Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Damn you for an ignorant fool! All those years wasted because a few idiots wanted to see something go "Boom!" Very well, if I don't have a future, then I'll make sure you don't either!

Erkal is a super mutant scientist in Jefferson in 2197.


Erkal was one of the most intelligent of all the super mutants. He was the one who led a research dedicated to curing mutant sterility. The lab was filled with his test subjects - mutant freaks, the deformed super mutants on which he performed several tests. When the facility was invaded by the Brotherhood of Steel squad led by the Warrior, he begged them not to harm his research.

He wears a white tent canvas, crudely cut to resemble a lab coat. He wears glasses although the Master has long established that super mutants do not need to wear glasses as their vision is quite good.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.
FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Mutant armor, glasses

Notable quotes[]


Erkal appears only in Fallout Tactics.
