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Fallout Wiki
FoTV Ruger MkII The Past

A shot Rink falls down with gun in hand

The rimfire pistol is a weapon appearing in the Fallout TV series.


An old rimfire semi-automatic pistol with a makeshift optical scope.

In the TV series[]

The Past[]

FoTV Ruger MkII The Past Maximus

Maximus holds the gun after killing the raiders

In "The Past," during a stand-off between Javin and Rink against Lucy MacLean and Maximus, Rink points her rimfire pistol against the two, only to be shot dead by Maximus.

Maximus would later loot the rimfire pistol from Rink's corpse and is seen wielding it as they walk toward and then individually enter the Hawthorne Medical Laboratories facility.

Behind the scenes[]

The real-world prop used for the weapon in the series is a Ruger Mk II, but it is not named in-universe. The Silenced .22 pistol in Fallout: New Vegas was based on a variant of the later Ruger Mk III model.
