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Megaton conversations are conversations between NPCs that occur in Megaton in Fallout 3. These are, for the most part, dynamically-occurring and make use of randomized prompts and responses. All such dynamic conversations are implemented in the ConvMegaton quest. For named characters, individual dynamic conversations have been arbitrarily numbered for organization, and scripted conversations are listed separately. Conversations for generic characters, as well as shared dialogue, are organized with each set of prompt/response lines occupying a distinct header.

In the format below, a character named in a header is the person who initiates the conversations listed below the header.

Andy Stahl[]

Speaker Line
1 Andy Stahl Leo, we need to talk.
Hey, Leo. Come here. I want to talk to you about something.
Leo Stahl Sure thing, Andy. What do you need?
I'm a little busy right now, Andy. What is it?
Andy Stahl I noticed some irregularities in the logs here. Are you tracking the drinks that you're selling like I told you?
You came up short again. Now, I don't know what's going on, but it needs to stop.
Leo Stahl Is it really that big of a deal if your little papers don't add up? Why are you always hassling me about this?
So we end up a few caps short at the end of the night. Who cares? It's not going to break us. Get off my back, man.
Andy Stahl If these books don't add up, I don't know how much money we have, then how are we supposed to stay in business? Would you just be more careful?
It's important, Leo! I have to keep our head above water here. Please, just try to be more careful.[Note 1]
Leo Stahl Okay, Andy. I'll try.
You really need to relax, Andy.

Billy Creel[]

Speaker Line
1 Billy Creel Hey, Maggie! How you doin', darlin'?
Hey! Sweetie-pie!
Maggie Yeah, Billy?
Yes, Billy?
Billy Creel Well, I was thinkin', Sweetie Pie... Sometime soon, we should take a trip. Just you and me. Maybe visit Rivet City or somethin'. Would you like that?
You know, I got to thinkin'. You and I should do some scavengin' sometime soon. See, we find us an old bike, and get Moira to help us fix her up!
Maggie Oh, yes! Please, please, please! Can we Billy? We could have so much fun. More fun than we could in Megaton, that's for sure!
You mean it? Oh Billy, thank you! Thank you so much! I can't wait!
Billy Creel Ha ha! I just love seeing you happy, sweetheart.
Well all right then! It's settled! I'll set my affairs in order, as they say, and we'll sit down and plan this thing out.
Maggie You're the best, Billy!
Thank you, Billy. I just... thanks.

Colin Moriarty[]

  • Conversation 1 is directed to Gob.
  • Conversation 2 is directed to Nova.
Speaker Line
1 Colin Moriarty Gob!
I want a word with you, zombie.
Gob Mister Moriarty, sir! What can I do for you?
Yessir, Mister Moriarty? What is it?
Colin Moriarty These floors are filthy, you useless fucking zombie! Next time you sweep, put your back into it.
Christ almighty, Gob, if I told you once I told you a thousand times. Do something about that... oozing. You're scaring off my customers!
Gob Please, sir! I'm sorry! I... I'm just stupid, you know that! A stupid, rotting corpse, right? I'll take care of it, I swear!
Mister Moriarty! Sir! I... I'm sorry! You're right, of course... It won't be a problem! I promise you!
Colin Moriarty All right, all right! Stop your pathetic sniveling and just do what you're fucking told.
Gob? If I hear one more excuse come out of that rotting mouth, I'm going to sew it shut. Okay? There's a good zombie.
Gob Yessir, Mr. Moriarty. More drunk customers, coming up!
2 Colin Moriarty Nova, love. A word...
A moment, Nova. NOW.
Nova Yeah, Colin?
Oh Christ, what now...
Colin Moriarty Have you been Jetting again? For Christ's sake, lass, you're half the earner when you're on that junk. NO... MORE... CHEMS. Got it?
Nova... You're a beautiful girl. Everyone knows that. But Jesus, put a smile on! If you can't be happy, at least look the part.
Nova I... I'm sorry, Colin. I've been tired lately, you know? I ain't been myself. Don't worry, I'll pull it together. I promise.
*Sigh* All right, Colin, all right. Just lay off, already. Please?
Colin Moriarty Oh, Nova. I've always trusted you to do the right thing, haven't I? If I didn't... you'd be dead.
Fine. But if we have this conversation again, I'll be forced to turn off the charm.
Nova God, you can be such an asshole sometimes, Colin. Don't worry, the "princess" will serve her king. Happy now?
I hear you, all right? Loud and clear. I'll make daddy proud.


This scripted conversation occurs during The Power of the Atom if Lucas Simms is murdered by Mister Burke after being told that Burke intends to destroy Megaton.

Speaker Line
1 Colin Moriarty Gob!
Gob I know, I know. I'll get a mop. It's just... blood is so hard to get out of the floor.
Colin Moriarty Well, that's been a long time coming. Good riddance.

