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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lucas Simms.


GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Not now! {impatiently trying to get onto some difficult business.} 1
GREETING Happy 100 I'll be damned! You did it, didn't you? You disarmed that thing! {excited and pleased with the player's actions} 2
Happy 50 Hell, where's my manners? I'm Lucas Simms, mayor and sheriff. And I'm pleased to say, we've had a reward for fixing up that bomb. Here you go! {happy and inviting the player to move in since he is so useful to have around} 3
Happy 65 Y'know, we could use someone like you living in town. We've got an empty place up behind the Brass Lantern. Here's the key and deed. 4
Neutral 50 And heck, Moira over at Craterside Supply can even sell you stuff to help fix the place up. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises. 6
Anger 50 You got a weird look about you, boy. The kind that means trouble. I give everyone a fair shake. But if you do anything remotely stupid, you're dead. {suspicious and threatening (deadly serious)} 7
GREETING Neutral 50 You got a weird look about you, boy. The kind that means trouble. I give everyone a fair shake. But if you do anything remotely stupid, you're dead. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 You got a weird look about you, girl. The kind that means trouble. I give everyone a fair shake. But if you do anything remotely stupid, you're dead. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises. 10
Happy 75 I don't know why, but I like you, boy! Something tells me you're all right. So welcome to Megaton! Just holler if you need something. {with camaraderie} 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises. 12
Happy 75 I don't know why, but I like you, girl! Something tells me you're all right. So welcome to Megaton! Just holler if you need something. {with camaraderie} 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises. 14
GREETING Surprise 50 I must be getting slow in my old age. Thanks for saving my hide, there. { } 15
GREETING Happy 50 Haven't disarmed the bomb yet? That's some serious pre-war hardware. So go easy, okay? { } 16
GREETING Happy 50 Don't suppose you've disarmed that bomb? { } 17
GREETING Happy 100 I'll be damned! You did it, didn't you? You disarmed that thing! {excited and pleased with the player's actions} 18
Neutral 50 Here's your reward. Hell, why don't you move in? Could use someone like you. Got an empty place here you can use. Here's the key and deed. {happy and inviting the player to move in since he is so useful to have around} 19
Neutral 50 It ain't much to look at. But talk with Moira. She's got random odds and ends you might be able to spruce the place up with. 20
GREETING Happy 100 I'll be damned! You did it, didn't you? You disarmed that thing! {excited and pleased with the player's actions} 21
Neutral 50 And all without asking for pay, too. Hell, why don't you move in? Here's the key and deed to an empty house. Consider yourself a Megaton citizen! {happy and inviting the player to move in since he is so useful to have around} 22
Neutral 50 Oh and talk with Moira at Craterside Supply. She's got random odds and ends you might be able to spruce the place up with. 23
GREETING Happy 75 Well, hey! How's it going? You need something, you just ask. Disarming that bomb, well... that's something I'm not ever likely to forget. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, now... how's my favorite explosives expert doing? 25
GREETING Anger 50 You pull another stunt like you did, and you're finished in this town. Do you understand? { } 26
Neutral 50 Now what do you want? 27
GREETING Happy 50 Yes? { } 28
GREETING Happy 50 Hey there. { } 29
GREETING Happy 50 Good to see you're staying out of trouble. { } 30
GREETING Anger 50 Got my eye on you. Don't do anything stupid. { } 31
GREETING Anger 50 Staying out of trouble, I hope? Don't want to have to waste good bullets on your sorry hide. { deadly serious} 32
GREETING Neutral 100 Yeah? { } 33
MS11BackToTopicList Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 All right. What's on your mind? 34
MS11BombChoiceDisarmChoiceGood I don't need a reward. I couldn't sleep at night knowing you could all die. Neutral 50 Well that's mighty decent of you. Just don't, you know... go blowing us up. All right? {just got told by the player that he would disarm the bomb that everyone is afraid of} 35
