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No, thank you. Please leave Mr Zimmer and myself alone.

Armitage is a third generation synth bodyguard protecting Dr. Zimmer of the Synth Retention Bureau (who insists on calling him an android), during his mission to Rivet City in 2277. He appears in Fallout 3.


Constructed in 2242, the physically imposing Armitage is quiet, reserved, and utterly deadly to anyone who threatens his charge, and can blend in with normal human populations with ease. Although he is technically of the same class or generation as A3-21, the synth Zimmer is pursuing,[Non-game 1] A3-21 is a cutting-edge humanoid and the most advanced creation of the Institute - and Zimmer - at the time. Armitage is an older model and easily replaced, though perfectly capable of protecting Zimmer in the field.[1] Together, they are slowly searching the massive derelict, deck by deck, in search of the escaped synth.[2]

Armitage shadows Zimmer everywhere, entering rooms and sweeping them for potential threats,[3] keeping potentially troublesome drunkards like Trinnie[4] or Tammy Hargrave at bay,[5] and even protecting Zimmer from himself by ensuring he does not imbibe too much wine (which affects his judgment dearly). Zimmer trusts his bodyguard and follows his advice.[6]

As a third generation synth, Armitage can eat and digest food like humans.[7] He typically opts for the simplest possible dishes, such as vegetables[8][9] or mole rat meat, served rare.[10] He only has water to drink, which drives Belle Bonny mad whenever Zimmer swings by for his glass of wine.[11] His repeated requests for water eventually culminate in her serving him beer while calling him a "mirelurk humping" and "wasteland reject" for ignoring her plain request to order anything but that swill, water.[12] He is respected by other denizens of Rivet City for his quiet nature and politeness.[13] Brock, unlike Bonny, seems to like Armitage, and even Chief Harkness will greet him whenever the two cross paths - both oblivious to the truth.[14]

Naturally, his politeness ends the moment Zimmer is threatened. Anyone approaching will be told to keep their distance[15] and Armitage will make it plain that any threat to the doctor will be met with instant retribution.[16]

Daily schedule

Armitage shares his schedule with Zimmer, shadowing him everywhere across the derelict after the player meets Zimmer in the Rivet City science lab and watches the cutscene. They will move from deck to deck, sweeping the area for A3-21, and retire to eat or drink in the evening. Once The Replicated Man is completed, Armitage disappears, one way or the other.

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

The Replicated Man

This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).


  • The Replicated Man: As a bodyguard, Armitage will turn hostile if the Lone Wanderer decides to attack Dr. Zimmer.
    • He can be killed with no loss of Karma, and killing him with Harkness' permission will not cause Rivet City's security to turn hostile toward the player character.
    • If he is killed, one of only four android components in the game can be found on his body (of the other three, one is on Zimmer, one is given to the Lone Wanderer by Victoria Watts and one is on Pinkerton).
    • Killing Zimmer before he tries to leave with Harkness in The Replicated Man quest will result in Armitage staying in the Rivet City market.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Merc adventurer outfit Laser pistol Zimmer's key Android component

Notable quotes

Behind the scenes

The name Armitage is not unprecedented in science fiction: Characters with this name appear in multiple works, including the 1984 cyberpunk classic, Neuromancer, where Armitage is the protagonist's handler, the 1991 Armitage series set in the Judge Dredd universe, with the main character a hard-boiled Detective-Judge from Brit-Cit, and the 1995 OVA Armitage III, where the protagonist is an advanced Type-III android named Naomi Armitage.


Armitage appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Okay, so if others have escaped... why are you coming after this one?"
    Zimmer: "This particular android... Designation A3-21, is... different. Special. The most advanced synthetic humanoid I've ever developed. The others, like my escort Armitage there, are all older models. Easily replicated. Ah, but A3-21... it would take years to recreate him! So you see, this android MUST be located. At all costs. The others are all... acceptable losses. But A3-21, he is... irreplaceable."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  2. Zimmer: "We're not having any luck, Armitage. We may have to change strategies."
    Armitage: "Yes, sir. That may be the case."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer and Armitage's dialogue)
  3. Armitage: "This area looks safe, Mister Zimmer."
    Zimmer: "Good. Stay alert. He could be anywhere."
    Zimmer: "Relax. I'm sure there is no danger here."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer and Armitage's dialogue) Note: The later line is spoken if the quest The Replicated Man was completed.
  4. Armitage: "You’ve had too much to drink, Trinnie."
    Trinnie: "You're wrong. I haven't had enough to drink. In fact, I think I'll order another one right now."
    (Rivet City conversations; Trinnie and Armitage's dialogue)
  5. Tammy Hargrave: "Hey, you. Don't trust those Hangar Deck people. They're all jealous of us cause we live in the Upper Deck."
    Armitage: "There does seem to be some tension between the two decks. However, you're drunk. Just leave us alone."
    (Rivet City conversations; Tammy Hargrave and Armitage's dialogue)
  6. Armitage: "Try not to drink too much tonight, sir. It affects your judgment."
    Zimmer: "Yes, of course. I'll watch my alcohol intake."
    (Rivet City conversations; Zimmer and Armitage's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "I need to know more about what I'm dealing with. What is an android exactly?"
    Zimmer: "Forget everything you know about robots. Those buckets are mere children's toys compared to the real thing. Androids have fake skin, and blood, and are programmed to simulate human behavior, like breathing. They can even eat and digest food realistically."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  8. Armitage: "Miss Vera, could I trouble you for some vegetables? Whatever you have is fine."
    Vera Weatherly: "I'll see what I can find, Mister Armitage."
    (Rivet City conversations; Vera Weatherly and Armitage's dialogue)
  9. Armitage: "Mister Buckingham, I'd like some vegetables. Whatever you have available."
    Mister Buckingham: "Yes, sir."
    (Rivet City conversations; Mister Buckingham and Armitage's dialogue)
  10. Mister Buckingham: "Something different today, Mister Armitage?"
    Armitage: "No. Not today. Just bring me some Mole Rat, rare."
    (Rivet City conversations; Mister Buckingham and Armitage's dialogue)
  11. Armitage: "I'll have some water."
    Belle Bonny: "I don't serve that swill here. Beer, whiskey, even some wine, but no goddamn water."
    (Rivet City conversations; Belle Bonny and Armitage's dialogue)
  12. Belle Bonny: "What'll you have? And don't say water."
    Armitage: "Just some water."
    Belle Bonny: "You're a Mirelurk humping, Wasteland reject, Armitage. You're getting a beer, and you're paying for it. And I expect a tip."
    (Rivet City conversations; Belle Bonny and Armitage's dialogue)
  13. Vera Weatherly: "Are you getting enough to eat, Mister Armitage?"
    Armitage: "Yes, I am. Thank you."
    (Rivet City conversations; Vera Weatherly and Armitage's dialogue)
  14. Harkness: "Armitage."
    Armitage: "Harkness."
    (Rivet City conversations; Harkness and Armitage's dialogue)
  15. Armitage: "That's close enough. Keep your hands where I can see them."
    (Armitage's dialogue)
  16. Armitage: "Lay a hand on Doctor Zimmer, and I'll snap your neck like a chicken bone."
    (Armitage's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.61: "Armitage
    Armitage, 35, is Zimmer's imposing bodyguard. He has little to say and will defend Zimmer to the death. Of course, that's because Armitage is actually a robot, of the same class as the replicant they are searching for. Armitage has the same schedule as Zimmer; he sleeps in the same room and eats the same food—not because he has to, but because he's been programmed to replicate human behavior as closely as possible."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)