Minecraft Wiki
For mobs in original games of Minecraft Dungeons, see Mob.

A mob is an AI-driven game entity resembling a living creature. The term "mob" is short for "mobile entity". There are several mobs exclusively found in Minecraft Dungeons that are not present in the base game, Minecraft. The mobs in Minecraft Dungeons are mainly divided into two categories - Enemies and Friendlies.

List of Mobs[]


BatFace (Dungeons) ClamFace CowFace GlowSquidFace HorseFace (Dungeons) KeyGolemFace OcelotFace PandaFace (Dungeons) PigFace PiggyBankFace PufferfishFace RabbitFace (Dungeons)
Bat (ambiance) Clam Cow Glow Squid Horse Key Golem Ocelot Panda Pig Piggy Bank Pufferfish Rabbit
SheepFace (Dungeons) SquidFace TargetDummyFace TowerKeeperFace TropicalFishBody TurtleFace (Dungeons) VillagerFace WispFace WolfFace WoolyCowFace
Sheep Squid Target Dummy Tower Keeper Tropical Fish Turtle Villager Wisp Wolf (ambiance) Wooly Cow


Main article: MCD:Merchant
Dungeons BlacksmithFace EnchantsmithFace GiftWrapperFace GildsmithFace LuxuryMerchantFace
Blacksmith Enchantsmith Gift Wrapper Gildsmith Luxury Merchant
MysteryMerchantFace PiglinMerchantFace PowersmithFace UniquesmithFace VillageMerchantFace
Mystery Merchant Piglin Merchant Powersmith Uniquesmith Village Merchant


Main article: MCD:Pet (summonable)
BatFace (Dungeons) BeeFace EnchantedSheepFace GuardianVexFace IronGolemFace (Dungeons) TraderLlamaFace (Dungeons) SoulWizardFace WolfFace
Bat Bee Enchanted Sheep Guardian Vex Iron Golem Llama Soul Wizard Wolf


Main article: MCD:Pet (cosmetic)

Pets that can be summoned by the hero, but are non-attackable passive mobs in-game. These pets cannot attack mobs, They have unused health value but won't take any type of damage.

SnowFoxFace AxolotlFace ChickenFace DairyCowFace BabyGhastFace BabyGoatFace MoobloomFace PigFace PiebaldPigFace SootyPigFace
Arctic Fox Axolotl (Leucistic) Baby Chicken Baby Dairy Cow Baby Ghast Baby Goat Baby Moobloom Baby Pig Baby Piebald Pig Baby Sooty Pig
BabySquidFace TurtleFace (Dungeons) WoolyCowFace BrownTabbyFace CalicoCatFace CinnamonFerretFace CluckshroomFace DarkBabyGoatFace DesertRabbitFace DuckFace
Baby Squid Baby Turtle Baby Wooly Cow Brown Tabby Calico Cat Cinnamon Ferret Cluckshroom Dark Baby Goat Desert Rabbit Duck
EmperorPenguinFace EndermitePetFace (Dungeons) FancyChickenFace FoxFace GlowingMiniAbominationFace GlowingMinistrosityFace GoldenAxolotlFace GoldenParrotFace GreyTabbyFace HedgehogFace
Emperor Penguin Endermite Fancy Chicken Fox Glowing Mini Abomination Glowing Ministrosity Golden Axolotl Golden Parrot Grey Tabby Hedgehog
MiniAbominationFace MoleFace ParrotFace RedPhantomFace RacoonFace RavenFace RoyalPenguinFace RedCatFace RedPandaFace RedstoneMinistrosityFace
Mini Abomination Mole Parrot Phantom Familiar Racoon Raven Royal Penguin Red Cat Red Panda Redstone Ministrosity
RubyBabyTurtleFace SableFerretFace SkunkFace SpottedBabyPigFace StoneMinistrosityFace ToucanFace VestedRabbitFace BrownAxolotlFace ZombifiedBabyPigFace
Ruby Baby Turtle Sable Ferret Skunk Spotted Baby Pig Stone Ministrosity Toucan Vested Rabbit Wild Axolotl Zombified Baby Pig


