporal Loom was responsible. Loki explained that it was, and that Timely was the only one who could help fix it.[3]

Making a Plan[]

Timely in the tva

Loki expresses confusion about Ouroboros and Victor Timely inspiring each other

"Loki's really gonna have to hoof it then, right?"
"Hang on a second, why is it suddenly me having to hoof it?"
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki, Mobius M. Mobius, and Sylvie Laufeydottir guided Victor Timely through the Time Variance Authority Office, though he kept getting distracted by the technological innovations of He Who Remains. Loki introduced Victor to Ouroboros and Casey, leading Timely and Ouroboros to realize that they had inspired each other's work on the TVA Guidebook. Loki pointed out that it was a loop, and Ouroboros and Timely went to autograph each other's books. Sylvie interrupted their compliments to each other by asking them to focus, so Loki asked about their plan.

Not Mobius

Loki and Mobius M. Mobius argue about who should go out

Ouroboros explained that someone would need to take their Throughput Multiplier and launch it at the Loom from outside, so Loki asked what the connection was between the Multiplier and the Loom. Casey explained that the Multiplier would enlarge the rings of the Loom. Ouroboros noted that there was more radiation than when Mobius went to stop Loki's Time Slipping, so Mobius suggested that Loki would have to move quickly while out there. Loki and Mobius argued about which of them would go out, but Ouroboros cut them off and explained whoever it was would need to be fast. Ouroboros and Casey explained that their Multiplier was not yet working, but Timely presented a solution, so Loki left with Sylvie and Mobius to give Ouroboros, Casey, and Timely time to work.[3]

Debating the Plan[]

Sylvie Mad

Loki watches as Sylvie Laufeydottir scolds Mobius M. Mobius

"You can't give people free will and then just walk away, Sylvie. That's not how it works. Now, for better or for worse, the timelines are free. It's up to us to protect them. It's up to us to do better than He Who Remains."
"Sounds like whatever we do, we're playing God."
"We are gods."
―Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Mobius M. Mobius suggested they get pie while they wait for the others, angering Sylvie Laufeydottir. Sylvie scolded Mobius for not taking their situation seriously, and Loki tried to calm her down. Sylvie continue to get angry and talked about the branches dying, suggesting that Mobius did not care. Sylvie stormed off, and Loki went after her.

Bring Your Own Cup

Loki sympathizes with Sylvie Laufeydottir

Loki found Sylvie in the automat and explained that Mobius was simply trying to figure out what to do in their new situation like everyone else. Loki reminded Sylvie that she walked away after Loki asked for help, but Sylvie claimed that she did not, using her presence in the Time Variance Authority Office as proof. Loki claimed that she was only there because she could not kill Victor Timely, which Sylvie hesitantly agreed with. Loki shared his experience mocking Thor for going soft while banished to Earth, and compared Thor's actions to Sylvie's, saying that her sparing Timely saved the Time Variance Authority and the branched timelines.

We Are Gods

Loki reminds Sylvie Laufeydottir that they are gods

Sylvie noted the amount of faith which Loki was putting in Timely, Ouroboros, and Casey. She reminded Loki that Dox was part of the TVA as well and that the people who she had killed were due to the TVA. Loki asked about the branches that remained alive, saying that it was because of the good elements of the TVA. Sylvie asked what would happen if Loki were wrong to believe the TVA could change, suggesting that it would be easier to burn it down. Loki agreed it would be easier, but that fixing what was broken and hope were hard. Sylvie said that it was too much to hope for, but Loki insisted it was their best option. He went on to suggest sending Timely home after he helped could be a good thing since they could protect him. Sylvie pointed out that his words sounded like TVA propaganda, but Loki noted that they needed to protect the timelines which Sylvie had freed. Sylvie noted that they appeared to be playing God regardless of what they did, but Loki simply stated that they were gods before walking away.[3]

Temporal Meltdown[]

The gang minus one

Loki learns of Victor Timely's disappearance

"What happened?"
"I don't know."
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir found that Victor Timely had been taken and Miss Minutes had returned. Hunter B-15 then joined and revealed that Dox and her team were killed, shocking Loki. Sylvie realized that Ravonna Renslayer was responsible, and Mobius suggested they search for them on the timeline. However, Loki picked up a Time Stick and realized that Renslayer wanted control of the Time Variance Authority, so she would still be in the TVA's office.

Loki Prepares to Prune Himself

Loki prunes himself

Loki and Sylvie rushed to find Timely, and found the elevator doors to open too slowly. Loki saw a security camera turn to face him and got shut out of the elevator, so he took the stairs while Sylvie took the elevator. As Loki navigated the office with the Time Stick, he saw his past self watching an elevator door open, and realized that they were in the future which he had seen while Time Slipping. He used the Time Stick to prune himself and assured Sylvie that it would make sense. The phone next to elevator rang and Loki answered it to find Ouroboros ask what was taking so long. Loki told him about Miss Minutes' sabotage, so Ourorboros suggested he reboot the system to shut her down. However, he was hesitant since it would mean losing the security protocols, including the one which dampens magic. Sylvie and Loki heard this and quickly told Ouroboros to shut it down, so he did.

Thank You Wizard

Loki takes Victor Timely out of the War Room

Loki found Hunter X-05 approaching him and offered a rematch, but Sylvie then appeared and enchanted him, learning the Timely was being kept in the War Room. Sylvie used X-05's enchanted body as a distraction while she and Loki entered the War Room and pulled Timely out.

Loki's Last Moments?

