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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Sylvie Laufeydottir, see Sylvie Laufeydottir's Character Hub

"Everywhere and every-when I went, it caused a nexus event. Sent up a smoke flare. Because I'm not supposed to exist."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Sylvie Laufeydottir, born Loki Laufeydottir, is a Princess of Asgard who caused a Nexus event as a child and escaped the Time Variance Authority. Sylvie hid throughout the timelines, while seeking revenge against the TVA and the Time-Keepers. On the cusp of her plan's success, however, she was interrupted by another Loki Variant, with whom she eventually formed an uneasy alliance. Having convinced Loki of the TVA's lies and manipulations, they worked together to fight them, discovering the Time-Keepers were fakes. With her only ally being Loki, Sylvie followed him into the Void, in the wake of Ravonna Renslayer sending him there, where they eventually found and confronted He Who Remains, the creator of the TVA. Despite warnings from Loki about the consequences, Sylvie enacted her revenge and killed He Who Remains, causing the Multiverse to expand.

With her work complete, Sylvie retreated to one of the many new branches and made a quiet life for herself. Despite her wish to live a normal life, she would be forced to intervene once more in order to stop Dox and her loyalists from pruning the new branches. After Sylvie discovered the existence of Victor Timely, a variant of He Who Remains, she attempted to kill him preemptively before ultimately deciding to spare him. Loki convinced Sylvie to return to the TVA, where she watched as they tried to salvage the Temporal Loom. In the end, Loki chose to destroy the Loom and weave the branches together by hand at the End of Time; Sylvie would recognize this act as Loki giving them a chance to fight for the free Multiverse she had been envisioning.


Early Life[]

Learning of Adoption[]

Loki Laufeydottir was born in one of the many realities that comprised what the Time Variance Authority called the Sacred Timeline.[7] As the Goddess of Mischief, she was raised on Asgard and was told by her parents early on that she was adopted.[8]

Arrested by the TVA[]

"The universe wants to break free, so it manifests chaos. Like me being born the Goddess of Mischief. And as soon as that created a big enough detour from the Sacred Timeline, the TVA showed up, erased my reality, and took me prisoner. I was just a child."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]
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Loki playing in Asgard

One day, she was playing by herself with her toy action figures in the royal palace, when her playtime was disrupted by the appearance of a Timedoor behind her, along with Hunter Ravonna Renslayer and two Minutemen approaching her, stating she was under arrest. Renslayer grabbed the child by the arm and took her away from her toys to the Timedoor, kidnapping her, while a Minuteman put a Reset Charge on the ground to erase her parents and her reality.

Little Sylvie met the TVA

Loki being taken into the TVA's custody

Loki was taken through the Timedoor to the Time Variance Authority. While being led through by Renslayer, Loki watched as a man screamed and cried for help as he was taken into custody also.

Cute Sylvie scared

Loki goes under the procedures

She was then taken through the screening procedures and was given a TVA prisoner uniform. She stood before the TVA paperwork clerk and a TVA scanner clerk who motioned for her to pass under the screening to test if she was a robot or not. She hesitated but went through to the courtroom where Renslayer stood by her and presented her to the judge.

Little Sylvie uses the TemPad

Loki escapes using the TemPad

As Renslayer led Loki up to the front of the room, she bit Renslayer on the wrist breaking free and stomping on her foot before stealing her TemPad. She then produced a Timedoor using the TemPad and successfully escaped from the TVA.[9]

Changing Her Name[]

"You changed your name. Brilliant."
"It's called an alias."
Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

While on the run from the Time Variance Authority, Loki adopted the name "Sylvie". As she grew older, she maintained a hatred for the TVA for kidnapping her and vowed to destroy them and their Sacred Timeline. She hid in apocalypses since the TVA could not detect a nexus event in an apocalyptic event.[8]

Attacking the TVA[]

Attack in France[]

"Devil bearing gifts."
Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Sylvie transported herself to Aix-en-Provence, France in an alternate 1549. There she attacked a group of Minutemen from the Time Variance Authority by stabbing many of them. When she was spotted by a boy, she bribed him with Kablooie, before grabbing the reset charge and leaving, leading the boy to believe she was the Devil. She would later lure another group of Minutemen and slaughter them.[2]

Ambush on the Minutemen[]

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Sylvie ambushes Minutemen in Salina

Sylvie later went to Salina, Oklahoma in an alternate 1858 and laid some oil around the area as a trap for the Minutemen. When they eventually came to analyze the Quantum Ore Shovel she used, Sylvie was spotted by the Time Variance Authority, she then dropped a lantern she was holding and the fire in it followed the oil and started to burn the Minutemen. She spotted Hunter U-92 escaping from the fire, but before he could reach the Reset Charge, she dragged him back in and killed him before stealing it.[2]

Kidnapping of Hunter C-20[]

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Sylvie kidnaps Hunter C-20

"What are you doing?"
"Having some fun."
Minuteman and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Sylvie then traveled to a Renaissance Faire in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in an alternate 1985, and set up another trap for a squadron of Minutemen. When they later showed up to the tent she was hiding in, Sylvie enchanted the commander of their unit, Hunter C-20, and used her to fight and kill two of her subordinates. When Minuteman 200914867365 asked C-20 why she was doing it, Sylvie responded to him through C-20 that she was having some fun, before releasing C-20 and stabbing the Minuteman herself. She then grabbed C-20's Tempad and opened a Timedoor, before taking the other time charges and taking C-20 as her hostage.[4]

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Sylvie creates an illusion in Hunter C-20's mind

Heading back to her hiding place in Haven Hills, Alabama in 2050 in a Roxxcart Mall, Sylvie set up her plan in case the TVA were to find her. Using her powers to trap C-20 in a memory, Sylvie discovered that C-20's mind had been cloudy and that the TVA were using previous Variants as hunters. Inside C-20's memory of a margarita bar, Sylvie posed as an old friend. C-20 asked Sylvie if she wanted anything to eat, and she played along by pretending to be concerned by the place's health record.

Sylvie face

Sylvie gets information from Hunter C-20

Once C-20 got a brain freeze, Sylvie told her that brain freezes are caused by cold things freezing the synapses of the brain to freeze memories in place. When C-20 did not believe her, Sylvie dared her to answer a question while having a brain freeze and C-20 agreed. Quickly drinking her margarita, C-20 told Sylvie to ask the question. Sylvie then asked C-20 how many people were guarding the Time-Keepers, and when C-20 became suspicious, she changed the setting to night. She then assured C-20 that she could trust her, and C-20 told her that the way to the Time-Keepers was a gold elevator.[8]

Encountering an Alternate Self[]

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Sylvie watches the cameras at Roxxcart Mall

"So, you're the fool the TVA brought in to hunt me down."
"Me, I presume."
"Please. If anyone's anyone, you're me."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki[src]

When the TVA finally did arrive in Haven Hills, Alabama in 2050, Sylvie enchanted one of the people at Roxxcart Mall and placed him on an aisle with a hurricane sale on azaleas where Hunter B-15 and an alternate version of herself called Loki found her. Sylvie pretending to be the man said that he was there to check out the azaleas.

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Sylvie revealing her true identity to Loki

However, when Loki and B-15 approached him, she decided to possess B-15, causing her previous host to collapse. Loki asked if the man was still alive, not knowing about B-15 being possessed, and Sylvie responded through her that they would usually wake up. Loki realizing that it was the Variant said that she was him, to which Sylvie said that it was more that he was her before smiling at him, to which he returned the pleasure. Sylvie left B-15's body and continued to talk to Loki through Roxxcart clerk Randy.

Sylvie, the devil

Sylvie bidding her farewell to Loki

Sylvie then stalled Loki by distracting him before possessing another man's body. Following a brief fight, she knocked Loki down and finished setting up the remaining reset charges. When Loki regained his strength and demanded to know what she was doing, she revealed herself to him. When the timer on the charges ran out, they were teleported using Timedoors to bomb different parts of the Sacred Timeline causing several nexus events. Once the bombing was finished, Sylvie escaped through a Timedoor.[4]

Sylvie arrives on TVA

Sylvie arrives in the TVA

Sylvie was teleported to the Time Variance Authority Office and entered the hallway towards the office. After seeing Minuteman 750682931199, she tried to enchant him, but her powers were unable to work within the TVA. She then engaged in hand-to-hand combat with three Minutemen, using her physical skill and a Minuteman's Time Stick to wipe them out. She then approached an elevator with two more Minutemen guarding it, ignored their warnings to stop, and engaged in combat, using one Minuteman as a human shield before dispatching the others.

