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This is a transcript for dialogue with Doctor Amari.


1CIS_ChatWithNPC_Curie_SceneCompanion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?University? You're not serious, right?A1a
2Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Sure there are. Just a couple hundred years old, though.A2a
3Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?My theory is you're a little off your rocker.A3a
4Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Most people look at medicine as a business these days. Makes no sense to share stuff with your competition.A4a
5Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?We're lucky to even get close to what they knew back then. Well, unless you're the Institute.A5a
6Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Uh, if it's free, sure. Thanks.A6a
7Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Hmm. I do have a few notes here. You're welcome to them.A7a
8Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?If you get that hospital up and running, yeah, sign me up.A8a


9COMCurieQuest_200_AmariMeetingPlayerVoiceFemale01: Doctor, my friend here needs your help.{Very curious / Puzzled} Oh? I'm not a mechanic. What could she possibly want from me?Curie: Oh, this Doctor can help me?A1a
10Curie: Greetings, Doctor. I wish to download my data and core programming into a human brain.{a little shocked, it's a strange request, so you think you've misheard them / Puzzled} You... you want to what? Is she serious?Player Default: Curie has a lot of Pre-War research data, but she can't continue her important research as a robot.A1a
11Player Default: Curie has a lot of Pre-War research data, but she can't continue her important research as a robot.{Puzzled} Why not?Curie: There are fundamental limitations in my robotic systems. I have no capacity for the human trait of inspiration.A1a
12Player Default: Don't look at me. It's her idea.{Very curious} Why do you want this?Curie: I was programmed to further our studies of disease, pathogens, and viruses.B1a
13Player Default: If you could just help us out, Doc.{Firm, very curious} I was thinking you'd be asking for something less... drastic. I need to know why.Curie: I was programmed to further our studies of disease, pathogens, and viruses.X1a
14Player Default: Can you do it or not?{Firm, very curious} I won't even consider something like this unless there's a good reason.Curie: I was programmed to further our studies of disease, pathogens, and viruses.Y1a
15DoctorAmari: I've never considered anything like you're proposing.{Thinking aloud, tricky problem / Thinking} It's an... interesting problem. The memories wouldn't be hard.A1a
16{Thinking aloud, tricky problem / Thinking} We translate those from the brain to computers and back all the time here. It's how the Loungers work.DoctorAmari: Her personality, though? All the extra pieces of robotic, programmed decision making? A normal, organic brain wouldn't know what to do with them.A1b
17DoctorAmari: We translate those from the brain to computers and back all the time here. It's how the Loungers work.{Thinking aloud, tricky problem / Thinking} Her personality, though? All the extra pieces of robotic, programmed decision making? A normal, organic brain wouldn't know what to do with them.DoctorAmari: A synth brain, on the other hand... Well, it's already somewhere between the two...A1a
18DoctorAmari: Her personality, though? All the extra pieces of robotic, programmed decision making? A normal, organic brain wouldn't know what to do with them.{Thinking aloud, eureka, solution! / Happy} A synth brain, on the other hand... Well, it's already somewhere between the two...Player Default: You're not suggesting...? I won't kill a synth.A1a
19Player Default: You're not suggesting...? I won't kill a synth.{Offended} I'm suggesting nothing of the kind. Allow me to explain.DoctorAmari: You know about the mind wipes I perform on synths. But...A1a
20Player Default: I don't have a synth brain handy, Doc.{Ignoring the player's jibe} I may be able to help with that.DoctorAmari: You know about the mind wipes I perform on synths. But...B1a
21Player Default: So it is possible, then.{Getting more sure of herself the more she thinks of it} Likely, even. We just need a synth. And I may be able to help with that.DoctorAmari: You know about the mind wipes I perform on synths. But...X1a
22Player Default: Why would it only work on a synth?To be clear, it may not work. But some synths have cybernetic enhancements that interface directly with their brains.Y1a
23The Institute must have found an interpreter for raw data. That's my hope, at least.Player Default: You're not suggesting...? I won't kill a synth.Y1b
24Player Default: Why would it only work on a synth?In my practice I have studied the inner workings of the brains of many species. Synths included.Player Default: You're not suggesting...? I won't kill a synth.Y2a
25Player Default: I'm suggesting nothing of the kind. Allow me to explain.{Worried} You know about the mind wipes I perform on synths. But...DoctorAmari: But the procedure isn't always successful. If something goes wrong, it can leave them in a brain dead state. Living, but with no cognition.A1a
26Player Default: I'm suggesting nothing of the kind. Allow me to explain.{Hesitant admission - then justifying it} I've worked on synths before. Giving them memory wipes, so they can live a life free of the Institute.DoctorAmari: But the procedure isn't always successful. If something goes wrong, it can leave them in a brain dead state. Living, but with no cognition.A2a
27DoctorAmari: You know about the mind wipes I perform on synths. But...{Guilt / Sad} But the procedure isn't always successful. If something goes wrong, it can leave them in a brain dead state. Living, but with no cognition.DoctorAmari: I know a caretaker for one of these brain dead synths. If they're willing, we could try transferring your friend's consciousness into her.A1a
28DoctorAmari: But the procedure isn't always successful. If something goes wrong, it can leave them in a brain dead state. Living, but with no cognition.{She wants to redeem a failure of hers, hopeful / Concerned} I know a caretaker for one of these brain dead synths. If they're willing, we could try transferring your friend's consciousness into her.Player Default: I'd like to try.A1a
29Player Default: I'd like to try.{Hopeful} We just need her caretaker's consent.DoctorAmari: Give me a day to get in contact with them. They're understandably cautious, but I think they'll hear me out.A1a
