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Fo4 Rain Boston Commons

Rain in Boston Common.

Rain is an atmospheric phenomenon, when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses and starts falling to the ground. Rainfall is an integral part of the water cycle and many human activities, such as agriculture, although the Great War and the climate change brought by it has changed rainfall patterns, and nuclear fallout could accumulate in rain to the point it could start glowing.[1]

Very radioactive radstorms necessitating cleanup procedure and the use of RadAway were a common problem shortly after the Great War,[2] with some taking the form of a horrific black rain: Rain mixed with fallout and particulate from burning cities.[3]

Rain by region[]


The mountainous region experiences regular rainfall on both sides of the Appalachians, sometimes combining with mist.[4] The US Army attempted to create a weather manipulation device at the ATLAS Observatory, and actually experienced some success with the prototype, initiating light rainfall over a localized area by March 2076.[5] Although full funding was secured by August 77,[6] the project was abruptly shuttered and all data falsified or destroyed by October.[7]

Contamination was a problem in Appalachia: Acid rain was a common occurrence in the region before the War due to extensive mining, polluting the groundwater. Vault-Tec University apparently helped monitor groundwater contamination as part of its PR efforts.[8]

In the early post-War era, rainfall was large enough to cause the usual threats of slipping,[9] and was even considered a nuisance,[10] making laundry wet,[11] soaking survivors,[12][13] and turning ground into mud difficult to cross.[11] It also played havoc on equipment, causing weapons to jam and causing shorts in exposed electrical wiring,[14] sparing only reinforced systems.[15] Even the sound mattered: A drizzle was calming for some, helping them sleep.[16] Others absolutely hated it.[13] Its effects were used as an advantage by the raiders.[17]

Rainwater was also a source of potable water,[18] and, if cleaned up, a potential ingredient in some of the region's recipes.[19]

Capital Wasteland[]

The region on the border of the former states of Maryland and Virginia experiences regular rainfall, particularly close to the mouth of the Potomac.[20] However, due to climate changes, it's not uncommon for it to experience long periods without any rainfall.[21]


Rainfall is a regular occurrence in the temperate regions of former Massachusetts.[22]

Mojave Wasteland[]

Rain is almost entirely absent from the Mojave Wasteland, as it was for centuries, due to it existing in a natural rain shadow. As a result, communities rely on deep wells or water imports, rather than counting on the extremely infrequent rainfall.[Non-game 1]

New California[]

Rainfall in New California depended greatly on location. While Boneyard communities had to put up with a seemingly perpetually overcast sky and regular rains,[23] the situation was different further inland, especially in the north, where a distinct rain season could be identified. Around 2241, northern New California suffered a devastating drought impacting all communities. Modoc was affected particularly strongly, as it relied on regular rainfall to irrigate its crops and replenish its wells. While not unprecedented, the 2241 drought caused much of the supply to dry up, with much of Modoc's crops dead or dying from lack of water,[24] withering away under a cloudless sky.[25] Drinking water became a precious commodity,[26] and the town became increasingly desperate for rain.[27] Other communities suffered less: Gecko crops grew relatively normally,[28] though rainfall was limited.[29] Storms were also occurring in New Reno.[30]

Zion Canyon[]

Rain in Honest Hearts

Rainfall is a regular occurrence within this region of Utah.[31]


Fallout: New Vegas[]

Rain was added in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts to better depict the setting of Zion Canyon.

Fallout 4[]

Rain and fog can appear as part of the dynamic weather system. There's also one special gameplay feature:

  • Fried fog crawler meal added in Far Harbor increases Damage Resistance in foggy and rainy weather.

Fallout 76[]

Rain and fog can appear as part of the dynamic weather system. While in other games it's a decoration or a mentioned-only element of lore, apart from Far Harbor, here it starts playing a larger role:


