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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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"Oh... my... God... Sabretooth."

Victor Creed was a mutant with animal-like abilities which lead to him taking on the name Sabretooth, eventually being banished to the Void by the Time Variance Authority. Having joined Cassandra Nova’s rogue group of villains, he encountered Deadpool and his alternate half-brother, Wolverine, before challenging Wolverine and was swiftly decapitated by him.


"Sabretooth. Your brother."
Deadpool to Wolverine[src]

Sabretooth was the half-brother and long-time enemy of James Howlett, a.k.a. Wolverine. Eventually, he was pruned by the Time Variance Authority, ending up in the Void, where he joined Cassandra Nova's crew.

Sabretooth was marauding alongside other members of the crew when they encountered Johnny Storm, Deadpool, and an alternate Wolverine, the latter two of which had just arrived in the Void themselves. Recognising Wolverine, Sabretooth dismounted from his vehicle and challenged his half-brother to a duel. Before they could begin, however, Deadpool took the time to clean Wolverine up and give him strategy advice, to Wolverine's annoyance.

The two then charged at each other, screaming, but Sabretooth was swiftly decapitated by Wolverine's claws, his body dropping to the ground at Deadpool's feet. Taking Sabretooth's severed head in his hand, Deadpool challenged the other marauders, with Wolverine taunting "Who's next?". However, they were quickly incapacitated by Toad using a large magnet attached to one of the crew's vehicles.[2]


"Ready to die?!"
―Sabretooth to Deadpool and Wolverine[src]

A merciless brute of brawn over brain with years of experience in killing, Sabretooth is confident in his skills and enhanced abilities, as he does not hesitate to challenge an alternate version of Wolverine, his half-brother, in hand-to-hand combat. However, Creed’s confidence and underestimation of his enemies’ capabilities eventually proved to be his fatal flaw, as he was quickly dispatched comfortably by Wolverine within a single slash of the claws, cutting his head off without sustaining any further injuries himself.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mutant Physiology: To be added
    • Superhuman Strength: To be added
    • Superhuman Durability: To be added
    • Superhuman Speed: To be added
    • Superhuman Agility: To be added
    • Superhuman Stamina: To be added
    • Superhuman Reflexes: To be added
    • Enhanced Senses: To be added
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Sabretooth’s body can quickly heal from any injuries dealt. However, this power has its limits, as he was unable to survive being decapitated by Wolverine.
    • Longevity: To be added
    • Retractable Claws: To be added


To be added






  • In the comics, Victor Creed/Sabretooth is a mutant who is commonly depicted as a primary antagonist towards the X-Men, and as the archenemy of Wolverine. The two characters share a history together as former participants in the Weapon X program and as part of the CIA-based mutant black ops unit Team X. Through these experiences, Creed became obsessed with hunting Logan in an attempt to re-awaken his primal characteristics, which he suppressed since escaping Weapon X and joining the X-Men.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sabretooth.
  1. Known only by codename
  2. 2.0 2.1 Deadpool & Wolverine

External Links[]
