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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mister Buckingham.


Bed How much for a room? Neutral 50 A mere 120 caps. 1
BedNO No, thanks. Neutral 50 Very good, madam. 2
No, thanks. Neutral 50 Very good, sir. 3
BedYES Actually, I don't have 120 caps. Neutral 50 A regretable error on your part. We will be happy to service you when you have the necessary funds. 4
Sounds like a fair price. I'll take it. Neutral 50 Excellent. Simply venture into the hallway, turn left, first door on your left. That is your room. 5
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to the Weatherly. Mister Buckingham at your service. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 How may I serve you? 7
GREETING Neutral 50 What is it now? Sir. {exasperated} 8
GREETING Neutral 50 What is it now? Ma'am. {exasperated} 9
RCMisterBuckinghamOwner Who's your owner, rust bucket? Neutral 50 I serve Miss Vera Weatherly, proprietor of the Weatherly Hotel. 10
RCMisterBuckinghamQuestion What is this place? Neutral 50 This is the Weatherly Hotel. It's the finest establishment in Rivet City. 11
I'm here to do business with you.
What do you have to eat? Happy 50 Please place your order. 12


GOODBYE That's all for now. Neutral 50 Yes, sir. 13
That's all for now. Neutral 50 Yes, ma'am. 14
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Of course, of course! Don't let me keep you! 15
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Miss Mei, may I get you some water? 16
HELLO Neutral 50 Doctor Preston, the usual? 17
HELLO Neutral 50 Is everything satisfactory, Mister Washington? 18
HELLO Neutral 50 Miss Janice, do you need a refill? 19
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you ready to order, Mister Diego? 20
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you ready to order, Mister Father Clifford? 21
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you ready to order, Mister Sister? 22
HELLO Neutral 50 Something different today, Mister Armitage? 23
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you ready to order, Mister Zimmer? 24
HELLO Neutral 50 Do you have any instructions, Miss Vera? 25
HELLO Neutral 50 I am at your service. 26
HELLO Neutral 50 Sir. 27
HELLO Neutral 50 Ma'am. 28
HELLO Neutral 50 How may I serve you, master? {sarcastically obsequious} 29
HELLO Neutral 50 How may I serve you, mistress? {sarcastically obsequious} 30
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Yes, Mister Washington. 31
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Yes, sir. 32
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Your food will be ready shortly, Mister Zimmer. 33
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Certainly, Sir. 34
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Very good, sir. 35
RCGoodbye Neutral 50 Yes, ma'am. 36
RCResponse01 RCResponse01 Neutral 50 I am doing the tasks I have been programmed for. Currently I am waiting for new orders. 37
RCResponse01 Neutral 50 I am not programmed for visual evaluation. However, Miss Vera tells me that the Iguana is only a day old. 38
RCResponse01 Neutral 50 Certainly, Mister Sister. 39


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Cheerio. Water under the bridge. 40
Assault Assault Neutral 50 Not very sporting of you. 41
Assault Neutral 50 That's hardly Marquess of Queensberry rules, now is it? 42
Assault Neutral 50 You'll pay for that, you cheeky bastard! 43
Attack Attack Neutral 50 *Sigh.* Why must you humans always resort to violence? 44
Attack Neutral 50 Do stand still! 45
Attack Neutral 50 And who gets to clean up all this blood? Me, that's who... 46
Attack Neutral 50 Oohh. Yesss... Let's all beat up on the robot... {Sarcastic and annoyed} 47
Attack Neutral 50 By God, if I had hands I would strangle the life out of you! { } 48
Attack Neutral 50 Have at thee! { } 49
Attack Neutral 50 For Queen and country! { } 50
Attack Neutral 50 You have insulted my honor, and for that, you must die! { } 51
Death Death Neutral 50 Oh, I say. 52
Death Neutral 50 It's all going dark... 53
Death Neutral 50 So that's it then? 54
Murder Murder Neutral 50 Dear me, how unsporting of you. 55
Murder Neutral 50 *Gasp!* Murder! 56
Murder Disgust 50 I suppose I'm going to have to do something about that. {heavy sigh at the beginning of the sentence} 57
Pickpocket Pickpocket Disgust 50 The class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling. 58
Steal Steal Disgust 50 The class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling. 59
Steal Disgust 50 Did you really need that? 60
Steal Disgust 50 Why do I get all the hoodlums? 61


AlertIdle AlertIdle Happy 50 It's just little old me. Nothing to be afraid of. {loudly and fake cheerfully} 62
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Someone dirty and disreputable, I shouldn't wonder. {under his breath} 63
AlertIdle Happy 50 Here kitty-kitty-kitty! {pretending to call a cat} 64
AlertIdle Disgust 50 As if I'd know what to do if I found something. {under his breath} 65
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Why not let the robot deal with it? {under his breath} 66
AlertIdle Disgust 50 I'm going to look over here now. {loudly, hoping that whoever is there will go away} 67
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Disgust 50 Didn't you hear me coming? Now I have to fight you. Bloody fantastic. {sarcastically} 68
AlertToCombat Disgust 50 Here we go again. {wearily} 69
AlertToCombat Disgust 50 Oh good. I found you. {sarcastically} 70
AlertToCombat Disgust 50 You must be bloody stupid if you can't hide from me. {sarcastically} 71
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Disgust 50 Back to the usual daily tedium. 72
AlertToNormal Disgust 50 Thought as much. Nothing there after all. 73
AlertToNormal Disgust 50 Beastly nuisance. Glad that's done with. 74
CombatToLost CombatToLost Disgust 50 Just what I was hoping for. Trundling around looking for something that wants to blow me to flinders. 75
CombatToLost Disgust 50 Must we play hide and seek now? 76
CombatToLost Disgust 50 Ready or not, here I come! {sarcastically hoping not to have to find anybody} 77
CombatToLost Disgust 50 That's a good start. Now just keep running and we'll call it even. 78
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Disgust 50 A little peace and quiet, at last. {sarcastically hoping not to have to find anybody} 79
CombatToNormal Disgust 50 Well, that's it then. 80
CombatToNormal Disgust 50 That's enough excitement for one day. 81


ObserveCombat ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This should be interesting. 82
ObserveCombat Disgust 50 Barbarians. {with a superior sniff} 83
ObserveCombat Disgust 50 So much violence in the world these days. {with a superior sniff} 84