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"Is that supposed to be scary?"
―Wade Wilson to the TVA[src]

The Time Stick[1] is a weapon used by the Time Variance Authority to incapacitate or prune Variants.


Multiversal War[]

He Who Remains and his Variants used Time Sticks to fight against each other during the Multiversal War.[2]

Used by the TVA[]

The Time Stick was used as the main weapon for the Time Variance Authority's primary line of defense.[3]


When the baton's tip is glowing purple,[4] it is capable of altering a target's flow of time. Loki was forced into 1/16th speed so a Time Variance Authority unit could apply a chronokinetic collar to him. When end of the baton is glowing orange,[4] it can also quickly disintegrate a target, whether organic or inorganic, in order to "prune" it to get rid of any Variants. The targets are then transported into a location known as the Void. It seems to be collapsible, as it can lengthen to a longer bladed staff-like shape.

The baton was able to disintegrate the Infinity Stones inside Casey's filing cabinet when Hunter B-15 attempted to prune Loki.


In chronological order:


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Time Stick.