Loki watches as the explosion reaches the Time Variance Authority Office

They rushed to the Temporal Loom, where Ouroboros asked him to put his head in the Temporal Aura scanner. Timely was worried about it being safe, but Loki assured him it would be alright. Timely opened the blast doors, and Ouroboros realized that the Loom was in worse shape than they thought. Loki volunteered to be the one to go out, but Timely interrupted and insisted it should be him. Ouroboros gave him instructions, and Loki put his hand on Timely's shoulder as Timely said it was time to be brave. Ouroboros said that he would not have much time, but Loki assured everyone that he would make it, although Mobius doubted the radiation levels. Once Timely was ready, Ouroboros opened the doors, and Timely was immediately killed by the radiation, saddening Loki. B-15 and Casey tried to figure out what they did wrong, Loki simply stated that he did not know as he watched the Loom explode. He braced himself as the explosion got closer and closer to the TVA office.[3]

Rewriting the Story[]

Time Slipping Once More[]

Destruction of the TVA

Loki watches the Time Variance Authority Office is falling apart

"Because if I can't save the TVA from being destroyed, there will be nothing to protect against what's coming."
"Well, if that's the real why that's guiding you, you should be able to control it."
―Loki and A.D. Doug[src]

Loki suddenly found himself in the Temporal Loom room and found it empty, with the Loom still in tact. He navigated the Time Variance Authority Office, finding it mostly empty. He heard the evacuation order for the meltdown get announced again and his body shook, causing him to realize he was Time Slipping again. He tried to prevent it from happening, but was pulled into a chrono bay in his future, where he saw himself reading the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook. He greeted himself, but was suddenly pulled back to where he had left. He walked to the same chrono bay where he had just been and found the Handbook. He picked it up and started reading it, when he was greeted by his past self, who disappeared. He turned to face himself and returned the greeting, but then realized that the TVA Office was being pulled apart.

Loki arrives in 1962

Loki pleads with Frank Morris to remember him

He was suddenly pulled to an island in 1962, where he saw a man he recognized as Casey. He rushed over to "Casey," relieved to see him. He asked if the others were there, but "Casey" did not recognize him, frustrating Loki. "Casey" asked if Loki was connected to their boat, but Loki did not know what he was talking about. Casey asked how Loki got to Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, shocking Loki as he realized where he was. "Casey's" partners asked why Loki was calling him "Casey" when his name was Frank Morris. Morris insisted that he did not notice and the three pulled a boat toward the shore of the island, when Loki was suddenly pulled away.

Loki time-slipping

Loki is pulled away from Verity Willis

He found himself in front of McDonald's, but was suddenly pulled again to a parking lot, where he saw a large tube man. He was then pulled back into the Time Variance Authority in a time theater. He was again pulled to New York City in 2012, where he saw Dr. Verity Willis before getting pulled away again, this time to Piranha Powersports. Loki entered the store and recognized Don as Mobius M. Mobius. Loki explained that the TVA had been destroyed, but the Don believed him to be referring to ATVs. Loki realized that Don also did not remember him, and Don received a call from his son, when Loki was suddenly pulled away again.

Loki in 1994

Loki realizes A.D. Doug can help

He appeared in A.D. Doug's workshop and saw Doug fall over, scared from Loki's sudden appearance. He warned Doug that what he was about to say would be difficult to believe and explained his situation, but Doug believed him without issue, finding it similar to a book he had written. This led Loki to realize that Doug was a science fiction author rather than the scientist he knew Ouroboros to be and lose hope. However, Doug revealed that he taught theoretical physics, and that he was also a scientist until he would be able to write full time. Loki explained that he needed to go to before the Temporal Loom melted down, so Doug said that while it was impossible, Loki had been able to Time Slip into the TVA before, so they could find a way to control the time slipping and return Loki to the TVA.

Loki Time Slip Fail

Loki struggles to control his Time Slipping

Loki and Doug sat down, and Loki explained that he could not control his time slipping. However, Doug explained that it was not random since he kept returning to the people he was looking for. He also noted that his ability was evolving, since Loki had started slipping in space as well as time., comparing him to a TemPad. Doug guessed that Loki needed to figure out why he needed to return to the TVA, so Loki explained that if the TVA were destroyed, there would be nothing to prevent a Multiversal War. Doug told him to focus on the why and try to control his time slipping, but Loki was unable to do so.

Loki Before Time Slip

Loki makes a plan to rescue the Time Variance Authority

Loki asked to focus on the science of the situation, so Doug attempted unsuccessfully to shock and startle Loki into time slipping. Loki tried to focus on using science to return to a place that did not exist, but Doug suggested that it did exist since Loki was able to time slip into a time theater. Doug then had the idea to get everyone who was present at the moment the Temporal Loom was destroyed back together to read their collective Temporal Auras and find the time-space coordinates for the destruction. Loki realized they could use the coordinates to return to the destruction, but Doug noted that it would still not be possible without a TemPad. Loki then gave Doug a copy of the TVA Guidebook so that Doug could build it. He was then suddenly pulled away before they could start working.[22]

Getting the Band Back Together[]

Loki in 2022

Loki talks to Don

"I want the TVA back."
"What do you want?"
"I want my friends back."
―Loki, Sylvie Laufeydottir and Eric[src]

Loki appeared in front of Don's house and watched as Don started to throw out his sons' toys if they were not put away. Once Don's sons left, Loki approached Don, who recognized him from the store. Don asked if Loki followed him home, so Loki apologized for having to leave abruptly. Don showed Loki two jet skis which he kept in his garage, and Loki remembered Mobius M. Mobius' admiration of the watercraft. Don offered Loki a drink, but Loki told Don that his name was Mobius and that he belonged in the Time Variance Authority. Don got nervous and prepared to attack Loki, when A.D. Doug suddenly appeared through a Timedoor, startling the two. Loki commented on the speed with which Doug worked, but Doug explained that for him it had been nineteen months since Loki left.

Loki (1962)

Loki recruits Frank Morris

Loki promised Don that it would make sense and used the TemPad to take himself, Doug, and Don to moments prior, so Don could watch the conversation between himself and Loki which had just occurred, explaining that he could return at any time, but that Loki needed his help. Loki explaiend that all of existence, including Don's sons, were in danger, so Don agreed to help. Loki then used Doug's TemPad to go to the alternate timeline in which he had seen Verity Willis and warned that what he said would sound strange. He then convince her to join them. Loki then found Frank Morris, having successfully escaped Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary on the beach and recruited him. Loki brought all the Variants of his friends to Doug's workshop and looked around and sat a bench. Willis asked if they had everyone, but Loki explained he needed one more person.

