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This is a transcript for dialogue with Billy Creel.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Hooo weee! Look at you! Now I haven't seen one of those Vault jumpsuits in, wow, a LONG time. Pretty damn good condition, too! 1
Neutral 50 Name's Billy Creel. You call me Billy, all right? I know Megaton looks more like a boneyard than a town, but it ain't all bad. 2
Neutral 50 Take me and Maggie, for instance. We make do just fine. I trade the stuff I scavenge, and she helps keep me on the straight and narrow. He he he. 3
GREETING Happy 50 Well hot damn! Someone new! Always a pleasure! 4
Neutral 50 Name's Billy Creel. You call me Billy, all right? I know Megaton looks more like a boneyard than a town, but it ain't all bad. 5
Neutral 50 Take me and Maggie, for instance. We make do just fine. I trade the stuff I scavenge, and she helps keep me on the straight and narrow. He he he. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Look, bud. It'd be best if you just drift on by and leave us alone. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, man. What's going on? 8
MegBillyMaggieChoice I'm sorry... Who's Maggie? Neutral 50 Oh! Sorry, I guess I got ahead of myself, huh? Maggie's nine, sweetest little girl you'd ever care to meet. We take care of each other. 9
Neutral 50 I ain't never had a daughter, but if I did, I'd want her to be Maggie. I took her in when her parents got killed by Raiders. That was two years ago. 10
Sad 50 It was a pretty bad scene. Small settlement up north. I'd stopped in to trade some salvage, and the whole place had been wiped out. 11
Neutral 50 I found Maggie hiding under a bed, in the same room where her parents had been butchered. We've been together ever since. 12
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 Sure thing, man. 13
MegTownFatherChoice I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him? Neutral 50 Sorry, man. I haven't seen any cats like that roll through here. { } 14
MegTownMegaton What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 Megaton is the best little town you'll find in the Capital Wasteland. Don't let anyone tell you different. { } 15
Neutral 50 Strong walls, strong people, and strong booze. We've got everything you need to make a life these days. 16
What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 Megaton is the best little town in the Wasteland. Don't let anyone tell you different. { } 17
MegTownRumors What's the word around town? Neutral 50 People've been sayin' that there's somethin' wrong with the water purifier. But Ol' Walter's been keepin' that thing runnin' for decades. 18
Neutral 50 I'm not worried. No reason it'd pick now to go down for good... would it? 19
MegTownWasteland Know anything about the area outside Megaton? Neutral 50 All I know is that I spent too much time out there and beyond that, I ain't gonna talk about it. 20
MegTownWhatDoYouDo What do you do around here? Neutral 50 Me? I deal with the caravan suppliers. I used to ride with those guys, so they cut me some good deals. Helps keep the town supplied. 21
Neutral 50 But more importantly, I take care of Maggie. Of course, she's getting' a little old to have Billy lookin' over her shoulder all the time... 22


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Later, gator. 23
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Easy, man. 24
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Catch you later. 25
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I know, I know, sweetheart. Now you run along, okay? Billy's got some thinkin' to do. 26
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Hey, would you look at the time! Sorry sweetheart, I've got, um... somethin' to do... 27
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 'can I do for you, Sheriff? 28
HELLO Neutral 50 'can I do for you, daddy-o? 29
HELLO Neutral 50 'can I do for you, dolly? 30
HELLO Neutral 50 Helluva day, isn't it? {Cheerful and cool.} 31
HELLO Neutral 50 What's shakin'? 32
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, Maggie! How you doin', darlin'? 33
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey! Sweetie-pie! 34
MegatonTalk1 MegatonTalk Neutral 50 For you, sweetheart, anything. What do you need? 35
MegatonTalk Neutral 50 Anything for you, honey? 36
MegatonTalk2 MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 Well, I was thinkin', Sweetie Pie... Sometime soon, we should take a trip. Just you and me. Maybe visit Rivet City or somethin'. Would you like that? 37
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 You know, I got to thinkin'. You and I should do some scavengin' sometime soon. See, we find us an old bike, and get Moira to help us fix her up! 38
MegatonTalk3 MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Whoa! Whoa now, honeybun! Let's ah... Let's slow down a little, okay? You got a lot of time left before that stuff is important. All right? 39
MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Oh! Well... Well, now, you know Maggie sweetheart that boys and girls, umm... Aw hell, girl, can't you talk to Moira about this stuff? 40
MegatonTalk4 MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Ha ha! I just love seeing you happy, sweetheart. 41
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Well all right then! It's settled! I'll set my affairs in order, as they say, and we'll sit down and plan this thing out. 42


Attack Attack Neutral 50 You're going down, boy! 43
Attack Neutral 50 You're goin' down, girl! 44
Attack Neutral 50 Hooeee! Now this is a fight! 45
Attack Neutral 50 Say your prayers! 46
Attack Neutral 50 Die, square! 47
Death Death Pained 100 Maggie... {His last though it of his daughter.} 48


NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Time for an ass whuppin'! 49
StartCombat Neutral 50 I'm gonna stomp you! 50
StartCombat Neutral 50 You picked the wrong town to mess with, stranger. 51