30Player Default: The whole idea makes me uneasy.{Hopeful / Worried} Her caretaker may feel the same way, but we won't know until we ask her.DoctorAmari: Give me a day to get in contact with them. They're understandably cautious, but I think they'll hear me out.B1a
31Player Default: I don't know about this.{Hopeful} We may not have the option, in any event. Her caretaker may not give her consent.DoctorAmari: Give me a day to get in contact with them. They're understandably cautious, but I think they'll hear me out.X1a
32Player Default: So you're willing to perform the operation?My patient knew the risks and opted for memory replacement. She wanted a new life.Y1a
33{Guilt, hope for redemption} I failed her. But this... this procedure may be as close as I can get to fulfilling her wishes.Y1b
34{Firm} But I cannot make this decision. Her caretaker can.DoctorAmari: Give me a day to get in contact with them. They're understandably cautious, but I think they'll hear me out.Y1c
35Player Default: We just need her caretaker's consent.Give me a day to get in contact with them. They're understandably cautious, but I think they'll hear me out.Curie: I will stay with the doctor. Assuming all goes well, I want to be ready for the procedure.A1a
36Curie: There are fundamental limitations in my robotic systems. I have no capacity for the human trait of inspiration.{Swayed by arguments, considering / Thinking} I've never considered anything like you're proposing.DoctorAmari: It's an... interesting problem. The memories wouldn't be hard.A1a
37Curie: If I become human, with the wealth of information in my databanks I hope to do much good for the Commonwealth.{Swayed by arguments, considering / Thinking} A Pre-War robot with your knowledge and skills plus human cognition. Yes, you could potentially save many lives.DoctorAmari: It's an... interesting problem. The memories wouldn't be hard.B1a
38COMCurieQuest_300a_GloryMeetingPlayer Default: But would she want to become a walking breathing tin can? We fought our whole lives to be more than that.{Somber} G5's off life support right now. Her body is deteriorating. It's best if you decide soon.Glory: Damn it.A1a
39Glory: Fine. Do it. Do it now before I change my mind.{Somber} Curie. Let's begin.A1a
40Glory: You know she's a synth. We're supposed to protect them.{Grateful} Glory, she wanted new memories. She knew her personality would be all but erased.A1a
41{Grateful} These are just different memories. Perhaps better ones.Glory: I don't know. Maybe I should just let her go.A1b
42COMCurieQuest_300b_GenericMeetingGenericRailroad: Since G5 has no one else, for what it's worth you have my consent.{Somber} Thank you. I know this must be difficult.GenericRailroad: Yeah. I'll... leave you to it.A1a
43GenericRailroad: Yeah. I'll... leave you to it.{Doctor prepping / Neutral} Curie. Let's begin.A1a
44COMCurieQuest_400_OperationLet us begin.DoctorAmari: Curie, terminate all non-essential operations.A
45NPCFDoctorAmari: Let us begin.{Operating order} Curie, terminate all non-essential operations.Curie: Affirmative.A1a
46Curie: Affirmative.{Distracted surgeon talking to self} Alright. Connection complete. I have access to your friend's memories.DoctorAmari: G5's already been prepped - so this shouldn't take... long. Yes, there.A1a
47DoctorAmari: Alright. Connection complete. I have access to your friend's memories.{Distracted surgeon talking to self} G5's already been prepped - so this shouldn't take... long. Yes, there.DoctorAmari: Curie? Curie? Is she OK?A1a
48DoctorAmari: G5's already been prepped - so this shouldn't take... long. Yes, there.{Worried} Curie? Curie? Is she OK?A1a
49COMCurieQuest_500_CurieAwakesNewCurieBody: I. I feel. I feel so strange.{Calm, reassuring - but insistent / Somber} Listen to me. Can you hear me? What is your name?NewCurieBody: My designation is Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer. Or Curie.A1a
50NewCurieBody: *gasp* I... I... my chest. What is happening?{Calm, reassuring / Friendly} Just breathe. It's an autonomic function. Just let your body do what it must.NewCurieBody: I. I feel. I feel so strange.A1a
51Player Default: Do not concern yourself. I feel better now.{Pleased, but continuing tests / Neutral} Good. Very good. Now let's test some cognitive functions. What is 1 + 2?NewCurieBody: Three.A1a
52NewCurieBody: Three.{Quick question, inviting quick response} If I threw a baseball at your head, what would you do?NewCurieBody: Uh. Move.A1a
53NewCurieBody: Uh. Move.{Quick question, inviting quick response} Think of a strong memory. The first that comes to mind. Tell me about it.NewCurieBody: *sigh* Doctor Burrow was very old. He was the last living scientist in my section of Vault 81.A1a
54Player Default: This unit has no friends. But... There, my chest is tightening when I think of poor Doctor Burrow.{Pleased - but with a doctor's warning / Somber} The operation appears successful. But I think it will take a lot of adjustment for your new friend.DoctorAmari: She may need your help to make the transition.A1a
55DoctorAmari: The operation appears successful. But I think it will take a lot of adjustment for your new friend.{Gentle / Somber} She may need your help to make the transition.NewCurieBody: Thank you, Doctor. For this opportunity.A1a
56-I must concentrate.
57The caretaker is here. She wants to speak with you.
58The caretaker should get back to me soon. She's not one to wait.


59-Speak up, now.
60Were you going to say something, or not?
61I didn't hear that. What?
62{player sided with the Institute / Sad} So, you've joined the Institute. *sigh* I suppose in the end, they always win.
63{player sided with the Institute / Stern} We have nothing to discuss. The Institute has no business here.
64{Worried} I haven't heard from the Railroad in awhile. I have a feeling something terrible has happened.
65{player has found a way into the Institute / Concerned} I heard about your Signal Interceptor. Now that you've found the Institute, I hope you do the right thing.
66{player destroyed the Institute / Relieved} The Institute is finally gone. We can all breathe easier without them lurking behind everyone's lives. Thank you.
67{player just went through the memory den sequence in Vault 111 / Concerned} Your memories of Vault 111... I'm so sorry we put you through that again.
68{you saw the player's memory of Vault 111 where his spouse was killed and child kidnapped / Concerned} You've been through so much. I hope you find some peace one day.