Confessor Cromwell[]

Speaker Line
1 Confessor Cromwell Ah, my dearest wife...
Mother Maya Yes, darling.
Yes, husband?
Confessor Cromwell I've been concerned about church attendance lately, Mother. The town's inability to fully accept Atom's promise is... most discouraging.
Have you thought more on that matter we discussed? It's a bold plan, Mother. But I fear the townsfolk may not be ready for such an intervention.
Mother Maya We should stay our course, dearest husband. Atom's power penetrates us all, does it not? Soon, every soul of Megaton will revel in His glory!
Do not despair, dearest husband. Soon, all of Megaton will bask in Atom's glow.


Speaker Line
1 Gob Mister Moriarty? Can I talk to you?
Umm... Mister Moriarty? Sir?
Colin Moriarty What did you say to me? WHAT did you say to me? Did I give you permission to speak, you disgusting corpse?
Well I'll be! I could have sworn I heard this corpse speak! But that's impossible. Dead men don't talk, do they? They LISTEN. They OBEY.
Gob I... I think we're running low on Nuka-Cola, sir. I... I just thought you'd want to know...
Colin... Mister Moriarty, sir... I just wanted to... to say... well... you're looking quite dapper today, sir...
Colin Moriarty Shut yer gob, Gob! Ain't that why I named you that to begin with? Cause you talk too goddamn much? Now get your rotting ass back to work!
Jesus Christ, what did I just tell you? Get back to yer job while you still have one!
Gob Yes sir, Mister Moriarty!
Oh! Um... Y... Yes, sir!
Colin Moriarty Go!
Jesus give me strength...
2 Gob Nova?
Nova Hey Gob, what's up?
Hiya, Gobbie! Whatcha need?
Gob I set that special wine aside for you. The one you said makes you really... uninhibited.
You look beautiful today, Nova. Just like always.
Nova Oh, you're so sweet, Gob.
Awwww... Thank you hon. You're so thoughtful.
Gob Aw, Nova. I'd do anything for you. Well... I don't want to keep you. You're always so busy and...
Anything for you, Nova. Anytime.

Gob's radio conversation[]

This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene upon first entering Moriarty's Saloon in which Gob tries to fix the bar's radio to play Galaxy News Radio instead of Enclave Radio, with various bar patrons and personnel commenting. After the first two lines happen, Gob will use some randomized lines, not all of which are guaranteed to happen on any given run of the scene. At the same time, bar patrons and personnel will comment, with Gob giving up in the end. The conversation is implemented in the DialogueMegaton quest in the MegGobRadioTalk, MegNovaRadioTalk, and MegBarRadioChatter topics.

Speaker Line
Gob Aggh! Come on, you piece of junk! Every day, it's the same damn thing...
Nova I told you Gob, it ain't the radio. The Enclave station comes in fine. It's Galaxy News. Their signal's been shit lately.
Gob Come on!
Stupid radio!
Wait... is that...? Dammit!
Work! Come on. Work!
Why... won't... you... work?
Goddamn radio!
Son of a bitch!
Jericho You just leave that fucking thing alone, Gob?
Walter Boy, just leave it be. I like the Enclave station. It's downright patriotic!
Nova Just give it up, Gob. You're not going to get anything.
Gob Aw, forget it. I guess we're stuck with this Enclave crap.

Harden Simms[]

  • Conversation 1 is directed to Lucas Simms.
  • Conversation 2 is directed to Maggie. They are supposed to be part of longer conversations in which they are playing with each other (topic ID MegatonMaggieHardenPlay). However, there are no lines implemented for this conversation, so these greetings end up as floating lines.
Speaker Line
1 Harden Simms Dad! Dad, I want to talk to you!
Lucas Simms What's up, son?
What's on your mind, boy?
Harden Simms You said we could take that trip. Up north, you know? To see one of the old towns? Come on, dad, you promised....
We still haven't built that model, you know. The Corvega? You told me we could do it this weekend....
Lucas Simms *Sigh.* You're right, Harden. You're right. No more broken promises. Let me just... get my affairs settled, and I'll free up some time. Okay?
Oh man. I did say that, didn't I? Okay. Yeah, yeah we can do that. I've got some stuff to take care of, but after that, it's you and me! Okay, pal?
Harden Simms Okay, dad. But I'm going to hold you to it, this time.
You're kidding, right? You mean it this time? For real? Great! Great, dad, I can't wait! Thanks!
Lucas Simms Okay, son. Okay.
2 Harden Simms C'mon, Maggie! Let's go over here!
I see you!
It's my turn!


