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This is a transcript for dialogue with Leo Stahl.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Well goddamn. You're new, right? I've got to admit, the outfit's a little weird, but that's okay, that's okay. Name's Leo Stahl. It's a pleasure! 1
GREETING Happy 50 Well goddamn. You're new, right? Name's Leo Stahl. It's a pleasure! It's a pleasure! Yeah! 2
GREETING Sad 75 <sighs>It's you. I was hoping that you'd have moved on. What do you want? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Goddammit. Can't you leave me alone? What do you want? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Look, if you're going to tell on me, do it. Otherwise, tell me what you want and then get out of here. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey hey! Nice to see you! Everything okay? You doing all right? You need something? Come on, talk to me! 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Alright! Good to see you again? What's new? Feel like having a drink? C'mon, let's talk! 7
GREETING Happy 50 Hey there, buddy! Good to see you! 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Heya! How's it going? 9
MegLeoBuyDrugs Hey Leo, can you hook me up? Neutral 50 What did I tell you? Not here. Hit me up when I'm away from the restaurant. 10
Hey Leo, can you hook me up? Neutral 50 What'll it be? 11
Hey Leo, can you hook me up? Neutral 50 Yeah, sure thing. 12
Hey Leo, can you hook me up? Neutral 50 What am I gonna say? No? You've got me over a barrel. 13
What are you doing in here? Neutral 50 Nothing. I'm... I'm not doing anything. Leave me alone! 14
MegLeoDrinks Can I see what's on the menu? Neutral 50 Sure thing, my man. 15
Can I see what's on the menu? Neutral 50 Sure thing, little lady. 16
MegLeoDrugProblem How's that chem problem treating you? Anger 50 Look. Keep your bullshit judgments to yourself, man. Just don't tell Jenny or Andy and we'll be fine. {[EJC] Expand this into more branches.} 17
How's the addiction? Kicked it yet? Neutral 50 I just started, but so far... so good. 18
How's the addiction? Kicked it yet? Sad 50 Things are pretty hard, but it's getting better. Thanks again, you really talked some sense into me. 19
I understand you have quite a Chem habit... Anger 50 Dammit! Who told you- I mean... I have no idea what you're talking about. 20
I understand you have quite a Chem habit... Neutral 50 It's not any of your business, remember? 21
MegLeoDrugProblem1 It's okay, Leo. I want to help. Neutral 50 Help? What's to help? So I'm a junkie, big fucking deal. It's not like I'm hurting anyone. 22
MegLeoDrugProblem1a You're hurting your family, Leo. Jenny and Andy care about you. Neutral 50 I... I guess you're right. I have to tell them about my problem, don't I? 23
MegLeoDrugProblem1a1 That would be a good idea. Sad 50 I just don't know what to say. I've been stealing from both of them for years to get my fix. Where do I even start? 24
Neutral 50 Well, I'll figure something out. Look, I want to thank you for your help. I guess it took a complete stranger to show me what an ass I've been. 25
Neutral 50 Take this key, it's to my private stash in the water treatment plant. Just get rid of the stuff, burn it, sell it I don't care what happens to it. 26
MegLeoDrugProblem1a1a You've made the right choice, Leo. Neutral 50 Thanks. It'll be hard, but I'll do my best. 27
MegLeoDrugProblem1a2 I could tell them for you. Sad 50 No. Thanks, but no. I got myself into this problem, I need to get myself out. 28
Neutral 50 I'll figure something out. Look, I want to thank you for your help. I guess it took a complete stranger to show me what an ass I've been. 29
Neutral 50 Take this key, it's to my private stash in the water treatment plant. Just get rid of the stuff, burn it, sell it I don't care what happens to it. 30
MegLeoDrugProblem1b I never thought about it that way. Can you hook me up? Fear 50 Yeah, I can. Just please... Don't tell Andy or Jenny. And don't ask me about it when I'm at the Brass Lantern. 31
Neutral 50 I'll only sell to you when my shift is over. Meet me in the water treatment plant if you need something. 32
MegLeoDrugProblem2 What's it worth to you to keep it out of the public eye? Neutral 50 I can hook you up. A solid chem dealer is hard to find out here in the Wastes, trust me. I know. 33
Fear 50 I can only sell to you when my shift at the Lantern is over. Meet me up at the water treatment plant if you need something. 34
MegLeoDrugProblemEND Never mind, Leo. It's not my business, anyway. Neutral 50 You're damn right it's not your business. 35
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 No problem, buddy. 36
MegTownFatherChoice I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him? Neutral 50 Your father? I don't know, I don't know. Doesn't ring a bell, sorry. 37
MegTownLeoStahlBar What do you do for fun around here? Neutral 50 Heh... well... there's this and that. I keep myself busy. But, really, that's none of your business is it? 38
MegTownMegaton What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 Yeah... I'm not really interested in chitchatting with you. Buy something or leave me alone. 39
What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 What's to tell? We're alive, so we've got nothing to complain about, right? And hell, I've got a restaurant! So I have it better than most! {hyper/drugged up but sarcastic} 40
MegTownRumors What's the word around town? Neutral 50 Hey, I'm not much of a mudslinger. I don't like to spread stuff around, you know what I mean? Everybody has their secrets. Let's keep them that way. 41
MegTownWhosInCharge Who's in charge around here? Neutral 50 With both Lucas and Colin dead, it's pretty much a free for all until someone steps up. 42
Who's in charge around here? Neutral 50 Lucas Simms was the only guy we had to keep people in line. With him gone, I guess Moriarty pretty much runs the show around here. 43
Who's in charge around here? Neutral 50 Moriarty thought he was. Not so much anymore, I guess. I'm surprised that Simms never took care of Moriarty himself. 44
Who's in charge around here? Neutral 50 Well, Moriarty thinks he is, but Lucas Simms is the law around here and everyone knows it. 45
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Nice try. 46