  1. Adytum citizen: "{110}{}{Hope the rain ain't glowin' like yesterday.}"
  2. Cut content Ella Ames' bunker terminal entries; [CUT] EDID: FS_EllaMireSubTerminal, Weather: "I supposed with nuclear fallout still in the air, we're bound to have a few changes in weather. We resealed ourselves in our bunkers yesterday because we were hit by a very radioactive rainstorm. We got everyone inside, showered best we could, and took a decent dose of RadAway.
    We haven't been out here long, but what isn't trying to kill us these days? With our luck, it'll be the air next.
    " Cut content
  3. Year: 2077
  4. FOW_Weather formlist, includes NewWeatherMistyRainy and NewWeatherRain, among others.
  5. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries, Army data analysis terminal, Report [3-12-76]
  6. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries, Army data analysis terminal, Report Report Report [8-17-77]
  7. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries, Army data analysis terminal, Report Report [10-18-77]
  8. Middle Mountain Cabins terminal entries; Pioneer Scout terminal, Pioneer Scout Advice
  9. Note to Self: Railings
  10. Generic Settler: "No rain or radstorm. It's nice to be outside again."[verification needed]
  11. 11.0 11.1 Crater Raiders: "Seriously, it's gonna rain again tonight? My damn PJs just finished dryin' off."
    "I fuckin' hate when it rains. How the hell are we supposed to raid properly when we're slippin' in the mud?"
    "You know what pisses me off about the rain? Soggy food. At least it's easier to rob folks."
    "Good thing about rain is those Foundation chumps can't hardly run when its dry. You should see 'em, floppin' around in the mud like desperate fish."
    "You gotta be kiddin' me, rain... again! Better get used wakin' up soggy."
    (Crater raiders' dialogue) Note: These are lines spoken in the Fallout 76 random encounter Blood Eagles Eavesdrop[verification needed].
  12. Crater Raiders: "Looks like more rain. Great, I'm getting tired of waking up soaking wet."
    (Crater Raiders' dialogue)
  13. 13.0 13.1 [[Settler (Wastelanders)|Settler]: "Ohh just what I needed. Wet sheets after a night of poor sleep."
    "Nothing like waking up soaking wet to remind you how little sleep you're about to get."
    "Nothing like waking up soaking wet to remind you how little sleep you just got."
    "Damn rain, slept like hell. Beautiful day ain't it? Can already tell it's gonna be a good one."
    "I'm sick of these Radstorms. Can't keep anything down after 'em. Beats sleeping in the rain though."
    "Damn it's pouring! How the hell you supposed to sleep in this?"
    (Settler's dialogue) Note: These are lines spoken in the Fallout 76 random encounter Campers.
  14. Scientist: "Damn rain is gonna cause our equipment to jam, and you know who's gonna be fixing that."
    Scientist: "Great, rain. Just what I needed before I start messing with some electrical wiring."
    (Scientist's dialogue) Note: These are lines spoken in the Fallout 76 random encounter Soldier with Techy.
  15. ATHENA: "Fact: Rain does not damage this model of Assaultron. All U.S.S.A. robotics should be suitable for intense space or weather phenomena."
  16. Generic Settler: "Personally the rain helps me sleep. The sound of a nice drizzle drowns out everything else."[verification needed]
  17. Crater Raiders: "A foggy night like this, perfect time to sneak up on camp. I might have to kill a couple folks, but I'm takin' what I want."
    "Ain't a better time for an ambush than a night when the fog rolls in. Come down on a camp out of nowhere, slit their throats and poach their pockets."
    "When its foggy like this, chumps can't see you sneakin' up on 'em. By the time you got a gun to their head, they're shit out 'o luck."
    "A thick fog like this will give yah cover even on the brightest days. You can close the distance real fast as long as yer quite."
    (Crater raiders' dialogue) Note: These are lines spoken in the Fallout 76 random encounter Blood Eagles Eavesdrop[verification needed].
  18. Atomic Shop Rain water collector
  19. Recipe: Delbert's Appalachili
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "Where can I find Ted Strayer?"
    Preston, Bannon, Belle Bonny, Cindy Cantelli, Paulie Cantelli, Seagrave Holmes, Tammy Hargrave, Harkness, Lopez, Mei Wong, Lana Danvers, Clifford, Christie Young, Henry Young, Rivet City security: "Have you tried the common room? That's where he sleeps. Otherwise...hmmm. You can probably find him on the flight deck some days, if it isn't raining. He usually goes to the Muddy Rudder on Sundays. Beyond that, who knows."
    (Preston's Bannon's, Belle Bonny's, Cindy Cantelli's, Paulie Cantelli's, Seagrave Holmes', Tammy Hargrave's, Harkness', Lopez's, Mei Wong's, Lana Danvers', Clifford's, Christie Young's, Henry Young's, and Rivet City Security's dialogue) Note: All the characters stated here have the exact same lines as a part of the quest You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head "MS14TedFind".
  21. Checking out
  22. The weather system in Fallout 4.
  23. Adytum citizen: "{101}{}{Looks like rain . . . as always.}"
  24. The Chosen One: "{189}{}{What do you want for this information?}"
    Jo: "{190}{}{Ah yes, what I want… If you hadn’t noticed yet, our little farming community is experiencing one of its worst droughts ever. The rainy season was unusually short this year, and our crops are dead or dying from lack of water. To put it bluntly, our community is on the verge of withering away with our crops.}"
  25. Modoc townsperson: "{200}{}{I sure hope it rains soon.}"
    "{201}{}{Our crops are dying from lack of water.}"
    "{202}{}{Even the wells have gone dry.}"
    "{203}{}{Not a cloud in the sky.}"
  26. The Chosen One: "{172}{}{Water. [$1000]}"
    Rose: "{225}{}{Really!? You must be really thirsty. I raised the price to discourage customers from ordering it. Drinking water is at a premium out here, with the lack of rain and the well drying up. Do you still want some?}"
  27. The Chosen One: "{191}{}{Umm… You do know I can’t make it rain, right?!?}"
    Jo: "{192}{}{[He chuckles softly] No, no… of course not. I wouldn’t ask you to do something as impossible as that. You really can’t make it rain, can you… No, of course you can’t! Anyway, like I was say’en, we’re in trouble and we could use your help.}"
  28. Ghoul citizen: "{184}{}{I’ve heard that tribals know how to call rain.}"
  29. Ghoul citizen: "{189}{}{Sure could use some more rain.}"
  30. Bishop's man: "{361}{}{Storm's coming.}"
  31. The weather system in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


  1. Forumspring january 16, 2011: "Why doesn´t it rain in the Mojave? And why did u make the color palette so mixed? As Fallout 3 had only green/brown, but ur game is like a bag of candies, so It´s a bit confusing and makes the game lack a bit of its own style. I still love the game thou"
    Joshua Sawyer: "It doesn't rain in the Mojave Wasteland because the real Mojave Desert exists in a rain shadow. Rain is extremely infrequent. It would be very difficult to portray any active version of Las Vegas without using a wide variety of color. Las Vegas is like an adult circus and the attractions and signs employ a huge variety of color."
    (Joshua Sawyer Formspring posts/2011)