Speaker Line
1 Jericho Hey, Jenny. Lookin' good. What've you got for me today?
Well, hello there, sweetie. What's on the menu today?
Jenny Stahl Food, Jericho. It's all I had for you yesterday. It's all I have for you today. In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarIt's all I'll ever have for you.
Jericho, you're disgusting. Are you going to order something or not?
Jericho C'mon, Jenny, why you gotta be like that? I'm just trying to be nice to you.
Dammit, Jenny. Why do you have to embarrass me like that, out here in front of all these people?
Jenny Stahl I'm not going to discuss it, Jericho. You know good and goddamn well why I'm like this and don't you dare play dumb with me.
Don't play stupid with me, Jericho. You know what my problem is.
Jericho Jenny, baby. That was a long time ago. I've left all that behind me now.
Look, Jenny, that was years ago. I'm a different man now.
Jenny Stahl People don't change, Jericho. Now order something and leave me alone.
No, Jericho. Just no. Now leave me alone.
2 Jericho Hey. Zombie. Yeah, you. Come here.
Gob. Here. Now.
Gob Yes, Mr. Jericho? What can I do for you?[Note 2]
Sure thing, Mr. Jericho. What do you need?
Jericho I've got blood in my alcohol stream. I blame you. Fix it.[Note 3]
I can't help but notice that I'm sobering up. What are we gonna do about that?
My drink is empty. Fix it.
Gob Sure thing! ... you miserable drunken asshole ...
One more drink, coming up! ... shitbird ...
3 Jericho Lookin' good, Nova.
Nova, can you come here for a second?
Hey, Nova. I want to talk to you.
Nova Yeah, honey. What do you need?
What is it, baby?
Jericho I was thinkin', maybe you and me, we could go out sometime.
Now, I know you've turned me down before, but I'm gonna ask again -- what would you think about goin' out sometime?
Nova Jericho, baby. We've talked about this. Colin' don't want me seein' customers outside of work. He thinks our business is best kept professional.
You're sweet, Jericho. You really are, but Colin says that things between us is best kept on a professional level. If it were up to me...
Jericho Nah... it's okay, Nova. I get it. No one wants anything to do with a crusty old Wasteland rat like me less'n they're getting' paid. I understand.[Note 1]
But you think... I don't know... that you might get out of here some day? I got plenty of money, I could take care of you...
Nova Sorry, hon. I'm a lifer here. Just go drink your drink.
4 Jericho Hey, c'mere. I want to talk to you.
Hey, you. I need to ask you something.
Megaton settler What? Me? Why?
I'll help you if I can, what do you need?
Sure... Jericho, is it? What do you want to talk about?
Yeah, sure. No problem. Anything I can do to help, you just let me know!
Jericho Look, don't give me any of your shit. Now, tell me something, and if you're lyin' I'll know. Are you workin' with the Raiders? You a scout?
I heard something about you, boy. I heard that you was a scout for the Raiders, here to recoin.. recon... err... check out our defenses. That true?[Note 4]
I heard something about you, girl. I heard that you was a scout for the Raiders, here to recoin.. recon... err... check out our defenses. That true?[Note 5]
Megaton settler Who told you that?[Note 6]
Me? A Raider? Are you joking? I'm not a Raider! I've never even met a Raider before!
I'm not a Raider! I swear! Who told you that? They're lying!
Me? Working with Raiders? Hell no! I just want to get a place here in Megaton, and I'll kill any Raider who shows up here to prove it!
Jericho Yeah, we'll see. I'd just watch your fucking step around here, pal. There's a lot of ways to have an accident. Now... you have yourself a good day.[Note 6]
Good answer. Now, fuck off.
I'm watching you, outsider. You try anything, and I'll be there.
Ha! I'm just fuckin' with you! Ha ha ha! I got you good! Now go... before you make me mad.

There are two unused lines for an alternate end to the conversation which imply that Jericho would have been right in accusing the settler of being a raider.

Speaker Unused lines
Jericho I hear things. I know a few people. What of it?
Megaton settler Then you best unhear it. I know all about you, old man. I'd be careful before I went around town spreading rumors about Raiders. You dig?

Leo Stahl[]

Bugged This conversation erroneously ends after Andy's first response set because that topic links to the wrong location (INFOGENERAL instead of MegatonTalk2). Andy's second response set also shares this problem, though the conversation will never reach that point anyways.

Speaker Line
1 Leo Stahl Hey, Andy. Got a sec?
Andy, listen to this great idea I had!
Andy Stahl Yeah, Leo... what do you need?
What is it, Leo?
Leo Stahl I was thinkin' Andy -- you know what would be great? If we went lookin' for a new refrigerator for the bar.
We should get us a hooker. We could pull in a lot of money around here... maybe a nice blonde.
Andy Stahl Yeah. Good idea. Not gonna happen.
And where do you propose that we pick one of those up? We'd have to pay the caravan scavengers, and who knows what they'd bring back.
Leo Stahl Aw... you're no fun anymore, Andy.
You know, it's not all about money, Andy.
Andy Stahl You can tell me that when you're the one paying the bills, Leo.
Yeah, well I'm the one accountable for this place -- not you.

