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"Steer the Ship!" is the sixth episode of the Vault Seller's Survival Guide, a series of short promotional videos for the Fallout TV series, consisting of training videos for prospective Vault-Tec sales employees narrated by Bud Askins (Michael Esper).


Admire The View Without Family Or Friends To Distract From Your Key Responsibilities Of Embodying Stability And Lording Remotely. No Mountains Left To Scale Yet You’re Ravenous As The Day You Began Your Senseless Climb Up The Ladder. Your Face Is Smeared With Viscera Of Your Enemies And Your Hands Are Sticky With the Sugary Saps Of Profit So Your Staff Now Handle All Paperwork. You Are One of One


Bud greets the Senior Executive Senior Vice President and calls him the best of the best, as he fights and kills all of his co-workers. This is to achieve the top position that signifies him as the best of the best and the exact type of person Vault-Tec needs to "Steer the Ship".

Bud then explains how all state-of-the-art ships, Vault-Tec, run automatically by computers so advanced that they can't be comprehended or controlled. Hence, it's the Senior Executive Senior Vice President's job to make sagacious decisions, all while projecting stability and intimidation. It's also the Senior Executive Senior Vice President's job to develop creative strategies that'd guarantee corporate continuity, even after the inevitable war.

To achieve this, it's the Senior Executive Senior Vice President's fiduciary responsibility to monitor certain "numbers" and ensure all returns are made to investors, even after doomsday. Thankfully, with modern technology, this can be done anywhere, as the Senior Executive Senior Vice President uses a typewriter to draft something all while attending an opera. One such place is a yacht where a real captain helming your ship.

Two places are promoted where you can perform your work; those are your boat or your newly decked-out office, where your friends and family will be closed off from you. Bud assures that the Senior Executive Senior Vice President isn't out of touch, because the uniform framed on the wall proves his humble origins. It's also suggested that the Senior Executive Senior Vice President have his staff invoke it when conducting layoffs.

Sitting at a table with his pregnant wife and terminally ill son, the Senior Executive Senior Vice President is told by Bud that his attention is too valuable to be focusing on the small things. Switching to when his wife gives birth to their newborn child, the Senior Executive Senior Vice President dashes off as he needs to focus on his work. That's because there is no today or tomorrow, only forever.

Behind the scenes[]


Fallout TV series