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Tower of God Wiki

44F - The Last Station: Kallavan (5): This is the three hundred and thirty-first chapter of Volume 2 of Tower of God. It continues the fight at the Last Station, with Baam getting support from White and Karaka, while Jinsung lost his fight to Kallavan


Androssi left with the hostages, except Rachel and Yura, who were left behind. Androssi does a headcount, but they are missing Irure, who was taken by Drak. Meanwhile, Hwa Ryun has found a teleporter on the Last Station, which even Lee Soyong did not know about. However, Miseng is keeping tabs on Baam, who is engaged in combat with the High Ranker Bright Sharon.

Androssi asks if Baam needs any help, but Baam says he's fine and tells Androssi to get to the station. While this is happening, Yu Han Sung tries to help Baam, but he is too far away and Zahard's Army's defenses are too strong. Bright Sharon attacks Baam, with Baam using the Black March to defend. But before the attack lands, Karaka and White defend Baam against Bright Sharon's attack. With both Slayers back Bright Sharon wonders how they escaped prison. It is revealed that Evan broke the slayers free in the chaos of the battle. Meanwhile, Baam does not want White's help and even lightly attacks him from behind, but eventually comes to terms with cooperating with the Slayers.

In another place in the tower, Kallavan has pushed Jinsung into a corner, leaving in a battered state. While Kallavan is battering Jinsung, Jinsung tries to question Kallavan dedications to picking on Regulars, but Kallavan says that it is necessary to avoid change that will lead to pain and conlfict. Kallavan uses Backlash: Big Bomber and lands a direct hit, which Jinsung responds with a transcendent skill he never taught Baam, which is an Ultimate flare wave explosion called Dragon Tiger Gate. This attack leaves a large gaping wound in Kallavan stomach, which Jinsung believe ends their fight. However, Kallavan grabs his hands and crushes them, lamenting that he really would be dead if Jinsung followed up with another attack. Jinsung tries to respond, but he is attacked from behind by Maschenny, which is the last straw in this fight for Jinsung. Jinsung crumbles and falls unconscious, while silently apologising to Viole for not being able to see him again.



Naver Endnote[]

Oh..., no.[1]

Blog Post[]


For this week's afterwords, I drew Ha Jinsung. Since he's been fighitng for a few weeks now, so unintentionally (...) I'm having to draw cigarettes and lollipops back to back;

There was no reason why I decided to make him a martial artist with a smoking problem. I needed to give Baam a martial arts teacher, and he needed to look like a middle-aged man. And middle-age men smoke. So it goes (...) At first I wanted him to look like the main protagonist of a noir film, but he just ended up being a gag character with a perm.. So he's become a very strong character who is just a friendly neighborhood old guy for Baam.

Since this week was mostly fight scenes so there's not too much to say in the afterwords, but Baam... how do I say this... takes things in pretty easily ^^; The Thorn, the Black March... But he's not able to control them masterfully yet hehe. He looks strong, but he still has a ways to go...

In Kallavan and Ha Jinsung's fight...I put in a lot of effort but it still felt short. It's not easy ^^; I want to be able to express this better, but I'm trying my best and trying to feel satisfaction over it huhu.

And the last scene...

I guess it's genetic for Khuns to backstab (...) This battle's devolving into a chaotic chaos [TN: Korean Meme that doesn't translate well]. Mr. Jinsung..... ㅠ

Well, how this chaotic battle of chaos turns out, stay tuned for next week ^^ The weather is very very cold, so everyone take care of yourselves and dress warmly. See you all next week.

Thank you!



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Part II (The Return of the Prince)
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Part II (The Last Station arc)
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