MS11BombChoiceDisarmChoiceNeutralAccept 100 caps? All right, I'll take a look at it. Neutral 50 Great! Go ahead and see what you can do. Just be careful. 36
MS11BombChoiceDisarmChoiceNeutralReject Not my problem. Good luck, Sheriff. Neutral 50 You're the one that brought it up. Not me. 37
MS11BombChoiceDisarmChoiceSpeech Demolition expertise doesn't come cheap. I want 500 caps. Neutral 50 That's pretty steep.... Fine. Do it and you'll get your money. Don't screw up, though, or we'll ALL regret it. {haggling over the price to disarm a bomb} 38
MS11BombChoiceExplode Actually, Sheriff, I plan on detonating that bomb. Neutral 50 I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. Dammit, boy! You picked the wrong man to mess with. Now I've got to put you in the ground. {upset that he was provoked into killing the player. This is not an idle threat. He means to do it and is confident he can} 39
MS11BombChoiceTattleTail I met a man named Burke. He said he'd pay me to rig the bomb to explode. Anger 50 He said what?! Oh, I never did like the look of him... {smoldering anger} 40
Actually, Burke really does want to blow up Megaton. Disgust 50 I told you: Stop playing games with me. Now, run along before I decide to throw you in a cell for disturbing the peace. {annoyed} 41
MS11BombChoiceTattleTail1 What if he asks someone else to explode the bomb? You should do something. Anger 75 Good point. Come with me. You're about to get an education in Wasteland justice. {smoldering anger } 42
What if he asks someone else to explode the bomb? You should do something. Anger 75 He's long gone by now. But I swear: If he steps within a mile of Megaton, he's a fucking dead man. {smoldering anger } 43
MS11BombChoiceTattleTail2 He gave me this Fusion Pulse Charge to rig to the bomb. Here, take it. Fear 50 Jesus! Gimme that thing! { jumpy and snatching something dangerous of the players hands} 44
Anger 50 Let's go find this Burke character. You're about to get an education in Wasteland justice. {smoldering anger} 45
He gave me this Fusion Pulse Charge to rig to the bomb. Here, take it. Fear 50 Jesus! Gimme that thing! { jumpy and snatching something dangerous of the players hands} 46
Anger 50 Thanks. If Burke steps within a mile of Megaton, he's a dead man. {smoldering anger} 47
MS11BombChoiceTattleTail3 Actually, I think he was just kidding. Anger 50 You better stop playing games with me, boy! {strict and authoritarian} 48
Actually, I think he was just kidding. Anger 50 You better stop playing games with me, girl! {strict and authoritarian} 49
Messing with that bomb seems pretty technical. What if I can't do it?
I'm not sure I can disarm the bomb. Disgust 10 I thought you knew what you were doing. If it's just nerves, maybe some chems will help. But if you can't handle it, don't go fiddling with it! {concerned someone unskilled might try to disarm the bomb} 50
MS11LucasBomb Let's discuss this bomb. Neutral 50 What about it? 51
MS11LucasBomb1a Don't you think someone should disarm that thing? Neutral 50 I don't trust any of the locals to tinker with it. Besides, most people don't even realize it's still a threat. 52
Surprise 50 And hell, Cromwell and those crazies from the Church of Atom, they worship the damn thing. 53
Surprise 50 Why? Do you think you got the know-how to disarm it? For good? {skeptical but intrigued} 54
MS11LucasBomb1b Who would build a town around a bomb? That's crazy! Neutral 50 It's not like the place was put up over night. Megaton's been here for decades, been growing and growing ever since. 55
Neutral 50 Started out as a small settlement of people trying to get into Vault 101. When they were denied, they stuck around here. 56
Neutral 50 Some of 'em started worshipping the thing like a god. Now we've got a whole goddamn Church. They're nuts, no doubt, but mostly harmless. { } 57
Neutral 50 By now, most people don't give a shit. They figure if it ain't gone off by now, it never will. I respectfully disagree. 58
MS11LucasBomb1c One day, that thing's going to go off. You're living on borrowed time. Disgust 15 Maybe. Maybe... { } 59
Neutral 50 So long as you stay away from the bomb, I see my chances of a long life improving. I hope we understand each other. {uncertain if the player might try something stupid} 60
MS11LucasBomb2a I can see about disarming that bomb for you. Neutral 50 Oh, all right. Fine. But listen here. Just take a look at it first. Go easy. {deadly serious} 61
