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A chemical leak has been detected. Please evacuate the building.— HalluciGen, Inc. mainframe announcement

HalluciGen, Inc. is a location in the Esplanade neighborhood of Boston in 2287.


Before the Great War, HalluciGen, Incorporated was a biochemical manufacturer and innovator, aspiring to be the world leader in nonlethal technology for use by police and the military.[1]

Recently, a contingent of Gunners came to the facility on the contract of a classified client to secure pre-War military technology, particularly the facility's "InvisiWave" and "Irradicator" weapons, as well as access to the facility's mainframe to download any available schematics.[2] However, when they accessed the lab, a hallucinogenic chemical was released,[3][4] causing the Gunners who came in contact with it to enter a murderous frenzy from catastrophic adrenal gland rupture.[5] Those that survived the initial wave died fleeing the location, shot in the back by their frenzied brethren.[6]


When the Sole Survivor first encounters the facility, the building is a mess of collapsed floors. The unlocked main entrance to the first floor is on the west side of the building, while the Master-locked basement entrance is to the north (with a tripwire triggering a makeshift bomb nearby outside). Several dead Gunners are found outside the main entrance, and more hostile Gunners are found battling each other throughout the interior.

The main entrance opens to a reception area. A hallway to the east contains a collapsed floor that leads down to the basement, which contains an employee locker room. A hole in the wall leads into the building's maintenance room before returning to the first floor via another collapsed floor. The subsequent hallway leads to a research office, which contains the Novice-locked research terminal and a weapons workbench. The hallway to the west passes an Advanced-locked room with an initially non-hostile Gunner (see Notes below), a grenade-trapped conference room, and a security room with the Advanced-locked security office terminal and two Protectrons in open pods. The hallway ends at a break room to the west, which contains stairs up to the second floor. The first room after ascending these stairs is the accounting office.

Past the accounting office is a descent to a maze of ruined test chambers (one containing the Novice-locked test chamber terminal) on the first floor. Three chambers are locked and may be opened with buttons on the outside walls, revealing hostile Gunners fighting each other. An unlocked room offers a return to the second floor and a balcony overlooking the partly glass-ceilinged test chambers.

After again climbing the nearby stairs to the third floor, an observation room on the left will greet the player character with an announcement inviting them to test some "products." Pressing the various buttons in the room will describe and activate various traps in the test rooms holding the Gunners downstairs. The Advanced-locked observation terminal in the room reveals that the rooms below were actually used to demonstrate HalluciGen products to VIPs, after which the rooms should be "cleared of test subjects, blood, fluids."

A stairwell to the south leads down to the basement, where the mainframe is kept. The second floor can first be visited from the stairwell to briefly climb back to the northern section of the third floor and the CEO's office, which contains the Expert-locked CEO's terminal and a Master-locked safe.

Returning to the basement via the stairwell and proceeding to the second room, the player can either hack the Expert-locked lab access terminal next to the locked eastern door, or use the Novice-locked mainframe access terminal in the adjacent room to the south. Beyond the locked door are the laboratories. To the south is a hallway filled with deadly gas, which can be removed by using the nearby Advanced-locked decontamination control terminal through the short maintenance corridor to the north to start the decontamination process. The gas-filled hallway leads into the lab proper through an unlocked door (though the lab may also be accessed through an Expert-locked door just past the decontamination terminal). The lab contains four chemistry stations and the unlocked development lab terminal. A broken wall on the north side of the lab leads to the back door exit to Boston.

Outside, behind the building is a garage with a green "Gun Shop" sign which contains a power armor station, a chemistry station, and a weapons workbench.

Notable loot[]

Main floors[]

  • Two Help wanted! notes – First floor, on the entrance reception desk.
  • Five drugged water cartons - First floor, in the entrance reception room. One is on the small table immediately to the right after entering the building from the main entrance, and four more are behind the reception desk.
  • Tesla Science Magazine – First floor, in the northeast corner of the building after ascending from the basement via a collapsed floor. This is the room with the research terminal controlling a HalluciGen Suppressor prototype device.
  • Note from Eric – Second floor, on a desk beside the accounting terminal.
  • Two drugged water cartons - First floor, in the test chambers' Novice-locked locker room, down the hallway from the rooms opened with external buttons in which the Gunners are trapped.
  • A Fusion core is located in in first floor, to reach that you need to go to basement and walk trough ramp up to first floor, the room over Research terminal room has a fusion core behind the fallen desk where only one enemy is in the room.