Sylvie back to Loki

Sylvie getting challenged by Loki again

Before she could continue, Loki entered the room with two daggers and confronted her. When Loki tried to ask her questions, she asked why he had nothing better to do. When he asked if she was a Loki, she ignored him and told him to move. When he didn't, the two fought. Sylvie reacted with annoyance at Loki's idea to work together and his insult that she lacked vision and tried to leave. When Loki then tried to apprehend her, the fighting resumed, with her telling him to shut up before the two got locked in a stalemate.

Loki takes the TemPad

Sylvie is confronted by Ravonna Renslayer

Ravonna Renslayer then entered with two Minutemen, and Sylvie overpowered Loki and threatened to kill him if Renslayer approached. Renslayer said she could, but before Sylvie could follow through, Loki stole her TemPad and teleported the two away from the TVA.[8]

Escape from Lamentis-1[]

Fight for the TemPad[]

Sylvie angry

Sylvie angrily confronts Loki

Sylvie and Loki landed in a shed, and with the TemPad out in the open, Sylvie tried to recover it. Loki stopped her multiple times before recovering it himself, and Sylvie slammed him into an ash tray. She then took the TemPad off him before trying to leave, but the TemPad had run out of charge and she could go nowhere. Sylvie then tried to stab Loki, but he teleported behind her and pushed her into a nearby rack. When Loki took the TemPad back, she told him to give it to her as he didn't know how to recharge it. Loki said he did, as she wasn't the only tech savvy Loki, but she took offense to being called a Loki and told him to never call her that. As she lunged for the TemPad, Loki made it disappear.


Sylvie learns she's on Lamentis-1

Sylvie then taunted Loki about being a magician, and Loki pulled out his daggers. Sylvie picked up her sword, but before another fight could break out, a purple meteor smashed through the roof and took them off guard. Sylvie asked where Loki sent them, and they left the shed to find they were on the moon Lamentis-1 in the year 2077, where an apocalypse was taking place in the form of a planet crashing into the surface. Sylvie called him an idiot for bringing them here, but Loki didn't know what she meant. Another meteor crashed down in front of them and the two ran for cover as Sylvie explained that this was the worst apocalypse saved in the TemPad and that no one survives. She almost got hit by a meteor, but Loki pushes her out of the way.

Sylvie under truck looking camera

Sylvie takes cover with Loki

The two managed to take cover under a large truck, and Loki asked why she wasn't killing him, and she said that because he had hidden the TemPad, and if he dies it is lost. She then pointed to a mining shack to take shelter in and the two took off, but when Loki asked if they were a team, she said no. The two were bombarded by meteors on the way over, but the two safely made it inside.

Sylvie tries to control Loki

Sylvie tries to control Loki

While Loki was catching his breath, Sylvie approached him and grabbed his face before trying to use her powers to trap him in a memory, similar to how she used her powers on Hunter C-20. It failed, due to Loki's strong mind. The two then drew their blades again, but Loki was tired of this and proposed a truce, which she scoffed at. She asked where the TemPad was hidden, but Loki jokingly said it was in his heart, so she threatened to cut it out. Loki told her to stop trying to kill him every 30 seconds, but Sylvie said that he was full of it as he needed her to figure out how to recharge it and that's why Loki saved her. Sylvie told him that her plan was years in the making, and that when she got the TemPad back, she'd go finish her plan, and then kill him.[8]

Walking to an Abandoned Town[]

Sylvie and Loki walking

Sylvie and Loki exploring

She then left to find a power source to charge the TemPad, and Loki accompanied her. The two trekked to a nearby town, and the two argued on the way, especially how Sylvie was a Variant but did not like to be called one, and also did not like to be called Loki. She then told him her name was Sylvie, and Loki told her that having an alias was not Loki-like. Sylvie then taunted Loki for working for the Time Variance Authority, and said that he did not know what he wanted. He asked what he wanted, as he was confused why Sylvie would create a power vacuum so large in the TVA without planning to fill it herself, and that he never would do that. Sylvie said that she wasn't him.

Sylvie and Loki discusses out of house

Sylvie asks Loki for the TemPad

When they arrived at an abandoned town, Sylvie noted that their fleeing was in vain as everyone died anyways. She then said they had about twelve hours before they would die along with them, and that it would get worse as the landscape changed and society collapsed. They then found a neon sign that was powered on, and Sylvie pretended to check the coupling before asking for the TemPad, but planned to leave and abandon Loki as soon as she took it. Loki saw through it and told her to try harder. Sylvie then told him to stop pretending to be tech savvy, as the TemPad required a large energy source to recharge, not just enough power to light up a sign.

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Sylvie and Loki speak to a woman

They then continued past the town and came upon a house with inhabitants. Sylvie grabbed her sword, but Loki stopped her, telling her that his diplomacy and guile would work better than her violence. She then kicked the door down, before being blown backwards by a woman with an air gun pointed at her door. She got up and Loki taunted her slightly before disgusing himself as the woman's late husband Patrice, but the woman wasn't fooled and he too got blown back. The woman taunted them calling them "devils" and then asked what they wanted with her, before Sylvie asked where everyone had went. She said they went to an evacuation vessel called the Ark, and Sylvie realized that the Ark could power the TemPad. Sylvie then learned that they could get there via train, but that there were no tickets left. She and Loki then left for the train at the edge of town, discussing how they would get on it.

Guards looking Sylvie and Loki

Sylvie and Loki get on the train

The two found the train station, which had many people waiting outside to be let on. Loki then told her that they couldn't fight their way on, and Sylvie said her plan didn't involve fighting. Her plan was to enchant a guard to lead them through the crowd, and use him to kill anyone who stood in their way, probably killing all the guards and hijacking the train, and that it wasn't violent as whether there was a fight was up to the guards. Loki told her that they'd be doing this his way, before he transformed into a guard's outfit. While they passed by, the crowd yelled about how unfair it was that only the rich received tickets to salvation. The stepped up to the platform and when asked to see their tickets to Shuroo, Sylvie enchanted the guard to believe that headquarters had radioed a request for Sylvie to go to Shuroo that morning. The two then boarded the train.[8]

Train to Shuroo[]

Sylvie watching the lights

Sylvie speaks with Loki

On the train, Sylvie and Loki sat down in a corridor and talked about their early life. Sylvie told Loki that she couldn't remember much about her mother, other than blips of a dream. However, Sylvie was interested when Loki discussed his mother. Loki showed her a trick involving projecting fireworks that his mother had showed her. They then talked about their love lives, with Sylvie mentioning her long-distance relationship with a postman. Shortly after, Sylvie took a nap and when she woke up, she found Loki drunk and singing Asgardian chants with the rest of the passengers without his guards uniform. However, Sylvie noticed one passenger giving Loki a suspicious look and leaving to report on his behavior. Sylvie tried to get Loki to stop but they were confronted by multiple guards, which resulted in another fight and Loki getting thrown out of the train.

Broken TemPad

Sylvie sees the broken TemPad

Since he had the TemPad, Sylvie followed him and jumped out also. After recovering from the fall, they found out that the TemPad was broken, much to Sylvie's anger. She was angered at Loki's carelessness and caused a small energy blast when she screamed to relieve the stress of impending death.[8]

Making a Plan B[]

Loki and Sylvie sit

Sylvie is consoled by Loki

Sylvie sat down in defeat, while Loki followed suit and consoled her over his failure to protect the TemPad and asking her if the scream made her feel better. Loki then suggested that they still aim to escape, which would ensure their survival. Loki asks Sylvie if the planet that is about to crash into Lamentis-1 destroys the whole moon, which she confirms and adds that everyone on it is killed, including them. Loki asks about the Ark, to which Sylvie responds the Ark never leaves because it was destroyed. Then, with newfound confidence they start to make their way to Shuroo in hopes of making sure the Ark leaves, getting on, and using it to charge the TemPad to escape.[8]

Struggle in Shuroo[]

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Sylvie and Loki in Shuroo

However, upon entering Shuroo, Sylvie and Loki found it crowded and struggled to get to the front. Loki asked if all the people down below were going to be left to die, startled by that fact. Sylvie and Loki then went around the crowds through the backway before getting attacked by some more guards.