Happy 50 If you get the job done, there'll be 100 caps in it for you. 62
MS11LucasBomb2b Whatever. I don't plan on sticking around very long, anyway. Happy 50 Fine. Enjoy your stay in Megaton. Don't get into any trouble and we'll go on pretending we're friends. {mock sincerity} 63
MS11LucasBomb2c If that bomb ever explodes, it would be doing the world a favor... Anger 50 Oh really? Is that so? {deadly serious, authoritative} 64
Anger 10 You may not think much of this town, but you're a guest in my home, and I'd advise you to behave as such. 65
Disgust 15 I hope I've made myself perfectly clear. {deadly serious} 66
MS11LucasGreet1a Nice town you got here, sheriff. It's a pleasure to meet you. Surprise 50 Friendly AND well-mannered? I think we're gonna get along just fine. You treat my people nice, and you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. {Happily surprised that this person who just came from underground isn't some kind of social pariah, or psychopath.} 67
MS11LucasGreet1b Pffft. Nice hat, Calamity Jane. Surprise 10 So that's the way it's gonna be, huh? That's fine. That's fine... 68
Anger 50 Just so long as we understand each other. This here is my town. These are my people. You so much as breathe wrong, and I'm gonna fuckin' end ya. 69
MS11LucasGreet1c <Say nothing.> Neutral 50 The quiet type, huh? Fine. Might help keep you out of trouble. I hope you're not a weirdo. Got enough of those already. {responding to someone that just shrugged his shoulders indifferent to the conversation} 70
MS11LucasGreet3a Right. Message received. Neutral 50 I'm glad we understand each other. Now, is there something I can help you with? 71
MS11LucasGreet3b You don't scare me. Surprise 50 You got something you want to prove, boy? {challenging a fight} 72
You don't scare me. Surprise 50 You got something you want to prove, girl? {challenging a fight} 73
MS11LucasGreet3c <Say nothing.> Neutral 50 God, I hope you ain't one of those psychotic quiet types. So... is there anything else I can do for you? 74
MS11LucasGreet4a There's a new sheriff in town! It's time to die, asshole. Happy 50 I ain't killed a drifter in weeks. This should be fun! {(cocky) about to get into a fight} 75
I want your hat. What do you think about that?
I want that hat. What do you think about that? Surprise 50 I think you're suicidal. Try me. {challenging to a fight} 76
MS11LucasGreet4c Ha! I'm just messing with you. Neutral 50 Fucking psycho Wastelanders... 77
MS11LucasGreet5a You're dead. Happy 50 Let's do it, then! {about to get into a fight} 78
MS11LucasGreet5b I'm just messing with you. Relax! Neutral 50 I've got my eye on you, drifter... 79
MegLucasGreetChoiceBadChoiceNeutral Sure. Whatever. Anger 50 Glad we understand each other. {deadly serious.} 80
MegLucasMegatonChoiceBackToTopics Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 All right, shoot. {as in "all right, go ahead and ask your question."} 81
MegLucasMegatonChoiceBar Know where I can get a drink? Neutral 50 Sure. Head over to Moriarty's for spirits. Or, if you want something to eat, head over to the Brass Lantern. 82
MegLucasMegatonChoiceClinic Does the town have a doctor? Happy 50 Yep. He's a bit cranky, but he means well. Just make sure there's something actually wrong with you before you bother him. 83
Neutral 50 You'll find him down in the plaza at the bottom of the hill, across the way from The Brass Lantern. 84
MegLucasMegatonChoiceName Why is the town called Megaton? Neutral 50 The town's named after the bomb that's sitting in the middle of it. It hasn't gone off. Yet. 85
MegTownDirections I could use some directions around town. Neutral 50 Sure thing, partner. What do you need to find? 86
MegTownDirectionsBar Is there a bar in town? Neutral 50 Sure is Moriarty's. The entrance is on the top level, opposite the Main Gate. 87
Neutral 50 Just be careful. Moriarty is NOT your friend, no matter what he may say, so don't fall for his lies. And for god's sake, don't trust the man. 88
MegTownDirectionsBed Where can I rent a bed? Neutral 50 Up at Moriarty's at the south end of town. Talk to Nova, she'll help you out. 89
MegTownDirectionsClinic Where's the closest clinic? Neutral 50 Our clinic is down in the crater, by the bomb. Doc Church is a little rough around the edges, but the man's got talent and compassion. 90
MegTownDirectionsEquipment I need some equipment. Where's the nearest general store? Happy 50 Moira sells all kinds of stuff at her place, Craterside Supply. Take a guess where it is? Heh heh heh heh. 91
