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Gear (item)
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  • Replace the cooldown video with that of the fishing rod - it is too long
  • Seperate out artifact stats and cooldown

ARTIFACTS – These rare objects are imbued with mysterious powers and are awarded to you each time you complete a level. Artifacts can also be found in black and silver loot chests. They are best used in moments of dire need – when you're swarmed or facing a malevolent boss mob.

Guide to Minecraft Dungeons: A Handbook for Heroes

The term artifact refers to a category of items that can equipped by the hero to temporarily summon pets, enhance or heal themselves or other heroes, or attack and weaken mobs. The hero can have up to three artifacts equipped at any one time.

There are currently 46 known artifacts. This includes a single unique, the Corrupted Pumpkin, which is a unique Corrupted Beacon which is only obtainable during the Spooky Fall event. All are obtainable except for the Totem of Soul Protection, which was an unused artifact seen in the game's trailer.

There are two types of artifacts: ones that require (and grant) souls, and ones that do not. Soul-based artifacts generally have shorter cooldown times, and always come with +1 soul gathering.


Ways artifacts can be obtained:


Artifact Cooldown (MCD)

Cooldown Sequence

Artifacts have a cooldown period between uses, during which they cannot be used, unequipped, or switched with a different Artifact from the inventory. Artifact cooldowns are independent from one another. For example, equipping two Corrupted Beacons and using one of them will only cause a cooldown on the one that was used.

Cooldowns can be reduced by equipping armor with cooldown reduction properties, such as the Evocation Robe, Battle Robe and its unique variants, or enchanting armor with Cool Down or Cooldown Shot, which can be used to trim down cooldown time on artifacts that are already on cooldown.

Damaging artifacts[]

Artifacts that output damage to mobs with no other notable affects.

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location[1] Ancient Hunt Runes
Corrupted Beacon (MCD) +1 soul gathering

Summons a beam that does incredibly heavy damage to enemies. Cooldown 2.5 seconds.

Updraft Tome (MCD) Sends six mobs into the air, and then releases them, dealing fall damage.
Harvester (MCD) Creates a giant explosion near the player, consuming souls and dealing medium damage.
  • +1 Soul Gathering.
  • 4.0 second cooldown
Lightning Rod (MCD) Summons a lightning bolt to attack the enemy at the cost of souls. Heavy damage.
  • +1 Soul Gathering.
  • 1.5 second cooldown
Scatter Mines (MCD) Summons three mines, which denotate upon contact. Similar to Redstone Golem's Mines. Allies no longer take damage from this artifact.
Blast Fungus (MCD) Flames of the Nether Shoots three blast fungus, which automatically detonate.
Spinblade (MCD) Flames of the Nether Ricochets off mobs, damaging them and eventually returning to the player.
Eye of the Guardian (MCD) Hidden Depths Fires a continuous laser beam at mobs, similar to the Corrupted Beacon and Corrupted Pumpkin, but doesn't use souls and remains active for a limited time.
Spooky Fall
Corrupted Pumpkin (MCD)
  • +1 Soul Gathering
  • Special Event Item

Status-inflicting artifacts[]

Artifacts that apply an Status Effect or similar on mobs such as Stunned or Poisoned.

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location[1] Ancient Hunt Runes
Corrupted Seeds (MCD)
  • 8 Targets Maximum
  • Briefly Entangles Mobs
  • Poisons Entangled Mobs
  • Applies Poisoned
Fishing Rod (MCD)
Gong of Weakening (MCD) This gong reduces the amount of damage and health of the mobs around it.
Ice Wand (MCD) Creeping Winter
Love Medallion (MCD) Turns up to three mobs near you into allies for ten seconds, then kills them. Mobs that have been charmed by this artifact also gain a damage boost when turning on other mobs. The damage of the mobs increased is directly proportional to the item's power level.
Satchel of Elements (MCD) Howling Peaks
Shock Powder (MCD)

Quivers and arrow artifacts[]

Artifacts providing a set number of special ammo that can be consumed by using Ranged Weapons. Infinity-enchanted ranged weapons function on artifact provided ammo. Like normal arrows, they are affected by ranged weapon enchantments and can be boosted by armor that boosts ammo damage or artifact damage.

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location[1] Ancient Hunt Runes
Fireworks Arrow (MCD) Gives 1 fireworks arrow

Explodes on impact.

30 second cooldown

Flaming Quiver (MCD)
  • Gives 7 burning arrows
  • Applies Burning
  • 30 second cooldown
Torment Quiver (MCD)
  • Gives 3 slow arrows
  • +1 Soul Gathering
  • Increased Knockback
  • Arrows pass through walls
  • Costs 30 souls

6 second cooldown

Thundering Quiver (MCD)
  • Gives 5 thundering arrows
  • Electrified Arrows
  • 30 second cooldown
Harpoon Quiver (MCD) Hidden Depths
  • Gives 5 harpoon arrows
  • Arrows pierce through mobs
  • Arrows work underwater
  • 30 second cooldown
T VoidQuiver Icon Echoing Void
  • Gives 5 void touched arrows
  • Void Arrows
  • 25 second cooldown

Summoning artifacts[]

Pet spawning artifacts that can damage and distract mobs. More summons can be spawned from the same artifact during a Daily Trial with an increased pet count.

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location[1] Ancient Hunt Runes
Buzzy Nest (MCD)
Enchanted Grass (MCD) Enchanted Grass
Golem Kit (MCD)
Soul Lantern (MCD)
Tasty Bone (MCD)
Vexing Chant (MCD) Echoing Void
Wonderful Wheat (MCD)

Agility artifacts[]

These increase movement speed, attack speed or cause the player to roll when used.

