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This is a transcript for dialogue with Doc Church.


Full house today, Doc. What's wrong with everybody?
Something going around, Doc? The clinic seems pretty full today. Fear 50 There's something going around, all right, but it isn't anything I've ever seen before. Definitely not contagious. 1
Neutral 50 Maybe something in the water, but that seems unlikely since I've tested it and this is the cleanest water we've ever had. 2
Disgust 50 Be damned ironic if we were so used to the crap we've been drinking that actual pure water was killing us. 3
What's with all the patients? You seem busier than usual. Anger 50 I have no idea how to help these people and it's really taken the shine off my normally sunny disposition. 4
Disgust 50 So unless you have an actual medical problem, maybe you could stop distracting me from my work. 5
DoctorAddiction I think I might be addicted to something. Neutral 50 I can take care of it for you, for a price. 6
Neutral 50 That'll be 50 caps. Maybe the dent in your pocketbook will keep you away from that crap. 7
DoctorAddictionNO I think I'll tough it out. Neutral 50 Your choice, but an addiction ain't an easy thing to kick. 8
DoctorAddictionYES I don't have 50 caps. Neutral 50 Well, this might go better for you if you hadn't blown your money on Jet, don't you think? 9
Yes, cure me. Neutral 50 Alright... I got some of this pre-war stuff, should flush your system right out... 10
DoctorMedical I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Well, you're standing fine, but you could use some switching up. That'll be 50 caps. 11
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Your vitals are fine, but you could use some stitches on those cuts. Tell you what, 50 caps sound good? 12
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Look at you! You're fine! Don't come in here wasting my time with your hypochondria. I've got actual patients to see to. 13
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Oh, you do not. Just suck it up, you big baby. 14
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Alright, you're not that banged up a couple of pain killers should do you fine. That'll be 50 caps. 15
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 You know, all things considered, you could be worse off. I can stitch you up for 50 caps. 16
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Let's see... moderate lacerations, maybe a broken bone or two... I should be able to do you up for 75. 17
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Well now, let's take a look at you... some 2nd degree burns... a couple of flesh wounds... it'll take some work but I can fix you up for 75. 18
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Good lord, this'll take some work... 100 caps worth of work. 19
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 I'm surprised you made it in here. I can fix you up, but it'll run you 100 caps. What do you say? 20
DoctorMedical33YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Alright, hold still. 21
All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 This may sting a little... 22
Actually, I don't have 100 caps. Neutral 50 You kiddin' me? What are you wasting my time for? 23
DoctorMedical66YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Here. Hold this for me while I stitch you up. 24
All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Now... where did I put that scalpel? Ah! There it is... 25
Actually, I don't have 75 caps. Neutral 50 You kiddin' me? What are you wasting my time for? 26
DoctorMedical99YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Alright, now stand still. This'll only take a second. 27
All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Here, bite down on this. It'll help with the pain. 28
Actually, I don't have 50 caps. Neutral 50 You kiddin' me? What are you wasting my time for? 29
DoctorMedicalContNO That's all I need. Neutral 50 Alright then. 30
That's all I need. Neutral 50 Okay then. Try not to get killed out there. 31
DoctorMedicalContYES There was something else I needed... Neutral 50 Well, speak up then. I don't have all day. 32
There was something else I needed... Neutral 50 Let's get on with it then. 33
DoctorMedicalNO On second thought, I'll be fine. Neutral 50 Then stop wasting my time. 34
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Alright, that should do it. You need anything else? 35
GREETING Anger 50 All better now, you big baby. Can I get back to work now? 36
GREETING Anger 50 Yeah, you're pretty busted up, but you'll live. Stop by the clinic in the morning. 37
GREETING Anger 50 I'm Doc Church and I run this clinic. Now, before you go askin' me for help, you'd better know the rules. Rule one: don't bother me. 38
Neutral 50 If you do bother me, you better be damn near dead. I'm busy enough takin' care of people I actually like. 39
Neutral 50 Follow my rule, I'll keep you patched up, I'll keep getting' paid, and we'll get along just fine. 40
GREETING Anger 50 Boy, you're glowin' like a goddamn reactor core. You need help? 41
GREETING Anger 50 Girl, you're glowin' like a goddamn reactor core. You need help? 42
GREETING Anger 50 Looks like you went and got yourself irradiated. Too bad for you, I'm off duty. Stop by the clinic in the morning. 43
GREETING Anger 50 What the hell are you standin' there bleedin' on my floor for? If you need help, then ask for it, dammit! 44
GREETING Anger 50 You came in here on your own power, so you must not be busted up too bad. 45
GREETING Anger 50 You'd best have cancer because from the looks of you, you're breaking rule number one right now. 46
GREETING Anger 50 For Christ's sake, you don't look sick and you sure as hell don't look dead, so why are you bothering me? 47
GREETING Anger 50 The Doctor is off duty. Go away. 48
MS08MedicalClue1 Do you know anything about some android who needed a surgeon? Neutral 50 Some VIP from up north looking for surgery and computer expertise. I don't pay attention to that crap, and neither should you. 49
