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The food riots were incidents of civil unrest and protests in the United States of America as a reaction to decreasing food supply and rationing.[1]


Food riots were a national issue facing the United States from at least January 2077, when the White House issued a statement appealing for calm following unspecified riots.[1]

In October 2077, a food riot took place in Roxbury, Boston. After a window was broken at the Roxbury food bank, the crowds lined up outside the bank attempted to storm the building. Four people were killed and eight others injured when the soldiers guarding the location opened fire into the unarmed crowd. The situation was reported on by the Boston Bugle, including allegations that while they had not opened fire until the window was broken, the soldiers guarding the food bank had been picking out targets in the crowd in advance, and laughing as they did so.[2]

The Vault-Tec Corporation experimented to find solutions to the food crisis. The Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center was created in Appalachia to test automation of conventional farming, with specialized Mr. Farmhand robots responsible for planting, harvesting and caring for crops grown there. In the Mojave desert, Vault 22 was constructed as a research center for creating experimental fertilizer and genetically modifying plant organisms.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Food riots were mentioned in the canceled Van Buren project and in the Fallout Bible.[Non-canon 1][Non-game 1]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Food Riots Rile Feds
  2. Boston Bugle building terminals; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 3
  3. Vault 22 sign: "Under the heart of the Mojave desert, Vault 22 provides a fertile laboratory for experimentation on staple crops to maximize their potential. Within the Vault, scientists and horticulturalists continue to innovate our understanding of agricultural possibilities in the fight against the global hunger crisis. The scientists who developed a miracle fertilizer within have made a profound impact on your ordinary life. So take a second to reflect on the hard work of Vault-Tec scientists in improving crop production in arid biomes like the Mojave, and for increasing crops' resistance to insects, drought, and disease."


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 January 22 The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons."


  1. Denver design document, page 6: "When the war with China started, resource rationing occurred and suddenly the construction workers didn't have anything to build with and weren't getting paid. Union riots and strikes occurred because the city couldn't pay and the federal government wouldn't step in to help. When Mexico and the Midwest started to suffer food shortages [...], Denver was hit hard because of its high population. Food rationing began. Food riots started because of the rationing, and some buildings were set on fire."