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This is a transcript for dialogue with Nathan.


GREETING GREETING Fear 100 They're not who they say they are... Get out while you can, before they get you too! 1
GREETING Sad 100 Huh? Oh... I'm sorry. I was thinking about Manya. Things ain't been the same since she passed... 2
GREETING Surprise 50 Ha! Look at this! New blood! Tell me boy, you ever hear of the Enclave? The last remnant of the good ol' USA, they are! 3
Neutral 50 Now, I don't know you from Adam, but I got you pegged for a patriot and any patriot worth his salt is gonna toss his gun in for the Enclave. 4
Happy 50 Any day now, they're gonna roll up here and then this nightmare'll be over for good! But listen to me ramble I'm Nathan. What can I do for you? 5
GREETING Surprise 50 Ha! Look at this! New blood! Tell me girl, you ever hear of the Enclave? The last remnant of the good ol' USA, they are! 6
Neutral 50 Now, I don't know you from Adam, but I got you pegged for a patriot and any patriot worth her salt is gonna toss her gun in for the Enclave. 7
Happy 50 Any day now, they're gonna roll up here and then this nightmare'll be over for good! But listen to me ramble I'm Nathan. What can I do for you? 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Where's that wife of mine got to anyway... 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you seen my wife anywhere around here? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Greetings, citizen! 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Be all you can be. Support the Enclave. 12
MegNathanEnclave1 Why do you support the Enclave? Neutral 50 Why? Why? Look around you. This is the good ol' USA. Sure, she looks a little bit different these days, but you're still on American soil. 13
Neutral 50 And even if you were born in some underground Vault, you were born under the United States, which makes you an American. 14
Neutral 50 And it's your duty and my duty to support our country and our president, no matter what. Understand? 15
Why do you support the Enclave? Neutral 50 Because American is the greatest country on Earth... actually... it might be the only country on Earth now. 16
MegNathanEnclave1a You're right. My country deserves my unthinking and unquestioning support. Happy 50 Now there's a proud patriot. After all, if they could do us wrong, we wouldn't have elected them in the first place, right? 17
Neutral 50 Yessir, trust in the judgement of other people to know what's best for me. It's the American way! 18
MegNathanEnclave1b Are you kidding? It's the duty of a citizen to question his government. Neutral 50 Why... that's unthinkable! Where in the constitution does it say that we're supposed to run around questioning the government? Huh? 19
MegNathanEnclave1b1 Do you think people who fought a war with tyrants wanted unquestioning support? Neutral 50 Well.. when you put it that way... wait, you're just trying to confuse me with your fancy vault education and your textbooks! 20
Anger 50 I'll have none of it! Did you have something else you wanted to ask, or were you done with your crazy talk? 21
MegNathanEnclave1b2 Well, they did give us guns and say, "If we fuck up, feel free to take us out." Neutral 50 Well, when you put it that way... wait, you're just trying to confuse me with your fancy vault education and your textbooks! 22
Anger 50 I'll have none of it! Did you have something else you wanted to ask, or were you done with your crazy talk? 23
MegNathanEnclave1b3 I really don't know. I skipped American government class back in the Vault. Neutral 50 I don't mean to embarrass you, but maybe you should learn your history before you argue with a patriot. 24
Neutral 50 It's okay, though. That's what we have a government for, to do the hard things so we don't have to. 25
Neutral 50 But, what else did you want to know? 26
MegNathanEnclave1c I couldn't possibly care less about governments or presidents. Neutral 50 Well, we can't all care. Besides, why should we have to? That's what the government is here for, to take care of that stuff. 27
MegNathanEnclave2 If you've never seen the Enclave, how can you know anything about them? Neutral 50 They're on the radio! They have been for years. President Eden talks about everything they're doing. 28
Neutral 50 They got flyin' robots all around, watching everything so they know what to do when they finally swoop in and clean this place up. 29
Happy 50 You'll see. People think I'm just a crazy old man. Things'll be different when the Enclave gets here. 30
MegNathanEnclave3 Who are the Enclave, anyway? Neutral 50 They're the American government! The eagle! People comma we the! The more perfect union! 31
MegNathanEnclaveEND That's all I needed to hear. Neutral 50 Any time you want another lesson, come on by. 32
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 Gotcha. 33


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Get out of here! 34
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Take care. 35
I have to go now. Neutral 50 God bless The Enclave. 36
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yeah, Yeah... {getting his nagging wife off his back by agreeing to do something} 37
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Okay, okay, I know, I know... {getting his nagging wife off his back by agreeing to do something} 38
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Well... damn it. I ain't about to go out lookin' for one myself! Ah well... you have a good one, Moira. 39
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Ah, damn. Oh well. Thanks, Moira. {getting his nagging wife off his back by agreeing to do something} 40
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Run while you can! 41
HELLO Neutral 50 [Humming a tune] {Humming "The Battle Hymn of the Republic".} 42
HELLO Neutral 50 [Humming a tune] {Humming "America the Beautiful".} 43
HELLO Neutral 50 God bless the USA. And nowhere else. 44
HELLO Neutral 50 Manya! Manya! 45
HELLO Neutral 50 Darling! 46
MegatonTalk1 MegatonTalk Fear 50 Oh, for the... What? {Annoyed. Begins to talk, and stops. Takes a breath. Then asks "What?" in an even but obviously annoyed tone.} 47
MegatonTalk2 MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 What did you do with my ratchet? I've looked everywhere! Where did you put it? 48
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 I... I never did find that gun. The one I was working on, remember? You put it somewhere didn't you? You cleaned up, and you lost my damn gun! 49
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 I was wonderin' if anyone's sold you a Fesson-Moch .45 cal. I need the trigger assembly for this rifle I'm workin' on. 50
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 Did you ever get ahold of those shell casings that we talked about? The special alloy ones? 51
MegatonTalk3 MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Always with the nagging.... I'll do what I do when I do it, woman. 52
MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Fine, fine, fine. I'll do whatever you want. Just please, for God's sake, stop with the nagging... 53
MegatonTalk4 MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Aggh! Damnit! But I've looked everywhere! *Sigh* All right. Thanks, I guess. { } 54
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Well... damn. Thanks for nothing. { } 55


Attack Attack Neutral 50 ...from my cold dead hands. {Said with great satisfaction. It's about time that he got to shoot someone.} 56
Death Death Pained 100 Manya... {dying gasp} 57


NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 We got a Commie here! 58
StartCombat Neutral 50 I knew you were trouble the second I laid eyes on you. 59