Loki outside McDonald's

Loki approaches Sylvie Laufeydottir for help

Loki went to Sylvie Laufeydottir's McDonald's location and started to speak as though she did not know him, but Sylvie interrupted and revealed that she did, surprising Loki. Loki explained that he was expecting things to play out differently and nearly time slipped again, but stopped himself. Sylvie was shocked by the display and offered Loki a drink, so they went to a bar together. Loki explained that his friends had had their lives taken from them, but Sylvie claimed it was a good thing since they were able to return to their lives and asked the bartender, Eric, for a drink. Loki asked how many would have chosen to return given the choice, noting that Mobius liked his life in the TVA. Sylvie noted that He Who Remains took Mobius' choice away, but Loki suggested that he should be given the choice. Sylvie suggested it would not be a fair choice, but Loki just restated that they did not get a choice and he needed her to help give them a choice.

Loki at the Bar

Loki explains why he wants the TVA back

Sylvie remained lackadaisical, prompting Loki to call her selfish. Sylvie agreed that she was selfish and that she wanted to live a life and asked what Loki wanted. Loki insisted that he wanted to stop He Who Remains and save the TVA, but Sylvie eventually got him to confess that he wanted his friends back. Sylvie noted that they were both selfish as Eric brought them bourbons. Sylvie expressed sympathy but claimed that his friends were where they belonged. Loki asked where he belonged without them, so Sylvie said that they were writing their own stories. She told him to write his own story and left the bar. Loki went to take a drink but found that it had disappeared.[22]

Finding the Who[]

Loki Was Wrong

Loki tells his friends to go home

"It's not about where, when, or why. It's about who. I can rewrite the story."

Loki sadly returned to A.D. Doug's workshop and told them to return home. Loki sat as Don asked for clarification, but Loki simply apologized and said that it was more about what he wanted. He told Don to return to his sons, but Don reminded Loki of his claim that they were in danger. Loki did not acknowledge Don's point and simply told the group to return to their lives. Doug asked about the TVA, but Loki said they were fine without it. However, Sylvie Laufeydottir then arrived and explained that they were not and that everything was falling apart. Loki suggested they go back and stop the Temporal Loom from melting down and told Doug that everyone they needed was there.

Loki (205)

Loki watches Sylvie Laufeydottir disintegrate

Doug went to read the collective Temporal Aura of everyone in the room, but found that his TemPad was missing. Loki and Doug confronted Frank Morris about having stolen the TemPad, but Morris denied having it. He suddenly disintegrated and fell apart as the universe around them started to get destroyed. Loki asked Doug what to do, but Doug disappeared as well. Don tried to rush home to his sons, only for him to disappear as well. Loki watched Verity Willis disappear and turned to Sylvie, who said there was nowhere left to go as she disappeared as well.

Let's run it back

Loki returns to the past

Loki reached out as the universe around him and all his friends disintegrated. Loki screamed and time slipped back to Verity Willis' death, watching Sylvie Laufeydottir again claimed there was nowhere left to go. He managed his time slipping and successfully went back to Sylvie's arrival at the workshop. Loki realized that he had successfully controlled his time slipping and explained to everyone that his friends had grounded his abilities and declared that he could rewrite the story. He then successfully time slipped back to the Time Variance Authority Office as Victor Timely prepared to leave.[22]

Continuous Attempts[]

Loki Starts Changing Things

Loki questions Ouroboros

"What could we have done differently?"
"Good question. We took too long."
―Loki and Ouroboros[src]

Loki was slightly shaken up causing Mobius M. Mobius to ask if he was okay. Loki confirmed this then told them they needed to get Victor Timely out of the Temporal Core Suit. However, it was too late. Loki had to watch as Timely died once again. Now making his first move, Loki approached Ouroboros, asking him what they could have done differently. Ouroboros told him they needed to be quicker.

Annoyed Loki 206

Loki portrays his displeasure

Time Slipping back to his previous place, Loki took the words out of Ouroboros' mouth and very quickly explained to Timely what he needed to do: put on the suit, go out the gangway, put the Throughput Multiplier into the Maintenance Probe, then get back. However, this was another failed attempt. Trying again, explaining even quicker than before did not work either causing Loki to slam his hand down in frustration. He then realized it needed to be earlier, not faster.

Hopeful Loki

Loki eagerly watches Victor Timely

He then slipped to when Timely was being held hostage by Ravonna Renslayer, Miss Minutes and Hunter X-05. He barged in and immediately tried to reason with Miss Minutes, telling her that he knew she was in mental pain, but he needed Timely to help with the Throughput Multiplier. This was successful as Loki and Casey practically dragged Timely into the Core Room. As Timely went out into the storm, Loki eagerly tapped his hand on the railing, but grew defeated as he died again.

Even Earlier

Loki grows incredibly frustrated

Looping back around multiple times, it was Sylvie Laufeydottir this time who helped Loki bring Timely to the room. However, as Timely made his way out, he set the multiplier down, causing it to roll off the gangway, angering Loki who slammed his hand on the door. This ill reaction happened another time as the Temporal Loom exploded in front of him. through multiple attempts, Loki kept saying "again" only for each time to have the same fate as the last. However, he finally made progress as Timely was able to get a few steps in, but eventually succumbed to the spaghettification.

LLaufeyson-Loom Explain

Loki explains the Temporal Loom

Knowing his plan was not working, Loki slipped to when Timely entered the Time Variance Authority Office. He brought Timely to Ouroboros and had them meet, spoiling a surprise by remarking that Ouroboros learned his knowledge from Timely as Timely learned vice-versa. He then unraveled the drape hiding the Temporal Loom model as he began to explain what needed to happen. However, people like Laufeydottir and Mobius began to grow suspicious. Loki quickly explained using the model, saying how even though the model looked like Mobius, Timely had to go into the storm.