I need some equipment. Where's the nearest general store? Happy 50 Check out Craterside Supply. It's on the western side of town. 92
MegTownDirectionsGoBack Let's talk about something else. Surprise 50 Sure thing. What's on your mind? 93
MegTownDirectionsWeapons Is there a weapons dealer around here? Neutral 50 You'll probably want to see Moira at Craterside Supply. She sells some weapons. Makes some too, from what I hear. Her place is down by the crater. 94
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 Right. 95
MegTownFatherChoice Now that I'm helping you, maybe you can help me. I'm looking for my dad... Surprise 50 Well, come to think of it, I do remember a stranger coming through here. Had a look in his eye. You know the kind a man gets when he's got a purpose. {remembering} 96
Neutral 50 Spent some time up in the saloon. Might want to check with Moriarty. Just watch yourself. That man's trouble. 97
I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him? Neutral 50 Nope, sorry. I got enough fires to put out in this place that I don't have time to keep tabs on every visitor. I'd ask around town. 98
What can you tell me about Megaton?
Tell me more about your town. Neutral 50 What do you want to know? 99
MegTownWasteland Know anything about the area outside Megaton? Neutral 100 It's called "The Wasteland" for a reason. But there are settlements, too, spread all around. The human race is stubborn like that. 100
Neutral 50 To the south you got Rivet City, but don't bother going to D.C. The place is a warzone. 101
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 10 Not an option, I'm afraid. We aren't exactly rolling in cash, down here. 102
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Sorry friend. You ought keep better track of your loved ones. 103


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Don't blow us up, now. {joking, but to cover up serious nervousness} 104
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Don't fool around with that bomb unless you know what you're doing. {joking, but to cover up serious nervousness} 105
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Good luck. Careful around that bomb. {joking, but to cover up serious nervousness} 106
I have to go now. Happy 50 Take care, now. {sincere} 107
I have to go now. Neutral 50 You stay safe. {sincere} 108
I have to go now. Happy 50 Later. {sincere} 109
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Have a good one. 110
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Carry on. 111
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Mind your manners, now. 112
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Okay, son. Okay. 113
I have to go now. Neutral 50 You got it, buddy. 114
HELLO HELLO Happy 25 We're all still breathing. So I know you didn't screw up. You got something on your mind? {trying to muster patience and be kind} 115
HELLO Happy 25 Were you just kidding 'bout disarming that thing? {trying to muster patience and be kind} 116
HELLO Happy 25 You looking for the mayor or the sheriff? {trying to muster patience and be kind} 117
HELLO Happy 50 Boy do I breathe a lot easier knowing that thing is truly dead! {relieved} 118
HELLO Happy 50 Mighty fine thing you did for this town. {relieved} 119
HELLO Happy 50 Hey friend! {genuinely happy to see the player} 120
HELLO Neutral 50 Yeah? 121
HELLO Neutral 50 No trouble I take it? {There is an unspoken "There's no..." in front of this line.} 122
HELLO Neutral 50 Howdy. 123
HELLO Neutral 50 Come here for a second, son. I want to talk to you. 124
HELLO Neutral 50 Harden, come here, boy. I want to talk to you. 125
MS11BattleTopic MS11BattleTopic Neutral 50 You there! Burke! Explain your business in Megaton. {commanding, almost yelling} 126
MS11BattleTopic Anger 75 You know damn well what I'm talking about. The bomb! You're trying to blow it up! Have you lost your goddamned mind? {commanding, almost yelling} 127
MS11BattleTopic Anger 75 I'm placing you under arrest, Burke. At least until I figure out what the hell's going on around here. {commanding, almost yelling} 128
MS11BattleTopic Anger 75 This isn't open to discussion! You're coming with me. {commanding, almost yelling} 129
MS11LucasSimmsSayToPlayer MS11LucasSimmsSayToPlayer Neutral 50 Well I'll be damned. You're from that vault! Vault 101! Ha ha! I ain't seen one of those jumpsuits in a LONG time! 130
MS11LucasSimmsSayToPlayer Neutral 50 I'll be damned. Another newcomer. 131