DolphinFace GoatFace LlamaFace (Dungeons) PolarBearFace (Dungeons)
Dolphin Goat Llama Polar Bear


DrownedFace ZombieFace (Dungeons) ChickenJockeyFace ChickenJockeyMultipleFace DrownedFace (Dungeons) FrozenZombieFace HuskFace JungleZombieFace
Baby Drowned Baby Zombie Chicken Jockey Chicken Jockey Tower Drowned Frozen Zombie Husk Jungle Zombie
MossySkeletonFace NecromancerFace PhantomFace SkeletonFace (Dungeons) SkeletonHorseFace StrayFace (Dungeons) SunkenSkeletonFace
Mossy Skeleton Necromancer Phantom Skeleton Skeleton Horse Stray Sunken Skeleton
DrownedFace (Dungeons) TowerWraithFace SkeletonVanguardFace WitherSkeletonFace (Dungeons) WitherSkeletonFace (Dungeons) WraithFace ZombieFace (Dungeons)
Trident Drowned Tower Wraith Vanguard Wither Skeleton Wither Skeleton Archer Wraith Zombie

EnchanterFace GeomancerFace IceologerFace Mountaineer face PillagerFace (Dungeons) RampartCaptainFace
Enchanter Geomancer Iceologer Mountaineer Pillager Rampart Captain
RavagerFace (Dungeons) RoyalGuardFace TowerGuardFace VindicatorFace (Dungeons) VindicatorChefFace WindCallerFace
Ravager Royal Guard Tower Guard Vindicator Vindicator Chef Wind Caller


BlastlingFace EndermiteFace (Dungeons) ShulkerFace SnarelingFace WatchlingFace
Blastling Endermite Shulker Snareling Watchling
ChargedCreeperFace (Dungeons) CreeperFace (Dungeons) IcyCreeperFace LeapleafFace MooshroomFace (Dungeons) PurpleSlimeFace PoisonAnemoneFace
Charged Creeper Creeper Icy Creeper Leapleaf Mooshroom Pink Slime Poison Anemone
PoisonQuillVineFace QuickGrowingAnemoneFace QuickGrowingVine SlimeFace (Dungeons) TropicalSlimeFace (Dungeons) WavewhispererFace WhispererFace
Poison-Quill Vine Quick Growing Kelp Quick Growing Vine Slime Tropical Slime Wavewhisperer Whisperer

FungusThrowerFace HoglinFace (Dungeons) PiglinFace (Dungeons) PiglinHunterFace ZombifiedFungusThrowerFace ZombifiedPiglinFace (Dungeons) ZombifiedPiglinHunterFace
Fungus Thrower Hoglin Piglin Piglin Hunter Zombified Fungus Thrower Zombified Piglin Zombified Piglin Hunter

BlazeFace BlazeSpawnerFace CaveSpiderFace (Dungeons) ChickenFace GuardianFace MagmaCubeFace (Dungeons) SpawnerFace
Blaze Blaze Spawner Cave Spider Chicken Guardian Magma Cube Mob Spawner
RedstoneCubeFace SilverfishFace SpiderFace (Dungeons) SquallGolemFace VexFace (Dungeons) WitchFace (Dungeons)
Redstone Cube Silverfish Spider Squall Golem Vex Witch


Main article: MCD:Powerful
DrownedNecromancerFace ElderGuardianFace EndermanFace (Dungeons) EndersentFace EvokerFace (Dungeons) GhastFace
Drowned Necromancer Elder Guardian Enderman Endersent Evoker Ghast
IllusionerFace (Dungeons) PillagerRaidCaptainFace RedstoneGolemFace SkeletonHorsemanFace (Dungeons) VindicatorRaidCaptainFace WildfireFace
Illusioner Pillager Raid Captain Redstone Golem Skeleton Horseman Vindicator Raid Captain Wildfire