Loki learns it would take centuries

He also explained how the multiplier would dock with the loom. However, Ouroboros stated his worry that the multiplier was not ready, but Loki made a rebuttal, taking out Timely's prototype and stating that it would help the multiplier. Ouroboros was slightly relieved, but said that even if that worked, they could not possibly create it in time. Annoyed, Loki asked how long it would take himself to create the multiplier. Ouroboros asked how much he knew: very little. He then concluded it would take Loki decades with Timely confirming it would actually be centuries. Loki stared dumbfoundedly at Ouroboros before time slipping again.[23]

Centuries of Study[]

"Loki, I’m not questioning your surprisingly advanced engineering skills, but maybe O.B. should test that thing first?"
"Testing protocol is key to safe scientific advancement."
"It's perfect."
Casey, Ouroboros, and Loki[src]
Core Suit Explanation

Loki instructs Victor Timely

Loki spent centuries learning everything he needed to know in order to know how to build the throughput multiplier. He then returned to the TVA possessing incredible amounts of knowledge. This helped him create the multiplier in record time and guide everyone through the protocol. Although it did not work a few times, Loki started getting the hang of it, understanding what everyone would say to his mannerisms and stopping them in their tracks. Even Mobius was concerned and confronted Loki, who told him it was okay.

Loki and the TVA

Loki guides Victor Timely

Loki showed Timely the Temporal Aura machine and showed him it was safe so no time was wasted. He then sent Timely out, which worked. Loki stood at the window with a microphone directing Timely. He told him about many things like to not put the multiplier on the gangway or it would roll off. Timely finally made it to the Maintenance Probe, much to Loki's delight, but he could not prematurely celebrate. Timely tried to catch his bearings and almost put the multiplier down, but Loki stopped him. Timely then loaded the machine and pressed the button, only for it to be jammed.

Loom Fixed?

An excited Loki talks to Victor Timely

Loki remained calm and told Timely that the button could be a bit sticky. Timely pushed it hard, sending the probe at the loom and seemingly fixing it. Timely made his way back and the two embraced each other with Loki showing Timely what he had done. When all seemed well, Ouroboros explained that it was not working. Loki went to the monitor and was confused as all calculations were correct. Timely then chimed in, realizing that they were fools. They could not make the loom big enough because the Multiverse was growing infinitely.

Loki Laufeyson (Glorious Purpose S2)

Loki cannot face his failure

He continued, saying how no matter how big they would make it, the branches would always outgrow the size. It was like dividing by zero. As everyone's lives came to an end, Laufeydottir remarked at how this would have never happened if she did not kill He Who Remains. Timely then spoke to Loki, apologizing for his failure. However, Loki was not done. He got an idea from Laufeydottir.[23]

An Ultimatum[]

Loki Sword Against Neck

Loki tries to explain to Sylvie Laufeydottir

"We'll find another way."
"Okay. And around and around and around we go."
―Loki and He Who Remains[src]

Loki time slipped to the Citadel at the End of Time, specifically to when Sylvie Laufeydottir and him were there. Loki slipped into his body just as Laufeydottir was delivering a fatal strike to He Who Remains. With Sylvie Laufeydottir's Sword on Loki's neck, he tried to talk her down.

Loki Holds Back

Loki holds back from Sylvie Laufeydottir

He told Laufeydottir that she could not believe him, but she had to trust that she could not kill He Who Remains. He had seen what happens and he knew she could not do it or everything end. Laufeydottir did not listen, telling Loki to get out of her way. As she walked towards Loki, he put his hand on her chest to stop her, saying that he would not. Angry, Laufeydottir claimed that he was being seduced by a throne. With his voice breaking, Loki said that the last thing he wanted was a throne. Laufeydottir then said that if he wanted her to stop, he would have to kill her.

Alt HWR Death 6

Loki fights Sylvie Laufeydottir

Lauefydottir broke free and lunged towards He Who Remains, but Loki grabbed her, leaving her sword inches from his face. An unfazed He Who Remains jokingly said it was close. She then pushed Loki away with a magic blast before killing He Who Remains. Loki slipped back with hopes of convincing Laufeydottir to stop. However, time and time again, she refused to listen, killing He Who Remains.

HWR Taunts and Laughs

Loki saves He Who Remains

Loki then resorted to slipping to when they met He Who Remains on the elevator. Laufeydottir tried a surprise attack, but failed as Loki caught the blow, leading He Who Remains to laugh in excitement. However, this did not work, so Loki went back to his original plan, failing over and over again. At one point, Laufeydottir resorted to throwing her sword, leading Loki to stop it with his telekinesis, then bring it back and slam it to the ground. He then found himself holding Laufeydottir with Laevateinn on her neck. She said the same thing about killing her. Loki hesitated, but just gave up, letting her kill He Who Remains again.

Why Not Do Something

Loki asks He Who Remains why he would not stop them

Through his many fails, Loki was able to talk with He Who Remains and learned how to stop time, but slipped back before doing anything with it. This time, Loki pushed Laufeydottir away and walked towards He Who Remains, asking why he would not do something. He paused before deciding to pause Laufeydottir in time with his TemPad. He Who Remains then spoke up, asking how many times Loki had been at it. Loki toyed with He Who Remains, shockingly asking him what he did. He Who Remains was shocked to see that Loki had not figured out how to pause time. However, Loki was playing him.

Loki's Guess

Loki "realizes" it was He Who Remains' plan

This did nothing though as He Who Remains was one step ahead, knowing it was likely not the first time they were having this conversation. He Who Remains then helped Loki realize that this time slipping and everything else was a part of He Who Remains' plan, as everything was. He Who Remains was frankly insulted that Loki thought his death would just be the end of He Who Remains, that he did not have another plan.

What Makes You Think

Loki one ups He Who Remains

Loki sat down now, and remarked how they die with the dying, but are born with the dead. He Who Remains realized Loki needed time to sort everything out and offered that he could loop a thousand more times until he was ready to talk. He then let Laufeydottir free to fight. However, much to his surprise, Loki made his true plan known. He stuck up his finger, freezing Laufeydottir then asked He Who Remains if he really thought it was the first time they had this conversation. He Who Remains grew tense before keeping his composure. He then made a sizzling sound, indicating that he was impressed and got beat. He then said Loki was his favorite before becoming serious.

