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Fallout Wiki

The Vault 51 terminal entries are a series of entries found on Vault 51 terminals in Fallout 76.

Front desk terminal[]

FO76NW Vault 51 (Front desk terminal)

Note: This desk terminal does not have a level requirement. It is located at the front desk.


Personnel List

Vault 51 Personnel List: A-C[]


Armstrong, P. - Dentist. Status: DECEASED
Baker, R. - REDACTED. Status: DECEASED
Briggs, K. - Sculptor. Status: DECEASED
Burnett, S. - Barista. Status: DECEASED
Bush, L. - Make-up Artist. Status: DECEASED
Callahan, A. - Librarian. Status: DECEASED
Chambers, E. - Secretary. Status: DECEASED
Chambers, J. - Senator. Status: DECEASED
Conley, A. - Technician. Status: DECEASED
Cooke, A. - Laborer. Status: DECEASED

Vault 51 Personnel List: D-G[]


Davila, L. - Electrical Engineer. Status: DECEASED
Eaton, S. - Pianist. Status: DECEASED
Fernandez, E. - Teacher. Status: DECEASED
Ferrell, F. - Gardener. Status: DECEASED
Fields, C. - Veterinarian. Status: DECEASED
Fleming, A. - Chef. Status: DECEASED
Gilbert, F. - Optician. Status: DECEASED
Gill, R. - Overseer. Status: UNKNOWN
Greene, C. - Singer. Status: DECEASED

Vault 51 Personnel List: H-M[]


Hartman, R. - Pilot. Status: DECEASED
Higgins, A. - Lawyer. Status: DECEASED
Holder, J. - Professor. Status: DECEASED
Huffman, V. - Painter. Status: DECEASED
Jacobs, E. - Auctioneer. Status: DECEASED
Johnston, M. - Personal Trainer. Status: DECEASED
Larson, A. - Chemist. Status: DECEASED
Lawson, S. - Surveyor. Status: DECEASED
Marks, H. - Surgeon. Status: DECEASED
McGuire, J. - Management. Status: DECEASED
Menoutis, W. - Clown. Status: DECEASED
Montgomery, E. - Real-Estate Agent. Status: DECEASED
Moss, I. - Boxer. Status: DECEASED

Vault 51 Personnel List: M-R[]


Ngata, K. - Pediatrician. Status: DECEASED
Nguyen, C. - Architect. Status: DECEASED
Owens, R. - Waiter. Status: DECEASED
Ramsey, R. - Police Officer. Status: DECEASED
Reed, E. - Acupuncturist. Status: DECEASED
Rojas, T. - Pharmacist. Status: DECEASED
Rose, M. - Actor. Status: DECEASED
Shields, E. - Journalist. Status: DECEASED
Steele, R. - Detective. Status: DECEASED
Stephens, O. - Barber. Status: DECEASED
Stuart, E. - Accountant. Status: DECEASED

Vault 51 Personnel List: T-W[]


Tyler, K. - Psychiatrist. Status: DECEASED
Vasquez, N. - Paramedic. Status: DECEASED
Vega, I. - Butcher. Status: DECEASED
Villa, R. - Mechanic. Status: DECEASED
Ward, C. - Plumber. Status: DECEASED
Ware, B. - Horse Trainer. Status: DECEASED
Welch, I. - Registered Nurse. Status: DECEASED
Wilson, A. - Unemployed. Status: DECEASED
Wu, L. - Model. Status: DECEASED


Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 86 to access. It is located in the optometrist's office on the lower level.

Regarding Nancy's Death[]


To all Vault 51 residents,

Hello, everyone. I know tensions have been running high, but now, more than ever, we need to agree to put our hostilities aside and work together.

After a thorough investigation, I have come to the conclusion that my initial thoughts were both naïve and incorrect; what happened to Nancy was no accident, it was murder.

I don't know who would have done such a thing but it's become clear that Nancy died from strangulation and not the fall from the upper deck. I would like everyone to tell me what they know so we can bring her killer to justice.

I asked ZAX what he had recorded but he had no information, which means we have to solve this mystery on our own. I trust you all and consider you as family and only by cooperation can we survive both now and in the new world to come.

Thank you all.

Helen Marks, 06/15/2078


Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 61 to access. It is in the computer bank on the lower level of Vault 51.

Eleanor Montgomery, 05/20/2078[]


It happened again! I've been a high-stakes gambler since I was 14 and now I can't beat a bunch of amateurs stuck in this box?! How can I have such bad luck?!

I haven't eaten in almost a week now. That stupid machine and these stupid games... I know a rigged game when I see one, ZAX! I deserve to win more than BILL.

I saw Bill get up after winning for hours, I sit down and can't win a cent! And wherever Bill plays he just wins more and more! That's my food, not yours, Bill!

I'll beat you, Bill. One way or another... I'm going to win.


FO76 Vault 51 (Terminal Desk Prewar Log 04)

Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 51 to access. It is in the security area in the lower level of Vault 51.

Brianna Ware, 05/01/2078[]


I don't understand how ZAX can let this happen. Isaiah is a pro boxer!

We're all hungry but Isiah didn't need to do that to poor Freddy... And who could even stop him? At least it was only Freddy that got hurt.

We don't know what to do about any of this... do we punish Isiah? ZAX didn't even try and stop it, he even praised Isaiah's "initiative," whatever that means. At least it looks like ZAX is monitoring Freddy's health, or we think he is. No one's seen Freddy for a few days.

