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Fallout Wiki
FoTV Ruger Mini-14 GB The Target1

In "The Target"

The semi-automatic rifle is a weapon appearing in the Fallout TV series.


In the TV series[]

In "The Target," Ma June wields a semi-automatic rifle after she puts out a bounty on the Ghoul's head.

In "The Trap," one of the Sheriffs from the Govermint, is seen wielding a semi-automatic rifle, during the confrontation with the Ghoul at the Super Duper Mart.

In "The Beginning", a semi-automatic rifle is seen beside some ammo crates at the Brotherhood of Steel usurped Filly.

Afterward, a Brotherhood Squire is seen holding one as preparations for the Brotherhood's invasion of Griffith Observatory are made. The weapon would be used by some against the NCR soldiers during the invasion.

As Lucy MacLean and the Ghoul leave the Griffith Observatory, Lucy is seen carrying a rifle on her back.