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Sylvie running for cover

Sylvie and Loki then had to take cover after asteroids began falling down over the city. As they were running, a building almost fell on them but Loki used his telekinetic powers to stop it and put it back up.

People see the Ark destroyed

Sylvie witnesses the destruction of the Ark

When they reached some distance from the impact site, they observed a gigantic asteroid crashing into the Ark. Loki and Sylvie fearfully gazed at the Ark, as their only hope of survival was smashed to pieces. Upon seeing this, Sylvie walked away from Loki, having fully given up on their chances of survival, while Loki stood still in shock.[8]

Fighting the TVA[]

Discovered and Recaptured[]

Sylvie and Loki talking, and yeah, is not Black Widow

Sylvie speaks with Loki

Having left Shuroo, Sylvie and Loki sat down on the outskirts of the city and waited as the planet crashed into Lamentis-1. Sylvie told Loki about her past on Asgard, being taken into the Time Variance Authority as a young child, and escaping them. She said she had been running from them her whole life, and wherever she went she caused a branch because she wasn't supposed to exist. She explained how she finally figured out how to hide out in apocalypses, and ending with she's grown up in them and now she'd die in one. Loki comforted Sylvie by marveling at her plan to solely take down the TVA. As two giant meteors hit the ground in front of them and creating a wave of earth and debris, Sylvie and Loki grabbed each other's hands. Just before they were enveloped in the wave, two Timedoors appeared.[9]

Loki and Sylvie Deleted Scene

Laufeydottir is held in a chokehold

Loki then grabbed Laufeydottir and held her in a chokehold as she struggled to break free. Loki used this moment to try to explain to Ravonna Renslayer and Mobius M. Mobius that it was all apart of his plan and now he was delivering Laufeydottir to them. However, Mobius was done with his tricks and did not believe it. In and attempt to escpa,e Laufeydottir bit Loki's arm, loosening her from his grasp. She then ran at Renslayer before being knocked down by Hunter B-15's punch.[10]

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Sylvie taken into Time Variance Authority custody again

Laufeydottir and Loki were then escorted back to the Time Variance Authority Office, where they were arrested and separated by Mobius M. Mobius and Minutemen. Sylvie was then taken to an interrogation room where she was locked inside, with two Minutemen guarding the doors to make sure she did not escape. Becoming bored in the room, Sylvie rested her head on the table.[9]

Hunter B-15's Request[]

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Sylvie is asked for help from Hunter B-15

Eventually, Hunter B-15 walked inside and put aside her Time Stick, surprising Sylvie. B-15 then asked for Sylvie's help before opening a Timedoor and asking her to accompany her. Sylvie followed and found herself back in 2050 Haven Hills outside the Roxxcart building. Sylvie was then asked to unlock B-15's memories, as B-15 had sensed something from the time when Sylvie had enchanted her. After B-15 remembered her past life, Sylvie smiled.[9]

Killing the Time-Keepers[]

Sylvie captured by Minutemen

Sylvie is captured by Minutemen

Returning to the TVA, Sylvie was recaptured by Minutemen and brought to where Loki was also in Minutemen custody. Ravonna Renslayer arrived and told the Minutemen that she would take care of them, leading them into an elevator. Inside, Sylvie asked Renslayer if she remembered her and Renslayer replied that she did. Sylvie then asked what her nexus event was, but Renslayer claimed that she could not remember.

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Sylvie fighting the Minutemen

Sylvie and Loki were taken to the Time-Keepers chamber where they saw the Time-Keepers sitting on thrones before them. Sylvie tried to confront them, but Renslayer used a Time Twister on her. Hunter B-15 then arrived and deactivated the collars around Sylvie and Loki's neck. She then gave Sylvie her sword back, as Sylvie and Loki began fighting off the Minutemen, before getting confronted by Renslayer. Sylvie managed to knock Renslayer out before confronting the Time-Keepers with Loki.

Sylvie throws weapon

Sylvie throws her weapon at one of the Time-Keepers

Ready to achieve her goal, Sylvie decapitated the head of one the Time-Keepers, only to find out that they were androids. This then left Sylvie and Loki confused and both asked the question of who founded the TVA. As Loki was about to say something to Sylvie, he was struck by a Time Stick, and pruned by Renslayer.

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Sylvie threatens Ravonna Renslayer

Enraged that Renslayer erased Loki from the TVA, Sylvie promptly disarmed Renslayer and pointed her Time Stick at Renslayer. Renslayer then told Sylvie to prune her, but Sylvie refused and demanded that she tell her everything about the TVA.[9]

Confronting Ravonna Renslayer[]

Journey Into Mystery 01.

Sylvie confronts Ravonna Renslayer

Sylvie took Ravonna Renslayer to the courtroom and threw her to the floor. She then kicked her forcibly demanding answers about the Time Variance Authority and demanded her TemPad. However, Renslayer told her she was in the dark about the TVA's origins just as much as she was. Renslayer then asked Miss Minutes to look into the files of the TVA's origins. As Miss Minutes scanned for the files, Sylvie was told by Renslayer that Loki was still alive and that she had sent him to a pocket dimension at the end of time. She then told Sylvie about a Void Timecraft, but Sylvie was doubtful.

Sylvie realises she was tricked

Sylvie realizes she was tricked

Renslayer asked Sylvie to trust her and shook hands, but after Miss Minutes couldn't find the Timecraft, Sylvie realized that Renslayer was lying and jumped over the judge's seat to hide as Minutemen came inside to arrest her. Sylvie then stated that she couldn't have trusted Renslayer and asked her if she still wanted to find out the TVA's origins, before taking Renslayer's Time Stick and pruning herself.[11]

Trapped in the Void[]

Sylvie in Void

Sylvie in the Void

Sylvie woke up and found herself in the Void in a broken down bus. After smashing a window to get out, she was immediately found by Alioth, a living cloud that consumed life and stripped all else bare. As she was running away from the being, she briefly enchanted it and viewed a foreign land and a castle, realizing that the being was guarding something of importance.

Sylvie in Car

Sylvie speaks with Mobius M. Mobius

Shortly, a car drove up and the door opened for her to get in. When she hopped inside, she saw Mobius M. Mobius at the driver's seat. The two then discussed the TVA, and Mobius apologized for Sylvie's kidnapping. After driving away from the being into Egypt and towards the pyramids, Sylvie told Mobius to drive back towards Alioth as she had a plan.[11]

Reunited with Loki[]

Sylvie Mobius

Sylvie and Mobius M. Mobius find Loki

Sylvie and Mobius M. Mobius eventually found Loki, and met Kid Loki, Classic Loki, and Alligator Loki. Sylvie then told Loki her plan to enchant Alioth in order to see what was beyond it and what it could be possibly guarding. At first Loki did not take her seriously, but agreed after Sylvie was confident with her plan.

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Sylvie talks with Loki

The group then waited for a branch timeline to appear and Sylvie sat down in the grass with Loki. As they were sitting, Loki conjured a blanket and shared it with Sylvie. Sylvie asked Loki if she could trust him after they had found out who was behind the TVA and he replied that he had changed for the better, so she could trust him.[11]

Battle Against Alioth[]

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Sylvie and Loki prepare for their plan

When Sylvie decided it was time to confront Alioth, she handed Loki the TemPad she had gotten. However, he handed it to Mobius M. Mobius who opened a Timedoor and said goodbye to the two before leaving the Void. Kid Loki, Classic Loki, and Alligator Loki left also, walking away, leaving Sylvie and Loki alone. Sylvie and Loki then watched as a warship was cast out into the Void and watched as Alioth appeared, completely devouring the sailors and leaving the ship in ruins.

Sylvie Enchants

Sylvie enchants the Alioth

As Sylvie tried to maintain composure to enchant the Alioth, she needed a distraction so Loki offered and ran off to distract Alioth. However, Alioth ignored him and came for Sylvie instead, but was distracted when Classic Loki returned and conjured up an illusion of Asgard. Sylvie continued to try and enchant Alioth, but grabbed Loki's hands and told him to join her in enchanting the being.

Sylvie Sees the Portal

Sylvie and Loki see the portal

Together, they were able to enchant Alioth, but not without the sacrifice of Classic Loki, allowing the being to reveal what it had been guarding. Sylvie opened her eyes and told Loki to do the same, as they saw that a portal had opened up, revealing a castle in the distance in another dimension. Sylvie and Loki exchanged glances and walked towards the portal.[11]

Confronting He Who Remains[]

Sylive Loki Castle

Sylvie and Loki at the Citadel at the End of Time

"You treated real people's lives like some kind of game."
"It's not personal, it's practical."
"It was personal to me."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and He Who Remains[src]

Sylvie and Loki walked up to the Citadel at the End of Time and waited outside, debating on if they should knock or kick the front door open. Sylvie told Loki to be quiet as she wanted to think about going in as she had been a victim of the TVA forever. However, the doors to the castle opened up automatically, much to their surprise.