69{you saw the player's memory of Vault 111 where his spouse was killed and child kidnapped / Concerned} Are you all right? No headaches, heart murmurs, or muscle tremors?
70{you saw the player's memory of Vault 111 where his spouse was killed and child kidnapped / Concerned} I don't often say this... but I hope heaven is looking out for you.
71{you saw the player's memory of Vault 111 where his spouse was killed and child kidnapped / Concerned} The mind is a very delicate thing, and you've been through a lot. Be careful out there.
72{monitoring the machines in the memory den} I'm a bit busy. What is it?
73{monitoring the machines in the memory den} Before you ask, I wasn't responsible for the decor, so I don't want to hear it.
74{monitoring the machines in the memory den} The Memory Loungers are complex pieces of equipment. Please don't lean on, jump on, or kick them.
75I have a lot of very precise work to do. What do you want?
76{monitoring the machines in the memory den} Don't bother asking me about how the Memory Loungers work. I don't have time to teach the years of neural physiology it would take to understand.


77FFGoodneighbor01_02_LoungerSceneIrma: Doctor Amari! We have a new client. Can you find a memory we can plug into?What kind of memory are we looking for?Irma: Our client is a father. Look for a memory about his son.A1a
78Irma: Our client is a father. Look for a memory about his son.All right, scanning the hippocampus... I've found something! Very recent. The sync with the temporal lobes is strong.Irma: That's the one! Lift the curtain, honey, it's show-time.A1a


79FFGoodneighbor01AmariVoiceoverSceneHere you are. Your memory. Just relax. We'll be monitoring your vitals on this end.AmariVoice: Oh my god!A1a
80AmariVoice: Here you are. Your memory. Just relax. We'll be monitoring your vitals on this end.{sudden shock, just saw player's spouse getting shot in the chest / Surprised} Oh my god!AmariVoice: We're reaching the end of the memory. Hold on.A1a
81AmariVoice: Oh my god!We're reaching the end of the memory. Hold on.AmariVoice: Try to calm down... your blood pressure is spiking... I'll have you out of there in.... three... two... one...A1a
82AmariVoice: We're reaching the end of the memory. Hold on.Try to calm down... your blood pressure is spiking... I'll have you out of there in.... three... two... one...A1a


(Goodbye from H2-22)
Player Default: My only regret is I'll forget... Old Man Stockton. High Rise. And you. Looking back, there's only fear. Worse than fear. But I will miss my new... friends.It's time, H2.Player Default: I... uh... Thanks.A1a


84MQ202_002_NickAmariSceneNickValentine: Doctor Amari?{you recognize who it is} Yes?Amari: Wait. I remember you. The memory inducement. Vault 111, right? What's this all about?A1a
85Amari: Yes?{to the player, he's been to the memory den before / Puzzled} Wait. I remember you. The memory inducement. Vault 111, right? What's this all about?Player Default: We need your help, doctor. I need the memories from a man named Kellogg, but he's dead.A1a
86Amari: Yes?{to the player, he's been to the memory den before / Puzzled} Wait. I remember you. H2-22's contact. What's this all about?Player Default: We need your help, doctor. I need the memories from a man named Kellogg, but he's dead.A2a
87Amari: Yes?{to the player, he's been to the memory den before / Puzzled} Wait. I remember you. I helped you with the robot-to-synth transplant for Curie. What's this all about?Player Default: We need your help, doctor. I need the memories from a man named Kellogg, but he's dead.A3a
88Amari: Yes?{to the player, you know he's a Railroad agent / Puzzled} Wait. I know you. You're in the Railroad. What's this all about?Player Default: We need your help, doctor. I need the memories from a man named Kellogg, but he's dead.A4a
89Amari: Yes?{to the player, you've never met him before / Puzzled} I take it this isn't a social call?Player Default: We need your help, doctor. I need the memories from a man named Kellogg, but he's dead.A5a
90MQ202_003_AmariIntroduction{Nick and the player have just arrived in your lab / Puzzled} Well. What is this about?Player Default: We need your help, doctor. I need the memories from a man named Kellogg, but he's dead.A
91Player Default: Doctor. It's time for you to reverse DEATH ITSELF!{Surprised} What!?NickValentine: *sigh* I wouldn't have put it quite that way, but it's true. We need a dead man's memories. Guy named Kellogg.X1a
92Player Default: You're the one that can extract memories from a brain, right?{Suspicious} Normally we only allow our clients to experience their own memories. Now what's this all about?NickValentine: We need a deep dig, Amari, but it's not gonna be easy. The perp, Kellogg, is already cold on the floor.Y1a
93NickValentine: I know it's asking for a miracle, Amari, but you've pulled off the impossible before.{you've just been asked to do the impossible / Surprised} Are you two mad!?A1a
94{Irritated} Putting aside the fact that you're asking me to defile a corpse, you do realize that the memory simulators require intact, LIVING brains to function?Player Default: Please. Nick told me you're the only one who could make this work.A1b
95NickValentine: This dead brain had inside knowledge of the Institute, Amari. The biggest scientific secret of the Commonwealth. You need this, and so do we.{put some hesitation before talking about the specimen, it's a dead brain and it's a morbid topic / Tired} *sigh* Fine. I'll take a look, but no guarantees. Do you... have it with you?Player Default: Here's... what I could find.A1a
96MQ202_004_AmariPlayerLab{Thinking} I'll take a look at this brain, but no guarantees. Do you have it?Player Default: Here's... what I could find.A
97{Disbelief} I still can't believe I'm doing this, but hand over the brain, and I'll take a look.Player Default: Here's... what I could find.A
98Player Default: Here's... what I could find.{Puzzled} What's this? This isn't a brain! This is...wait...A1a
99That's the hippocampus! And this thing attached to it. A neural interface?NickValentine: Those circuits look awfully familiar...A1b
100Player Default: Here's... what I could find.{Irritated} Well, move quickly, for Heaven's sake! Do you know how fast a brain decomposes?NickValentine: Those circuits look awfully familiar...A2a
101Player Default: I'm not ready to do this yet.Well you better be soon. I doubt that brain is being properly preserved. Time is against us.NickValentine: Those circuits look awfully familiar...B1a
102Player Default: Could you say that like Doctor Frankenstein? "Igor! Fetch me the brain!"{insulted / Angry} No. I will NOT.X1a
