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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lucy West.


GREETING GREETING Sad 50 Please tell me you have some good news... I could use it. 1
GREETING Fear 50 Any word about my brother? I'm worried sick! 2
GREETING Happy 50 I really appreciate you doing this for me. I'm feeling better already! 3
GREETING Happy 50 Did you need something else? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 I don't recognize you. New in town or something? 5
GREETING Happy 50 You still up for that job I was talking about? 6
GREETING Anger 80 I heard about your little killing spree in Arefu. Get the hell away from me. 7
GREETING Sad 50 Look... I'd just rather not speak with you right now. Sorry. 8
GREETING Anger 50 Get the fucking hell out of my sight. I never want to speak to you ever again. 9
GREETING Happy 50 Hello there, nice to see you. 10
MS09Bailout Let me ask you something else. Happy 50 Okay. 11
MS09FinTLLetter I delivered the letter to Ian. Happy 50 Oh, thank you for remembering! With everything that's going on, I almost forgot about it. 12
Happy 90 You have no idea how much this means to me. Thanks so much! 13
MS09GoodbyeDialog I have to go now. Fear 50 Please, do what you can to find my brother. 14
I have to go now. Happy 50 Hey, thanks again for doing this for me, it means a lot. 15
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Remember, my offer still stands. 16
I have to go now. Neutral 50 All right, goodbye. 17
MS09LucyWestFindIan01 There's no sign of him, but I'm sure he's alive. Sad 50 You must find him! Please! He's all I have left in this world now. 18
Sad 50 I just gotta know if he's alive or dead. It can't just end this way! 19
MS09LucyWestFindIan02 I didn't find his body. Happy 50 Then maybe he's still alive! 20
Neutral 50 You must find him! Please! He's all I have left in this world now. 21
Neutral 50 I just gotta know if he's alive or dead. It can't just end this way! 22
MS09LucyWestFindIan03 He's probably dead too. Anger 50 No! I refuse to believe that! 23
Neutral 50 You must find him! Please! He's all I have left in this world now. 24
Neutral 50 I just gotta know if he's alive or dead. It can't just end this way! 25
MS09LucyWestFindIan04 All right, Lucy. Calm down. I'll find Ian. Sad 50 I'm sorry. You don't even know me, and you've already helped this much. 26
Sad 50 I'm not stupid, I know he's probably dead. I just need to know for sure. 27
MS09LucyWestFindIan05 Sorry. I agreed to go to Arefu. That's it. Disgust 50 Fine. Be an asshole. I don't care. 28
Disgust 50 If you find Ian, and you have a change of heart, come back here and tell me. If not, fine! Screw you! 29
MS09LucyWestFindIan06Scoundrel If you want me to find Ian, I'll need to equip myself. That costs money. Anger 50 Fine. Fine. Here, this is all I have left to feed myself, you selfish asshole! 30
Neutral 50 I don't care anymore. I just want to know where my brother is. 31
If you want me to find Ian, I'll need to equip myself. That costs money. Disgust 50 That's all I have in the world I told you! 32
MS09LucyWestIanIsAlive01 I found him. He's safe. Surprise 50 Thank goodness! You have no idea how worried I was... I haven't even slept well since you left. 33
Happy 50 Thanks for bringing me the news, you've really cheered me up! 34
MS09LucyWestIanIsAlive02 I haven't found him. <Lie.> Sad 90 I... I don't know what to say. I... can't believe this is happening to me. My entire family... gone. I... 35
Sad 50 Please, just go. Don't say anything, don't look back. Just go. 36
MS09LucyWestIanIsAlive03 I found him. He's with the Family. Anger 60 What? Those gangers? I knew if he got mixed up with the wrong crowd this could happen! Why didn't I do anything to stop him? 37
Neutral 50 I... I don't know what to say. I... can't believe this is happening to me. My entire family... gone. I... 38
Neutral 50 Please, just go. Don't say anything, don't look back. Just go. 39
MS09LucyWestIntroCT01 Sure am. Stopped in to find something to do. Neutral 50 I hope by "something to do" you mean a job, otherwise you want to talk with Nova. 40
Neutral 50 I'm looking for someone to make a delivery. Interested? 41
MS09LucyWestIntroCT02 None of your business. Disgust 50 Hmph. Well, that's the attitude I've come to know from most of the people around this town. Folks like to keep to themselves. 42
