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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Gecko citizens in the town of Gecko.


{100}{}{You see someone whose skin has been very badly burnt.}
{101}{}{You see a ghoul citizen of Gecko.}
{102}{}{You see someone whose skin seems to have been burned with radiation. That much radiation looks as though it should have killed it, but it seems well enough.}

{110}{}{The person you see is glowing faintly. Its skin seems to be badly burnt.}
{111}{}{You see a Glowing One citizen of Gecko.}
{112}{}{You see someone who has been exposed to so much radiation that it is glowing faintly. That much radiation looks as though it should have killed it, but it seems well enough.}

{120}{}{Thank you for saving us from Vault City.}
{121}{}{Those bigots in Vault City would have killed us if it wasn’t for you.}
{122}{}{You’re a hero.}
{123}{}{You can come over to my house for gecko stew anytime.}
{124}{}{Thanks for repairing our reactor.}
{125}{}{It feels colder now, but thanks for repairing the leak in our reactor.}
{126}{}{Thanks for dealing with those bigots in Vault City for us.}
{127}{}{If you didn’t help us, Vault City would have destroyed us.}
{128}{}{You’re our hero.}
{129}{}{Thanks again.}
{130}{}{Thanks for your help.}
{131}{}{You’re the best. Thanks.}
{132}{}{Pretty good, for a smoothskin.}

{140}{}{Hello there, my smoothskined friend.}
{141}{}{Welcome to Gecko.}
{142}{}{Hello there, friend.}
{143}{}{You’re not like other smoothskins.}
{144}{}{See anything interesting out in the wastes?}
{145}{}{Hi there.}
{146}{}{Howdy, friend.}
{147}{}{Our atomic reactor makes me glow with pride.}
{148}{}{We’ve harnessed the power of the atom here.}
{149}{}{Someday, others will be able to use our power.}
{150}{}{I’m glad not all smoothies are like the ones in Vault City. }
{151}{}{If Vault City people were like you, we wouldn’t have a problem with them.}

{160}{}{Hmmph, another cheating smoothskin.}
{161}{}{Heya, smoothy.}
{162}{}{Hello there.}
{163}{}{What’s up?}
{164}{}{Be nice while you’re in town.}
{165}{}{Come far to get here?}
{166}{}{You look like you’re from Vault City.}
{167}{}{We’re tolerant here, but not stupid, Smoothy.}
{168}{}{Stay away from Vault City. Those guys are assholes.}
{169}{}{Hello. Weather’s been really dry lately.}

{180}{}{It sure has been dry lately.}
{181}{}{Damn all these weeds.}
{182}{}{I think the atomic reactor makes the weeds worse.}
{183}{}{I’ve heard that some weeds are dangerous.}
{184}{}{I’ve heard that tribals know how to call rain.}
{185}{}{Fine crop this year.}
{186}{}{Corn’s growing as high as a deathclaw’s eye.}
{187}{}{Vegetables are good for you.}
{188}{}{Almost ready to harvest.}
{189}{}{Sure could use some more rain.}
{200}{}{Got to watch these brahmin.}

{201}{}{These brahmin are so cute. I’m not looking forward to killing them.}
{202}{}{I am so bored.}
{203}{}{Moo, moo, moo?}
{204}{}{I’ve been here too long.}
{205}{}{Is that smell you or the brahmin?}
{206}{}{They almost look as though they know what’s coming.}
{207}{}{Someone tipped one last night.}
{208}{}{Some of them are much cuter than others.}
{209}{}{Hmm, I wonder why nobody rides them.}

{220}{}{Hey there, smoothskin.}
{221}{}{Buy us a drink, smoothskin.}
{222}{}{Boy, am I thirsty.}
{223}{}{Too good to drink with us?}
{224}{}{Where are my pals, Johnny Stroller and Jim Bean?}
{225}{}{I’ll have mine shaken, not stirred.}
{226}{}{Ask Wooz to tell you a story.}
{227}{}{Let’s sing a song.}
{228}{}{’And then the heads do what? I just don’t understand Wooz.}
{229}{}{What’s an apple?}