Sylvie and Loki speak to Miss Minutes

Sylvie and Loki walked in, with their weapons drawn, and turned around as the doors closed behind them. When they turned back around, they were startled by Miss Minutes who popped out of nowhere before them. Miss Minutes told them that He Who Remains wanted to make a deal with them and that he could make it work for both of them to be on the timeline together. Miss Minutes continued and told Loki that he could be victorious in the Battle of New York, kill Thanos, wield the Infinity Gauntlet, and become king of Asgard. She told Sylvie that she could wake up and live in her happiest memories. However, Sylvie was skeptical and told Loki that it was all fiction, and she and Loki left the room.

Loki Sylvie see HE

Sylvie and Loki meet He Who Remains

Walking into the next room, Sylvie and Loki found statues of what resembled the Time-Keepers with some on the floor. As they continued on, an elevator buzzer alerted them to it and they drew their weapons, standing in front of the elevator as it opened. The two watched as He Who Remains stepped out and greeted them, telling them to come on the elevator with him. Sylvie and Loki did cautiously, with their weapons still drawn.

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Sylvie tries to kill He Who Remains

In the elevator, Loki commented how He Who Remains was just a man, and Sylvie replied that that would make it easier to kill. She swung at He Who Remains with her sword only for him to use his TemPad and evade her swings rapidly. After He Who Remains transported himself out of the elevator, Sylvie looked angrily up at the ceiling, upset that she had been unable to attack him.

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Sylvie and Loki listen to He Who Remains

Inside He Who Remain's chamber, Sylvie and Loki were offered drinks and invited to sit down in chairs. The two eventually sat down and listened as He Who Remains explained his story about stopping the Multiversal War, how he harnessed Alioth's power, and created the Time Variance Authority to protect the Sacred Timeline from the creation of his evil Variants.[7] He then offered Sylvie and Loki a deal of what they could do if they cooperated with him. Sylvie was convinced that He Who Remains was lying, in which he suggested that she couldn't trust anyone, even Loki.

Loki stops Sylvie

Sylvie tries to fight Loki

Sylvie stood up from the chair and tried to stab He Who Remains but Loki stopped her. This caused her to believe that Loki was power hungry and was not genuine; however, Loki tried to tell her that by killing He Who Remains, something more dangerous could come about. Not listening to reason, Sylvie engaged Loki in a duel and used her magic to blast Loki away so she could run at He Who Remains once more. After another attempt to kill him, Loki reappeared in front of her and stopped her.

Loki Sylvie kiss

Sylvie kisses Loki

Sylvie listened as Loki told her that he had once been like her and knew where she was coming from, leading her to become emotional and drop her sword. She then kissed him, acknowledging their feelings for each other. After their embrace, she told Loki that she still was different and used He Who Remains' TemPad to open a Timedoor. She then used her powers to push Loki through it.

Sylvie confronts He

Sylvie confronts He Who Remains

Now that Loki couldn't protect him, Sylvie confronted He Who Remains. Sylvie took her sword and with force, shoved the desk aside without touching it, leaving He Who Remains vulnerable, but amused, in his chair. She then walked up to him and asked if he was going to beg for his life. Finishing what she's started, she jabbed the sword in his chest, with him winking at her and telling her that he'll see her soon.

Sylive realizes

Sylvie realizes what she's done to the Multiverse

Sylvie then realized that Loki had been right that He Who Remains was telling the truth. Realizing her actions and feeling upset that she was responsible for fracturing the Multiverse, timelines now flowing indefinitely from the Sacred Timeline, she fell down on the floor and has an emotional breakdown. With no place to go, she remained alone in the empty Citadel.[3]


Trying Everything[]

I Want Everything

Laufeydottir realizes that she wants to stay

"How do I do this?"
"What would you like?"
"Not squirrel, not possum, not rats. Something that's already dead, and nothing with a face... Please."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and Jack[src]

No longer having to follow a pre-determined path, Sylvie traveled to a branched 1982 in Broxton, Oklahoma. She entered a McDonald's restaurant and asked for something not pertaining the likes of squirrels, possums or rats, and preferably something already dead and without a face. Jack, the cashier, offered available meals, to which Sylvie stated her intent to try everything.[12]

Reunion with Loki[]

She's Not Lovin' It

Sylvie sees Loki at McDonald's

"It's the future, it's going to happen."
"Is it? Really? Because that sounds a lot like the future's already been written. And we both know that it hasn't. Not anymore. I made sure of that."
Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Sylvie started working at the McDonald's and found herself enjoying it. While working, she refilled the straw dispenser and served Bill his food. She saw Loki, Mobius M. Mobius, and a Time Variance Authority prisoner at the entrance to the McDonald's shocking her. Loki approached her register and greeted her. Sylvie returned the greeting and asked if he intended to order anything. Loki asked to talk, so she agreed to do so once on her break.

Loki and Sylvie (1982)

Loki tries to explain what he saw

They met in the parking lot, where Sylvie sat on her car trunk and ate. Loki acknowledged that she did not want to see him and assured her that he did not want to cause trouble. Sylvie asked why he was there, so Loki tried to explained that he was getting pulled through time. Sylvie asked Loki to get to the point, so Loki explained that he saw her in the future at the Time Variance Authority Office and needed to know why. Sylvie sarcastically commented about Loki seeing the future and adamantly stated that she did not intend on returning to the TVA. She said that she did not care, and Loki insisted that future was guaranteed to happen, which upset Sylvie, since it sounded like TVA propaganda. Loki asked Sylvie to enchant him so she could see what he saw, but Sylvie said she wanted nothing to do with it. Loki told Sylvie that the situation was bigger than the TVA, which he saw as the only way to defend against a Multiversal War.

Sylvie Brad Green Glow

Sylvie enchants Brad Wolfe

Loki and Sylvie continued talking, but Sylvie had to return to her shift. Loki asked what Sylvie would if variants of He Who Remains appeared, but Sylvie simply said she would kill them. Mobius and the prisoner, Brad Wolfe, joined them, ranting about how the entire timeline would die. Sylvie enchanted Wolfe and learned that Dox and her crew were planting Reset Charges to destroy the branched timelines which Sylvie had created. She agreed to help them stop Dox's plan.[13]

Attack on the Branching Timelines[]

Sylvie Green Magic

Sylvie destroys Dox's equipment

"The TVA is the problem. It's broken, it's rotten. I'm going home... if it's still there."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Sylvie brought Loki and Mobius M. Mobius to where Dox and her loyalists were deploying the Reset Charges, and the three made a plan. While Loki distracted the loyalists, Mobius and Sylvie went around destroying the TemPads which were being used to set off the charges. Sylvie and Loki reunited and together created a powerful magic blast which defeated the remaining loyalists.

Sylvie Laufeydottir Season Two

Sylvie expresses horror at the Time Variance Authority's failure

Loki stayed with Sylvie while the loyalists were arrested by the Time Variance Authority. However, Mobius then told Loki they had to go. Loki turned to face Sylvie, who stayed in place as he left through a Timedoor. However, Sylvie ultimately decided to return to the Time Variance Authority Office. She saw as the entire TVA stood in shock at how many people had been killed in Dox's attack and got emotional at the destruction of the timelines. Loki approached Sylvie, who angrily asked if it was the best the TVA could do. Loki tried to explain that they could not do anything, but Sylvie did not accept the defense. Angry, she declared the TVA to be the problem and returned to her the timeline in which she had taken residency.[13]

Return to 1982[]

Sylvie talking to Jack

Jack checks in on Sylvie

"Is your mum on her way to pick you up?"
"Yeah. She'll be here. I'm good."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and Jack[src]

Sylvie returned to McDonald's and sat on the hood of her car in the parking lot. Jack approached Sylvie and asked if she was okay, so Sylvie said she was. Jack then asked if Sylvie would be in work the following day, and Sylvie assured him that he would. Sylvie asked if Jack's mother was driving him home, and he confirmed that she was. Jack then walked away, and Sylvie looked at He Who Remains' TemPad as she activated it.[13]

Tracking Victor Timely[]

Chase of Victor Timely[]

Sylvie in 1893

Sylvie threatens Victor Timely

"When you showed up out of nowhere to ruin my life, you asked me what I would do if one of his Variants turned up. And I told you then, I'd kill him."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Sylvie went to 1893 on a branched timeline, where a variant of He Who Remains named Victor Timely was developing technology similar to that at the Time Variance Authority. She found Timely with Loki and pointed her sword at him. Loki put himself in front of the sword and tried to stop Sylvie, but she demanded he stay out of it and pushed both him and Timely into a Ferris wheel capsule. She told him to get out of her way and stabbed at Timely, who avoided the sword as Loki pushed her back.

