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Longneck Lukowski's Cannery is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.[1]


Longneck Lukowski's Cannery was a meat processing and packing plant that survived the Great War relatively unscathed. By 2287, the plant was rediscovered by Theodore Collins, who has managed to repair the cannery robot Mister Handies within to, once again, work processing the meat.[2] Theodore also taught himself how to operate the canning retorts and began working with various traders to bring him meat and sell his product. The traders were unable to bring him enough meat to keep up with demand, so he began mixing in meat from mole rats in the basement and hoping nobody would notice.[3] Eventually one of the canning retorts exploded, causing the basement to become infested with feral ghouls.[4] He then began mixing in the meat from the feral ghouls to keep up with demand, causing consumers to become ill.

When the Sole Survivor encounters the cannery, they find Theodore arguing with Trader Rylee about the quality of the meat. He claims that the meat was contaminated by mole rats and warns the Sole Survivor to stay out of the basement. When the Sole Survivor goes down to investigate, he locks the elevator to prevent them from telling anyone his secret. Some of the tin cans from the company can be found as far south as Appalachia.[5]


Longneck Lukowski's Cannery is constructed with reinforced concrete and a flat roof with three large red and white painted chimneys rising above it. The main entrance doors are on the west side of the building, with a metal stairway leading up to the roof space on the east side. On the roof is a small office entered via a Novice locked door. Inside to the left is an Expert locked safe and other minor loot.

Entering the interior of the cannery there is a small reception and shop area, leading into the cannery proper. There are a few catwalks and, on the northern end, an elevated office with some more loot. Red buttons on either side will open the yellow doors of the canning retorts on the ground floor and allow access to a small area behind them. At the upper south side of the cannery, there's an elevator (at the top, there is a red button one needs to push, the elevator is in the ground) that goes down into the basement and leads to a long, winding tunnel.

In the basement area where the stairs lead down into the water with an exit tunnel on the left, behind the stairs there is an underwater tunnel leading to a duffle bag, suitcase, and an Advanced locked safe.

Going back up the stairs onto the upper walkway, the path will split into a short branch on the left leading to a machine gun turret and a fusion core powered generator on the right.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]


  • The basement/tunnel section of the local map is only displayed after taking the elevator down.
  • Trader Rylee can be encountered here for recruitment. She is a level 4 trader for a general store, meaning if one places her at a level 3 general store, it will be upgraded to a level 4 store.
  • In a random encounter, the player character can happen upon a settler, who will complain at the quality of Lukowski's meat and place the location of the cannery on your map. After confronting the settler, he will continually ask the player character to excuse his sickness as the mystery meat has given him "bowel issues."
  • The door leading to the Barter bobblehead has a Master lock-picking requirement to open until the dialogue between Theodore Collins and Rylee has ended when Theodore gives the player the warning about entering the basement.
  • If the player speaks to Stanley Carrington and asks about a "Dead Drop," MacCready will comment about how he got sick from a "bad batch of cram."[6] Whether this is foreshadowing or a reference to the "Mystery Meat" quest is unknown.
  • If Deacon enters the room in the basement containing mole rat carcasses, he may comment about how he wished he didn't recently eat mole rat.[7]

Companion comments[]

  • When at this location, companions make comments, which are activated at two locations: the cannery cutting room next to the reception, and in the basement, just past the elevator.
Location comments
Character Specific location Comment
Cait Cannery cutting room "Oh god... this is disgustin'. Why would you ever put meat into a can?"
Basement; just past the elevator "Are you kiddin' me?"
Codsworth Cannery cutting room "Looks like the "mystery meat" mystery has been solved... Just goes to show, some things are better left unanswered."
Basement; just past the elevator "Sir/Mum, I believe that man just shut us in."
Curie Cannery cutting room "I like the little logo... Pelicans are such majestic creatures!"
Basement; just past the elevator "Oh, what is happening?"
Danse Cannery cutting room "When you're doing deep recon, you get used to eating whatever you can find. On the other hand... I think I'd rather starve than eat this stuff."
Basement; just past the elevator "Does he really think this is going to stop us?"
Deacon Cannery cutting room "Theodore Collins lives in there. Not the nicest guy, but he sells food to some of the settlements nearby."
Basement; just past the elevator "Damn it. He got us."
Hancock Cannery cutting room "Can of Longnecks would hit the spot right about now."
Basement; just past the elevator "That bastard better hope we die down here."
MacCready Cannery cutting room "Gross. People actually ate this stuff?"
Basement; just past the elevator "I can't believe we fell for that."
Nick Valentine Cannery cutting room "I've witnessed some unspeakable things in my day, but this may take the cake."
Basement; just past the elevator "Well, this is a fine mess."
Piper Cannery cutting room "Wow. That does not smell sanitary."
Basement; just past the elevator "Well, shit. You see a way out of here?"
Preston Garvey Cannery cutting room "I'd have to be pretty hungry to eat that."
Basement; just past the elevator "I thought this place smelled like a trap. Among other things."
X6-88 Cannery cutting room "Downright primitive by Institute standards."
Basement; just past the elevator "It's a trap!"


Longneck Lukowski's Cannery appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 333-334: "[4.12] LONGNECK LUKOWSKI'S CANNERY
    Famed for its quality potted meats, this cannery has recently been revitalized by the enterprising Theodore Collins, though the meats he produces have a strange, almost familiar taste."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  2. Longneck Lukowski's Cannery terminal entries; terminal, Still works
  3. Longneck Lukowski's Cannery terminal entries; terminal, Repairs
  4. Longneck Lukowski's Cannery terminal entries; terminal, Explosion
  5. Longneck Lukowski's tin can in Fallout 76
  6. The Sole Survivor: "What's a dead drop?"
    MacCready: "I had one of those once after I ate a bad batch of Cram. Spent eight hours on the can."
    (MacCready's dialogue)
  7. Deacon: "Suddenly I regret eating that mole rat meatloaf."
    (Deacon's dialogue)