The Equation To This One Remains The Same

Loki has a talk with He Who Remains

Loki explained that the Temporal Loom had a scaling problem to which He Who Remains surprised Loki by saying that Victor Timely's conclusion was very false. He Who Remains then explained how he built the loom as a failsafe. He knew that the loom would not handle the branches, so that is how the Sacred Timeline would exist throughout everything. It was the Sacred Timeline or nothing. He Who Remains would win every time.

Loki Wants to Change Equation

Loki claims to change the equation

Loki grew angry and distressed that he wasted centuries just for this answer. Before Loki got ideas, He Who Remains told him that his Variants were all out there and a Multiversal War was inevitable. Loki vowed to stop them, but they both knew it was not possible as the outcome of the equation remained the same, he loses. Loki stood up and looked around the room, focusing his eyes on a chalk board with an equation on it. Turning around now, Loki said he would just change the equation and break the loom. A confused He Who Remains just repeated what he had, that it causes a war.

Loki Listening to HWR

Loki is told to make the hard choice

He Who Remains then stood up, trying to explain it better. Every single moment of peace that Loki had in his life, happened because He Who Remains was at the End of Time, watching. If he were gone, all of Loki's friends would be, too. He Who Remains' tough choices were why he had the chair. Loki was stubborn though, and still claimed he would find a way. He Who Remains gave up, freeing Laufeydottir and telling Loki that around and around and around they went. He told Loki to make the hard choice, either break the loom and kill everything, or kill Laufeydottir and protect what they could. Loki approached Laufeydottir before slipping away to get guidance.[23]

The Hard Decision[]

Loki Time Slip Into S1

Loki time slips into the Time Variance Authority Office

"Who are you to say we can’t die trying. Who are you to say we can’t die fighting. You’re replacing one nightmare with another. I grew up in apocalypses Loki. I’ve lived through enough of them to know that sometimes it’s okay to destroy something.”
”If… if there’s a hope you can replace that thing with something better."
Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki[src]

Loki arrived at the Time Variance Authority Office when he was first brought in. Sitting in front of Mobius M. Mobius with a Time Collar around his neck and the TVA Holoprojector between them, Loki brought up how he knew Mobius wanted to understand what made a Loki tick and then he was going to play Loki's life and show his life was a waste of time. A confused Mobius asked how he was doing that. However, Loki just said he needed Mobius' help, which Mobius agreed to do.

S1 Mobius S2 Loki

Loki talks with Mobius M. Mobius

Loki asked how he chose who lived and who died. Mobius said they pruned by the order of the Time-Keepers. Loki knew this but rephrased that the agents were actually the ones doing it. Mobius then trailed off into a story of when hunters were trying to find a Variant that were killing Minutemen. However, when the Variant was found, one of the Hunters hesitated as he realized it was just a child. This hesitation caused many hunters to die until another hunter killed the Variant. That hunter lost sight of the big picture and that picture had to be kept because purpose was more burden than glory.

Loki Says Goodbye to Mobius For Last Time

Loki sees Mobius M. Mobius wither away

Loki asked how he lived with the burden, knowing Mobius was the failing hunter in the story. Mobius answered that you have scar tissue that reminds you. Loki then asked what happened to the partner that saved everyone, to which Mobius responded became a judge named Ravonna Renslayer. Mobius said that knew the right thing to do was the thing that had to be done. Loki then looked up, realizing that he had to do the hard thing. He thanked Mobius and shook his hand, knowing it was going to be the last time he embraced him. Mobius then splintered away into strings as Loki looked on.

Loki and Sylvie Talk Outside Time

Loki talks with Sylvie Laufeydottir

Loki then slipped one last time back to right before everyone died in A.D. Doug’s world. He saw Sylvie Laufeydottir in front of him and stopped time, confusing Laufeydottir until he explained they were outside of time. He then helped Laufeydottir understand the deal with the Temporal Loom and how the only way to save everyone is if Laufeydottir never killed He Who Remains. Laufeydottir realized the last part as Loki was speaking. Laufeydottir got close to Loki and chuckled a bit, telling him she was not giving him her blessing to kill her. However, that thought already passed Loki's mind.

Loki Knows

Loki realizes his glorious purpose

Instead, he asked her what he should do because it was either the Sacred Timeline or nothing. Laufeydottir told him about all of the innocent lives on branches that would be taken away and he could not be the god who took away everyone’s free will. Loki asked what was free will if everyone was dead. Laufeydottir told him they would die trying and die fighting. She explained that she had lived through apocalypses and knew that sometimes destroying something is better. Loki then finished, realizing that that was true if it were replaced with something better.[23]

The God of Stories[]

For All of Us

Loki knows what god he needs to be

"He's giving us a chance."
Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Loki time slipped back to before Victor Timely was getting ready. With tears in his eyes, he looked around the room at his friends with a tearful smile. Without saying anything, Loki silently walked down to the airlock. He was followed by a worried Mobius M. Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir, but Loki closed the doors, locking himself in. He then turned to them, saying he knew what god he needed to be, for everyone. Despite Mobius and Laufeydottir's pleas, Loki turned around and started to forcefully open the gates with telekinesis.

Fighting the Storm

Loki fights through the Temporal Radiation

He then walked onto the gangway with no protection. Fighting through the Temporal Radiation with pure will, Loki's clothes started peeling away, revealing green robes and a horned helmet. He walked towards the Temporal Loom, at the end of the gangway as he mustered up all of his strength, holding his hands up high towards the loom.

Destroying the Loom

Loki destroys the Temporal Loom

Loki then used his powers to rip apart the loom, causing it to break. As he took slight cover, dying branches started raining down on him like ropes. Loki stood there and grabbed one of the branches, lighting it up with magic in order to give it life. He then grabbed more and did the same until he reached the end of the gangway, revealing a rift to the Citadel at the End of Time.

Loki Far Shot

Loki gives life to the Multiverse

Loki then stopped off the gangway onto an invisible staircase, ascending him towards his throne. Loki looked back towards his friends, giving them one final look. He then walked up the stairwell, with the Multiverse in his hands. The rift soon closed, cutting him off from everyone he loved. Loki then made his way through the darkness to the Citadel as the branches started being woven into him. Loki finally made it up the stairs where a golden throne greeted him. Loki sat on the throne and pulled the branches together, creating a brand-new loom with him at the center.