Neutral 50 I don't want your life story, I just want a little bit of a favor. Think you're up to it? 43
MS09LucyWestIntroCT03 Maybe. Who wants to know? Neutral 50 I do. I'm looking for someone to make a delivery. Interested? 44
MS09LucyWestIntroCT04 Sure, why not. Happy 50 Great! I'd like you to deliver this message to my family in the Arefu Settlement. I haven't heard from them in months and I'm worried. 45
Happy 60 As soon as you get there, talk to Davis West. He'll be glad to pay you for the trip. 46
MS09LucyWestIntroCT05 Nope, sorry. Sad 50 Alright. Let me know if you change your mind. 47
MS09LucyWestIntroCT06 A job usually means I get paid. Sad 50 Actually, I don't have any caps with me. I used everything I had buying a shack in this town. 48
Happy 50 But if you'd be nice enough to help me, I bet my father would pay you something for all the trip. What do you say? 49
MS09LucyWestIntroCT07 I'll need some details before I can decide. Happy 50 Hey, you're pretty smart for a Wastelander! 50
Neutral 50 I need you to deliver a message to my family. They live in a small settlement northwest of here. If you bring it, I'm sure my dad will pay you. 51
Happy 50 I'll tell you more if you agree. Please, I could really use your help. 52
MS09TLArefuTopic Can you give me some information about Arefu? Happy 50 Sure, be glad to since you're doing me a big favor and all. 53
MS09TLArefuTopic01 Where is Arefu? Neutral 50 Arefu is northwest of Megaton on an old overpass over the Potomac. If you follow what's left of the river, you can't miss it. 54
MS09TLArefuTopic02 Do you suspect your family is in danger? Neutral 50 No... not really. Maybe my letters just aren't arriving. Whatever you can do to get it there would sure be appreciated. 55
MS09TLArefuTopic03 Who else lives in Arefu? Neutral 50 Well, let's see. There's Evan King... he's like the sheriff of the town or whatever. 56
Happy 50 Then there's my family, the Ewer Family and a lady who lives alone named Karen Schenzy. 57
MS09TLArefuTopic04 Is there anything dangerous around there I should know about? Disgust 60 What, apart from the Wasteland critters, Slaver raiding parties, Raider hit squads and occasional landmine? No, it's completely safe. {sarcastic} 58
Disgust 50 If this was easy, I'd go myself you know. 59
MS09TLLetterDelivery I delivered that letter to your brother Ian. Surprise 80 Oh, thank you for remembering! 60
Happy 90 I have to admit that I wasn't sure I'd ever see you again. I'm glad I was wrong. 61
MS09TLLucyWestParentsDead I have some new information about Ian. Sad 50 Oh my goodness? What is it? 62
Lucy, I have bad news. Your parents are dead. Sad 50 Wh-what? No! Oh my God! I should never have left. I knew it... now they're all dead! 63
Fear 50 Wait a second... What about my brother? 64
Lucy, I have bad news. Your parents are dead. Sad 50 Wh-what? No! Oh my God! I should never have left. I knew it... now they're all dead! 65
Fear 50 Wait a second... What about my brother? 66
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 Right. 67


GOODBYE I have to go now. Fear 50 Please, do what you can to find my brother. 68
I have to go now. Happy 50 Hey, thanks again for doing this for me, it means a lot. 69
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Remember, my offer still stands. 70
I have to go now. Neutral 50 All right, goodbye. 71
I have to go now. Sad 50 Sigh. Alone again... 72
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Just get the hell away from me. 73
I have to go now. Happy 50 Oh! Okay. Well, anytime you find yourself back in Megaton, be sure and look me up. 74
I have to go now. Neutral 50 See y'all later. 75
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 You're back! Oh my gosh! 76
HELLO Neutral 50 Don't you have a letter to deliver? 77
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey there, glad you're back. 78
HELLO Neutral 50 A traveler, eh? 79
HELLO Sad 50 Huh? Almost didn't see you there. 80
HELLO Anger 50 What the fuck do you want? 81
HELLO Happy 50 What brings you back to Megaton? 82
HELLO Neutral 50 Everything okay? 83
HELLO Neutral 50 Hrm? 84


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Help! Someone help me! 85


NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 No! Help me, someone! Help! 86