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This is a transcript for dialogue with Walter.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 <grumbles> ... huh? Yeah? What is it? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah? What is it? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 What do you need? 3
MegFFWalterBuyParts Interested in buying some scrap metal? Neutral 50 I sure am, sonny. What've you got for me? 4
Interested in buying some scrap metal? Neutral 50 I sure am, missy. What've you got for me? 5
MegFFWalterBuyParts10 I have 10 to sell. Neutral 50 Just in time... just in time... 6
I have 10 to sell. Neutral 50 The more of these I get, the longer I can keep the plant going. 7
I have 10 to sell. Neutral 50 Good... good... I know right where I can use these parts. 8
I have 10 to sell. Neutral 50 Seems like we can never have enough of these. 9
I have 10 to sell. Neutral 50 We can always use 'em. 10
MegFFWalterBuyParts15 I have 15 to sell. Neutral 50 Just in time... just in time... 11
I have 15 to sell. Neutral 50 The more of these I get, the longer I can keep the plant going. 12
I have 15 to sell. Neutral 50 Good... good... I know right where I can use these parts. 13
I have 15 to sell. Neutral 50 Seems like we can never have enough of these. 14
I have 15 to sell. Neutral 50 We can always use 'em. 15
MegFFWalterBuyParts20 I have 20 to sell. Neutral 50 Just in time... just in time... 16
I have 20 to sell. Neutral 50 The more of these I get, the longer I can keep the plant going. 17
I have 20 to sell. Neutral 50 Good... good... I know right where I can use these parts. 18
I have 20 to sell. Neutral 50 Seems like we can never have enough of these. 19
I have 20 to sell. Neutral 50 We can always use 'em. 20
MegFFWalterBuyParts25 I have 25 to sell. Neutral 50 Just in time... just in time... 21
I have 25 to sell. Neutral 50 The more of these I get, the longer I can keep the plant going. 22
I have 25 to sell. Neutral 50 Good... good... I know right where I can use these parts. 23
I have 25 to sell. Neutral 50 Seems like we can never have enough of these. 24
I have 25 to sell. Neutral 50 We can always use 'em. 25
MegFFWalterBuyParts5 I have 5 to sell. Neutral 50 Just in time... just in time... 26
I have 5 to sell. Neutral 50 The more of these I get, the longer I can keep the plant going. 27
I have 5 to sell. Neutral 50 Good... good... I know right where I can use these parts. 28
I have 5 to sell. Neutral 50 Seems like we can never have enough of these. 29
I have 5 to sell. Neutral 50 We can always use 'em. 30
MegFFWalterBuyPartsALL Just take all the scrap metal I have. Neutral 50 Well, alright... let me just count out your caps... 31
MegFFWalterBuyPartsALLKarma Just take all the scrap metal I have. No charge. I just want to help Neutral 50 Are you serious? Why... I'll be. Thank you, stranger. I can't tell you what this means to Megaton. 32
MegFFWalterBuyPartsEND Actually, I don't have any parts to sell. Neutral 50 Okay... well, come back when you do. 33
Actually, never mind. Neutral 50 You sure? Okay well, if you change your mind, just let me know. 34
MegFFWalterHelpPipes1 What can I do to help around here? Neutral 50 Well, it's no secret that the ol' water treatment plant is on its last legs. And I'm the only one in town that can keep the damn thing running. 35
Neutral 50 I spend so much time up in the plant, that I can't take care of the leaks that keep springing up in the pipes around town. 36
Neutral 50 Now, I don't expect much from strangers, but if you've got the knowhow, I need someone to hunt down and repair those leaks. 37
What did you need me to do again? Neutral 50 The pipes are leaking around town. Find the leaks and patch the pipes, if you can. There should be three leaks. 38
What did you need me to do again? Neutral 50 The pipes are leaking around town. Find the leaks and patch the pipes, if you can. My guess is that there are still two leaks out there. 39
What did you need me to do again? Neutral 50 The pipes are leaking around town. Find the leaks and patch the pipes, if you can. There's only one more leak. Be sure to check all the pipes. 40