Loki's Final Scene

God Loki sits alone, for all time

Sitting for all of time, Loki could hear his friends, but could not make contact as his glorious purpose was to be the loom that saved the multiverse. He finally completed his journey as he found his throne that protected everything and everyone as God Loki.[23]


"I'm a horrible person. I get it. I really am. I cut off your hair because I thought it'd be funny. And it's not. I crave attention... because I'm... I'm a narcissist. And I suppose it's... It's because I'm scared of being alone."
―Loki to Sif[src]

The Loki Variant was similar in many ways to the Loki of the main timeline, as he possessed an incredible amount of arrogance, ego, and deceitfulness bordering on narcissism, along with having a lot of pride in his own abilities. Just like the original Loki, he seemed to have the mind of a cold, calculating sociopath, and was formulating machinations that would achieve his power and respect that he truly believed he always deserves.

Like the original Variant, he used to have a deep hatred of Odin and Thor due to supposedly being the least favored son and rejected by Thor himself all the time. Despite his anger at his family, the Variant possesses love and affection for his family, noticeably erupting in anger when Mobius revealed that not only did Frigga die, but he was also indirectly responsible for her death. He seemed to deeply love his family as shown when he displayed genuine happiness upon learning in the main timeline that he had made peace with his father, Odin and his brother Thor, ending up crying tears of joy seeing his alternate version in the main timeline, standing being side by side with his brother in war just like he always dreamed of.

Not going through the original Loki's journey, the time traveler Variant still has quite a lot of pride and ego in his own abilities, rarely believing anybody is better than him. His ego is shown when he initially believed he could conquer the TVA along with Sylvie Laufeydottir, despite his lack of control of things. This Variant was still noticeably quite selfish and self-centered, as shown when he was not willing to give Laufeydottir her TemPad out of hunger for power, being willing to betray Mobius from time to time, using deceit as a means to an end.

Deep down, he knows that despite his destructive tendencies he does not genuinely enjoy hurting people or causing death. When stuck in a time loop with Lady Sif, the Variant admits that he is like that because of his own self-hatred - never being able to make true bonds with most people, as he betrays them endlessly in the pursuit of power, hurting them, starting conquests all just to have some control over his life because of his own low views of himself. Throughout his journey, the time traveler Variant realizes that his manipulative tendencies are just a cocoon to what he truly desires - to be loved and to be trusted - gaining an eventual hatred for the supposed conquests of power itself.

Eventually, the Variant comes to terms with himself as he realizes due to his self-perceived inadequacy of himself, and his low self-esteem, he constantly looked out for a "glorious purpose" - wanting a "purposeful" life, through wanting to conquer Earth, wanting to rule Asgard, wanting to rule the TVA, and wanting to be the smartest Loki Variant. Being seen when he did not want anything for himself at the Void, being disgusted at what the other Loki Variants used to do just for the purpose of conquest, wondering if he was any different himself. Throughout his pursuit of his "glorious purpose", the Loki Variant realizes that he never really wanted to have the control of everything, he just wanted to be a person who could be trusted and loved, as seen by how he tells Laufeydottir how he never really wanted his own empire, he just wanted her to trust him, and wanted her to be alright, as she was wondering his true allegiance as he was stopping her from killing He Who Remains.

Eventually, the Time Traveler Variant grows to be far less selfish and self-centered, owing that to the company of Sylvie Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius. The Variant grows to become humble and caring through his journey, even going as far as admitting Sylvie was the best of all Variants - better than him. Loki has grown to care greatly for his friends and those who are close to him, as shown when he was visibly terrified when Mobius told him that Sylvie had been pruned, when he was incredibly saddened for his friend Mobius who had supposedly died under the hands of Ravonna Renslayer. Reunited in the Void, this Loki hugged Mobius and viewed him as a true friend, showing that he truly became capable of trusting.

As the Variant grew to be very close to his Variant, Sylvie Laufeydottir, his narcissism began to sink down, as seen when he was stuck at the Void, he began to lose his desires to be better than everyone else, to be the one with power and control. The Loki Variant grows to realize that there are greater than his conquest for power, as seen when he is notably afraid how the upcoming multiversal war will impact humanity more than his revenge for the TVA. This Variant also could give up his plans to overthrow He Who Remains and the TVA once he knew doing so may mean the start of another multiversal war, showing he is capable of considering thoroughly instead of blindly pursuing for the greater power and glory.

Powers and Abilities[]


"You have no idea what I'm capable of!"
  • Frost Giant Physiology: Loki is a Frost Giant who has been enchanted to look like an Asgardian. Due to his heritage, Loki possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among his race, including superhuman strength, durability, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, healing and was extremely long-lived, as well as the power to manipulate ice.
    • Superhuman Strength: Like all Frost Giants, Loki possesses great superhuman strength. This allowed him to overpower Hunter B-15 in combat. Although he struggled against his Variant controlling a larger body, he was easily able to contend with Lamentian guards and even launch one through a window with a single kick.
    • Superhuman Durability: Loki's physiology allowed him to survive falling into the Gobi Desert from a high altitude, being soundly beaten by his Variant, Sylvie Laufeydottir controlling a larger body and being tossed out of a moving train. He even endured the magical attacks of his Variant without suffering any harm worse than being knocked to the ground. In the Gobi Desert, Loki was hit by a Time Stick and although he felt all of the pain, he was only knocked down. On Lamentis, Loki was shot at by a woman's blaster, but took no damage whatsoever. While dueling Laufeydottir, Loki took a direct hit to the neck with her sword, which was meant to be a killing blow to He Who Remains.
    • Superhuman Speed:
      Sylvie and Loki running 8

      Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir running together

      Loki can run and move at great superhuman speed. He and Sylvie Laufeydottir managed to outrun the meteors and destruction on Lamentis-1. He also ran very quickly while distracting Alioth long enough to help Laufeydottir.
    • Superhuman Agility: Loki has superhuman agility due to his Frost Giant heritage. He went toe-to-toe with Sylvie Laufeydottir while dodging her blows on Lamentis. This included many knife jabs to his face, but he ducked out of the way. He was also able to dodge countless meteors crashing down on him. He later squared off against his own Variants, dodging their attacks as well.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Loki's endurance allows him to fight and run for great periods of time without tiring out. On Lamentis-1, he battled guards on the train without tiring out and then ran a long distance directly after. Against Alioth, he ran great distances to distract the creature. Although he claimed that he had never walked so long on Lamentis and complained of tiredness, he still ran at full speed afterwards.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Loki can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds. When first meeting Sylvie Laufeydottir, she tried to strike him with a sword, but he quickly used an illusion to get away and then sneak up behind her. His reflexes were quick enough to use his telekinesis to prevent a building from toppling on him and Laufeydottir. Against the Lamentis-1 guards, he used his reflexes to block their staff attacks while being outnumbered. While escaping his Variant's Army he dodged many flying bodies on his way out of the scuffle.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his body's resistance, Loki can still be injured like any other Frost Giant. However, his metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with far greater speed. After the Battle of New York, his wounds healed very quickly. The scar on his nose had healed even before he got to the TVA. His scar on his forehead had also been healed a little later.
    • Longevity: Loki, like all other Frost Giants, are extremely long-lived beings, he ages at a very slow pace which allows him to live many years.
    • Cold Immunity: Due to his Frost Giant physiology, Loki is immune to cold. However, he pretended to feel cold in the Void in order to get closer to Laufeydottir.
"Someone taught you fairly decent magic."
Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]
  • Magic: Loki was taught Asgardian Magic by Frigga while growing up in Asgard. He admits this fact to Sylvie Laufeydottir when he expressed surprise at the degree that she was able to teach herself magic similar to his own. He is knowledgeable enough to point out to Hunter B-15 that there is a difference between Illusion Manipulation and Duplication Casting. He can also use his magic as weapons as well, hitting a Lamentis Guard with a green blast.
    • Illusion Manipulation:
      Loki transforms into Steve Rogers

      Loki turning into Captain America

      Loki can generate detailed images from outside himself, which are perceptible in the external world. He would proceed to demonstrate his abilities to Laufeydottir after speaking of his mother's training by creating a small projection of fireworks from his hand in an effort to impress her. Loki can also alter his own body with illusions, seemingly shapeshifting. He could alter his attire, his voice and his physical appearance in order to resemble another person. Loki's shapeshifting could not free him of any restraints placed upon him, as when he transformed into Captain America to mock him, Loki's hands were still bound, although he made it appear that the restraints had vanished using illusions. After entering the Roxxcart Mall in Haven Hills, the rain-soaked Loki sent a wave of green energy across his body to instantly dry himself off. After being gifted Laevateinn by Kid Loki, Loki manifested a harness to sheath the sword on his back.
    • Decoy Manipulation: Loki could recreate an exact facsimile of his body, which acts as a true holographic mirror of its molecular structure in its present circumstance. Loki better names this as Duplication Casting, which he describes, is different than Illusion Manipulation.
    • Presence Manipulation:
      Loki appears behind Sylvie

      Loki appearing behind Sylvie Laufeydottir

      Loki is able to render himself and others unseen and unheard to whomever he wanted. This effect could be achieved both though him creating the illusion of letting light waves pass through himself or as simply a trick of the mind, similar to hypnosis. Whilst battling Sylvie Laufeydottir, he disappeared in a green flash, evading her sword swing, before reappearing behind her and knocking her away. This could also extend to items in his possession, such as the TemPad he made invisible after having it disappear from his grip to hide it from Laufeydottir, a method which unfortunately did not protect it from being destroyed when Loki was thrown from a train. Loki additionally managed to appear in front of Laufeydottir as she was about to attack He Who Remains, having previously been left dazed on the other side of the room.
    • Conjuration: Loki can cause objects to appear or disappear according to his will, such as instantly summoning his daggers when needed for combat. However, he must first acquire the objects before summoning them, as he needed to take the dagger from the locker confiscated by Hunter B-15 as only later could he summon them when needed. On Lamentis-1, Loki managed to make a TemPad disappear, secretly transporting it into his back pocket and using illusions to make it invisible. After being thrown from a train, he removed it from his pocket, making it visible to reveal it had been unknowingly destroyed by his fall. In addition, Loki demonstrated the ability to generate tangible items, such as a quill and parchment he was able to write on before making vanish while on a train ride with Laufeydottir and a green and gold blanket that he could extend to encompass his Variant while the two were in the Void.
    • Telekinesis: Loki is able to influence objects and move matter with mere gestures and focus. During his duel with his Variant in Roxxcart, Loki summoned a Roomba vacuum from a shelf, sending it flying straight into his grip. On Lamentis-1, he used his mind to lift a large piece of a falling building and return it upright, something that required sustained effort and all of his concentration to accomplish. He used his telekinetic abilities to pull Laufeydottir away from He Who Remains, dragging her a few feet backwards before she broke free and attacked him in retaliation. By the time of the Multiversal Liberation (centuries later from Loki's perspective), his telekinetic abilities had grown powerful enough for him to rip apart the Temporal Loom through sheer force of will.
    • Energy Blast:
      Loki magic shot 3

