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Roxbury was a pre-War neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts.



Before the Great War, one of the multitudes of nationwide riots over food shortages took place in Roxbury. In response to the chronic food shortages, violence broke out, resulting in four civilian casualties and injuries to eight others.

The riot began after soldiers of the United States Army's 184th Infantry Regiment opened fire on a group of unarmed civilians after an unknown person smashed the plate glass window of the Roxbury food bank, prompting several people in the line outside to storm into the establishment. Jonathan Corman, spokesman for the Army, insisted the troops acted within their authority, stating that they issued several explicit verbal warnings to not break the line and attack the food bank, and that hunger is no excuse for civil disobedience, vandalism or starting a riot that puts the lives in the area at risk. He emphasized that it was the role of the United States Army to maintain order in that difficult time, and taking the time to note specifically that the soldiers of the 184th Infantry Regiment have not had a food ration in two days, and understood their hunger "probably better than anyone."[1]

This account was contradicted by the civilian witnesses of the riot. Eighty-five-year-old grandmother Hannah Henry was in line at the food bank and claims the soldiers had anything but order and liberty on their minds. She stated that the soldiers were laughing, joking about who they wanted to shoot first. Although the window was broken, it was clear they were looking forward to firing upon the civilians before anything provoked them to do so.[1]


In 2287, the synth H2-22 escaped the Institute, reached the Railroad, and was memory-wiped by Doctor Amari. In his new persona, he went out to start a life as a homesteader near Roxbury.[2]


Roxbury is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Boston Bugle building terminals; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 3
  2. Sole Survivor: "He doesn't remember anything?"
    Doctor Amari: "I'm very thorough. His new life started in a small homestead near Roxbury. That's all he knows now. While you can talk to him, no amount of coaxing can reverse the process. He won't remember you, and he never will."
    (Amari's dialogue)