Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
The Radio scimitar 1

Benjamin takes the ceremonial scimitar

The Scimitar[1] is a bladed weapon appearing in the Fallout TV series.


Scimitar is a type of sword with a curved blade, associated with Middle Eastern cultures.

In the TV series[]

The Radio scimitar 3

Benjamin cuts the rope with the scimitar

In the episode "The Radio", when Lucy MacLean is "sentenced to death" for her transgressions in Vault 4, Overseer Benjamin grabs a ceremonial scimitar. However, instead of killing her, as she expects, he uses the (rather blunt) sword to (ineffectively) cut the rope around her wrists. He then declares that the death sentence is via banishment to the surface with two weeks of supplies.



  1. ↑ "Benjamin steps over to a scimitar and lifts it. He stands before Lucy with the blade raised."
    (Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 7: "The Radio" audio description)