103{Irritated} Now do you have it?Player Default: Here's... what I could find.X1b
104Player Default: How much of the brain do you need exactly?{Worried} That is not an encouraging question. I suppose I'll have to make do with... whatever you can find.Player Default: Here's... what I could find.Y1a
105NickValentine: You're talking about me, right? I'm an old synth. If the Institute built me out of similar parts, we might have an in.{talking about wiring the implant to Nick's brain / Worried} There... could be long-term side effects. I don't know where to even begin with listing the risks...NickValentine: Don't bother. I don't need to hear them. Plug me in, doc.X1a
106Player Default: Go on, doctor.Mister Valentine is an older generation synth. But, Institute technology being what it is... The brain implant could fit him.A1a
107{Worried} But that's... an incredible risk to take. We're talking about wiring something to his brain.NickValentine: Don't worry about me, Amari. I'm well past the warranty date, anyway.A1b
108Player Default: Skip to the good part, doc.{Worried} We plug the brain implant into Mister Valentine. Assuming he's... willing to take on the risks.NickValentine: Hell, why not? Plenty of room in my head, anyway.B1a
109Player Default: So the brain is still good, right?Possibly. There's no sign of decay, so the tech is probably preserving the tissue. Injecting some kind of compound to keep it stable.X1a
110But there's no way to access the memories inside without a compatible port.NickValentine: You're talking about me, right? I'm an old synth. If the Institute built me out of similar parts, we might have an in.X1b
111Player Default: Nick's an older model synth. Is he compatible?That's exactly what I was thinking. If we're lucky, it should hook right in.Y1a
112{Worried} But even if this works, Mister Valentine would be taking on a tremendous amount of risk. We're talking about wiring something to his brain.NickValentine: Don't worry about me, Amari. Let's do it.Y1b
113NickValentine: Those circuits look awfully familiar...I'm not surprised. From what I've seen, all Institute technology has a similar architecture.Player Default: Go on, doctor.A1a
114MQ202_005_PlugSceneWhenever you're ready, Mister Valentine. Just sit down.NickValentine: If I start cackling like an old, grizzled mercenary, pull me out, okay?A1a
115NickValentine: If I start cackling like an old, grizzled mercenary, pull me out, okay?{plugging the implant in Nick Valentine} Let's see here...Amari: I need you to keep talking to me, Mister Valentine. Any slight change in your cognitive functions could be dire.A1a
116Amari: Let's see here...{plugging in Kellogg's cybernetic implant / Worried} I need you to keep talking to me, Mister Valentine. Any slight change in your cognitive functions could be dire.A1a
117{plugging in Kellogg's brain / Nervous} Are you... feeling any different?NickValentine: There's a lot of... flashes... static... I can't make sense of any of it, doc.A1b
118NickValentine: There's a lot of... flashes... static... I can't make sense of any of it, doc.{diagnosing Nick's symptoms / Nervous} That's what I was afraid of. The mnemonic impressions are encoded.Amari: It appears the Institute has one last failsafe. There's a lock on the memories in the implant.A1a
119Amari: That's what I was afraid of. The mnemonic impressions are encoded.{talking to player, just plugged kellogg's brain into Nick / Concerned} It appears the Institute has one last failsafe. There's a lock on the memories in the implant.Player Default: Tell me you have a way past this, doctor.A1a
120MQ202_006_AmariPlayer{talking to player, just plugged kellogg's brain into Nick / Concerned} We can't get to the memories in that implant. There's a lock.Player Default: Tell me you have a way past this, doctor.A
121{Concerned} Are you ready? We need to load both you and Mister Valentine into the memory loungers.Player Default: Tell me you have a way past this, doctor.A
122{Concerned} Are you ready now? I need both of you in the memory loungers.Player Default: Tell me you have a way past this, doctor.A
123NickValentine: If a smart mouth was all it took to solve problems, we would have found your son by now.{you're actually responding to the player saying this line: "Nick and I are gonna share a mind? I'm not gonna see him in any compromising positions" / Disgust} Uh... No. You won't have to worry about that. The only memories you'll access are the ones in the implant.Player Default: All right. Let's get started.X1a
124Player Default: Tell me you have a way past this, doctor.{Thinking} Let me think... The encryption is too strong for a single mind. But... what if we used two?Amari: We load both you and Mister Valentine into the memory loungers. Run your cognitive functions in parallel.A1a
125Player Default: More problems? Seriously?{Irritated} It's not like anyone has ever done this before! You try making a secret technology work across hardware generations, out of spare parts.B1a
126{Thinking} Just let me think... The encryption is probably meant to keep a single mind from accessing the data... So... what if we used two?Amari: We load both you and Mister Valentine into the memory loungers. Run your cognitive functions in parallel.B1b
127Player Default: Is Nick going to be okay?{hoping that you're right / Concerned} Yes, the connections appear to be stable. Hopefully, it'll be as simple as unplugging the implant once we're done.X1a
128{Thinking} But that doesn't get around the current problem. The memory encryption is too strong for a single mind, but... what if we used two?Amari: We load both you and Mister Valentine into the memory loungers. Run your cognitive functions in parallel.X1b
129Player Default: How do you lock memories?The implant is encoding all the mnemonic activity in the hippocampus. Think of it like... computer encryption. And we don't have the password.Y1a
130{Thinking} Let's see... a single mind wouldn't be able to crack it, but... what if we used two?Amari: We load both you and Mister Valentine into the memory loungers. Run your cognitive functions in parallel.Y1b
131Player Default: Let me think... The encryption is too strong for a single mind. But... what if we used two?We load both you and Mister Valentine into the memory loungers. Run your cognitive functions in parallel.A1a
132He'll act as a host while your consciousness drives through whatever memories we can find.Player Default: All right. Let's get started.A1b
133Player Default: All right. Let's get started.{secretly worried it may not work / Concerned} Just sit down over there. And... keep your fingers crossed.A1a