Lucas Simms[]

Speaker Line
1 Lucas Simms Come here for a second, son. I want to talk to you.
Harden, come here, boy. I want to talk to you.
Harden Simms Yeah, dad?
Whatcha need, dad?
Lucas Simms I wanted to tell you, I saw the patch job you did on that leaky section of roof. That was... That was really responsible of you, son. Thank you.
So, ummm... I noticed Deputy Steel looking a bit shinier than usual. You polished him up, didn't you boy? He he he. Good work, son. Good work.
Harden Simms I just... You know. Wanted to help out.
I like helping you out, dad. I'm not a kid anymore, you know. Okay, I am a kid. But I can do anything you need me to do. I can handle it.
Lucas Simms I know, Harden. I know. You make me proud every day, son. What can I say, you're just like your dad! He he he he he.
Hey, you think it's easy, seeing my little boy turn into a man? Ha ha ha ha! Don't grow up too quick on me, you hear!
Harden Simms He he. You know, dad, for a sheriff, you're kind of a goofball.
Heh, yeah, well... If that's what you need to tell yourself, go for it. He he he he.


  • Conversation 1 is directed to Billy Creel.
  • Conversation 2 is directed to Harden Simms. They are supposed to be part of longer conversations in which they are playing with each other (topic ID MegatonMaggieHardenPlay). However, there are no lines implemented for this conversation, so these greetings end up as floating lines.
Speaker Line
1 Maggie Billy, I want to talk to you...
Billy, can I talk to you about something?
Billy Creel For you, sweetheart, anything. What do you need?
Anything for you, honey?
Maggie You said we could have that talk sometime. You know. About boys. I'm ready! I'm ready now! There's some stuff I need to know. Like, really bad.
It's about Harden. I think I want to... kiss him. But I don't know if I should. Well, I think I should, but I don't really know HOW. What should...
Billy Creel Whoa! Whoa now, honeybun! Let's ah... Let's slow down a little, okay? You got a lot of time left before that stuff is important. All right?
Oh! Well... Well, now, you know Maggie sweetheart that boys and girls, umm... Aw hell, girl, can't you talk to Moira about this stuff?
Maggie *Sigh* All right, Billy. But you can't avoid the subject forever, you know...
Geez, Billy, you're so timid with this stuff. I won't be a kid forever, you know.
Billy Creel I know, I know, sweetheart. Now you run along, okay? Billy's got some thinkin' to do.
Hey, would you look at the time! Sorry sweetheart, I've got, um... somethin' to do...
2 Harden Simms It's my turn to be the Raiders!
I see you, Harden!
C'mon, Harden! Let's go over here!

Manya Vargas[]

Speaker Line
1 Manya Nathan, dear...
Nathan Oh, for the... What?
Manya Nathan, you promised me you'd talk to Moira about getting those flower seeds. Please, don't forget. Again.
The computer's doing that... that THING again. You know, with the flickering. You said you'd fix it...
Nathan Always with the nagging.... I'll do what I do when I do it, woman.
Fine, fine, fine. I'll do whatever you want. Just please, for God's sake, stop with the nagging...
Manya Thank you, Nathan dear.
Don't you take that tone with me, mister! Now quit with the cranky old man act and help your poor wife out. Heavens...
Nathan Yeah, Yeah...
Okay, okay, I know, I know...

Mister Burke[]

Mister Burke does not participate in dynamic conversations, but he does have a scripted conversation in Megaton as part of the quest The Power of the Atom. This conversation (MS11BattleTopic) occurs if Lucas Simms is told of Mister Burke's plans and he opts to arrest Burke.

Speaker Line
Lucas Simms You there! Burke! Explain your business in Megaton.
Mister Burke I'm sorry? Sheriff, what are you hollering about?
Lucas Simms You know damn well what I'm talking about. The bomb! You're trying to blow it up! Have you lost your goddamned mind?
Mister Burke Sheriff. I'm afraid there’s been a misunderstanding. Someone has surely been spreading rumors. I'll be sure to address the situation... personally.
Lucas Simms I'm placing you under arrest, Burke. At least until I figure out what the hell's going on around here.
Mister Burke And I'M afraid I won't be able to oblige your request, Sheriff. I have pressing matters to attend to. Now... step aside.
Lucas Simms This isn't open to discussion! You're coming with me.
Mister Burke Why do you knuckle draggers always insist on doing things the hard way? Very well, Sheriff. Lead the way.

Mother Maya[]

Speaker Line
1 Mother Maya Husband, a word if you will.
Might we talk, dearest husband?
Confessor Cromwell Yes, good wife?
Yes, my darling?
Mother Maya I've been having those visions again. Not while I sleep, dear husband, but waking dreams. I see Atom, finally free! His glory revealed at last!
He came to me again last night, husband. The great Atom! He visited me in my dreams, bid me to spread His gospel. I was infused with His energy!
Confessor Cromwell Glorious, Maya! Simply glorious. I sense that His coming is upon us... any day now...
Breathtaking, my love. Soon, Atom's glory will be upon us. Very soon.

