Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


As far as I know, Shadowrun started out as a pen&paper RPG, and not a tabletop, as claimed by the article. Wiki agrees on that, too. 13:34, 1 January 2009 (UTC) Icarus

I've always used the terms 'pen & paper' and 'tabletop' interchangeably.Shadowgm 14:06, 1 January 2009 (UTC)Shadowgm
Me, too; I think they're synonyms. I'm referring to the 'pen & paper' RPG in the text. (I actually played it in the early 90s.) --Chetman 18:31, 1 January 2009 (UTC)


Does anybody know what Armitage's unarmed skill is at? I'm curious to see if he could actually snap the player's neck. Nitty 21:31, September 10, 2009 (UTC)

Are we sure he's even an android?[]

I'm known to be dumb about some things, granted, but is the only hard evidence that he is an android the component found on his person? Doesn't really seem like much proof to me, though I personally believe it makes sense for him to be an android, he's not listed as that in the GECK and you can cannabilize him.

His creator, Dr. Zimmmer, is right next to him in the Science Lab in Rivet City and states he created him. He says he's not a very advanced model. 00:30, December 30, 2009 (UTC)

Any H.P. Lovecraft reference?[]

Armitage shares the same name as Dr. Armitage, the librarian who refused to give the Necronomicon to Wilbur in The Dunwich Horror. BrenMan 94 03:30, April 4, 2010 (UTC)

He occasionally stops being hostile.[]

One time when I left Rivet City and returned; another time when I hid and he never saw me at the scene. My sneak status remained [HIDDEN], not [CAUTION]. I had to wait for a couple of hours (24 without further testing) before his radar marking showed him as friendly again. 13:53, November 14, 2010 (UTC)


This page says only four people have android components. The android component page adds a fifth, Harkness. Can someone check Harkness inventory (make sure to do a post-mortem check, too), and if he does have an android component, add him to this page's list? Otherwise, could you fix the android component page? Thanks, that'd be great. *sips coffee* 00:35, December 19, 2010 (UTC)

You are right. Dead or alive Harkness doesn't have an android component. This page and harkness page are right but the android component is wrong. By the way, there is no androir component in victoria watt's inventory, it is just added to the player. Only 3 characters and not 5 own an android component : Zimmer, armitage and Pinkerton.-- 21:44, February 25, 2013 (UTC)

Back and Forth Editing[]

There seems to be some dispute between what information should be on this page. In the "behind the scenes" section, it is constantly being changed to two different things. Why not display both pieces of information (although one is opinionated). Any one else? --Musiekutsueki (talk) 00:45, May 22, 2015 (UTC)

Articles should be written in such a way that they don't try to impress an opinion on the reader. Great Mara (talk) 00:54, May 22, 2015 (UTC)

So to paraphrase the statement you are talking about, this suits the themes of The Replicated Man. That is an opinion and should not be stated. I am posting this for clarification for not only myself but for others as well who will read this, that why it's worded in such a blunt way. --Musiekutsueki (talk) 01:15, May 22, 2015 (UTC)

While there are those that would draw your conclusion, there are also those that would disagree with you. In that case, we would also have to put 'this also doesn't fit the theme of the quest'. It seems rather silly to have both the positive and negative, so it's better to not include it at all. In short: If we want to list one opinion/similarity/comparison, we have to list them all, which leads to redundancy and clutter. FollowersApocalypseLogo A Follower  Talk  06:32, May 22, 2015 (UTC)

The piece of info about the Terminator quote? Why was that scratched? I thought it was interesting; what would it take to have it remain in the article? Would the quotes just have to be 100% accurate (although that's obvious) --Musiekutsueki (talk) 01:00, May 27, 2015 (UTC)

That line is from Running Man. Great Mara (talk) 02:42, May 27, 2015 (UTC)

Glad you know it then, I just saw it from an old edit and reworded it. So can it be added to the page if the correct movie title is associated :P? --Musiekutsueki (talk) 02:47, May 27, 2015 (UTC)

Not seeing a Terminator or Arnold link. Chicken bones are known for ease of breaking. Great Mara (talk) 03:58, May 27, 2015 (UTC)

Is it possible that it's a reference to the Doctor Henry Armitage from the Dunwich horror? there are several other instances to the Dunwich Horror and other Lovecraft-lore elsewhere ingame, so it's possible that the name is a reference too

I see these Fallout 3 android pages being edited and in every instance of "android," it is being replaced with "synth." I think both words are meant to be used simultaneously. In Fallout 3, Armitage and synths are referred to as androids. In the Fallout 3 related synthetic-humanoid pages this wiki should still use actual Fallout 3 terms, this not creates diversity in synonyms for these creatures but also keeps to the reality of the atmospheres for both games and differencates the two (Fallout 3 and Fallout 4) since "synths" are called "synths" only in Fallout 4 and vice-versa in Fallout 3 with the term "android." --Musiekutsueki (talk) 02:17, December 20, 2015 (UTC)

A courser?[]

Is it possible that armitage is a courser? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Cairnschaos (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Perhaps, but it is never directly stated. As such we should keep Fallout 3 terms for Fallout 3 articles like this one. --Alfwyn (talk) 23:18, January 30, 2016 (UTC)


There's also an armitage in Westworld. Obviously, the series is from after Fallout 3, but perhaps there also was an Armitage in the original Westworld or in the books? Hamming (talk) 13:34, April 17, 2017 (UTC)

I've done a quick google on the book version and every result eliminated Armitage from the criteria. As such I think its safe to assume he was added into Westworld at a later date. If anyone can clarify otherwise, please feel free to include it. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 13:45, April 17, 2017 (UTC)