      Loki striking a guard with an energy blast

      Loki can project green energy bolts and blasts, allowing him to strike, push, or blow away his targets. The blasts are powerful enough to send an adult humanoid flying and even stun other Frost Giants. During his duel with Laufeydottir, his energy blasts were powerful enough to stop her from going ahead and killing He Who Remains.
    • Enchantment: Just like his counterpart Sylvie Laufeydottir, Loki can enchant his victim by making physical contact and then grab hold of its mind. But this was taught to him by Laufeydottir on the spot to control Alioth.
"But it isn't random because you keep ending up around exactly the people you're looking for, and it's evolving because you're not just slipping in time, you're also moving around in space. It's like you're a better version of one of those TemPads."
A.D. Doug to Loki[src]
  • Time Slipping: Loki has control over time slipping, a phenomenon that happens when an individual is pulled through time, and sometimes space. At first, he time slipped uncontrollably, appearing to warp away at random intervals. With the help of Ouroboros' past self A.D. Doug, Loki learned to control his time slipping by focusing on a person rather than a specific event in time. Loki's time slipping allows him to travel physically or transfer his consciousness to a version of himself within his past, enabling him to travel to critical events in his life and explore any alternate outcomes, such as extending a conversation with He Who Remains or altering the course of history by preventing Victor Timely from fixing the Temporal Loom.
    • Time Manipulation: As part of his Time Slipping phenomenon, Loki is able to pause and resume time on a certain individual or in general. He describes this ability as moving outside the proper flow of time. He uses this ability to frequently pause time on Sylvie during his many revisits to He Who Remains' Citadel to stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains as he learned from him what this ability does and what to do with the Temporal Loom. This ability also allows him to bring other people with him outside of time, as did with both He Who Remains and Sylvie.
    • Spatial-Temporal Lock: As he exists outside space-time, Loki is immune to the effects of spaghettification, caused by either prolonged exposure to temporal radiation or the destabilization of reality. He is able to enter the Temporal Loom's chamber without any protective gear and survive.


"You're very clever."
Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Loki possesses a high-level intellect, something Mobius M. Mobius was aware of when interviewing him. He quickly deduced the involvement of time travel when he realized that there were two versions of Tony Stark present before he escaped with the Tesseract. During his TVA training, he quickly understood their rules and technology. Mobius later called him "very clever", a statement with which Loki agreed. Loki claims that he could resist enchantment from Sylvie Laufeydottir because his mind is too strong. Loki's history as a trickster allowed him to understand Laufeydottir's methods. As such, he deduced she was hiding out in apocalyptic events due to their absence of variance energy.
"Let's talk about your escapes. You're really good at doing awful things, and then just getting away."
"What can I say? I'm a mischievous scamp."
Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]
  • Master Tactician: Loki, as the God of Mischief, is a master strategist and escapologist, and according to Ravonna Renslayer, his file describes him as "unpredictable". He nearly succeeded in conquering Midgard while leading the Chitauri Invasion. When working at the TVA, Loki found it "adorable" that Mobius M. Mobius could possibly manipulate him and claimed to be ten steps ahead of him, an incredibly smart person himself. Using his intellect, the great tactician was able to deduce the tactics his "superior" Variant was using.
"Casey, we need to widen the voltage input and invert the temporal decay."
"What about the ion decoupler?"
"It's fine. Route it with the primary compartment."
"Won't it overheat?"
"No. Allow it to interface with Timely's adaptive exponential computing system. Those upgrades will allow the Loom to scale the capacity to manage the branches."
―Loki and Casey[src]
  • Master Engineer: After spending centuries learning engineering with the use of his Time Slipping ability, Loki now specializes in engineering and is exceptionally masterful at it, having learned everything from O.B. and being capable of knowing the Temporal Loom's capabilities.
  • Master Scientist: To be added
  • Expert Investigator: To be added
  • Expert Combatant:
    Loki holds Sylvie

    Loki fighting against Sylvie Laufeydottir

    Even though Loki was far more interested in sorcery than Asgardian warrior arts, he was still a highly skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant, having received extensive training in unarmed combat as well as having centuries of combat experience. He was able to go toe-to-toe with multiple Avengers before and during the Battle of New York. He was also able to reverse Hunter B-15's hold on him and subdue her. While he struggled to defend himself against Sylvie controlling a larger body, he fared better against her when he was equipped with his daggers. Together, they were able to defeat multiple Lamentian guards and Minutemen. However, Ravonna Renslayer was able to get the drop on him and "prune" him by using sneak attack.
  • Knife Mastery: Loki's preferred weapon in combat other than magic is daggers, as he was highly skilled at using them, being able to duel one of his Variants with his twin daggers and great efficiency. He can also throw his knives, although Laufeydottir criticized his lack of accuracy.
  • Sword Mastery:
    Loki Stills 108

    Loki fighting the Minutemen with a sword

    Loki is highly skilled at using a sword in combat, being able to use Laufeydottir's sword to great effect against the Minutemen. He was even able to fight equally using Kid Loki's Laevateinn against Sylvie during their confrontation on whether or not to kill He Who Remains.
  • Expert Thief: Fitting with his mischievous nature, Loki is an adept pickpocket. He deftly stole Mobius' Time Twister when the latter helped him stand up. He also stole Laufeydottir's TemPad.
  • Multilingualism: Loki is fluent in his native Asgardian, as well as English and Latin.



Other Equipment[]

  • Asgardian Armor: Loki's primary set of armor consisted of green tunic overlaid with golden metal. It occasionally came with a green cape.
  • Horned Helmet: Loki possessed a golden horned helmet as a protective headgear and to represent the Asgardian magic he wielded.
  • Asgardian Collar: Following his defeat in the Battle of New York, Thor muzzled Loki's mouth with an Asgardian collar to temporarily prevent him from speaking.
"I came into possession of the Tesseract because they traveled through time."
―Loki to Ravonna Renslayer[src]









Appearances for Loki

In chronological order:

In an indefinite temporality:


  • This version of Loki is partially based on the Ikol incarnation of the character from the comics. Both are revived past versions of Loki, from prior to his heroic turn.
  • Loki is the first bisexual title character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • In a promotional file of the TVA, posted by Loki's official account, Loki is described as of fluid sex, 6'4" height, blue eye color, 525 weight, black hair, and unknown race/ethnicity, date of birth and age. The file later appeared in the show, in the first episode and the credits sequence.[7]
    • Loki is the second character identified as genderfluid in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with the first being Xavin.
    • In the file, Loki is classified in the sector '1900-2099' and his arrest ID is 'JO98235'.
    • The file in the first episode lists his height as 6'2".
  • Loki is the only individual shown physically holding the Time Stone.
  • Loki prefers to sit forward while riding a train.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Loki/New York Time Heist.
Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Loki/New York Time Heist.

External Links[]