Nathan Vargas[]

Speaker Line
1 Nathan Manya! Manya!
Manya Yes, Nathan?
Yes, dear?
Nathan What did you do with my ratchet? I've looked everywhere! Where did you put it?
I... I never did find that gun. The one I was working on, remember? You put it somewhere didn't you? You cleaned up, and you lost my damn gun!
Manya *Tsk* You boys and your toys. I know better than to touch your things, dear. If it's lost, YOU lost it.
Calm down, dear. Deeeeepppp breath. I didn't touch your... thingie. It's right where you left it, I'm sure. If I see it, you'll be the first to know.
Nathan Aggh! Damnit! But I've looked everywhere! *Sigh* All right. Thanks, I guess.
Well... damn. Thanks for nothing.
Manya You're quite welcome, Nathan dear.
You're welcome, you testy old fool. I swear, Nathan, one of these days you're going to give yourself a heart attack, just like Doc Church said....


Speaker Line
1 Nova Hey, Colin.
Colin... Listen...
Colin Moriarty What is it NOW, Nova, dear...
Does the pampered princess seek an audience with her king?
Nova I'm tired. I think I'm going to knock off early. I know you won't mind.
It's the tips, Colin. Your customers are actually getting cheaper, if that's even possible. Is a girl supposed to just lie down and take that?
Colin Moriarty *Sigh* Nova, lass. What happened to you, girl? Where's the fire? The enthusiasm? You've got such talent! You used to enjoy your work...
*Sigh* Our heavenly Father put you on this earth to test me, is that it? "Dear Lord, save me from the whinings of thine whore who doth complaineth!"
Nova You're all heart, you know that, Colin?
Thanks a lot, Colin. I can always count on you for sympathy and respect.
Colin Moriarty It's why you love me, Nova dear.
Awww... No one loves you more, sweet lass. And don't you ever think any differently. Now quit yammering and get back to doing what you do, hmmm?
2 Nova Heya, Gob...
Gob Nova! Uhm... hi! What do you need?
Nova! What can I do for you? Just name it!
Nova Don't forget to mop up really good today. You know how Colin gets when the bar is messy. I'd hate for him to, you know... Get angry again.
I just wanted to let you know I reserved some special time for you. You know, as a thank you for all you done for me.
Gob You're always so nice to me, you know that, Nova? I don't know what I'd do without you, I swear.
Aww, Nova. I can always count on you to look out for me, huh? You're, well... You're just about the sweetest person I've ever met.
Nova Now don't you go getting all mushy on me! We just... We got to look out for each other, right?
Hey, if we ain't going to look out for each other, what's the point? You think Colin gives a shit about us, Gob? Come on, sweetie, wake up.

Megaton settlers[]

These dynamic conversations, which use randomized prompts and responses, can be used by all generic characters in Megaton (Megaton settlers, Children of Atom, and the Craterside Supply mercenary). Many responses depend on quest conditions or character statuses.

This conversation system is intended to work in the following way: prompts are stored in the HELLO and MegatonSettlerTalk1 topics. These lead into the MegatonSettlerTalk2 topic for first-level response lines before branching off. However, because of how dialogue is implemented in the G.E.C.K., only lines in the HELLO topic can be used to start conversations dynamically; as a result, the MegatonSettlerTalk1 prompts are never used in-game.


In the format below, set 1 are the prompts which are correctly implemented and set 2 are the prompts which do not function in-game.

1 Hey, how's it going?
Hey there.
2 Is there anything interesting going on around here?
A cap for your thoughts.
Anything been going on with you?
You look like you have something on your mind.
What are you thinking?
So, what's up?
You get around, right? What have you heard?
You know, there has to be something going on around here.
Something on your mind?
What's been going on?
Hey. How's it going?


All prompts lead into this response set. However, from here on the responses differ. For organization purposes, these lines are grouped here based on how they are followed up:

  • Set 1 continues into MegatonSettlerTalk3.
  • Set 2 continues into MegatonTalkEnclave.
  • Set 3 will end the conversation.

ends here. The lines mentioning Walter and Moira require them to be alive. The line mentioning Doc Church should require him to be alive given its context, but erroneously requires him to be dead instead.