MegatonHelloResponse MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 Howdy. 132
MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 Howdy. 133
MegatonTalk1 MegatonTalk Neutral 50 What's up, son? 134
MegatonTalk Neutral 50 What's on your mind, boy? 135
MegatonTalk2 MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 I wanted to tell you, I saw the patch job you did on that leaky section of roof. That was... That was really responsible of you, son. Thank you. 136
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 So, ummm... I noticed Deputy Steel looking a bit shinier than usual. You polished him up, didn't you boy? He he he. Good work, son. Good work. 137
MegatonTalk3 MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 *Sigh.* You're right, Harden. You're right. No more broken promises. Let me just... get my affairs settled, and I'll free up some time. Okay? 138
MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Oh man. I did say that, didn't I? Okay. Yeah, yeah we can do that. I've got some stuff to take care of, but after that, it's you and me! Okay, pal? 139
MegatonTalk4 MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 I know, Harden. I know. You make me proud every day, son. What can I say, you're just like your dad! He he he he he. 140
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Hey, you think it's easy, seeing my little boy turn into a man? Ha ha ha ha! Don't grow up too quick on me, you hear! 141


AcceptYield AcceptYield Anger 50 Fine. One more chance. Do something that dumb again, and you're dead. {gruff and threatening, accepting a surrender from a trouble maker} 142
Assault Assault Anger 50 Are you out of your goddamned mind? {gruff sheriff getting assaulted by a trouble maker} 143
Assault Anger 50 I KNEW I shouldn't have let you in here! {gruff sheriff getting assaulted by a trouble maker} 144
Attack Attack Neutral 50 Now THAT was a mistake. 145
Attack Neutral 50 You're gonna leave here in a box! {Old west style. As in "pull out your guns".} 146
Attack Neutral 50 You think you're fast enough, stranger? {Old west style. As in "pull out your guns".} 147
Attack Anger 50 You like that? {sheriff angry he has to kill a stupid trouble maker whose shooting up his town} 148
Attack Anger 50 Get the hell out of my town! {sheriff angry he has to kill a stupid trouble maker whose shooting up his town} 149
Attack Anger 50 I hate wasting ammo on idiots. {sheriff angry he has to kill a stupid trouble maker whose shooting up his town} 150
Attack Anger 50 Had enough? {sheriff angry he has to kill a stupid trouble maker whose shooting up his town} 151
Flee Flee Fear 50 I give up already! {retreating} 152
Murder Murder Anger 50 What the hell? No one gets away with murder in my town! {sheriff about to start shooting} 153
Murder Anger 50 Murderer! {sheriff about to start shooting} 154
Murder Anger 50 You'll pay for that! {sheriff about to start shooting} 155


AlertIdle AlertIdle Anger 50 Quit hiding and come out and fight! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 156
AlertIdle Anger 50 Come out here, you sissy! Finish what you started! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 157
AlertIdle Anger 50 I'll find you, and then you'll be sorry! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 158
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Anger 50 There you are. Now, let's finish this nonsense. {found a hiding enemy} 159
CombatToLost CombatToLost Anger 50 Quit hiding and come out and fight! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 160
CombatToLost Anger 50 Come out here, you sissy! Finish what you started! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 161
CombatToLost Anger 50 I'll find you, and then you'll be sorry! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 162
LostIdle LostIdle Anger 50 Quit hiding and come out and fight! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 163
LostIdle Anger 50 Come out here, you sissy! Finish what you started! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 164
LostIdle Anger 50 I'll find you, and then you'll be sorry! {angry his enemy is hiding from him} 165
LostToCombat LostToCombat Anger 50 There you are. Now, let's finish this nonsense. {found a hiding enemy} 166
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 That was your last chance. 167
StartCombat Anger 50 That was dumb. {about to get into a fight with a moron who attacked him} 168