Main article: MCD:Boss
AncientGuardianFace Arch-IllagerFace CorruptedCauldronFace HeartOfEnderFace JungleAbominationFace MooshroomMonstrosityFace NamelessOneFace
Ancient Guardian Arch-Illager Corrupted Cauldron Heart of Ender Jungle Abomination Mooshroom Monstrosity Nameless One
RsMonstrosityFace Tempest Golem Face TreetopWhispererFace VengefulHeartOfEnderFace WretchedWraithFace
Redstone Monstrosity Tempest Golem Treetop Whisperer Vengeful Heart of Ender Wretched Wraith


Main article: MCD:Ancient
T AncientMobIcon Mooshroom T AncientMobIcon Spider T AncientMobIcon Elder T AncientMobIcon Wraith T AncientMobIcon Skeleton T AncientMobIcon SkeletonVanguard T AncientMobIcon Enchanter T AncientMobIcon Geomancer T AncientMobIcon Zombie
????? Abominable Weaver Abyssal Eye Ancient Terror Barrage Cursed Presence First Enchanter Frostwarden Grim Guardian
T AncientMobIcon SkeletonNecromancer T AncientMobIcon Slime T AncientMobIcon Witch T AncientMobIcon Silverfish T AncientMobIcon Pillager T AncientMobIcon Vex T AncientMobIcon Snarling T AncientMobIcon Zombie T AncientMobIcon ChickenJockey
Haunted Caller Oozing Menace Pestilent Conjurer Scuttling Torment Solemn Giant The Seeking Flame The Swarm The Tiny Scourge The Tower
T AncientMobIcon MobSpawner T AncientMobIcon Leaper T AncientMobIcon Redstonegolem T AncientMobIcon Hoglin T AncientMobIcon Drowned T AncientMobIcon RoyalGuard T AncientMobIcon Endling T AncientMobIcon Goat
The Unending Thundering Growth Unbreakable One Unstoppable Tusk Vengeful Mariner Vigilant Scoundrel Watcher of The End Windbeard

Technical Mobs[]

These features appear in specific missions. Some of them do not look like regular mobs. However, the in-game data file shows that they are both an "entity" and a "mob".

Summonable Entities[]

AbominationVine AncientBiomineFace EvokerFangsFace GeomancerBombFace GeomancerWallFace IceChunkFace
Abomination Vine Biomine Evoker Fang Geomancer Bomb Geomancer Wall Ice Chunk

Map Structure[]

BlueNethershroomFace FireflyFaceDungeons GargoyleFace Minecart (Dungeons) RedstoneSentryFace StriderFace VultureFace RedCarpet
Blue Nethershroom Firefly Gargoyle Minecart Redstone Sentry Strider Vulture Woodland Sentry

Shared Origin Mobs[]

These mobs share renders with other mobs or are the same mob with a different design.

HeartOfEnderFace ArmorerFace GlowSquidFace FakeAncientGuardianFace NamelessOneFace ImperfectHeartOfEnderFace IllusionerFace (Dungeons)
Arch Visage Captured Blacksmith Eponymous Squid Fake Ancient Guardian False King Imperfect Heart of Ender Illusioner Clone

Cinematic Mobs[]

Main article: MCD:Cinematic
OrbFace UnidentifiedEndIllagerFace TraderLlamaFace (Dungeons) WanderingTraderFace
Orb of Dominance Unidentified end illager Trader Llama Wandering Trader

Unseen Mobs[]

Main article: MCD:Unseen

Mobs that are only mentioned in items, missions, or canon books.

These mobs don't have a official design:

Unimplemented mobs[]

Main article: MCD:Unused features

Unimplemented mobs are mobs that were in the beta version but possibly scrapped mid development or were planned but not actually added, and are not planned to be added. Mobs that were found in trailers or in other media, but are not in the game files are also included.