  • Set 4 continues into MegatonTalkDeathReaction. All lines in this group require the characters they respectively mention to be dead.
1 Have you heard what everyone's saying? There's not enough water to go around this month. We'll have to ration... again.
I don't like to spread rumors, but I heard Mister Burke is really interested in the bomb. Really interested. Like... he wants to buy it or something.
I heard the sheriff talking about defusing the bomb. I don't know. The damn thing's been sitting there so long it's probably harmless. Right?
Stockholm says he saw some more Raiders, off to the east. Good thing for us there's nothing in Megaton worth raiding.
You ever see a Yao Guai? Boy, those things are nasty.
Leo Stahl.. you know. He's a junkie, a total chem head. He sells the stuff, too. Late at night, in the processing plant.
Sometimes that Deputy Steel makes me nervous. Simms and his boy, they treat him like a person. But it's just a machine, and machines can malfunction.
Megaton needs a stronger defense force. Okay, there's Simms and Steel, and the town militia, but half of us can't even aim straight.
It's probably not my place, but... I think the sheriff should find himself a new wife. He needs some companionship, and his boy needs a mother.
Those guys from the church drink the water near the bomb because they WANT to. Believes it makes them "closer to Atom" or something. Idiots.
You know, I'm getting a little sick of living in the slums. They promised me that after a few months I could move into the town.
I don't think that I'm ever going to be able to get a house here. I've asked Simms a dozen times and he keeps saying the same thing.
Did you hear that sound last night? It sounded like... I don't know... some sort of motor, but it was coming from the sky!
Have you ever talked to that Jericho guy? Man, what an asshole.
Jenny Stahl seems okay but her brothers... whew. One's a workaholic, and the other one is just flat out crazy. What a family.
Did you see Leo Stahl sneak up to the water processing plant last night? What does he do up there? And why does Walter let him in?
I heard that there are Raiders gathering to the west. Do you think they're planning an attack?
You asked where the parts came from to build the town? I heard that there used to be an air station somewhere around here before the war.
You should talk to the older folks about what Megaton was like before they built the walls. You think it's dangerous now?
I was rooting around in Springvale the other day and guess what I found: a book! An actual book! Can you believe it?
Do you ever question the wisdom in hanging around an atomic bomb all day? I mean, if it was going to blow, it probably would have by now. But still.
God, that Jericho guy gives me the creeps. He's such a nutjob.
2 I swear to God, if Nathan starts babbling about the Enclave to me one more time... everyone knows that the Enclave is just a story for kids.
Nathan and his damn Enclave, I tell you... What, does he think, that George Washington is going to ride out of the Wasteland to save everyone?
You ever hear of the Enclave? Nathan tells me that they'll be riding in here any day to help us...
Did you hear about the Enclave? Nathan said they're really the U.S. government. He says that they're coming to help us.
3 Walter sure is a grumpy old bastard. But he keeps that crusty old plant running, so I guess we have no choice but to put up with him.[Note 7]
Busted up my knee the other day, so I went to see Doc Church. He needs to work on his bedside manner -- my own mother never chewed me out like that![Note 8]
I swear to God, Moira's crazy. She sold me this thing the other day, I didn't even know what the hell it was. Damn good saleswoman though. Damn good.[Note 9]
What is with those Church of the Atom lunatics anyway? They're all fucked in the head... drinking the bomb water, praying for another war?
Sorry, not now.
Can't talk now.
We'll catch up later.
4 Did you hear about Nathan? Yeah, he went and got himself killed. Manya is beside herself.[Note 10]
Nathan just hasn't been the same since Manya died. He refuses to leave the house![Note 11]
Manya and Nathan are both gone... what's happening around here?[Note 12]
Ever since Sheriff Simms died, this place hasn't been the same. There's a fight nearly every night up at Moriarty's![Note 13]
Have you been to the Brass Lantern lately? That place is like a funeral home since Jenny died.[Note 14]
The Stahl family is still mourning Leo. Nice kid, but I hear that he was mixed up in some bad shit.[Note 15]
Did you hear that the Stahls lost their older brother? He kept that place running, you know. It'll probably fall apart without him.[Note 16]
What do you suppose will happen to the Brass Lantern? With the whole family dead, someone's sure to buy it up.[Note 17]
You know what I miss most? Jenny's noodles. And she was such a sweet girl.[Note 18]
It's about time that someone gave that bastard Moriarty what he deserved, but I can't believe he left the bar to Gob![Note 19]
Jericho was an asshole, but he helped keep this place safe. I'm worried about what'll happen if the Raiders attack now...[Note 20]
Did you hear about Lucy? Shame... she died before anyone ever got to know her.[Note 21]
God damn, I can't believe that someone killed Moira. Some people will do anything to survive out here, won't they?[Note 22]
With Walter dead, we're screwed. No one else can keep that treatment plant running.[Note 23]


These lines are implemented in two topics, MegatonTalkEnclaveNegative and MegatonTalkEnclavePositive, all of which have an equal random chance of being used. Set 1 is the "negative" set and set 2 is the "positive" set.

1 Help us? Are you crazy? I heard about some shit they pulled out west somewhere...
From what I hear, they're nothing but bad news.
Yeah, well. We'll see. They can't be worse than those Brotherhood of Steel psychos down in the city.
Yeah, right. I'm not holding out hope for the cavalry to come save the world.
2 Really? Maybe there's hope yet...
I don't know... I want to believe that but I'm just not sure.
If that's true, then all we have to do is hold out for a little while, right?
I hope you're right. I really do. But after 200 years, don't you think they'd have done something by now?


