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"I know I turn everything into a joke, but I care, and I want to use that for something important."
―Wade Wilson to Happy Hogan[src]

Wade Winston Wilson is a mutant working as a mercenary. He left behind his vigilante identity of Deadpool behind to find a stable and fulfilling job as a civilian until he was taken from his reality and offered a place in the Sacred Timeline by Paradox, a rogue Time Variance Authority agent and well as gaining a new suit from the TVA. However, after learning that Paradox plotted to annihilate his home timeline, Deadpool was sent to the Void alongside a Variant of his Wolverine, with whom he formed a very uneasy alliance to escape. The two new friends were able to thwart Paradox's plans and kill Cassandra Nova before she could erase all timelines, and thus, Wilson invited Logan into his world and continued working for the TVA.


Early Life[]

Becoming Deadpool[]

"You had a girlfriend?"
"Yeah, Vanessa, we meet when she was a dancer."
Wolverine and Deadpool[src]

Wade Wilson was born in Canada and served in the Special Forces, he eventually used his superior skills for killing to become a mercenary. Wilson would meet and fall in love with Vanessa Carlysle. However, Wilson was diagnosed with cancer, so he abandoned Carlysle and sought an experimental treatment that forced his mutation, giving him regenerative healing factor, but also disfigured his entire body. Wilson met and moved in with Blind Al, as well as befriending a cab driver named Dopinder. Wilson tried to return to Carlysle, but she was kidnapped, so Wilson, who now donned a black and red suit and went by the superhero name "Deadpool" went to rescue Carlysle. Wilson was aided by X-Men members Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and was reunited with Carlysle, and the two continued their romantic relationship.[1]

Life as Deadpool[]

"I was... mainly I was team leader and founder, really, of X-Force."
―Wade Wilson to Happy Hogan

Unfortunately, Vanessa Carlysle was killed sometime later during an attack on Wilson by Sergei Valishnikov. In an attempt to move on, Wilson joined the X-Men, but it didn't work out, so he decided to form the X-Force, which included Shatterstar and Peter Wisdom. However, on their first mission dealing with Cable, all of the members of X-Force were killed when parachuting. Wilson ended up allying with Cable, and was able to acquire his time travel device. Wilson used the device to go back in time and save Carlysle from dying, as well as Wisdom and Shatterstar. In addition to this, Wilson also killed a different version of him that was about to face off with Wolverine. Wilson then made another stop to a different universe and killed Ryan Reynolds as he read the script to Green Lantern before returning to his original universe.[1]

Applying to the Avengers[]

"I found my place, find your place."
Happy Hogan to Wade Wilson[src]

On March 14, 2018, Wilson traveled to Earth-616 in hopes of becoming an Avenger. He met with Happy Hogan, telling him that he wanted to become a member of the team because he needed it. However, Hogan told him that the Avengers weren't members because they needed it, but because others needed them; Hogan ultimately turned Wilson down. Wilson then left the Sacred Timeline and returned to his universe dejected and depressed.[1]

Retired Mercenary[]

"I'm done, and I'm fine with being done."
Wade Wilson to Peter Wisdom[src]

A depressed Wade Wilson breaks Cable's time travel device shortly after returning to his timeline, where his depression for being denied by the Avengers results in him breaking up with Vanessa and eventually retiring from his mercenary life and gaining a job at Drive Max where his former teammate, Peter, worked.[1]

Normal Life[]

Working for Drive Max[]

"Now let's go sell some certified pre-owned vehicles, mother fu..."
Wade Wilson[src]

To be added[1]

Celebrating his Birthday[]

"Wanna do some cocaine?"
"Hey! Cocaine is the one thing Feige said was off limits."
Wade Wilson and Blind Al[src]

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Deadpool Multiversal Incident[]

Taken by the TVA[]

"Wade Wilson?"
"Yeah, the answer is depending on who must have bothered you. Are those supposed to be cop costumes?"
Wade Wilson to Minutemen[src]

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An Offer[]

"I brought you here Mr. Wilson to tell you that you're special. In fact, you been choosing for a higher purpose unclear even to me. But one that could saved the entire Sacred Timeline from a possible grisly fate sometime in the future which marry well need to be avenge"
"The Sacred Timeline? I assume I am going to Marvel? And help cinematic a Fews? Gratuitous Cameos? Indiscriminate used of variants? The whole package?"
Paradox and Wade Wilson[src]

To be added[1]

Fighting the TVA[]

"I guess we're getting this team up after all."
―Deadpool to Logan's corspe[src]

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Multiversal Trip[]

"I gotta find me another Logan, a live one."