Sylvie's Mission

Sylvie reminds Loki of her promise

Sylvie reminded Loki of her assurance that she would kill any other variants who appeared, but Loki again got in her way and explained that the TVA would be destroyed without Timely. Sylvie said that they should let it burn and asked whether Loki cared about anything other than the TVA. Timely recognized the name of the TVA, so Sylvie lurched at them, but Loki explained that if the Temporal Loom were to fail, there would not be a life to which she could return. Sylvie pinned Timely to a wall using her magic and told Loki that working with Timely would not stop the TVA from being destroyed or fix it. She insisted that she would not like killing Timely, so Loki told her not to.

Sylvie Charging Up

Sylvie attacks Loki and Victor Timely

Sylvie took the copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook that Timely had and threw it at Loki, asked where Timely got it. She explained that without Ravonna Renslayer's interference, Timely would not have been dangerous and scolded Loki for wanting to bring Timely into the TVA. Loki insisted that he had never met Timely and the TVA needed him, freeing Timely from Sylvie's magical grip. Sylvie charged at Timely, but Loki magically separated them. As the capsule stopped, Sylvie and Loki blasted at each other, sending Loki and Timely flying out one end and Sylvie crashing into the other. Sylvie watched as a crowd gathered and was chased off by Miss Minutes posing as the Ghost Clock of Midway, allowing Renslayer to escape with Timely. She found Loki on the ground and declared that it was his fault.[14]

Confronting Victor Timely[]

Sylvie Threatens Victor

Sylvie prepares to kill Victor Timely

"If you're gonna kill me, just do it."
"Oh, no. I've killed you a thousand times in my mind, each time more brutal than the last. It's crippling, that kind of obsession. I'm starting to realize that. It's power for you, isn't it? That's what you want. A seat at the End of Time. Well, be careful what you wish for."
Ravonna Renslayer and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Sylvie found Victor Timely's laboratory and walked in on Mobius M. Mobius and Ravonna Renslayer arguing about what to do with Timely. She blasted everyone over and approached Timely, pointing her sword at him. Timely insisted that he had not done anything, but Sylvie simply stated that he would. Timely claimed that Sylvie did not know who he would become, so Sylvie got emotional and told Loki and Mobius to leave with Timely. Sylvie hit Renslayer with the handle of her sword, so Renslayer said to simply kill her. However, Sylvie explained that despite having imagined killing Renslayer, she realized she had developed an unhealthy obsession. Sylvie noted that Renslayer wanted power and pushed her through a Timedoor to the Citadel at the End of Time.[14]

Destruction of the Temporal Loom[]

Return to the TVA[]

Sylvie in the TVA

Sylvie finds Victor Timely in the Time Variance Authority Office

Sylvie decided to return to the Time Variance Authority and found Loki and Mobius M. Mobius trying to convince Victor Timely to trust them. Timely greeted her and noted that everyone wanted him, demanding a say in his actions. A power surge occurred in the Time Variance Authority Office, and Timely agreed to help once he realized that his Temporal Loom was responsible for it.

Somebody Killed He Who Remains

Sylvie smiles at Ouroboros' comments about He Who Remains' death

Sylvie, Loki, and Mobius guided Victor Timely through the Time Variance Authority Office, though he kept getting distracted by the technological innovations of He Who Remains. As Timely was introduced to Casey and Ouroboros, Ouroboros and Timely realized that they had inspired each other's works and started complimenting each other and preparing to autograph each other's copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook. Sylvie interrupted them, asking them to focus on fixing the Temporal Loom. Ouroboros explained that someone would need to take the Throughput Multiplier to the Loom and launch it so that it could handle the branches, turning to Sylvie when he acknowledged that the branches were formed when she killed He Who Remains and ruined his life. Sylvie simply smiled at Ouroboros. Ouroboros said that the plan was doable, so Sylvie suggested they stop delaying. However, Casey noted that there was another problem. However, Timely correctly guessed the problem and offered a solution, so Sylvie left with Loki and Mobius to give them space to work.[5]

Argument with Loki[]

Sylvie Mad at Mobius

Sylvie scolds Mobius M. Mobius

"So Timely can save the TVA. Then, we hope that the TVA turns into something good. Then, we hope that Timely doesn't turn into He Who Remains or someone worse. That's a lot of hoping, Loki. I didn't have you down for an optimist."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Mobius M. Mobius suggested they have pie while they wait, causing Sylvie to become angry. Sylvie scolded Mobius for seemingly not understanding the stakes of their situation and leaving the problem solving to them after he and Loki begged for her help. Loki tried to calm Sylvie down, but she got angry about the dying timelines. She realized that Mobius had not looked to see what his life was like on the timeline, suggesting that Mobius did not understand the personal stakes before storming off.

Sylvie Stuck in TVA

Sylvie listens to Loki

In Sylvie's wandering, she ended up in the automat, which was full of pies. She was about to leave, but Loki entered. Loki explained that Mobius was simply trying to figure out what to do like the rest of them. Loki mentioned that he had asked for help and she walked away, but Sylvie claimed not to have walked away, since she was in the Time Variance Authority Office. Loki suggested that she had only come since she could not kill Victor Timely. She explained that Timely appeared scared, whereas He Who Remains did not, although speculated that she simply did not see his fear. Loki shared that he had mocked Thor for the changes he had made while banished to Earth, and Sylvie agreed that softness got people killed. However, Loki explained that by sparing Timely, she had ensure that the Time Variance Authority and the branching timelines would survive.

We Are Gods

Loki reminds Sylvie that they are gods

Sylvie noted how much faith Loki had in Timely, Ouroboros, and Casey and reminded Loki that Dox was part of the TVA as well and killed several timelines. Loki claimed that the timelines which were still alive were due to the efforts of other members of the TVA, but Sylvie simply asked what would happen if Loki was wrong to believe the TVA could change, saying that it would be easier to destroy the organization and restart it. Loki agreed, but added that hope and trying to fix things was hard. Sylvie said that it was too much to hope for, but Loki insisted it was their best option. He went on to suggest sending Timely home after he helped could be a good thing since they could protect him. Sylvie implied it sounded like TVA propaganda, upsetting Loki. Sylvie noted that they appeared to be playing God regardless of what they did, but Loki simply stated that they were gods before walking away. Sylvie then followed Loki out of the automat.[5]

Temporal Meltdown[]

Sylvie Laufeydottir (Ouroboros)

Sylvie finds Loki

"There you are."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Sylvie and Loki found that Victor Timely had been taken and Miss Minutes returned. Hunter B-15 arrived and said that Dox was killed, so Sylvie realized that Renslayer was responsible. Loki suspected that she was still in the Time Variance Authority Office, so Loki and Sylvie rushed to look for them. The elevator door opened slowly, and Loki got shut out, so he took the stairs while Sylvie took the elevator. The elvator shut down on the way up, so Sylvie broke into the control panel and made it keep moving. However, the elevator again stopped moving.[5] Sylvie forced the door open and saw Loki. She expressed relief to see Loki, but he was then pruned[12] by the present version of himself.

Turn Off the Magic

Sylvie and Loki ask Ouroboros to turn on the magic

Loki promised that things would made sense when the phone next to the elevator rang. Sylvie left the elevator and Loki answered the phone and realized that it was Ouroboros asking what was taking so long. Loki told him about Miss Minutes' sabotage, so Ouroboros suggested he reboot the system to shut her down. However, he was hesitant since it would mean losing the security protocols, including the one which dampens magic. Sylvie and Loki heard this and quickly told Ouroboros to shut it down, so he did.

