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The incinerator is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


A two-handed incendiary weapon that is essentially a napalm launcher. It launches balls of flamer fuel ignited into fireballs that ignite foes from a distance. It is different from the heavy incinerator as it has a slower rate of fire, shorter range, and a less potent projectile. It does, however, possess a smaller spread.


The incinerator can fire a total of about 995 times using standard fuel, the equivalent of 34 reloads, from full condition before breaking. The flamer and heavy incinerator also fire exactly the same amount before breaking.

Ammunition typeDurability



Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (melee or unarmed)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- Attacks in V.A.T.S.
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (gun, energy or explosive)Action point cost- Action point cost
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per action point- Damage per action point
Damage per second- Damage per secondWeapon spread- Weapon spread
Area of effect damage- Area of effect damageMagazine capacity (shots per reload)- Magazine capacity (shots per reload)
Effect damage & duration- Effect damage & durationDurability (number of attacks before breaking)- Durability (number of attacks before breaking)
Bonus effects- Bonus effectsWeight- Weight
Attacks per second- Attacks per secondValue in caps- Value in caps
Critical chance % multiplier- Critical chance % multiplierValue to weight ratio- Value to weight ratio
Critical damage- Critical damageSkill required- Skill required
Critical effect damage & duration- Critical effect damage & durationStrength required- Strength required
With all mods attached- With all mods attached
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondArea of effect damageEffect damage and durationAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageCritical effect damage and durationAction Point costDamage per action pointWeapon spreadMagazine capacity (shots per reload)Durability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratioSkill requiredStrength required
Incinerator 1
Heavy incinerator 15



  • The incinerator can be fired faster semi-automatically than it can automatically.
  • Due to the fact that the balls of flame do not explode until it comes into contact with a surface, one can aim the weapon directly up and fire. The flames will go straight up, but then fall down a few meters in front of the player character after a few seconds. This can be used to fire over buildings and other obstacles.
  • If dropped underwater, the torch at the end of the muzzle will continue to burn.
  • There is sometimes a minor animation glitch that occurs when one is killed by a hit from the lower torso with the weapon equipped. The player character's now-dead hand, still grasping the weapon, will move toward their neck. This may cause the incinerator to become stuck in their neck, and the neck will stretch out several feet, sometimes even wrapping around the weapon. This glitch has been confirmed to work on the Xbox 360 and PC version of the game and is best performed with spore carriers as the killers.
  • The incinerator is unaffected by the true iron sights setting, and will use the same aim animation regardless.
  • An Incinerator can be found in Fallout Shelter in the background of a Level 1 Weapon workshop.


Incinerator icon Firing Idle
ReloadVB JamVB

