Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed to you and you'll be left to die in the cold waste of Jotunheim."
―Heimdall to Thor, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three[src]

Jotunheim is one of the Nine Realms and the home of the Frost Giants. The planet began to deteriorate after the Casket of Ancient Winters was taken by Odin during the Asgard-Jotunheim War.


Battle of Jotunheim[]

"My father fought his way into Jotunheim, defeated their armies, and took their Casket."

In 965 A.D., Jotunheim was the setting of the final battle between the Frost Giants and the Asgardians during the Asgard-Jotunheim War. After Laufey was defeated during the battle, Odin took the Casket of Ancient Winters, depriving the Frost Giants of their power, and Laufey's son, who was left to die by his own father. Without the Casket, Jotunheim began to decay and break apart so that the full force of the Bifrost could easily destroy the realm.[1]

Attack on Jotunheim[]

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to destroy Jotunheim."
―Loki to Thor[src]
Devastated Jotunheim

Devastated Jotunheim

Thor and his friends came to Jotunheim for some answers on their recent break-in to Asgard. The Asgardians encountered a fight, where they fought a seemingly endless army of Frost Giants along with an enormous beast. Odin came on Sleipnir to rescue his subjects, and returned them to Asgard.

Loki later takes a visit to Jotunheim to strike a deal with Laufey. He would allow Laufey to go to Asgard to kill Odin. That way, Laufey's worst enemy would be killed and Loki would take the throne. However, Loki betrays and kills Laufey, his father. He then overloads the Bifrost Bridge's power in order to destroy the monster-full Jotunheim. However, Thor destroys the Rainbow Bridge before the realm could be completely destroyed.[1]


In 2013, during the Convergence, a portal opened up to Jotunheim, allowing a Frost Beast to escape into London as Thor and Malekith were fighting in the Battle of Greenwich.[2]

Alternate Universes[]

Loki's Return[]

In an alternate universe, Loki was returned to Jotunheim by Odin, where Laufey raised him as a Prince of Jotunheim.[3]

Attack on the Watcher[]

During their battle, Ultron brought Uatu to an alternate universe's Jotunheim and prepared to kill him. However, Uatu managed to escape Ultron's grip and fled through a portal to another universe.[4]

Peter Quill's Visit[]

In an alternate 1988, Jotunheim was targeted by Peter Quill, the offspring of the celestial Ego, who wanted to make the entire universe an extension of himself by planting seedlings in each and every planet. Quill completely destroyed Jotunheim, causing Thor, the sole survivor of Asgard's destruction, to leave for Earth to join the Avengers.[5]


Appearances for Jotunheim

In chronological order:

In an indefinite temporality:


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Jotunheim.

External Links[]