Renslayer Pruned

Sylvie prunes Ravonna Renslayer

Sylvie and Loki found Hunter X-05, so Sylvie hid while Loki lured him over. Sylvie then enchanted him and found that Timely was in the War Room. As X-05, Sylvie entered the War Room and pulled Renslayer aside. She expressed surprise to see Renslayer again so soon while having her own body pull Timely out of the room with Loki. She used X-05's body to prune Renslayer before releasing him.

Sylvie's Last Moments

Sylvie watches the Temporal Loom's destruction

They rushed to the Temporal Loom, and Timely opened the blast doors. Timely volunteered to be the one to bring the Throughput Multiplier to the blast doors, and he went to get ready. Sylvie asked how long he would have, but Ouroboros said it would not be long. As soon as the doors were opened, Timely was killed by the radiation, shocking everyone. Mobius asked where Timely was, so Sylvie simply stated he was gone and it was over. The Loom exploded, and Sylvie rushed in horror as the explosion moved toward the Time Variance Authority.[5]

Return to Her Reality[]

Sylvie Didn't Forget

Sylvie reveals that she did not forget her past

"Of course I'm selfish. I want a life. I want to live. What's wrong with wanting something, Loki?"
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Sylvie was returned to the timeline which she had lived in and continued working at McDonald's. At the end of a day of work, she brought food out to her car. However, while she was unlocking it, the food suddenly disappeared. Loki then appeared through a Timedoor and claimed that Sylvie did not know who he was. However, Sylvie explained that she did know who he was. Loki was surprised and explained that she was the only one of his friends who remembered. His body was nearly pulled away, but Loki stopped it. Sylvie, horrified by the display, offered to buy a drink for Loki.

Sylvie at Bar

Sylvie tries to explain that the results of the destruction are positive

At the bar, Loki explained that the Temporal Loom exploding caused all of his friends to be forced into their lives on the timeline. However, Sylvie claimed that it was a good thing since they were back to the lives they were meant to have. Loki asked how many would have returned given the choice, but Sylvie reminded Loki that He Who Remains took their choice away. Loki suggested that people such as Mobius M. Mobius, who enjoyed their lives in the Time Variance Authority, should get to choose. Sylvie suggested that it would not be a fair choice to take people from their lives and show them the truth, but Loki simply restated that they did not get a choice and they could not get one without her.

Eric and Sylvie

Sylvie gets Loki to confess what he wants

Sylvie did not care, prompting Loki to call her selfish. Sylvie agreed that she was selfish and that she wanted to live, asking what Loki wanted. Loki initially insisted that he wanted to stop He Who Remains and save the TVA, but Sylvie kept pushing him and got him to confess that he wanted his friends back. Loki explained that he did not want to be alone, so Sylvie said they were both selfish as Eric brought them drinks. Sylvie sympathized with the difficulties of Loki's situation, but claimed that his friends were where they belonged. Loki asked where he belonged, so Sylvie explained that they were writing their own stories. Sylvie told Loki to write his own story and left the bar.[6]

Her Home Destroyed[]

Sylvie Looks Up

Sylvie watches as her universe is destroyed

"There's nowhere left to go."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Sylvie went to Rooster Records and greeted Lyle, commenting on him staying late. Lyle realized she was having a difficult day and offered an album for her to listen to. She went to a record player in the back of the store and put the record in and enjoyed the listening to the song with headphones on. However, Lyle suddenly called out her name and started running to her, getting her attention. Sylvie saw the universe getting destroyed around Lyle and reached out to him, only for his hand to fall apart in hers. Sylvie sadly watched as the store was destroyed and used He Who Remains' TemPad to go to Loki.

Sylvie Spaghettification

Sylvie is destroyed along with the universe

She arrived as Loki claimed that the friends he had gathered were fine without the Time Variance Authority and said that they were not. She explained that the branches were dying, but when Don asked what it meant, Sylvie did not know and needed to do something. Loki suggested they go back and stop the Temporal Loom from melting down, telling A.D. Doug that they had everyone they needed. Doug went to scan everyone's Temporal Auras, but he and Frank Morris disintegrated. Sylvie watched as Don and Verity Willis disappeared along with the universe around them. Sylvie explained that there was nowhere left to go before she disintegrated.[6]

Loki's Revelation[]

Sylvie Back

Sylvie brought back by Loki's Time Slipping

Loki time slipped to Verity Willis' death, bringing Sylvie back as she said that there was nowhere left to go. He then time slipped further back to her arrival at A.D. Doug's workshop. Don asked what it meant that the branches were dying, but Sylvie said she did not know. Loki suddenly realized that he controlled his Time Slipping. He then time slipped back to before the Temporal Loom was destroyed.[6]


Loki Takes Front

Laufeydottir sits back and watches

"Loki... why are you being so weird?"
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Now back in the Time Variance Authority Office due to Loki's Time Slipping, Laufeydottir did not retain any memories from after the explosion of the Temporal Loom. She watched as Loki quickly explained what to do to Victor Timely as if he was trying to prevent something. However, Timely died once again, leading to the loom's destruction. Laufeydottir and the others were looped many times as Loki tried to solve the problem, but it did not work.

Timely Dragged by Loki Sylvie

Laufeydottir helps grab Victor Timely

Eventually, Loki time slipped earlier and called for Laufeydottir to help him. The two retrieved Timely from captivity and dragged him into the core room as Loki talked about wasting time. When nothing worked, Loki slipped to when Timely arrived at the Time Variance Authority. Laufeydottir trailed Loki as they made their way to Ouroboros' lab. Loki quickly told Timely and Ouroboros that they both wrote the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook before walking past Laufeydottir, brushing her. She flinched, asking Loki why he was being so weird.

Sylvie Suspicious

Laufeydottir looks at Victor Timely confused

Loki neglected to answer and took Ouroboros' model of the loom. Laufeydottir helped him drag it to the middle of the room as he explained how they were going to expand the loom. Loki's quick explanations and knowledge made Laufeydottir suspicious, causing her to give him a threatening glare. Loki continued to explain asking if everyone was following, producing an annoyed yes by Laufeydottir. However, Ouroboros stated his doubts about getting the Throughput Multiplier running, leading Loki to conclude he had to do it himself, which would take centuries.[15]

Realizing Her Mistake[]

Sylvie in Focus

Laufeydottir watches Victor Timely

"It's almost as if as soon as the timelines started branching, this was doomed to happen."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Loki returned having spent centuries learning. He brought everyone to the core room where he tried to get started. Laufeydottir watched as Loki explained everything to a tea and typed in all of the codes needed. She then followed him to the windows where he used a microphone to talk to Victor Timely during the mission. Laufeydottir watched as Timely walked on the gangway and made it to the Maintenance Probe. There, he was able to dock it with the Temporal Loom. At this point, everyone cheered as Timely returned.

Sylvie's Fault

Laufeydottir realizes it is her fault

This celebration was short lived, however, as Laufeydottir found herself inching away from the window as the loom started exploding. Despite Loki's confirmation that the calculations were correct, everyone saw their eventual demise unfolding. Timely then realized that they could not fix the loom as the Multiverse was infinite. So no matter how much they expand it, the loom would always fail. As everyone realized their fate, Laufeydottir spoke up, finally seeing the true danger of killing He Who Remains. If she had not killed him, this would not have happened. Loki then slipped away.[15]

Replaying the Mistake[]

Loki Fire Sylvie

Loki pleads for Laufeydottir to stop

"You've been seduced by a throne."
"The last thing I want is a throne. Sylvie, stop!"
"If you want me to stop, you'll have to kill me."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki[src]

Loki time slipped to before Laufeydottir killed He Who Remains. At the Citadel at the End of Time, with her sword pressed up against Loki's neck, he pleaded with her to stop. He then pushed her away, causing her to ask what was happening. Loki said that she had to believe him and that she could not kill He Who Remains.

Sylvie's Magic Blast

Laufeydottir blasts Loki

Laufeydottir simply chalked it up to Loki wanting the throne, but he denied it. Laufeydottir replied that if he wanted her to stop, he would have to kill her. She then fought him and tried to get her sword to He Who Remains. However, she was stopped by loki, who grabbed her by the arm, causing He Who Remains to taunt Laufeydottir. She spun around and head butted Loki before blasting him away and stabbing He Who Remains. Loki then time slipped to remove this death.