Most lines in this response set act as goodbyes (grouped here under set 1). Three lines continue on to use the MegatonTalkDeathReactionFunny topic for goodbye responses (grouped here under set 2).

1 No! That's terrible!
I hadn't heard! That's just awful...
Terrible business...
Ashes to ashes.
May they rest in peace...
All I can say is: better them than me.
Shit. I wonder if their house is up for bids...
Well, on the bright side, now there are more water rations for the rest of us.
My sympathies go out.
It could happen to any of us, you know.
How does the saying go? "Death is like a robe that everyone has to wear."
"Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable."
"God full of mercy who dwells on high, grant rest for this soul on the wings of your divine presence..."
"We have come from God and unto him we shall return..."
2 Hopefully they won't come back as a Ghoul! Ha! Ha ha! ... ... what? Too soon?
Dibs on their stuff!
Dead meat, you say? So... will there be a feast tonight? Hahaha!


You're really an asshole, you know that?
That's appalling.
You're going to a special hell, you know that?
Too soon!
You can't be serious.


All lines grouped here under set 1 end the conversation, while all lines grouped here under set 2 continue on to MegatonSettlerTalk4.

1 I hear what you're saying.
Yeah, I know.
I wish you were joking.
Nothing about this place surprises me anymore.
It's all just more of the same in this town, right?
You know, I thought about moving once. Setting myself up in Rivet City or one of the smaller settlements. But hey, this place is home.
Ahhhhh... Megaton.
2 No kidding, huh?
Right, right...
Hm hmm.


All lines grouped here under set 1 end the conversation, while all lines grouped here under set 2 continue on to use the MegatonSettlerTalkBYE topic for goodbye responses.

1 Well, I guess I should stop gossiping and do something productive. Talk to you later.
If I hear anything else, I'll be sure and let you know. See ya.
Ahhh, life here in Megaton, huh? But anyway. I'll talk to you later.
Sometimes, I really wonder about this place. But hey, I'll talk to you later.
Listen, I'm gonna go grab some shuteye.
I was just on my way to grab a bite though -- I'll catch you later.
2 What are you going to do, huh? Anyway, I should get going. Take care.
You know me, I love to hear myself talk. Anyway, I need to take off.
If I hear anything else, I'll be sure and let you know. See ya.
*Sigh* Anywaaayyy. I don't want to hold you up. Have a good one, all right?
It's funny, though. At the end of the day, I still can't think of any other place I'd rather live. Well, I'll talk to you later.
Heh. It's all so sad, you have to laugh. Know what I'm saying? But hey, you have a good day, all right?
*Sigh* It's one thing after another in this place, isn't it? Anyway, I should get going.


Talk to you later.
Have a good one.
Catch you later.
Peace be with you.


These prompts and responses can be used by everyone in Megaton and are mixed in with character-specific conversations. Prompts are specific to the target, and certain characters are not allowed to use these prompts with certain other characters (specifics are listed below). All prompts are contained in the HELLO topic. A full list of relevant character dialogue pages can be found below.



Speaker Target Conversation
Confessor Cromwell
Mother Maya
Anyone Hello, my Child.[Note 24]
Anyone Andy Stahl Hey there, Andy.
Billy Creel Billy...
Hey there, Billy...
Colin Moriarty Colin.
Good morning, Mr. Moriarty...
Mr. Moriarty...
Confessor Cromwell Confessor.
Jenny Stahl Hi, Jenny.
Hey, Jenny.
Jericho What's up, Jericho?
Hey, Jericho.
Gob Gob...
Harden Simms Hey there, Harden.[Note 25][Note 26]
Leo Stahl Leo...[Note 25]
Lucy West Miss West...[Note 25]
Lucas Simms Sherriff Simms...[Note 27]
Maggie Hey there, little Maggie.
Manya Hello there, Manya.
Hello, Manya.
Moira Brown Hello, Miss Brown.
Hi, Moira.
Hey there, Moira.
Mother Maya Hello, Mother Maya.[Note 25]
Nathan Vargas Nathan.
Nova Hello, Nova.
Walter How are you doing, Walter?
Hello, Walter.
Megaton settler (1)
Child of Atom (1)
Megaton settler (2)
Child of Atom (2)
Hello.[Note 28]
Hey.[Note 28]
Megaton settler (1)
Child of Atom (1)
Anyone Hey there.[Note 28]
Hi.[Note 28]


Speaker Target Conversation
Colin Moriarty Anyone And a hello to you, lass.
And a hello to you, lad.
Yeah, yeah...
Hello to you.
Confessor Cromwell
Mother Maya
Hello, my child.
Doc Church Mmmmhmmm... that's nice.
Go bother someone else, please. I'm busy.
Jericho <grumbles>
Get the fuck out of my face.
Yeah, whatever.
Fuck you.
Lucas Simms Howdy.
Nova Hello there, honey.
Maggie Billy says I shouldn't be talking to you.
Gob Uhm... hi?
Walter Look, I told you people: I'm busy. Leave me alone.
Look, I'm a little busy...
Anyone Good evening.[Note 25]
Evening.[Note 25]
Good morning.[Note 25]
Morning.[Note 25]
Yeah, yeah.[Note 25]
Not so close. Keep walkin'.[Note 25]
What's up?[Note 25]
Good to see you.
Hey there.
Oh! Hi!
Confessor Cromwell Hello, Confessor.
Mother Maya Hello, Mother Maya.