134Player Default: I'm not ready for this, doc.{Concerned} Okay, but I need to keep Mister Valentine here until you're ready. I don't want him moving around with that implant still attached.B1a
135Player Default: Any idea what I'm going to see in there?{Thinking} I have no clue, but considering we only have a single piece of the medial temporal lobe, and not the whole brain, I doubt it'll be... cohesive.Player Default: All right. Let's get started.Y1a
136MQ202_010_MemoryLounger{never done this before, figuring it out as you go} Initiating brain-wave migration between the transplant and the host.Amari: Mnemonic activity coming from the transplant! It's degenerated, but it's there!A1a
137Amari: Initiating brain-wave migration between the transplant and the host.{excited, this crazy plan might actually work} Mnemonic activity coming from the transplant! It's degenerated, but it's there!Amari: We're going to load you into the strongest memories we can find. They might not be... stable... Just hold on!A1a
138Amari: Mnemonic activity coming from the transplant! It's degenerated, but it's there!We're going to load you into the strongest memories we can find. They might not be... stable... Just hold on!A1a
139-{waiting for the player to sit in the lounger to load into Kellogg's memories} Just sit in the Memory Lounger when you're ready.A
140{waiting for the player to sit in the lounger to load into Kellogg's memories} You and Mister Valentine will need to load into the memories together. Take a seat.A
141{waiting for the player to sit in the lounger to load into Kellogg's memories} We'll begin as soon as you sit down in the Memory Lounger.A


142MQ203AmariVoiceoverSceneCan you hear me? Ah, good. The simulation appears to be working, although the memories are quite fragmentary.A1a
143I'll try to step you through the intact memories, and hope we find one that gives us some clue to the Institute's location.AmariVoice: This doesn't seem to be what we're looking for.A1b
144AmariVoice: I'll try to step you through the intact memories, and hope we find one that gives us some clue to the Institute's location.... there. This the earliest intact memory I can find.AmariVoice: This doesn't seem to be what we're looking for.A1a
145AmariVoice: ... there. This the earliest intact memory I can find.Remember, you are experiencing these memories as Kellogg. This may prove disorienting at first.AmariVoice: This doesn't seem to be what we're looking for.A1a
146AmariVoice: We're running out of brain here... uh... ah, there's one that looks mostly intact. Connecting now.{you just realized player is going to witness spouse's death again - aghast and concerned that the player won't be able to handle it / Worried} Oh, my god. Not again. I'll try to locate another memory as quickly as I can. Please try to remain calm.AmariVoice: I'm, uh.... I'm sorry you had to go through that again.A1a
147AmariVoice: I've found another intact memory. Whenever you're ready.{the player has just seen his 10-year-old son for the first time / Surprised} Is that... your son? This appears to be a very recent memory, so... good news, I think.AmariVoice: Teleportation. Now it all makes sense. Nobody's found the entrance to the Institute because there IS no entrance.A1a
148AmariVoice: There appears to be another intact memory close to you in temporal sequence... there.Try that one.AmariVoice: Let's keep looking... I'll connect you to the next intact memory.A1a
149AmariVoice: Remember, you are experiencing these memories as Kellogg. This may prove disorienting at first.This doesn't seem to be what we're looking for.A1a
150There appears to be another intact memory close to you in temporal sequence... there.AmariVoice: Try that one.A1b
151AmariVoice: Try that one.Let's keep looking... I'll connect you to the next intact memory.AmariVoice: I've found another memory to try. I'll connect you.A1a
152AmariVoice: Let's keep looking... I'll connect you to the next intact memory.I've found another memory to try. I'll connect you.AmariVoice: Well, we seem to be getting closer. Try this next one.A1a
153AmariVoice: I've found another memory to try. I'll connect you.Well, we seem to be getting closer. Try this next one.AmariVoice: Getting warmer. One of these has got to tell us something.A1a
154AmariVoice: Well, we seem to be getting closer. Try this next one.Getting warmer. One of these has got to tell us something.A1a
155We're running out of brain here... uh... ah, there's one that looks mostly intact. Connecting now.AmariVoice: Oh, my god. Not again. I'll try to locate another memory as quickly as I can. Please try to remain calm.A1b
156AmariVoice: Oh, my god. Not again. I'll try to locate another memory as quickly as I can. Please try to remain calm.I'm, uh.... I'm sorry you had to go through that again.AmariVoice: I've found another intact memory. Whenever you're ready.A1a
157AmariVoice: Is that... your son? This appears to be a very recent memory, so... good news, I think.Teleportation. Now it all makes sense. Nobody's found the entrance to the Institute because there IS no entrance.A1a
158Let me pull you out of there. As soon as you're ready...A1b
159AmariVoice: I'm, uh.... I'm sorry you had to go through that again.I've found another intact memory. Whenever you're ready.AmariVoice: Is that... your son? This appears to be a very recent memory, so... good news, I think.A1a


160MQ204DoctorAmariKelloggBranchPlayer Default: It... It wasn't all his fault. I can't blame him for everything that happened...{Concerned} If I were a priest, I would say forgiveness is a good thing.DoctorAmari: We're getting off-track. The important thing is that we discovered the Institute's greatest secret. Teleportation.A1a
161Player Default: It's convinced me that I did the right thing. He was a rabid dog, and he needed to be put down.{Sad} I... suppose I can't fault you for that.DoctorAmari: We're getting off-track. The important thing is that we discovered the Institute's greatest secret. Teleportation.B1a
162Player Default: I... I'm not sure, doctor...{Sad} I don't know if there's any "right" way to feel, either...DoctorAmari: We're getting off-track. The important thing is that we discovered the Institute's greatest secret. Teleportation.X1a
163Player Default: Does it really matter how I feel, doctor?{Sad} Yes. You can't tell me that bearing witness to that man's life didn't affect you.DoctorAmari: We're getting off-track. The important thing is that we discovered the Institute's greatest secret. Teleportation.Y1a
164Player Default: If I were a priest, I would say forgiveness is a good thing.{Worried} We're getting off-track. The important thing is that we discovered the Institute's greatest secret. Teleportation.A1a