To be added[1]

Sent to the Void[]

To be added[1]

Escape From Cassandra Nova[]

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Meeting the Resistance[]

To be added[1]

Escaping the Void[]

To be added[1]

Fighting the Deadpool Corps[]

To be added[1]

Saving All Timelines[]

To be added[1]

Working with the TVA[]

"My eyes are over here. There you go. Give yourself permission. Surrender to it. Slide into my DM. That's right, just lose ourselves in tangled sheets and bodies. We'll ignore each other at work for four or five days, and then we'll come back hungry."
―Deadpool to the Hero of the Multiverse[src]

A person in the Multiverse created a series of new timelines, attracting the attention of the Time Variance Authority. Miss Minutes decided to recruit the person and contacted Deadpool on a Chrono Monitor, as Deadpool was being recruited to be the person's new coworker. Deadpool walked out of an elevator in the Time Variance Authority Office's elevator. He showed off for his new coworker and did a flip, before posing and farting. Deadpool flirted with his new coworker, horrifying Miss Minutes. The Chrono Monitor then quickly turned off.[3]


"I mean, you are a ridiculous, immature half-wit moron. And I have never met a sadder, more attention-starved jabbering little prick in my life, and that says a lot 'cause I have been alive for more than 200 fucking years. "
Wolverine to Deadpool[src]

Wade is maniacally comedic, sarcastic and has an extremely irreverent sense of humor that can easily irritate and annoy most of his enemies, and even some of his own allies and friends like Wolverine. He regularly insults and belittles his enemies for his own amusement. He also feels no shame and can make a joke out of any situation, even one that is not at all in his favor.

However, beneath all his maniacal comedy and sarcasm, lies a tortured person who deeply cares for his friends and loved ones and desperately wants to matter in the world, even trying to join the Avengers to satiate the latter need, only to be rejected. His care for his friends was so great that he rejected the opportunity to join the Sacred Timeline offered by Paradox and sought to instead save his friends, even if it meant allying with Wolverine and going against Paradox.

However, at times Wade had a tendency for inadvertently causing the deaths of some people he familiarized himself with in a short time and who did not harm him in anyway, showing a complete lack of remorse. Instances include revealing Johnny Storm's badmouthing and insulting of Cassandra Nova to the latter, leading to Storm’s death. He also got his variant Nicepool killed by his other variants by using his body as a shield from their gunfire, soon taking the latter’s pistols for his own use and also finally getting to own Dogpool. On both instances, this behaviour was reprimanded by Wolverine, even when he denied his own part in causing Storm's death.

Powers and Abilities[]


"Motherfucker, I wish I could say you'll die alone, but it's one of God's best jokes that you can't die! Except that's on all of US!"
Logan to Deadpool[src]
  • Mutant Physiology: To be added
    • Superhuman Strength: To be added
    • Superhuman Durability: To be added
    • Pain Suppression: To be added
    • Superhuman Speed: To be added
    • Superhuman Agility: To be added
    • Superhuman Stamina: To be added
    • Superhuman Reflexes:
      Deadpool & Wolverine Teaser Trailer (90)

      Wilson catching a magazine

      Wilson has superhumanly acute reflexes as a result of his artificial mutation. Hence, he can react quickly in a combat scenario, enough to keep pace with multiple TVA soldiers, slice bullets mid air with his katanas (albeit with minimal success) and contend with Wolverine. In one instance, he caught two spare magazines with his pistols.
    • Enhanced Senses: To be added
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: To be added
    • Nigh-Immortality: Due to his regenerative capabilities, Wade is immune to physical age. He is also virtually impossible to kill and cannot be infected by any kind of disease.
"I smell what you're stepping in. Your little cinematic universe is about to change forever."
―Deadpool to Paradox[src]
  • 4th Wall Awareness: As a result of his mutation, Deadpool possesses an awareness that he is a fictional character existing within a film franchise. This ability penetrates deeper into the real world than She-Hulk, who is only able to access a lesser version of reality that mirrors the real world. Before he was given the offer to join the Sacred Timeline, Wade was already aware of its existence. Wade is not only aware of the existence of Marvel, the Fox X-Men, and Disney owned Marvel Cinematic Universe, he also understands and references the real life circumstances of their coexistence and is aware that his franchise has been acquired by Disney, even adhering to specific guidelines set by Kevin Feige. Wade is aware of the existence of the Avengers and Captain America despite their complete absence from his universe, mistaking a Johnny Storm variant for Steve Rogers, with whom he bears a striking, uncanny resemblance. Before encountering Alioth, Wade was already aware that it first appeared and existed in Loki, Season 1 Episode 5. This multiversal awareness extends beyond the aforementioned timelines as he was also aware of all the cinematic Punishers that existed in other film franchises. Wade understands that the people existing in his reality are characters portrayed by actors and is able to explain reasons for inconsistencies in his world due to budgetary or practicality constraints in the real world. Deadpool is also able to communicate his thoughts with the audience members watching his adventures and has been shown to be able to interact with the "cameraman" broadcasting his reality. This power also provides Wade with limited precognition, giving him the ability to predict or foreshadow certain events that fit narratively within his story, as well as events that transpire in the real world. However, it is unknown if he possesses this ability at all times as he seemingly only uses this power for comedic effect, rather than for practical or logistical reasons.