ArmoredMountaineerFace2 ClamCatFace width=64x64 CodBody Dungeons Jack'o'LanternFace JellieCatFace VillagerFace OtterFace QuestGiverFace SalmonBody WebSpiderFace
Beta Mountaineer Clam Cat Clam Easter Egg Cod Jack o' Lantern Jellie Cat Mason Otter Retired Adventurer Salmon Web Spider

These ancient mobs icon can be located in the game UI material file, it is unknown if they will be implemented later or not.

T AncientMobIcon Blaze T AncientMobIcon CaveSpider T AncientMobIcon Creeper T AncientMobIcon Enderman T AncientMobIcon Evoker T AncientMobIcon FrozenZombie
Ancient Blaze Ancient Cave Spider Ancient Creeper Ancient Enderman Ancient Evoker Ancient Frozen Zombie
T AncientMobIcon FungusThrower T AncientMobIcon Ghast T AncientMobIcon HoveringInferno T AncientMobIcon Husk T AncientMobIcon Iceologer T AncientMobIcon JungleZombie
Ancient Fungus Thrower Ancient Ghast Ancient Wildfire Ancient Husk Ancient Iceologer Ancient Jungle Zombie
T AncientMobIcon MagmaCube T AncientMobIcon MossySkeleton T AncientMobIcon PiglinMelee T AncientMobIcon PiglinRanged T AncientMobIcon Redstonecube T AncientMobIcon SkeletonHorseman
Ancient Magma Cube Ancient Mossy Skeleton Ancient Piglin Ancient Piglin Hunter Ancient Redstone Cube Ancient Skeleton Horseman
T AncientMobIcon Stray T AncientMobIcon SunkenSkeleton T AncientMobIcon Vindicator T AncientMobIcon WindCaller T AncientMobIcon WitherSkeletonMelee T AncientMobIcon WitherSkeletonRanged
Ancient Stray Ancient Sunken Skeleton Ancient Vindicator Ancient Wind Caller Ancient Wither Skeleton Ancient Wither Skeleton Archer

List of Arcade Exclusive Mobs[]

Summonable Mobs[]

Main article: MCD:Summonable
ChickenFace FoxFace GoatFace OcelotFace PandaFace (Dungeons) PigFace PolarBearFace (Dungeons)
Chicken Fox Goat Ocelot Panda Pig Polar Bear

Hostile Mobs[]

FrozenZombieFace (Dungeons Arcade) HuskFace (Dungeons Arcade) JungleZombieFace (Dungeons Arcade) MossySkeletonFace (Dungeons Arcade) RoyalGuardFace MageFace MossySkeletonFace (Dungeons Arcade) SkeletonFace (Dungeons) SunkenSkeletonFace StrayFace (Dungeons Arcade)
Frozen Zombie Husk Jungle Zombie Mossy Skeleton Giant Royal Guard Mage Melee Mossy Skeleton Melee Skeleton Melee Sunken Skeleton Stray


GiantCaveSpiderFace GiantRoyalGuardFace ObsidianMonstrosityFace
Giant Cave Spider Giant Royal Guard Obsidian Monstrosity

Unused Mobs[]

The mobs only have their name in the game data file. Unlike unimplemented mobs that have in-game textures, sounds, or appear in the official trailer. All of these mobs are based on mobs from various editions of Minecraft.

AgentFace MonsterOfTheOceanDepthsFace DonkeyFace EnderdragonFace MuleFace NPCFace SnowGolemFace WitherFace ZombieHorseFace ZombieVillagerFace
Agent Barnacle Donkey Ender Dragon Mule NPC Snow Golem Wither Zombie Horse Zombie Villager

Mob Drops[]

Main article: MCD:Drops

Most mobs always drops experience and souls upon death. Drop chance depends on level JSON data:

Mobs also have a small chance to drop random rarity equipment based on the hero's current level.