165The only question is, what do we do now?Player Default: That scientist Kellogg was supposed to track down. Virgil. We need to find him.A1b
166MQ204DoctorAmariScene{player just got up from experiencing Kellogg's memories} Let's start over... How are you feeling?Player Default: I'm okay, doctor. Thank you...A
167Player Default: Am I okay? Are you seeing anything... bad?{Concerned} Don't be alarmed, but I honestly don't know what to look for. As I said before, this is uncharted territory.Y1a
168But your neural and physiological readings have returned to normal. From a medical standpoint, you're fine.DoctorAmari: Are you... ready to talk about what happened in there?Y1b
169Player Default: That's good, but I want you to keep monitoring yourself. We have to be sure there's no long-term damage.{Worried} Are you... ready to talk about what happened in there?Player Default: We got what we needed. The Institute uses teleportation to get in and out.A1a
170Player Default: There's more than one person who knows about the Institute. Virgil, that scientist who escaped...{Puzzled} I didn't know Institute scientists could defect. This changes everything. He could answer all sorts of questions.X1a
171{Puzzled} Where did the memory say he was? The Glowing Sea? That can't be right. No one would risk going there. Not even to hide.Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.X1b
172Player Default: You were along for the ride, weren't you? You saw what I saw.Yes, but it's important we review everything together. In case either of us missed anything.Player Default: We got what we needed. The Institute uses teleportation to get in and out.Y1a
173Player Default: Then he's dead already. It's a waste of time.{you're not concerned about Virgil personally, you're just desperate to find answers / Worried} No. He must have gone there for a reason. He has to be alive. He... must have been prepared for it...B1a
174Look, we don't have any options left... you have to go after him. Through that sea of radioactive ash.Player Default: I'll find a way to get through the rads. Don't worry.B1b
175Player Default: That's why he's there. To make the Institute think twice about following him.{Surprised} That must be it! He's using the radiation in the Glowing Sea like a shield or a... cloak... a way to throw them off and be at an advantage.X1a
176If Virgil found a way to survive there, you'll have to do the same, if you're going to follow him.Player Default: I'll find a way to get through the rads. Don't worry.X1b
177Player Default: Why? What makes the Glowing Sea so dangerous?The name says it all. Radiation. So much that nothing there could possibly live. Nothing... pleasant...Y1a
178Navigating radioactive hazards is nothing new, but the Glowing Sea can kill a man in seconds.Y1b
179That's why it doesn't make sense. Virgil fleeing into that hell. The exposure alone...Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.Y1c
180Player Default: Oh no, I'm not going there. That's crazy.{Irritated} And plunging into a dead man's memory wasn't crazy? You've already done the impossible, who's to say God won't let you do it again?B1a
181Look, think it over if you have to, but it's the only path I can offer. Through the Glowing Sea, to Virgil.DoctorAmari: By the way, I unplugged Mister Valentine first. Removed the implant while you were waking up. He's waiting for you upstairs.B1b
182Player Default: Oh, I'm going in naked. Fingers crossed I get super powers.{Irritated} I know you're joking, but as a doctor, I feel obligated to remind you that unprotected radioactive exposure will only kill you. Dead. D-E-A-D.X1a
183So be sure you find a way to get through there with your life intact. And... good luck.DoctorAmari: By the way, I unplugged Mister Valentine first. Removed the implant while you were waking up. He's waiting for you upstairs.X1b
184Player Default: How do I fight that much radiation, doctor?There are chemical compounds. Rad-X, RadAway. You'd need as much as you could carry. Maybe more.Y1a
185A sealed environment suit would be great, if you could find one. Or maybe... one of those suits of Power Armor? That would be perfect.Player Default: I'll find a way to get through the rads. Don't worry.Y1b
186Player Default: How do I fight that much radiation, doctor?Well, you ARE wearing a suit of Power Armor. I've heard they were designed with... nuclear warfare in mind. It seems like exactly what you need.Player Default: I'll find a way to get through the rads. Don't worry.Y2a
187Player Default: I'm okay, doctor. Thank you...That's good, but I want you to keep monitoring yourself. We have to be sure there's no long-term damage.DoctorAmari: Are you... ready to talk about what happened in there?A1a
188Player Default: I have this... burning feeling inside my skull. It's like it's on fire...That's not surprising. All the synapses in your brain have just been pulled apart, connected to someone else, and then pulled back together.B1a
189I injected you with a large Stimpak while I was pulling you out. That should ease things.DoctorAmari: Are you... ready to talk about what happened in there?B1b
190Player Default: Next time I have to watch someone's life story, I want popcorn.{Puzzled} Well, if you're cognizant enough to joke, I think we can safely say that you're out of critical condition.DoctorAmari: Are you... ready to talk about what happened in there?X1a
191Player Default: That scientist Kellogg was supposed to track down. Virgil. We need to find him.{Surprised} You're right! A rogue Institute scientist could answer all kinds of questions.A1a
192{Puzzled} Where did the memory say he was? The Glowing Sea? That doesn't make sense. No one goes there. Not even if they were desperate.Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.A1b
193Player Default: Don't look at me, doctor. This stuff is beyond me.{Puzzled} Hmm... let me think...B1a
194What about that memory involving Virgil, the rogue Institute scientist? If he were alive, we have a common enemy, he might help us.Player Default: I like it.B1b
195Player Default: What? You don't have a spare teleporter lying around? What kind of egghead are you?{Irritated} This is serious! No one outside the Institute could dream of making that kind of technology.X1a
196{Puzzled} Wait...maybe that's it... That memory about Virgil, their scientist who went rogue. If we found him...Player Default: I like it.X1b
197Player Default: We got what we needed. The Institute uses teleportation to get in and out.Yes. Their greatest secret has finally been revealed. But that only leads to more questions. How does it work? Where do we go next?Player Default: That scientist Kellogg was supposed to track down. Virgil. We need to find him.A1a