  • An initially non-hostile female Gunner is in an Advanced-locked room on the first floor. She asks the player character to look through the window of her room, where they are able to talk to her. The chemical leak has almost driven her mad, and she tells the player character she can't remember anything. If she is convinced or threatened to open the door, she will run to the entrance, screaming that she has to get out. She will then leave the building.
  • The special HalluciGen gas grenade can only be made when a HalluciGen gas canister is in the player character's inventory; therefore, it will not appear as a crafting option if the canisters are stored in the workbench. The canisters are regarded as "junk."
  • There are also numerous ruptured HalluciGen gas canisters in the lab compartments near the basement exit; these are not used to make grenades, and may only be scrapped for steel. While crouching, the player character may jump on the control panels in front of the broken glass of the compartments, then grab the canisters that may have been previously out of reach.
  • A hazmat suit will protect the player character from the toxic gas in the contamination area. The player character will flinch as if taking damage while wearing the suit, but will not lose health. However, power armor and/or a gas mask will not protect the player character from the gas. Companions will still complain about the smell even if they have a gas mask on (with the exception of robotic companions, such as Codsworth).
  • Once activated, the decontamination equipment remains on indefinitely, and can be used by the player character to purge radiation.
  • The Gunner commander may use a Stealth Boy, which can make it a harder fight.
  • This area is visited during the Vault-Tec Workshop add-on quests to obtain a chemical formula needed for the experiments. The formula is in the steamer trunk, making it easily accessible through the back door. It will not be present until the quest is active.
  • Reading a note found inside Marlborough house marks this location on the Pip-Boy map.
  • When at this location, companions (excluding Strong and the add-on companions) make comments, which are activated at three locations: outside when approaching the main entrance, at the entrance and in the observation room overlooking the test chambers.
Location comments
Character Specific location Comment
Cait Entrance "*Coughing* Can't breathe... this stuff... it smells strange."
Demonstration control room "If you think I'm pushin' any of those buttons, you must be crazy."
Codsworth Entrance "Sir/Mum, my sensors indicate a high level of chemicals in the air. I wouldn't linger here."
Demonstration control room "I imagine these buttons may activate some changes within those rooms below."
Curie Entrance (as a Miss Nanny "My sensors detect a high level of an unknown agent in the atmosphere. I recommend extreme caution."
Entrance (as a synth) "*cough* What... What was that? This gas. In my throat?"
Demonstration control room "This whole facility is fascinating. I suggest we carefully and methodically push the buttons."
Danse Entrance "*Coughing* A chemical weapon's been deployed. We need to get out of here."
Demonstration control room "I'm not certain we should be playing with these controls. We don't know what they do."
Deacon Entrance "Shit. *cough* Strange gases. Never good."
Demonstration control room "Look at all those buttons. Go ahead. You know you want to..."
John Hancock Entrance "What the hell is this stuff?"
Demonstration control room "You wanna find out what all these buttons do?"
Robert MacCready Entrance "*Coughing* This can't be good. Hope this stuff isn't lethal."
Demonstration control room "You think any of these buttons gets us out of here and gives us a whole bunch of caps for our trouble? Yeah, me neither."
Nick Valentine Entrance "I wouldn't breathe any more of that than you have to."
Demonstration control room "Be my guest. Lord knows, I'm not pressing 'em."
Piper Wright Entrance "Ugh, this stuff burns my lungs."
Demonstration control room "You don't think those buttons will pump anything in here, right?"
Preston Garvey Entrance "*Coughing* Damn... some kind of gas... we've got to get out of here..."
Demonstration control room "Just because there's a button doesn't mean you have to press it."
X6-88 Entrance "Gas of some kind... *cough* Possibly dangerous... *cough*"
Demonstration control room "Were they performing some kind of research?"


HalluciGen, Inc. appears in Fallout 4 and is mentioned on Frederick Rivers' terminal in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

The HalluciGen mainframe heard at this location is voiced by audio director Mark Lampert, while the voice of the product demonstrations is that of Misty Lee.


  • PCPC The non-hostile Gunner may not go to the window to speak with the player character. Saving prior to the encounter, exiting and re-entering the building may solve this.[verified]
  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 The fighting and gunfire between the gunners in the accounting terminal room may displace the Note from Eric, rendering it unobtainable. Reloading a save prior to entering the building may make it appear.[verification overdue]


See also[]


  1. HalluciGen, Inc. terminal entries; accounting terminal
  2. HalluciGen mission brief
  3. Gunner's note
  4. Ruptured HalluciGen gas canister
  5. HalluciGen, Inc. terminal entries; research terminal, Lab Report: HalluciGen Gas
  6. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.447-449: "[10.02] HALLUCIGEN, INC.
    The exterior of the building has the bodies of Gunners scattered everywhere. They appear to have been shot while running away. . . . You can enter through the main doors, or locate the side entrance (Master) on the northern side of the structure, facing the amphitheater."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)