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Talk to you later, buddy. 47
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Anytime. 48
I have to go now. Neutral 50 See you soon! 49
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Now, you're a man who looks hungry. What do you need? 50
HELLO Neutral 50 Now, you're a lady who looks hungry. What do you need? 51
HELLO Neutral 50 Welcome to the Brass Lantern! {Cheerful, good customer service.} 52
HELLO Neutral 50 Welcome! What can I get for you? 53
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, Andy. Got a sec? 54
HELLO Neutral 50 Andy, listen to this great idea I had! 55
MegLeoStahlDesk MegLeoStahlDesk Neutral 50 Hey! Get the hell away from there! 56
MegLeoStahlDesk Neutral 50 Aren't you curious? You know what they say about curiosity, don't you? {Stress on the word "you". } 57
MegLeoStahlDesk Neutral 50 Back off, man. That's my stuff. 58
MegLeoStahlFridge MegLeoStahlFridge Neutral 50 Hey now, get outta there. Just let me know if you need a drink. 59
MegLeoStahlFridge Neutral 50 Whoa, bud. That stuff belongs to the restaurant. Just ask me if you need a drink. 60
MegLeoStahlFridge Neutral 50 Hey buddy, Bar's over here if you need something. 61
MegatonTalk1 MegatonTalk Neutral 50 Sure thing, Andy. What do you need? 62
MegatonTalk Neutral 50 I'm a little busy right now, Andy. What is it? 63
MegatonTalk2 MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 I was thinkin' Andy you know what would be great? If we went lookin' for a new refrigerator for the bar. 64
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 We should get us a hooker. We could pull in a lot of money around here... maybe a nice blonde. 65
MegatonTalk3 MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Is it really that big of a deal if your little papers don't add up? Why are you always hassling me about this? 66
MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 So we end up a few caps short at the end of the night. Who cares? It's not going to break us. Get off my back, man. 67
MegatonTalk4 MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Aw... you're no fun anymore, Andy. 68
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 You know, it's not all about money, Andy. 69
MegatonTalk5 MegatonTalk5 Neutral 50 Okay, Andy. I'll try. 70
MegatonTalk5 Neutral 50 You really need to relax, Andy. 71


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Goddammit! Not again! 72
Attack Neutral 50 Andy! Help! We've got another one! 73
Attack Neutral 50 Someone get Jericho! 74


NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Andy! I need help over here! 75


BarterExit BarterExit Neutral 50 Come back anytime! 76
BarterExit Neutral 50 Enjoy the drinks. 77
BarterExit Neutral 50 Enjoy the ride. 78
BarterExit Neutral 50 You'll be higher that a fucking kite. 79