The pipes are all fixed. Neutral 50 Well, I'll be... the pressure's up in the plant. It looks like all the leaks have been fixed. Thank you, stranger! Thank you! 41
Neutral 50 But listen, it's only a matter of time before they burst again, and someone like you might not be around to fix 'em. I'll make you a deal. 42
Neutral 50 I'll give you caps for any Scrap Metal you can bring me. You'll find 'em it over the place out there in the Wastes. 43
Neutral 50 If I have a steady supply of scrap, I can keep the plant running and the pipes should be just fine. We got a deal? 44
MegFFWalterHelpPipes1a How many leaks are there? Neutral 50 From the pressure in the plant, my guess is that there are three of 'em scattered around town. 45
Neutral 50 Check along the pipes and the valves, but they might be a bit tricky to spot. 46
MegFFWalterHelpPipes1b Can't you fix the pipes? Neutral 50 I could, but I can't hunt for leaks all damn day. That rust bucket purifier would fall apart without me up around to plug it up. 47
Neutral 50 The only break I get is when I shut the thing off for the night, and I can't look for leaks when the water isn't running. 48
MegFFWalterHelpPipes1c I'll keep it in mind. Neutral 50 I hope you can help. If folks knew how bad it was getting up here... well... I don't know what would happen. 49
MegFFWalterRewardChoiceCaps I'm not your errand boy. Just pay me for the repairs. Neutral 50 Alright... alright... relax. But all you've done is delay the inevitable. Without those parts, the plants gonna croak sooner or later. 50
Neutral 50 But what do you care? You just want your money. Here, take it and get out. 51
MegFFWalterRewardChoiceDeal Sounds good to me. I'll bring you the parts I find. Neutral 50 Good! This just keeps looking better! Those parts will keep this place running and the town in fresh water! Hurry back as soon as you find some! 52
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 Right. 53
MegTownMegaton What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 What can I tell you about Megaton? Well, that fucking bomb is killing us all slowly. How's that for a piece of information? 54
MegTownRumors What's the word around town? Neutral 50 Sure, you got the purifier working right again, but if it runs out of water to pump then we're still screwed. 55
What's the word around town? Neutral 50 Well, people've been sayin' that the water purifier's about to go. Honestly, I'll tell you what I tell them. 56
Neutral 50 I've been keeping that wreck going for thirty-five years and this is the first time I've ever had a problem I couldn't fix. 57
MegTownWhatDoYouDo What do you do around here? Neutral 50 I take care of the water purification plant. This old rusted hunk keeps us in clean water... for now. 58
What do you do around here? Neutral 50 I take care of the water purification plant. That old rusted hunk keeps us in clean water... for now. 59


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Well, back to work. 60
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Do you have any scrap metal for me? 61
HELLO Neutral 50 Remember: cash for scrap metal. 62
HELLO Neutral 50 What are you lookin' at, girl? {Spoken like a grumpy grandfather.} 63
HELLO Neutral 50 What are you lookin' at, boy? {Spoken like a grumpy grandfather.} 64
HELLO Neutral 50 ... no respect ... I tell ya' ... {Mumbling under his breath to himself.} 65
HELLO Neutral 50 What do you need? 66
HELLO Neutral 50 You need something, youngster? 67
HELLO Neutral 50 [sniffs] I got nothin' to say to you. 68
MegBarRadioChatter MegBarRadioChatter Neutral 50 Boy, just leave it be. I like the Enclave station. It's downright patriotic! 69
MegatonHelloResponse MegatonHelloResponse Fear 50 Look, I told you people: I'm busy. Leave me alone. 70
MegatonHelloResponse Fear 50 Look, I'm a little busy... 71


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Goddamn kids! 72
Attack Neutral 50 This old man's still got some fight in him! 73
Hit Hit Pained 100 No! 74