Powerful mobs always drop more emeralds upon death, as well as having a chance to drop high rarity equipment.

Bosses always drop emeralds and random rarity equipment upon death.

Ancient mobs always drop random rarity gilded items upon death, and other Ancient Hunt mobs may drop Gold.


Main article: Achievement
Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
A Friend in Need
Use artifacts to summon the Wolf, Llama and Iron Golem allies at least once each.30GSilver
Ancient Hunter
Defeat 15 different ancient mobs in Ancient Hunts.50GSilver
Blast Radius
Kill any 10 mobs at once with TNT.30GSilver
Break the Spell
Defeat 50 enchanted mobs.30GSilver
Diamond Sword
Defeat 2,500 mobs.30GSilver
High Treason
Defeat the Arch-Illager on Apocalypse difficulty.100GGold
During Ancient Hunts, bring a wolf, a bat and a soul entity to visit familiar locations.10GBronze
Locally Sourced
Have 6 merchants in your camp at once.Have these merchants appear together at camp: the blacksmith, the gift wrapper, the village merchant, the luxury merchant, the mystery merchant, and the piglin merchant.10GBronze
Passive Aggressive
Defeat 50 passive mobs.10GBronze
Saved The Overworld
Defeat the Arch-Illager at the Obsidian Pinnacle.100GGold
Wooden Sword
Defeat 50 mobs.10GBronze
Jungle Fungus
Defeat the mooshroom monstrosity using only gear unique to the jungle.Defeat the mooshroom monstrosity with only the following items: whip, vine whip, ocelot armor, shadow walker, or corrupted seeds.30GGold
Leader of the Pack
Wear the ocelot armor and complete any mission featuring ocelots without killing any of them.While wearing ocelot armor, complete Dingy Jungle, Panda Plateau, or Overgrown Temple without killing a single ocelot.10GGold
Chill Out
Defeat 5 mobs with a single ice wand attack.10GSilver
A Taste of Their Own Medicine
Using the updraft tome, cast Updraft on three wind callers at once.10GSilver
Giant Slayer
Defeat a ravager and a squall golem within 5 seconds of each other.20GSilver
Herd Mentality
Defeat the tempest golem while four pets are active.20GGold
Whirlwind Warrior
Using the tempest knife, defeat 10 mountaineer mobs within 10 seconds.Kill 10 mountaineers or armored mountaineers within 10 seconds using only the tempest knife, resolute tempest knife, or the chill gale knife.10GSilver
Bubble Trouble
Using the bubble bow, have 10 mobs bubbled at the same time.10GBronze
Gone Fishin'
Hit each type of underwater mob with the fishing rod.10GBronze
Iceologer's Revenge
Kill a glow squid using an ice wand.20GBronze
Seafood Skewer
Defeat 10 mobs with a single trident explosion.20GBronze

See also[]


  • The sound files or behavior animations are known as "Novelty".
  • If a hero's enchantment is used by a mob, some of that enchantment's effects turn it purple (examples are Fire Trail and Poison Cloud).
  • If any mob is 32 blocks away from the hero, its animation stops to prevent the game from crashing.
  • Unlike the original game, the value of mob damage depends on mob data instead of weapon data. The ranged and melee weapons used by mobs are only a part of render and decoration, and does not cause additional damage to mobs and heroes. For example, axes held by vindicators are renders. Ladles used by vindicator chefs are skins of axes instead of unique items.
  • Bows and crossbows used by mobs do not have any animation when used. However, a hero's bow has a bowstring animation, although there is no arrow on the bowstring when the bow is drawn. (Not include Minecraft Dungeons Arcade.)
  • Most mobs have default animation or "Get Hit" animations in game files, however some of their legs position or whole animation is unused in game or used in Minecraft Dungeons Arcade only.
  • The Achievement "Iceologer's Revenge" is a reference to Minecraft Live 2020, since the description is mocking the fact the Glow Squid had won that year.



Minecraft Dungeons entities 