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location[1] Ancient Hunt Runes
Boots of Swiftness (MCD) Applies Swiftness

5 Second Cooldown

Death Cap Mushroom (MCD) Death Cap Mushroom Greatly increase attack and movement speed.

30 second cooldown

Ghost Cloak (MCD) Gives player Ghost Form, increasing speed and defense for a short time.

6 second cooldown

Light Feather (MCD)
  • Activates Rolling and triggers mobs to be pushed back and stunned.
  • 3 second cooldown

Defensive, healing, and cooperative artifacts[]

These heal or apply beneficial affects upon the user or surrounding players and pets.

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location[1] Ancient Hunt Runes
Enchanter's Tome (MCD) Howling Peaks Applies Double Damage, Fast Attack, or Quick to nearby allies.
Iron Hide Amulet (MCD) Applies Defense

25 second cooldown

Shadow Shifter (MCD) Echoing Void Grants the user Shadow Form
  • +1 Soul Gathering.
Soul Healer (MCD) Heals the most

injured nearby, including the user, at the cost of souls.

  • +1 Soul Gathering.
Tome of Duplication (MCD) Echoing Void Creates a copy of the last consumable used by the player.

30 second cooldown

Totem of Casting (MCD) Creates a boosting aura using souls to speed up other players' artifact cooldowns.

10 second cooldown

Totem of Regeneration (MCD) Creates a healing aura, which gradually heals players inside.

30 second cooldown

Totem of Shielding (MCD) Protects player and allies in range from projectiles.
Satchel of Elixirs (MCD) Hidden Depths Crafts two random potions that can benefit the player.

30 second cooldown

Satchel of Snacks (MCD) Hidden Depths Crafts a random food item that can benefit the player.

20 second cooldown

Wind Horn (MCD) Pushes enemies away and slows them briefly.
Powershaker (MCD) Flames of the Nether Applies an effect similar to Exploding.

8 second cooldown

Unobtainable artifacts[]

Icon Name
Internal ID
DLC exclusive Soul requiring Properties Obtainable location
Totem of Soul Protection (MCD) Totem of Soul Protection
  • +1 Soul Gathering.

Creates a square area around the player, reviving and stopping players from suffering a fatal blow. 1 second cooldown



Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons BetaAdded corrupted beacon, harvester, lightning rod, fishing rod, gong of weakening, love medallion, shock powder, fireworks arrow, flaming quiver, torment quiver, golem kit, tasty bone, wonderful wheat, boots of swiftness, death cap mushroom, ghost cloak, light feather, iron hide amulet, soul healer, totem of regeneration, totem of shielding, wind horn, totem of soul protection. totem of soul protection. crash that could occur when using a Fishing Rod, getting stuck in the air when Ghost Cloak ran out. corrupted seeds.
Changed: summoned pets health -50%, damage reduction = 50%, attack damage +10%, llama attack speed +15%, iron golem health +25%, wolf movement speed + 15%, harvester soul cost 25 -> 40, cooldown 1s -> 4s, max damage +60% , lightning rod soul cost 10 -> 15, cooldown 0s -> 2s, radius 300 -> 350, damage per soul 30 -> 60, max damage +50%, Soul Healer soul cost 20 -> 50, cooldown 1s -> 5s, healing allies spark start speed +100% and acceleration +150%, Healing per soul 10 -> 4, Torment Quiver cooldown 1s -> 6s, soul cost 10 -> 30.
Removed variable soul cost.
Fixed sound effects for some artifacts not playing when encountering large groups of mobs, artifacts hovering over weapon and armor slots on the inventory screen, Flaming Quiver, Torment Quiver, and fireworks arrow overlaps with arrows on the heads-up display, corrupted fireworks arrow animation ice wand, soul lantern, enchanted grass, buzzy nest.
Changed: Light Feather triggers all rolling enchantments.
Fixed freezing after activating flaming quiver, torment quiver, and fireworks arrow at the same time on Nintendo Switch, soul related items while wearing soul related gear propelling players into the air. corrupted pumpkin enchanter's tome, satchel of elements, scatter mines, updraft tome.
Changed: Totem of regeneration healing per second 20 to 40, soul lantern (soul wizard) damage +50%, attack speed +40%, soul cost +20%.
Fixed flaming quiver not dealing additional damage on top of ranged weapon damage[2], recalling the soul wizard interrupting player movement. cooldown not affecting satchel of elements.[3] blast fungus, powershaker, spinblade, thundering quiver. eye of the guardian, harpoon quiver, satchel of snacks, satchel of elixirs.
Fixed: Artifact-summoned pets can no longer destroy scatter mines, iron golem sounds can no longer be heard after the golem has died, arrows from flaming quiver and thundering quiver dealing instant kill damage when deflected by a mob with the Deflecting enchantment, powershaker's explosion no longer blocks other players' arrows, increased the spacing of artifact icons on the Upload/Download Hero screens when playing on Xbox Cloud Gaming, artifact charge no longer triggers after picking up a consumable item. shadow shifter, tome of duplication, vexing chant, void quiver. totem of casting.
Fixed the corrupted beacon flickering when used in the Tower.


See also[]


  1. a b c d e f Skulls specify minimum obtainable difficulty if above Default. =Adventure and up, =Apocalypse only
  2. MCD-3677
  3. MCD-4892