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44F - The Last Station: New Wave (1): This is the three hundred and thirty-sixth chapter of Volume 2 of Tower of God. It follows the end of the Battle at the Last Station, as Baam and the others escape and Jinsung is taken prisoner by Maschenny.


Ship Leesoo comes to the rescue with a ship, allowing Baam and Androssi to escape from Kallavan. However, Kallavan in a last ditch effort tries to stop them, but is stopped by Evankhell's flame. The Regulars teleport away using the Last Station's warp drive, leaving Evankhell and Kallavan behind. With the regulars gone, Evankhell is free to use her full power, using Festival of Flames to try to clean up the rest of Zahard's Army.

Evan Edrok arrives in a ship and tries to help Yuri and Karaka escape, but Yuri refuses, saying she will confront her father about Baam. Karaka is surprised by Yuri resolve to stand her ground and not run away. Yuri, explains that she is a direct descendant of the Ha Family and a Princess of Zahard they could not kill her that easily even if they wanted to. Evan leaves with Karaka, with his next goal being to wake up Khun.

As Karaka leaves with Evan, his servants also decides to follow suit, leaving only Evankhell as the last combatant. However, as Evankhell's flames dissipates, Evankhell has also escaped, leaving no enemies of Zahard behind. The scene shows many destroyed ships, Zahard forces in disarray, and Kallavan leting out a cry of anger, as he just made the mistake of his lifetime. Charlie and the Vice Altar Director are wondering what will happen, but they are interrupted by Stuah Arthur, who tells them that Kallavan intends to pursue the regulars. Elpathion worried about Kallavan's condition asks if he truly intends to pursue, which Kallavan responds that he will personally make sure that Baam is killed.

Somewhere far away from the battle, the Last Station arrives with all the regulars and other combatants that escaped. Baam breaks down in tears as he laments his own weakness, as his companions tries to comfort him.

Elsewhere, Maschenny looks over an unconscious Ha Jinsung, who she has captured on her prison ship, noting that due to his injuries he won't wake up for a while. She is asked over the Pocket why she is keeping him alive, which she responds that he has way more impressive connections than you would think. However, to Maschenny's surprise Jinsung wakes up, immediately asking about the status of Baam. Maschenny confirms Baam is still alive, but wonders why a High Ranker would sacrifice himself for a regular. Jinsung then asks why she is doing this to him, which she responds that wants to make the tower a "Bloody Mess" and Baam is the key to achieving this goal.

On Ha Cheonhee's warship, Rachel and Ha Yura are still imprisoned, with Yuri in specially made chains. Dorian Frog if Cheonhee truly wants to stay back and not join Kallavan in his pursuit, which Cheonhee responds that they would not be very much help to Kallavan anyway. However, cutting their conversation short, a floating castle warps in front of Cheonhee's warship. The giant floating castle towers over the warships and it shown that it is Gustang's floating castle.

Back to Maschenny's prison ship, Jinsung tells Maschenny to not overestimate herself and that no one truly knows what Baam can become in the future. Meanwhile, Evankhell has taken an interest in Baam and want take him on as a student.



Naver Endnote[]

Evankhell, the #1 teacher that makes your grades go up through infernal lectures.[1]

Blog Post[]

Recently, I've heard that a Drama named skyCastle is popular. I don't have too much time so I don't watch it regularly, but when I saw it briefly during my mealtime, Wow it was fun. If you had a tutor like Evankhell, you'd probably study at least because you don't like dying, right? Well, there are a lot of students who would rather die than study, so maybe not haha. [TN: unintentional suicide joke on my part]


This chapter was Team Baam's grand escape, but on a personal level, it perhaps can be considered as Baam's turning point, as well a turning point for Yuri's life. Yuri from before may have been doing her own thing but never crossing a certain line. However, she seems to have crossed that certain line in this arc. When I was planning out and expanding on the Tower of God lore, I considered having multiple narrative protagonists, and there was a real chance it could have been like that with Yuri as one of the protagonists. Well, it's Baam as the 1 -person protagonist right now, but there's some chance we'll get Yuri-centered arcs later.


Kallavan is still somewhat obsessed with Baam, haha. Since Kallavan was someone who respected Ha Jinsung, his feelings on Baam, someone who Ha Jinsung wanted to protect with his life, are probably mixed, but as a Corp Commander of Zahard's Army, Irregulars are his biggest enemy, no way around it. ​ Well, technically, Urek would be priority number one if you thought about it like that, but.. he too strong... and doesn't care about Zahard... Regardless, to Kallavan, Baam is a target for removal, but a being who cannot be easily removed, strangely enough.


In order for Baam to face off against Kallavan or the military, it looks like it will be important for him to find allies like Evankhell, and more companions.

Well, could Evankhell, the teacher from the firey depths of hell have Baam as a pupil? Please look forward to a heart(?)warming chapter, sure to warm you up in the cold winter coming next week for Tower of God.


These days, now that I have a bit more sparetime, I've been reading the comments iiib the afterwords, and considering other methods of communication. I say the same thing every year it seems, but I have a lot I need to do, a lo I want to do, but time and my age keeps following by ^^ ​ ​Many things are changing, but I am thankful for all of you guys who unchangingly encourage me, telling me that without change you are reading. Whenever it's hard and think to myself how someone is finding strength through reading this work, it's exhilerating, but at the same time pressuring. Although I lack capacity to grant such big happiness, but if we can exchange happiness and encouragement for just a moment, perhaps that has its own merit, I think. Have a warm and healthy and happy week.

See you next week!

Thank you ^^ ​



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Part II (The Return of the Prince)
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Part II (The Last Station arc)
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