Anyone can use any of these lines.

Speaker Conversation
Speaker Hey, how's it going?
How are you?
Target Not bad... not bad...
Been better.
Can't complain.


Anyone can use any of these lines.

Speaker Conversation
Speaker S'up?
Target Can't say that there's much going on.
Not much.
Nothing. We'll talk later.

Dialogue pages[]

Broken Steel[]

Broken Steel adds two scripted conversations which take place outside Megaton.


This is the scene involving two Megaton settlers arguing with a Brotherhood water caravan outside the town entrance. If the Lone Wanderer does not interject, the scene ends with the settlers attacking the caravan.

Speaker Line
Megaton settler (2) You've still got plenty of water. Look, the brahmin is loaded with it. What you gave us won't last more than a few days!
Scavenger Hey, it isn't my call. I just take the water where the Brotherhood tells me. Don't shoot the messenger, you know?
Megaton settler (1) Look, they're giving the water away. What do you care whether you leave it all here or somewhere else?
Scavenger I really don't care. I mean, you'll have to take it up with those boys...
Megaton settler (1) You're not leaving here with that water. We need it. We're taking it.
Brotherhood of Steel knight I hope you're not thinking about getting stupid on me.
Megaton settler (1) We just need the water. All of it.
Brotherhood of Steel knight Sorry, pal, but you already got your quota. Our orders are to take the rest of this to Big Town. Alright, let's move out.
Megaton settler (1) Come on, Joe, help me get the water. They aren't really going to stop us.


This is the scene involving Rosa Meitner accidentally killing Micky with irradiated water at the start of the quest Holy Water.

Speaker Line
Micky Please, water. I'm so thirsty.
Rosa Oh, poor dear. Here, I've got some water I can spare.
Micky For... for me? Crystal clear water? Oh, bless you! Bless you!
Rosa No, bless you. I'm glad to help.
Micky I haven't tasted water this pure since... urk... Oh. Oh god, what's wrong? Water...

There are several cut lines with this conversation. One line has Micky angrily blaming Rosa for poisoning him just before he dies, and the rest are floating lines for Rosa reacting to Micky's death; in the final version of the game, Rosa immediately runs up to the player and initiates dialogue after Micky dies.

Speaker Unused line
Micky That water... you... damn you!
Rosa No! That's not supposed to happen! No, get up! Get up! You can't pass out, you're supposed to get better! I gave you holy water, and everything!
Rosa No... What do I do?
He can't be dead. He just can't be! It was just water!
Oh god, somebody help!


  1. 1.0 1.1 This line will end the conversation immediately.
  2. In the voiceline, Gob's first sentence is "Yes sir, Mr. Jericho."
  3. In the voiceline, the first word is excluded.
  4. Only usable if the target settler is male.
  5. Only usable if the target settler is female.
  6. 6.0 6.1 This line can only be used by the female settler who gives gifts when the Lone Wanderer has good Karma.
  7. This line can only be used if Walter is alive.
  8. Bugged This line is intended to only be used if Doc Church is alive, but the line erroneously checks for him being dead instead.
  9. This line can only be used if Moira Brown is alive.
  10. This line can only be used if Nathan is dead, but Manya is still alive.
  11. This line can only be used if Manya is dead, but Nathan is still alive.
  12. This line can only be used if both Manya and Nathan are dead.
  13. This line can only be used if Lucas Simms is dead.
  14. This line can only be used if Jenny Stahl is dead, but at least one of the other two Stahls is still alive.
  15. This line can only be used if Leo Stahl is dead, but at least one of the other two Stahls is still alive.
  16. This line can only be used if Andy Stahl is dead, but at least one of the other two Stahls is still alive.
  17. This line can only be used if all three Stahls are dead.
  18. This line can only be used if Jenny Stahl is dead.
  19. This line can only be used if Colin Moriarty is dead.
  20. This line can only be used if Jericho is dead.
  21. This line can only be used if Lucy West is dead.
  22. This line can only be used if Moira Brown is dead.
  23. This line can only be used if Walter is dead.
  24. Confessor Cromwell and Mother Maya cannot use this greeting on each other.
  25. 25.00 25.01 25.02 25.03 25.04 25.05 25.06 25.07 25.08 25.09 25.10 Cannot be used by Moira Brown.
  26. Cannot be used by Maggie.
  27. Cannot be used by Harden Simms.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Can also be used as a prompt for the MegatonSettlerTalk conversations.