MS08MedicalClue2 What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Thought that hoax was long in the grave. Here take this holotape and hear it for yourself. That was just some bored prankster. Forget about it. 50
Tell me more about this holotape about the android. Anger 50 You got wax in your ears? I said it was a hoax. Practically every doctor in the Capital Wasteland got a holotape like that. Go bother someone else. 51
MS08MedicalClue3 Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Damn stupid idea. That reminds me of this old hoax. Here, take a listen to this crusty holotape and see for yourself. 52
Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Now, you know I hate repeating myself. Damn stupid idea. 53
I found some info about an android. What do you know about his facial surgery? Neutral 50 Damn stupid idea if you ask me. That was all just an elaborate hoax. 54
MS08MedicalClue3Bribe You ever do a face job on an android from the North? <Jingle purse of 100 caps.> Neutral 50 Damn stupid idea. That reminds me of this old hoax. Here, take a listen to this crusty holotape and see for yourself. 55
MS08MedicalClue3Stat A patient of mine needs a facial epidermal augmentation. You ever perform one? Neutral 50 Damn stupid idea. That reminds me of this old hoax. Here, take a listen to this crusty holotape and see for yourself. 56
MS08MedicalClue4 You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 Probably down at Rivet City. Anything that has any use out here, they snatch up for themselves. That damn Pinkerton don't share nothin'. 57
You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 Dammit! Why are you wasting my time? I already told you, ask Pinkteron down at Rivet City. 58
I found this holotape. What do you know about facial reconstruction? Neutral 50 If you are lookin' to change your face, I'd try Pinkerton at Rivet City. That boy's got no sense of ethics. And you're a fool if you try it. 59
MS08MedicalClue4Bribe Here's 100 caps for the locale of a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Neutral 50 Probably down at Rivet City. Anything that has any use out here, they snatch up for themselves. That damn Pinkerton don't share nothin'. 60
MS08MedicalClue4Stat I need to find a Micro Dermal Graftilizer for epidermal augmentation surgery. Neutral 50 Probably down at Rivet City. Anything that has any use out here, they snatch up for themselves. That damn Pinkerton don't share nothin'. 61
MS11Drugs I need something to help me concentrate... Disgust 50 Great. Another junkie... In case you haven't noticed, this is a clinic, not a candy store. And I've got work to do. {annoyed} 62
MS11Drugs1a So you've got someone in town with a drug habit? Neutral 50 I'm afraid that goes against patient-doctor confidentiality. {evasive} 63
MS11Drugs1b A place like this is probably crawling with junkies, huh? Anger 50 Megaton might not be Tenpenny Tower, but that doesn't make breaking patient-doctor confidentiality any more ethical, now does it? {annoyed} 64
MS11Drugs1c Ha! Figures a shithole like this would have a local Chem head. Disgust 50 Okay, so we have a resident with a bit of a problem. What makes you so goddamned superior? Hmph. Wastelanders... {annoyed} 65
MegDocChurchPersuade1 I'm only trying to help, Doc. Sad 50 All right look, I'm only tellin' you this because you seem like an okay sort and I'm hopin' maybe you can talk some sense into the boy. 66
Disgust 50 Leo Stahl... that boy got hisself a problem with Jet. I've caught him in here two to three times tryin' to steal what I keep around for anesthetic. 67
Neutral 50 Not even his own family knows it. He goes up to the water treatment plant at night to get high... I dunno... I can't reach him. Maybe you can. 68
MegDocChurchPersuade3 You can trust me. I'm a doctor myself. Neutral 50 All right, I suppose someone with medical training has to have at least a bit of compassion. And maybe you can talk some sense into the boy. 69
Disgust 50 Leo Stahl... that boy got hisself a problem with Jet. I've caught him in here two to three times tryin' to steal what I keep around for anesthetic. 70
Neutral 50 Not even his own family knows it. He goes up to the water treatment plant at night to get high... I dunno... I can't reach him. Maybe you can. 71
You can trust me. I'm a doctor myself. Neutral 50 Nice try. Maybe if you actually had some medical training, we could talk about it. 72
MegDocChurchPersuadeEnd Never mind, then. Neutral 50 Right. 73
MegDocChurchSupplies I need to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 Plannin' on goin' out and getting' shot up, eh? 74
I need to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 Yeah? What do you need? 75
I need to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 Not quite as good as that vault stuff you're used to, but it'll do you. 76
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 You sure? 77
I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him?
I'm looking for my father... Neutral 50 Boy... are you botherin' me? 'Cause I think we talked about what happens when you bother me. {A long pause before speaking the text.} 78
I'm looking for my father... Neutral 50 Girl... are you botherin' me? 'Cause I think we talked about what happens when you bother me. {A long pause before speaking the text.} 79
MegTownMegaton What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 I have to say, of all the rat infested hellholes that I've lived in, this one is the least hellish. 80
What's the word around town?
What do you know about the people here? Neutral 50 I already told you about the Stahl boy's drug problem. You said you wanted to help. 81
Neutral 50 That's about all the confidences I'm going to break for you, stranger. 82
What do you know about the people here? Neutral 50 A doctor doesn't talk about his patients. At least not to strangers, he doesn't. 83
MegTownWhatDoYouDo What do you do around here? Neutral 50 I'm the town doc. If it's cut, I sew it up. If it's infected, I cut it off. 84
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 I'm not easily manipulated. So don't bother. 85
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Yeah, sorry. I don't think so. 86