198Player Default: I saw Kellogg's life... The man who ruined my family... The man I killed...{Sad} That's right. He was a human being just like the rest of us, and he had reasons for being what he was, however cruel.B1a
199{Concerned} How does that... make you feel?Player Default: It... It wasn't all his fault. I can't blame him for everything that happened...B1b
200Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.{Worried} If you're going to go, be prepared. You'll need some way to combat the radiation there. It's called the Glowing Sea for a reason.Player Default: I'll find a way to get through the rads. Don't worry.A1a
201Player Default: I'll find a way to get through the rads. Don't worry.{Concerned} Good luck, and... be safe.DoctorAmari: By the way, I unplugged Mister Valentine first. Removed the implant while you were waking up. He's waiting for you upstairs.A1a
202Player Default: Good luck, and... be safe.{Concerned} By the way, I unplugged Mister Valentine first. Removed the implant while you were waking up. He's waiting for you upstairs.A1a
203MQ204DoctorAmariVirgilBranchPlayer Default: I like it.The memory said the Institute tracked him to the Glowing Sea, but that seems crazy. A mad man would think twice about going there.Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.A1a
204Player Default: An Institute scientist wouldn't help us.They want him dead, remember? And you killed the man they sent to do it. I think Virgil would have every reason to be grateful, or at least afraid.B1a
205{Worried} His last known location was the Glowing Sea. Not sure how reliable that memory is. That's not a place people go, or come back from...Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.B1b
206Player Default: I don't know. I'm not even sure we could track him down.{Puzzled} The memory gave us a starting point. The Glowing Sea. But... that can't be right. Trying to survive there is... unthinkable.Player Default: If we need to find Virgil, then I'm going after him.X1a
207Player Default: There's gotta be another way.We delved into every memory we could find. This is the only thing I can think of that might get us more answers.Player Default: I like it.Y1a
208MQ204DoctorAmariWakeUpScene{Worried} Slow movements, okay? I don't know what kind of side effects the procedure might have had. No one's ever... done this before.A1a
209How do you feel?Player Default: I'm okay, doctor. Thank you...A1b
210-{waiting for the player to respond, right after the brain surgery with Kellogg} Feeling dizzy?
211{waiting for the player to respond, right after the brain surgery with Kellogg} Take your time...
212{waiting for the player to respond, right after the brain surgery with Kellogg} Are you... okay?
213{just told the player to find Virgil in the Glowing Sea / Worried} Be careful of the radiation. The Glowing Sea isn't a place to be caught unprepared.
214{just told the player to find Virgil in the Glowing Sea / Worried} You have to find Virgil. A renegade Institute Scientist could finally give us the insight we need...
215{just told the player to find Virgil in the Glowing Sea} Good luck. Make it back in one piece, okay?


216MQ206_001_DoctorAmari{Concerned} You're back. The Glowing Sea. Virgil. What happened?Player Default: I found Virgil. He has a way inside the Institute, but I need a code from a Courser Chip.A
217{Concerned} Did you find Virgil? What happened?Player Default: I found Virgil. He has a way inside the Institute, but I need a code from a Courser Chip.A
218DoctorAmari: Unfortunately, I can't help you. I've worked on a lot of Synths, but never a Courser. I don't know what that chip does, let alone how to decode it.{player previously revealed himself as a Railroad agent} But our friends at the Railroad. They just might. Take it to them. See what they can find out.Player Default: Thanks, doctor. How do I find them?A1a
219DoctorAmari: Unfortunately, I can't help you. I've worked on a lot of Synths, but never a Courser. I don't know what that chip does, let alone how to decode it.But there are people who might. I work with a group that, well, they're the only ones I know that even have a chance at cracking Institute security.A2a
220They're called the Railroad.Player Default: Thanks, doctor. How do I find them?A2b
221Player Default: I found Virgil. He has a way inside the Institute, but I need a code from a Courser Chip.{Coursers are very dangerous / Surprised} A Courser Chip? You fought a Courser? Oh my god.A1a
222{Concerned} Unfortunately, I can't help you. I've worked on a lot of Synths, but never a Courser. I don't know what that chip does, let alone how to decode it.DoctorAmari: But our friends at the Railroad. They just might. Take it to them. See what they can find out.A1b
223Player Default: Thanks, doctor. How do I find them?I can't contact them directly. They usually come to me, when they have a synth that's escaped the Institute and wants new memories.A1a
224But I do have a code phrase. Some kind of clue if I ever needed to find them on my own. "Follow the Freedom Trail."Player Default: All right. I'll find them.A1b
225Player Default: Thanks, doctor. How do I find them?{Surprised} You do? Oh. Then, good luck. I hope they can help you.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.A2a
226Player Default: They can't be the only people who can crack a damn code.A prewar computer chip, maybe you could find someone else, but the Institute is far more advanced. They built the Synths for god's sake.B1a
227The Railroad's the only group with people who even understand Institute security protocol at the most basic level.B1b
228You'll need a code phrase to find them. "Follow the Freedom Trail." I'm afraid that's all I have.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.B1c
229Player Default: They can't be the only people who can crack a damn code.A prewar computer chip, maybe you could find someone else, but the Institute is far more advanced. They built the Synths for god's sake.B2a
230The Railroad's the only group with people who even understand Institute security protocol at the most basic level.B2b
231Trust me. You need to talk to them.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.B2c
232Player Default: Next stop: the Railroad. Choo choo!{player is being an imbecile / Puzzled} Uh... Yes... Anyway...X1a
233You need a code phrase in order to find them. "Follow the Freedom Trail." Good luck.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.X1b