Sylvie Sword Telekenesis

Laufeydottir fights over control of her sword

Now meeting He Who Remains for the first time in an elevator, Laufeydottir tried to make her first move, attempting to stab He Who Remains. However, Loki caught her arm, making the sword barely reach He Who Remains. Her enemy then laughed at her failure. Back at the top of the citadel, Laufeydottir threw her sword at He Who Remains, only for it to get caught telekenetically by Loki. Laufeydottir tried to push it further, but Loki brought it back towards then and slammed it to the ground before putting Laevateinn to Laufeydottir's throat. She repeated that he would have to kill her. Loki hesitated, then gave up his guard, allowing Laufeydottir to run and kill He Who Remains.

Frozen Sylvie

Laufeydottir is frozen in place

This same routine happened countless more times as Laufeydottir refused to let up and Loki refused to kill her. Eventually, Loki pushed Laufeydottir away and asked He Who Remains why he would not do anything. He Who Remains responded by freezing Laufeydottir in place and then using his TemPad to remove her from visual. Laufeydottir was eventually freed and swung her sword, completing her motion when she was frozen. However, she realized something was wrong and looked around confused. This time, Loki froze her, learning a trick of his own. He Who Remains responded by making Laufeydottir disappear again.

Loki HWR Sylvie

Laufeydottir reappears

He Who Remains eventually revealed a still frozen Laufeydottir once again and told Loki to either kill her or protect what they could as her killing He Who Remains set off the Temporal Loom. So he would have to kill her. Loki then slipped away.[15]

Die Trying[]


Laufeydottir is met by Loki

"And who are you to say we can't die trying? Who are you to decide we can't die fighting? You're replacing one nightmare with another. I grew up in apocalypses, Loki. I've lived through enough of them to know that sometimes it's okay to destroy something."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Laufeydottir was met by a Time Slipping Loki once again, but this time in A.D. Doug's world before being consumed by the Multiverse. She looked at Loki saying there was no where left to go. However, Loki surprised her by stopping time with a flick of his wrist. He told her that they were outside of time and he mastered his time slipping.

Sylvie and Loki

Laufeydottir talks to Loki

Loki then broke the news that the Temporal Loom was designed to only protect the Sacred Timeline and the only way anything survived is if she never killed He Who Remains. This angered Laufeydottir, who was mad that they could never win and it was drawn up from the beginning. She then approached Loki and got close. She stared him in the eyes before breaking her gaze and chuckling. She told him that she was not giving him her blessing to kill her.

Sylvie Close Up (Glorious Purpose)

Laufeydottir states her opposition

Loki looked back at her and simply told her that it was the Sacred Timeline or nothing and asked what he should do. Laufeydottir told him it was not enough to protect the timeline because everywhere there was death and destruction and he would be the god to take away everyone's free will for that. Loki asked what good free will was if everyone was dead. Laufeydottir told him that she lived in apocalypses and knew better than anyone that a little destruction can mean good and he could not say they could not die trying or die fighting. Loki then realized that she was right that destruction is good if you replace it with something better. He then time slipped away with an idea.[15]

Given a Chance[]


Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius are trapped by Loki

"He's giving us a chance."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Laufeydottir was returned to the moment Victor Timely scanned his Temporal Aura. She then watched as Loki looked around solembly. He then calmly walked down the stairs without saying a word. Confused, Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius followed him, only to be blocked by Loki who closed the door behind him. As Laufeydottir and Mobius pleaded for him to stop, Loki told them he knew what god he had to be for them and for everyone. He then opened up the door to the Temporal Radiation.

Multiverse Rift

Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius watch Loki

Laufeydottir and Mobius ran up the stairs and to the window as they watched Loki walk down the gateway through pure will. As his clothes were ripped, it revealed a green cape and a Horned Helmet. They then watched as he used Magic to destroy the Temporal Loom, causing dying branches to fall down. As the color faded to black around the Time Variance Authority Office, the group watched as Loki took these branches as started giving them life through magic, opening up a rift to the Citadel at the End of Time.

Giving Us a Chance

Laufeydottir states Loki's purpose

Loki looked back at the group. A sad Laufeydottir stared back as Loki faced the rift and started walking up an appearing stairwell to the citadel. As the rift closed behind him, Laufeydottir remarked at how he was giving them a chance, one that she never got. Loki then created the loom with himself in the center, causing him to be sitting at the End of Time forever.[15]

A New Journey[]

Mobius and Sylvie Watching Don

Laufeydottir stands next to Mobius M. Mobius

"It's weird that Loki's not here, isn't it?"
"Well, see you around, I guess."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Laufeydottir soon left the Time Variance Authority Office to be on her own and ran into Mobius M. Mobius in 2022. She approached behind Mobius as he watched his Sacred Timeline-self from afar. She remarked at how the yard needed a little work, but Mobius admitted it did not and it was just perfect as it was the best house on the block.

Sylvie On Sacred Timeline

Laufeydottir is unsure of the future

Letting silence take the reigns, she spoke up saying how it was weird that Loki was not there. Mobius agreed. She then said she would see him around. Mobius asked where she was going, but Laufeydottir had no idea. She asked the same and Mobius simply told her he was going to wait there and let time past. She consoled him by grabbing his shoulder before leaving through a Timedoor.[15]


"I'm hedonistic. A lot more than you, I assure you. But never at the expense of the mission."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]

Sylvie Laufeydottir is an incredibly smart, clever, and determined character who will go towards any extent to achieve her goals as seen by her extreme determination to stop the person behind the TVA. Like other Loki Variants, she deeply cares about her mother shown by how she was deeply moved through Loki's stories with his mother. Also, like Loki Variants, she is shown to be a narcissistic person who cares about themselves more than others as seen how she shunned others to the side for her goals. However, unlike her other Variants she is far more aggressive with her approach towards handling people, she hates her identity as a "Loki", and her extremely stubborn persona. Further, she also has a greater level of intelligence in comparison to other Loki Variants, as seen by how she discovered people could hide in apocalypses and be defended from the TVA. Due to her life growing up across apocalypses, she's incredibly distrusting and almost always assumes the worst. He Who Remains even points this out, asking her if she thinks she's even capable of trusting others, due to all the childhood trauma she experienced. This was shown when she couldn't sit with her back behind the door and had difficulty working with Loki initially.

Unlike the other Loki Variants, Sylvie shows that she doesn't care about being in control or ruling. She displays disgust and distraught by it, enough to reject Loki's purpose when he tried to convince her by helping him taking over TVA or He Who Remains who offers her and Loki to take his place. Sylvie shows to be rather vengeful against He Who Remains, TVA, and Renslayer for taking away her home and family when she was a child. It shows as she stepping on Renslayer while she was pinned on the floor and killing He Who Remains out of vengeance. Even Hunter B-15 points out to Renslayer, that Sylvie is driven by vengeance. However, her desire for revenge ultimately blinded her views as she couldn't think in a rational sense that killing He Who Remains may destabilize the Multiverse.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Frost Giant Physiology: Sylvie is a Frost Giant who has been enchanted to look like an Asgardian by her family. Due to her heritage, Sylvie possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among her people, including superhuman strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, healing, and was extremely long-lived, as well as the ability to manipulate ice.
    • Superhuman Strength: Like all Frost Giants, Sylvie possesses great superhuman strength. She was able to rapidly and easily yank and drag Hunter U-92 away from a Reset Charge before killing him with her sword. Additionally she was able to effortlessly drag Hunter C-20 through a Timedoor with one hand.
    • Superhuman Durability: Sylvie's skin is incredibly durable. She easily shrugged off a strike to the face from Ravonna Renslayer's Time Stick.
    • Superhuman Speed: Sylvie and Loki were able to outrun the meteors and destruction on Lamentis-1, and she also outran Alioth in the Void.
    • Superhuman Agility:
      Sylvie kicks on face

      Sylvie fighting a Minuteman

      Sylvie possessed impressive agility allowing her to battle a Minuteman. She was also able to spin her body on one hand while fighting Loki at the Citadel at the End of Time.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Sylvie's endurance allows her to fight for long periods of time. She was able to run away from countless meteors on Lamentis-1 without taking a break.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Sylvie can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds. She was able to avoid the meteors on Lamentis-1.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's resistance, Sylvie can still be injured like any other Frost Giant. However, her metabolism enables her to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with great speed.
    • Longevity: Sylvie, like all other Frost Giants, are extremely long-lived beings. She is able to live past a thousand years while on the run.
    • Ice Manipulation: Similar to other Frost Giants, Sylvie is able to manipulate and create ice to her benefit.
      • Cold Immunity: Due to her Frost Giant physiology, Sylvie is immune to cold. However, she masked this by acting cold when Loki offered a blanket to get closer.
"You taught yourself that magic?"
"Yeah, I did."
Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]
  • Magic: Like her original counterpart, Sylvie is a powerful and skilled sorceress, capable of using magic to produce various effects. She can even cast weakened versions of her spells in the TVA, where no magic is supposed to function.
    • Enchantment:
      Sylvie controlling C-20

