Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I am a videotape editor and gamer from California. I worked as a senior gamemaster for Simutronics' Modus Operandi, (1995-2000) and was the gaming coordinator for a regional science-fiction convention in the 1980's. I have also been a planetarium lecturer and a docent/volunteer aboard the USS Hornet.

I started gaming with the original Dungeons & Dragons in 1976, and still GM on a regular basis (though we've moved on to different game systems).

Other hobbies include running around in stormtrooper armor as a member of the 501st Legion.

Pet Peeve[]

If you're going to write, take the time and effort to turn out coherent sentences with proper punctuation and spelling (this goes double if you ever want to get paid for your work). If your attitude is, 'who the frack cares,' I sincerely hope you never meet a doctor or other professional who shares that same attitude.

And, yes, I'm aware that there are misspellings inside Fallout 3, such as Flak & Shrapnel referring to ordinance (legislation) instead of ordnance (munitions). The problem here is that spell-check programs won't flag a misused word, only misspelled ones. This is why it's up to you to know the difference, or at least know how to look stuff up.

As author Barry Longyear put it, "An editor won't reject your manuscript solely on the basis of a few typos, but he will have to hire a grownup to retype it."