{240}{}{You’re pretty nice for a smoothskin.}
{241}{}{Buy us another round, smoothy.}
{242}{}{./~ How dry I am, How dry I am. . ./~}
{243}{}{You’re okay in my book.}
{244}{}{Hey, watch out for the rat.}
{245}{}{I wonder why Skeeter never joins us?}
{246}{}{We’re trying to breed a new type of brahmin -’ with only one head.}
{247}{}{Somebody ought to start making more clothes here.}
{248}{}{Ahh, beer is good.}
{249}{}{This beer is great. It’s the water -’ and a lot more.}

{260}{}{You’re the best smoothskin I’ve ever known.}
{261}{}{More glow-juice! More glow-juice!}
{262}{}{Gives us another, eh smoothy?}
{263}{}{Those poor muties in Broken Hills.}
{264}{}{I heard that geckos are like us. Changed by the radiation.}
{265}{}{We just cling to life here, like a little gecko on the wall.}
{266}{}{I hear Skeeter’s building a giant robot.}
{267}{}{I heard that Chester’s a spy for Vault City.}
{268}{}{I’d like to Renew into a smoothy.}
{269}{}{I swear I’ve seen things fly over us at night.}

{280}{}{I love you, man.}
{281}{}{You’re the best.}
{282}{}{Nuke Vault City ’til it glows!}
{283}{}{./~99 syringes of Rad-away on the wall, 99 syringes. . ./~}
{284}{}{./~ I’ve been working on the re-act-or, all the live-long day. . ./~}
{285}{}{Before you, I wouldn’t trust a smoothskin at all.}
{286}{}{I guess some of you smoothies are okay after all.}
{287}{}{We ought to go get Chester to drink with us.}
{288}{}{When I Renew, I want to turn out just like you.}
{289}{}{Sure glad our reactor’s running.}
{290}{}{I must be drunk. Wooz is starting to make sense to me.}
{291}{}{I think I saw an apple once... or was it a banana?}

{300}{}{The reactor is working so good you can almost hear it hum.}
{301}{}{Thanks for working things out with Vault City for us.}
{302}{}{We’re going to have so much power now.}
{303}{}{Not much longer until we can trade power to Vault City.}
{304}{}{Gosh, we’re going to need a lot of Copper from Redding now.}
{305}{}{The reactor is working great now. Thanks.}
{306}{}{You’re the best.}
{307}{}{Thanks for fixing up our atomic reactor.}
{308}{}{Reactor’s purring, just as nice as you please. Thanks.}
{309}{}{You’re the best smoothskin I’ve ever known.}

{320}{}{Renew, comrade. Renew!}
{321}{}{You are one of us.}
{322}{}{Hello, comrade. Renewal is at hand.}
{323}{}{We will all be one soon.}
{324}{}{He knows all. Worship his sleek fur.}
{325}{}{Damn cultists. Get out of here.}
{326}{}{Renew this (makes hand gesture), asshole.}
{327}{}{I’ve got your Renewal right here, pal.}
{328}{}{Can’t turn around these days without stepping on another damn cultist.}
{329}{}{You’ll never catch me worshipping some damn oversized rat.}

{340}{}{You ought to go see Lenny about those wounds.}
{341}{}{You look all banged up. Go see Lenny.}
{342}{}{You shouldn’t wrestle with a deathclaw. Go see Lenny.}
{343}{}{Lenny’s in Harold’s office. You should have him take a look at those wounds.}
{344}{}{How’d you get all torn up like that?}
{345}{}{Ouch. You should go see Lenny.}
{346}{}{Lenny’s in the settlement; go have him take a look at your injuries.}
{347}{}{I’d sure hate to see the other guy.}