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Try to be careful. 87
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yeah. Bye. 88
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Try not to hurt yourself. 89
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 You don't got nearly enough holes in you to be botherin' me. 90
HELLO Neutral 50 You sick? Injured? 91
HELLO Neutral 50 Less'n you're on death's door, I'm busy. 92
HELLO Neutral 50 <hacking cough> What? {A nasty phlem-filled smoker's hack.} 93
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 Jesus Christ, did you set this yourself? Well, I'm gonna have to rebreak it... 94
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 What the?... oops. Well, that wasn't important anyway. You'll be fine without it. 95
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 Now how did THAT get in there? 96
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 How attached to your fingers would you say that you are? Oh, wait... never mind. There it is. 97
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 I swear you people never learn, what do you think is out there in that Wasteland anyway? 98
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 You're just going to get yourself killed out there, you know. Not that you'll listen to me... 99
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 ... <grumbles> ... 100
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 Here, hold this end for me. Okay, now give it back. 101
MegDocChurchMedicalChatter Neutral 50 You alright up there. Need another painkiller? 102
MegatonHelloResponse MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 Mmmmhmmm... that's nice. 103
MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 Go bother someone else, please. I'm busy. 104


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Time to put you down. 105
Attack Neutral 50 Let's call this one a mercy killin'. 106


NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Oh for the love of... are you serious? {Exhasperated. } 107
StartCombat Neutral 50 So, you like to fight old men, do you? 108
StartCombat Neutral 50 I ain't gonna sew you back together. 109


BarterExit BarterExit Neutral 50 You done? Good. 110
BarterExit Neutral 50 That it? 111