      Sylvie enchanting Hunter C-20

      Sylvie can enchant victims by making physical contact and then grab hold of their mind, forcing them to fight on her behalf or obey her whims. She was able to make Alioth allow them to pass to the Citadel at the End of Time. Sylvie can use her enchantments to take complete control of other people's bodies, speaking and acting through them. She can also use her enchantment abilities through them, allowing her influence to transfer from one body to another by touch. This leaves the victim exhausted and drained, causing them to immediately pass out once she stops possessing them. She also enchanted Randy and Hudson.
      • Mental Manipulation: Sylvie can easily compel a weak-willed person to engage in combat for her or believe whatever she tells them by merely touching them. However, someone with a strong will may be able to resist. Sylvie is able to combine her enchantment with another Loki's, as they demonstrated it on Alioth, forcing the being to open a portal for them. Upon touching someone, Sylvie can trap them in an illusion created from their own memories, forcing them to relive past events. This effect persists even after physical contact is broken and lasts until the memory playback ends, at which point the victim loses consciousness. While touching them, Sylvie can view their memories and even insert herself into the illusion, allowing her to interrogate them in an environment where they'll be more compliant and willing to reveal information. She was able to extract information about the Time Variance Authority from Hunter C-20 by using this method.
      • Power Bestowal: When Sylvie enchants someone, she could bestow strength onto them. When she enchanted Hudson, she was able to knock Loki across the room and incapacitate him while she made her escape.
    • Energy Blast:
      Sylvie rage 1

      Sylvie projecting a small energy blast

      Sylvie can project green energy bolts and blasts, allowing her to strike, push, or blow away her targets. The blasts are powerful enough to send an adult humanoid, as shown during her battle with her Variant over He Who Remains' fate, fire launching Loki several feet into a nearby wall with a single projectile. After distracting Loki with a kiss, she knocked him through a Timedoor with a close-ranged blast from her fingers.
    • Telekinesis: Sylvie is able to influence objects and move matter with mere gestures and focus. In a fit of fury and frustration, Sylvie inadvertently blasted air and dirt away from herself while screaming over the loss of the TemPad. After her final duel with her Variant, she further demonstrated her power by summoning her discarded sword off the ground and sending a large desk violently gliding across the room with a wave of her hand, a feat that impressed He Who Remains.
    • Transmutation: Sylvie was able to transform between her civilian attire to a darker version of her outfit, as well as concealing both her sword and He Who Remain’s TemPad on her person as ordinary accessories, the latter appearing as a wristwatch.


"The Variant's been ambushing our soldiers and hiding out in doomsdays to cover his tracks."
Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Sylvie is very intelligent. She was able to figure out if she hid out in apocalyptic events, she wouldn't cause any nexus events, a feat that was never achieved by the TVA, let alone any of her other Variants, until a new Variant came along.
"Your were just a child when the TVA took you, but you nearly took down the organization that claims to govern the order of time. You did it on your own. You ran rings around them. You're amazing!"
Loki to Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]
"Just give it back to me. You don't know how to recharge it."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir to Loki[src]
  • Expert Engineer: Sylvie knows how to charge the TemPad, being able to operate and analyse the Reset Charge made by He-Who-Remains to reset various timelines in her revenge against the TVA.
"I just don't wanna be around a Variant who killed 400 of our co-workers."
Hunter X-05[src]
  • Master Combatant:
    Sylvie kicks Loki

    Sylvie fighting against Loki

    Sylvie is a highly skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant, being able to fight Loki on equal ground, successfully defeated some of the most skilled warriors of the TVA, and almost effortlessly took down security guards on Lamentis-1. She was also skilled enough to temporarily hold back Loki while inhabiting the body of a human thrall.
  • Sword Mastery: Sylvie is highly skilled at using a sword in combat, being able to stab and kill Minuteman 200914867365 with ease, and even contend with Loki in melee combat several times. She also used it to fight against the guards of the train in Lamentis-1 and the Minutemen protecting the Time-Keepers with ease.
  • Staff Mastery:
    Sylvie vs Ravonna3

    Sylvie fighting Renslayer with a Time Stick

    Sylvie is highly skilled at using a staff in combat, being able to use a jousting lance and a Time Stick while possessing Hunter C-20's body to fight against the Minutemen squad in the Renaissance Fair tent with ease, in an alternate 1985. Sylvie was able to use a Time Stick to fight against the Minutemen in the Time Variance Authority Office during her attack, and later use it to fight against Ravonna Renslayer.
  • Bilingualism: Sylvie is fluent in her native Asgardian, as well as English.



Other Equipment[]

  • Horned Helmet: As a Variant of Loki, Sylvie also has a horned helmet, shaped like a smaller circlet and with a broken horn, that she can also use it as weapon in fight, shown when she shoved it at a guard during her fight on the train to Shuroo.
  • TemPad: Sylvie used a TemPad to teleport to different alternate timelines while collecting Reset Charges and to escape the Time Variance Authority's radar. However, her TemPad was stolen by Loki and later destroyed on Lamentis-1.
    • Timedoors: Sylvie uses these space-time portals of the Time Variance Authority to travel to apocalyptic events of the history to avoid being found by the TVA.
    • Time Cells: Time Cells are where the TVA's prisoners are put in a time loop for eternity, usually a reincarnation of a bad memory. Although Sylvie has the power to create one, she hasn't done so yet.
  • Reset Charges: Sylvie collected many of these TVA devices in her ambushes to the Minutemen. She finally bombed the Sacred Timeline sending all of them to many points in the history, thus causing a complete chaos on the Time Variance Authority.
  • Quantum Ore Shovel: Sylvie obtained this A.I.M. device during the earlier third millennium, and used it to ambush the Minutemen on an alternate 1858, in Salina, Oklahoma.
  • Uniforms: Sylvie used Hunter C-20's uniform when she possessed her in the Renaissance Fair tent, and later used Hunter B-15's uniform when she possessed her in the Roxxcart Mall.
  • Multifunctional Tool: To be added


  • Lamentis-1 Train: Sylvie and Loki boarded the train while trying to reach the Ark to escape Lamentis-1. While on the train, she and Loki discussed their early life and Sylvie took a nap. After she woke up, Loki's cover was blown and he was thrown off the train. Since Loki had the TemPad, Sylvie was forced to jump out of the vessel as well.


This section requires expansion
  • Royal Palace of Valaskjalf: In her timeline Sylvie lived in Asgard, residing in the Royal Palace. Sylvie played alone in the palace with her toys and action figurines until a Timedoor appeared and Hunter Ravonna Renslayer and two Minutemen grabbed her and arrested her.
  • Time Variance Authority Office: After she was arrested by the TVA, she went through the screening room, the signing room, the main room where Casey resides, and the judge room where she escaped from Renslayer. She went through the judge room once more where she forced Renslayer to tell her about the TVA, resulting in her pruning herself when she was cornered by Minutemen. She also was brought into a Time Theater to be interrogated.
  • Roxxcart Mall: Sylvie used the Roxxcart Mall as a place to lay low while hiding from the Time Variance Authority. She also used it to bring the captured Hunter C-20 so she could find out how to get to the TVA.
  • Citadel at the End of Time: After she and Loki successfully enchanted Alioth, they entered the Citadel, and engaged in a battle over He Who Remains' fate, which ended when she sent Loki back to the TVA.
  • McDonald's: To be added
  • Rooster Records: To be added



  • Mother †
  • Adoptive Family †




Appearance for Sylvie Laufeydottir

In chronological order:

In an indefinite temporality:


  • Sylvie Laufeydottir is an amalgamation of different characters from the comics:
    • Loki, who temporarily reincarnated into a female after being killed during Ragnarök.
    • Sylvie Lushton, a human girl magically enhanced by Loki, who became the second known Enchantress, modelling her appearance after the first one, the Asgardian Amora.
  • Sylvie Laufeydottir wears an ankh as an earring.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sylvie Laufeydottir.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Sylvie Laufeydottir.

External Links[]