"I'm gonna fight you now."
―Wade Wilson to Wolverine[src]
  • Master Martial Artist: Due to his special forces training, Wilson is highly skilled in unarmed combat. As a result of his unpredictable nature, Wilson is highly dangerous in combat. Wilson's overall fighting style incorporates Taekwondo, Boxing, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
  • Sword Mastery: Wilson is a highly trained swordsman. His swords allow him to cut through several trained shooters with ease. He was able to kill several TVA agents using his dual katanas.
  • Knife Mastery: Wilson is highly skilled at using knives in combat. He used a knife to stab Wolverine during both of their fights. Wilson also demonstrated knife-throwing skills, such as when he dug up Logan's corpse and used some of his bones as throwing projectiles to kill multiple TVA agents.
  • Nunchaku Mastery: Wilson has demonstrated proficiency with nunchucks. After digging up Logan's corpse, Wilson used Logan's bones as a pair of nunchucks to kill multiple TVA agents.
"Unless you want to take a deep breath through your fucking forehead, I suggest you reconsider."
―Wade Wilson to Wolverine[src]
  • Master Marksman: Because of his special forces training, Wilson is highly proficient with firearms. Wilson typically prefers dual pistols while shooting in combat.
  • Master Acrobat: Wilson's enhanced reflexes and agility make him highly evasive and mobile in battle. He is capable of performing complex aerial movements while in combat. Using a variety of free-running and parkour maneuvers, Wilson is challenging to anticipate with his erratic and spontaneous movement.
"I know how to fuck people up for money, but you, you know how to save them."
―Wade Wilson to Wolverine[src]
  • Master Assassin: Wilson is an extremely skilled assassin. His special forces training combined with his trait of talking too much gained him the nickname of "Merc with a Mouth".



  • Twin Katanas: Wilson carries two samurai katanas made of Adamantium on his back created by the TVA. He used these swords to kill multiple TVA agents and fight against Wolverine. He later used these swords to fight against members of the Deadpool Corps.
  • Desert Eagle Mark XIX: To be added
  • Knife: Wilson carries a combat knife holstered in his right boot, which he used to fight against Wolverine.
  • Punch Daggers: Wilson carries a pair of punch daggers, which he used to fight against Wolverine.
  • Wolverine's Corpse: In an effort to salvage the anchor being of his universe, that being Wolverine, Wilson exhumed his body from its resting place near the Canadian border only to find it completely skeletonized. Confronted by the TVA's Minutemen, he improvised weapons using Wolverine's bones, such as nunchucks, maces, throwing "stars" and gauntlets bearing his claws, using their adamantium composition to his advantage.

Other Equipment[]

"So what made you finally wear an honest to god costume? Mine's red so they can't see me bleed. But I can see how yellow would be useful too."
―Wade Wilson to Wolverine[src]
  • Deadpool Suit: Wilson wears a red and black suit when operating as the mercenary Deadpool to hide his disfigured form. Wilson designed the suit to be red so that his enemies wouldn't be able to tell if he was bleeding when he got injured. After being taken from his reality by Paradox, Wade received a upgrade version of his costume with a brighter red and bright black.

Former Equipment[]






  • In the comics, Wade Wilson became a test subject of Weapon X program scientist Dr. Killbrew and his assistant Francis Fanny to cure his cancer. He was injected with a serum developed from Wolverine's DNA, causing him to develop a healing factor that saved his life but horribly mutated him and drove him insane, leading Wilson to adopt the moniker of Deadpool and turn into a comedic mercenary. Despite being associated with mutants, he's not a mutant (Homo Superior) himself, but a mutate or enhanced human.
  • Deadpool is the fifth character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to break the fourth wall, after Groot, Pizza Poppa, She-Hulk and Rocket Raccoon.
    • Unlike the first two, Deadpool is the second character to break the fourth wall on a regular basis, following She-Hulk.
  • The muzzles on Deadpool's twin pistols read "Smile" and "Wait for the Flash."

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Deadpool.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Deadpool.

External Links[]
