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44F - The Last Station: Kallavan (4): This is the three hundred and thirtieth chapter of Volume 2 of Tower of God. It follows the continuation of the battle of the Last Station, where Yuri fights Cheonhee, Baam defends against Charlie, and Jinsung fights Kallavan.


Ha Cheonhee and Ha Yuri Zahard is in a stand-off with Cheonhee threatening to capture Yuri by force, which Yuri responds with asking Cheonhee if she is not showing her true colors a bit too soon. The confrontation continues with Cheonhee claiming Yuri still has a casual attitude and that Yuri is not fit to be a Princess, which leads into a flashback to when Yuri was climbing the Tower.

In a Ha Family training ground D-Rank Regular Yuri is thanking Cheonhee for her lesson. Cheonhee tells Yuri she is a bit too casual in the way she moves and she has to focus, with Yuri responding she will practice a hundred times to get it right. An attendant asks how Yuri is doing, with Cheonhee answering she is excellent and will have no trouble becoming a ranker. The attendant says it is obvious, since Yuri is the most talented person in the family. Cheonhee reacts to the praise of Yuri by saying excessive praise is not good for anyone. However, it is revealed that A-Rank Regular Cheonhee do not think Yuri is the most talented person in the family, since she has a weak punch, with it being insinuated that Cheonhee believes herself to be more talented.

Back to present time, Cheonhee continues on her rant about Yuri. Cheonhee reveals she has thought for a long time that Yuri's nonchalant personality, casual way of talking, and casual way of acting makes her ineligible for the status of princess. Cheonhee thought that becoming a princess might have straightened her out, but Yuri has only become less responsible. Cheonhee continues her rant by saying that if Yuri is just going to harm the Ha Family reputation she might as well die right here and now. Cheonhee ends by asking why the Family Head likes Yuri so much, which Yuri responds with saying that she has always been pretty. Yuri goes further saying that anyone would agree she is prettier than Cheonhee, which only pisses off Cheonhee more.

Androssi Zahard has reached the hostages and with help from Yeo Miseng's Observer she tries to leave with them to the nearest warship. The Vice Altar Director tries to stop the Androssi, but Twenty-Fifth Baam blocks his path with an attack, which causes Vice Altar Director to ask Charlie to stop him. However, when Charlie tries to use White Noise to attack Baam again, Baam just absorbs it with Shinwonryu. Charlie after some brainstorming comes to the conclusion that a close quarter fight would be most in his own favor, which leads to Charlie charging Baam. Baam notices and uses Black March: Endless Sky against Charlie, which makes him dodge and wonder if he truly heard right, that Baam said Black March. However, before Charlie can focus up again, several large needles with four-sided cross-guards appear out of Evankhell's inferno, with Ari Bright Sharon in tow. Sharon demands to know how Baam acquired the Black March, which she follows up with saying she is sensing some intense power from the Thorn. Sharon also says she now understands why Elpathion sent her over to Baam and that she will get rid of him.

Meanwhile, the fight between Ha Jinsung and Kallavan continues, as Kallavan explains that he is much more durable than the Ha Family members. Jinsung thanks Kallavan for teaching him that fact, before showing his vision being blurry due to Kallavan's last attack. Kallavan continues his speech by saying that Jinsung's advantage a Ha Family disappear around him and that Jinsung should brace himself for a new world of pain. However, Jinsung calmly responds that he does not know why the Ha Family is only known for their thick skin, but thinks it might be because of the younger generations using their bodies as sandbags without any skills. Jinsung continues by saying that the Ha Family actually are hand to hand technique specialists, before using Jinsung Ha - Style: Shinsu Boost and attacking Kallavan with Iron Defense. Jinsung retorts that Kallavan has never fought anyone like him and that even in the Ha Family he is a very special person, as Kallavan cracks his nose back in place. Kallavan says that he will keep that in mind before engaging him in a bout of hand to hand combat, which ends with Jinsung pushing him away with the attack Demonic Storm. One of Kallavan's subordinates asks if they should help, but Nyono Wan says that they would only get in the way and that Kallavan has not unleashed his power yet.

Kallavan asks Jinsung whether he wants to know what he saw when he obtained the Essence of Bravery, with Jinsung asking what he saw, which leads into a flashback narrated by Kallavan. About 3000 years ago, Kallavan decided to take the 'Essence of Bravery' after hearing what Jinsung said to him. When Kallvan broke the statue he felt regret and relief, as well as fear and excitement about the power he was about to obtain. When he touched the 'Essence of Bravery' he saw the past. In the past he saw the back of a man, a man which was massive with every muscle in the right, the complete master of martial arts. Kallavan saw this man going from battlefield to battlefield, fighting till the blood flowed like a river and once when he stood atop a mountain of corpses he realized something, as he soon after sealed himself away in a gem. However, right before he sealed himself inside the gem Kallavan saw his eyes for the first time, these were not the eyes of a warrior, but a man filled with regret and sadness. Kallavan ultimately gained his power from this man, which Kallavan ultimately regretted, as Kallavan thought the same fate might happen to him.

Back to present time, Kallavan continues explaining that this caused him to not take Jinsung's offer and try and stay in his home town forever. Jinsung asks what changed, which Kallavan responds that staying in his home town won't make tragedies or wars disappear, but if he unites the tower under this overwhelming power there would peace. Kallavan declares that he has made up his mind that he is going to unite everyone under this power. Jinsung is baffled by this conclusion, as he gave Kallavan as that help and he turned into a psychopath. Kallavan says he realizes that his power alone is not enough, which is why he is going make everyone surrender to the the king Zahard. Kallavan ends his explanation with saying that anyone that stands against his utopia will be vanquished. Jinsung says that the psychopaths with a conviction is the scariest kind and that he was correct in stopping him from reaching the Last Station, before Kallavan attacks him with Atomic Explosion.



Naver Endnote[]

The non-smoking evangelist Kallavan[1]

Blog Post[]


This week's afterwords art is Viole with a lollipop (NOT a cigerette)...

This week's chapter has a lot of fight scenes, it seems. Huff huff.

While Baam's front looks like a chaotic fight, the Ha Jinsung-Kallavan front will feel more classic. A 1:1 fight may be unnatural in some regards, but it's also quite epic.

I know there will be a lot of debate on Baam's power level, and one thing's for sure: if Baam brings up all his strength for a moment to attack, Rankers may feel threatened..? The thing is that fights are not decided by strength alone. However, Baam's potential is starting to be expressed at a horrifyingly powerful level it seems. Of course, there's still a ways to go on that ^^;

On Ha Jinsung's fight: I personally like the Ha clan. They have this sense of "No matter what, charge forward" mentally, and feel more human than the other 10 Families hehe. Of course, their physical capacity is extremely unhuman...

Kallavan, like I said last time, is a counter to the Ha clan. His body is already well-trained, but his source of power isn't simply physical strength either...

Anyway, the fight between Kallavan and Ha Jinsung is a great battle of two High Rankers, to be recorded in the history of the Tower. Mr. Ha Jinsung should first cut smoking hehe. How the process and end will be, I hope you look forward to it next week, ^^

Actually, these days I tell myself not to work harder but to do better, but to do better is not easy. Whenever something doesn't go the way I want it to, when I face hardship, I end up looking for a way to cope even though I know that living more dilligently is more important hehe. Not running away from your problems but still living happily: it's hard work..

Weather is getting cold these days, so please stay healthy, and have a blessed week.

Thank you! ^^



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Part II (The Return of the Prince)
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Part II (The Last Station arc)
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