Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Govermint headquarters is the main base of operations of the Govermint, run by president, Sorrel Booker.


The Govermint headquarters, a former bar, is now the main HQ of California wasteland faction, the Govermint. It's also assumingly that president Sorrel Booker manages all operations under the Govermint's protection and control. In contrast, if a place under the protection of the Govermint suffers an incident, president Booker dispatches his sheriffs to investigate and enforce the law dictated by the faction.

Fallout TV series[]

The Trap[]

After the Ghoul is apprehended in the Super Duper Mart for allegedly ruining the "legitimate" organ harvesting operation. He's taken the Govermint HQ by sheriffs Troy and Rex.

Inside the building were posters hung around the building's wall of various criminals wanted by the government. Sorrel Booker, the president of the government, sat at a table eating a meal and questioned Ghoul about whether or not he was responsible for the incident at the Super Duper Mart. The Ghoul instantly admits to being the culprit, and after confessing that he also shot up Filly, he kills the two sheriffs, pulls a paper of one Lee Moldaver, and asks Booker about it.


The Govermint headquarters appears in the Fallout TV series episode "The Past".

Fallout TV series