Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


{100}{}{You see an inhabitant of Adytown.}
{101}{}{Looks like rain . . . as always.}
{102}{}{Sorry, have to go. Got work to do.}
{103}{}{We don't get many outsiders here.}
{104}{}{Gotta get back to work.}
{105}{}{I'd get back to the Hub, if I were you.}
{106}{}{Good day . . . if that is what you can call it.}
{107}{}{Yeah . . . whatever.}
{108}{}{No time to talk.}
{109}{}{Can't talk right now.}
{110}{}{Hope the rain ain't glowin' like yesterday.}
{111}{}{Looks like we're going to be short food again.}
{112}{}{I hope the caravans pass by again soon.}
{113}{}{We have a chance to make it now.}
{114}{}{Adytum will be the town we want it to be.}
{115}{}{Thank you for your help.}
{116}{}{Thank you for getting rid of the Regulators.}
{117}{}{Thank you for our freedom.}
{118}{}{It is good that the Regulators are gone.}
{119}{}{Welcome to the New Adytum.}
