Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Dogpool, see Dogpool's Character Hub
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"And I guess you've already met Mary Puppins aka Dogpool. Careful where you put your hand, she's 90 percent G-spot and she'll let you know it."
―Nicepool to Deadpool[src]

Mary Puppins, nicknamed Dogpool is a dog and a Deadpool variant who was banished to the Void.


Owned by Nicepool[]

To be added

Deadpool Multiversal Incident[]

Meeting Deadpool and Wolverine[]

To be added

Taken to Earth-10005[]

To be added

New World, New Life[]

Owned by Deadpool[]

To be added



To be added





  • In the comics, Dogpool was a dog named Wade Wilson who was subjected to animal testing involving Mascara X. The mascara which was intended to be a replenishing cosmetic ended up disfiguring Wilson and giving him the ability to regenerate his injuries.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dogpool.

External Links[]