234Player Default: Next stop: the Railroad. Choo choo!{player is being an imbecile / Puzzled} Uh... Yes... Anyway... I hope they can help you.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.X2a
235Player Default: The Railroad?They help synths escape the Institute. I don't know who they all are. Usually, an agent of theirs just shows up with someone who needs new memories.Y1a
236One of them gave me a code phrase. Said it would help me find them if there was ever an emergency. "Follow the Freedom Trail."Player Default: All right. I'll find them.Y1b
237Player Default: The Railroad?I've been working with them for years, but they're so secretive. I don't even know who they are until they bring a synth to me.Y2a
238They're the only people I know who have even a chance of decoding that chip. I hope they can help you.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.Y2b
239Player Default: Any idea what the code phrase means?{Thinking} I'm not sure, but I remember there was a prewar landmark with a similar name. I'd start there.Y1a
240Hopefully, they've placed other clues to tell you where to go after that, hidden somewhere in plain sight. That's how they think.Player Default: All right. I'll find them.Y1b
241Player Default: All right. I'll find them.{Apologetic} Good luck. I'm sorry what I have is so cryptic, but hopefully you can figure things out as you go.A1a
242Player Default: That's all you have?{matter of fact} I'm afraid so. The Railroad is understandably paranoid. They're fighting the Institute, after all. You'll have to figure it out as you go.B1a
243Player Default: In my secret club, the code phrase is just two words. "Awesome" and "Me."{player is being an idiot / Puzzled} Yes... well... that's not going to help you here. But I'm sure someone with your... creativity will be able to figure it out.X1a
244-The Railroad can decode that Courser Chip. You just need to find them.


245RRM02_0300_AmariMeeting{you've seen the player's memories before, and how his spouse was violentally murdered / Surprised} You're the contact H2-22 was talking about? Just when I thought one person could only experience so much danger in their life...DoctorAmari: The patient is resting right now. Were you hoping to say goodbye? I don't advise it. He's far past remembering anything about his... old life...A
246{you've never met the player before / Puzzled} You. You are the one that helped H2-22, correct? He mentioned you...DoctorAmari: The patient is resting right now. Were you hoping to say goodbye? I don't advise it. He's far past remembering anything about his... old life...A
247Player Default: He talked quite a bit about you before I administered the anaesthetic. I'm sorry you didn't have the opportunity.{Changing gears, some urgency / Nervous} Now... What's your plan? For moving him?Player Default: We have to use the original route. There's no other way.A1a
248NPCFDoctorAmari: You're the contact H2-22 was talking about? Just when I thought one person could only experience so much danger in their life...{Delicately / Worried} The patient is resting right now. Were you hoping to say goodbye? I don't advise it. He's far past remembering anything about his... old life...Player Default: I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.A1a
249Player Default: I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.{Empathy / Sad} He talked quite a bit about you before I administered the anaesthetic. I'm sorry you didn't have the opportunity.DoctorAmari: Now... What's your plan? For moving him?A1a
250Player Default: I'm not here to talk, Doctor. I'm here to get the job done.Then what's the plan for getting H2 out of here?Player Default: We have to use the original route. There's no other way.B1a
251Player Default: Give him any good memories? Meetings with sexy strangers? That kind of thing?{Doesn't appreciate the joke, so clarifies her job (which she did carefully and ethically) / Irritated} It's a memory wipe, not a fantasy machine. His new world is very mundane, and very normal. Nothing that would draw suspicion.DoctorAmari: Now... What's your plan? For moving him?X1a
252Player Default: He doesn't remember anything?{With some empathy / Stern} I'm very thorough. His new life started in a small homestead near Roxbury. That's all he knows now.Y1a
253{Caution / Concerned} While you can talk to him, no amount of coaxing can reverse the process. He won't remember you, and he never will.Player Default: I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.Y1b
254Player Default: We have to use the original route. There's no other way.{A little shocked, then resigned} That's the plan? I thought you people valued discretion. *sigh*A1a
255{Gives up, then urgency} But fine. I won't argue. The Malden Metro Center is where you need to go. All the Gen 1's there need to be gone, understand? All of them.DoctorAmari: I'm leaving H2-22, and his future, in your hands. Once he's gone, we never had this conversation. He was never here.A1b
256Player Default: The plan? Kill everything in my way. That's the plan.{sarcastic / Irritated} Glad you've thought this through.B1a
257{Resigned} But I don't suppose we have many other options. Malden Metro Center. That's where your problem is.DoctorAmari: I'm leaving H2-22, and his future, in your hands. Once he's gone, we never had this conversation. He was never here.B1b
258Player Default: You don't need to know the details. Just tell me about the original route.{Considering, she sees through the player's attempts to be enigmatic} I... understand... It's Malden Metro Center.DoctorAmari: I'm leaving H2-22, and his future, in your hands. Once he's gone, we never had this conversation. He was never here.X1a
259Player Default: Can't he just stay here?{Firm, annoyed / Irritated} Out of the question! You people were the ones who explained to me that the Railroad is about movement. That's what keeps you alive.Y1a
260{Urgent, annoyed / Irritated} Having a recently escaped synth stay too long in one place is a death sentence for all of us.Player Default: We have to use the original route. There's no other way.Y1b
261Player Default: But fine. I won't argue. The Malden Metro Center is where you need to go. All the Gen 1's there need to be gone, understand? All of them.{referring to the need for secrecy / Irritated} I'm leaving H2-22, and his future, in your hands. Once he's gone, we never had this conversation. He was never here.A1a
262RRM02_0300a_AmariParting{Solemn (the holotape contain's the final words of someone)} Before you leave, take the holotape on the table. It's a personal message. For your ears only.A1a
263-{referring to the escaped synth, concerned} Clear out Malden. And quickly. H2 can't stay here.