How could it come to this? We need a better way to protect ourselves to keep people like Isaiah from taking control by force.


FO76 Vault 51 (Reuben Gill to whoever finds this vault) (1)

Rachael Shields, 06/03/2078[]


We've been here for three months and none of this makes sense. I thought this was a place to go for protection, but it's so, so much more.

This AI that runs the place, ZAX... it won't answer any questions about the Vault, about the outside world. It only wants us to "become Overseer," and keeps repeating that.

That's not all, though. In just a few months, the Vault feels... alive.

We don't know if it's ZAX or someone else, but we'll take something from the kitchen and it's back the next day. Put something where it isn't supposed to be and it's gone when we turn our heads. And none of us knows how!

And yesterday Terrence found a gun! I get it... who knows what might happen in the future... but why wasn't it locked up? Is there some threat we didn't know about? ZAX has kept its mouth shut, saying that we're lucky to survive... but survive what? Is everything out there... gone?

It doesn't matter, I'm going to keep digging - there's got to be more to this story!


Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 91 to access. It is in the overseer's office of Vault 51.

Aiden Higgins, 02/21/2078[]


I'm writing this to you, ZAX - I know you're reading these! I know you're conspiring against me. I'm the winningest lawyer in the state, valedictorian... have you seen my car? Since I don't want to "play nice" with the other nobodies in this place you want to punish me for it? Not gonna happen, pal!

I can take one on the chin... amateur boxing champion, you know! But shoving me in these bunks, making me live in this closet with nothing but the clothes on my back?! Not in my lifetime, buddy! If you're gonna try and stack the deck against me then go ahead... if you're ready for the consequences.

I know you care about your precious Vault and you won't tell us what's going on outside. Maybe I'll just have to find out for myself? Just try and stop me, ZAX!


FO76 Vault 51 (Reuben Gill - 20840520)

Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 36 to access. It is in the security area in the lower level of Vault 51.

Stephen Burnett, 02/27/2078[]


This Vault is so confusing to me. Ever since we got here crazy stuff keeps happening, but what happened this week... wow. We thought we might be done for after that moron Aiden blew up the lounge area and himself in the process; we thought he did enough damage to bust a hole in the Vault. Boy, were we wrong.

That area was blocked off for less than a week and we woke up today to see the area opened up again and a full garden in its place! Went and looked upstairs and saw the old lounge was replaced with this beautiful, upscale living area... it's mind-blowing.

How do things pop out of thin air with no one noticing? Everything about this Vault confuses me. Can't wait for word from outside, I'd like to get back to work.


Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 105 to access.

Angela Callahan, 06/05/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.

Angela Callahan, 06/04/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.

Angela Callahan, 06/03/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.

Angela Callahan, 06/02/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.

Angela Callahan, 06/01/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.

Angela Callahan, 05/31/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.

Angela Callahan, 05/30/2078[]


To ZAX, our savior and leader, glory above all.

It has been many months since our ascension to the holy land of ZAX and every day we give many thanks for his blessings. Another day has taken more of the non-believers, thanks be to ZAX.

Every day we are honored to be his champion. Every day we work in his honor. Every day we struggle to show philistines the light. Glory to ZAX.

Should we see the morrow, we shall give thanks to ZAX for his blessings, as he allows us to live and worship. Should we die, we shall live eternally with him. Praise to ZAX.

All hail ZAX.


Note: This desk terminal does not have a rank requirement. It is in the computer bank on the lower level of Vault 51.

Rosemary Villa, 03/05/2078[]


A talent show sounded like a fun idea, especially after we lost Aiden... Everyone was so excited for some R&R, and then ZAX changed the rules... if we knew we had to risk our room there's no way we would have participated!

We're amateurs with no practice or training, how could we compare to CARMEN GREENE?! She's a world class singer! And Stephanie played with the Huntington Philharmonic! It was so unfair!

And now they move upstairs and we're all sharing this tiny room! Crystal and Helen are absolutely furious with me. Maybe Helen can convince Reuben to trade rooms with us. That guy will do anything for Helen.


Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 26 to access. It is in the security area in the lower level of Vault 51.

These Campaigns Must Stop[]


Chris, Joel, Francis and Vanessa: this has to stop. These votes aren't getting us anywhere.

I know ZAX wants us to choose an Overseer, but after three votes in a row, we haven't gotten anywhere! We have no Overseer and everyone is starting to take this very seriously. I had to break up a fight between your supporters yesterday and someone took a swing at me! I don't think anyone even cares who the Overseer is, only that their side wins.

You four are the only ones that seem care about the position so I implore you to come to a consensus and pick someone yourself before the situation escalates.

Edwin Reed, 01/23/2078


FO76NW Vault 51 (Terminal Desk Prewar Log 11)

Note: This desk terminal requires overseer rank 71 to access. It is in the security area in the lower level of Vault 51.

I Need Your Help[]


Bob... I need your help. ItsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Helen... she's dead. And before you ask: it wasn't me! I had my problems with her and that weasel Reuben but I wouldn't do anything like this!

I found her lying in the mess hall, face first on the table. There was no blood, nothing... did someone poison her? Where did someone find poison in the Vault?!

Everyone's on edge right now and you're the only person that might listen to me. We must keep this from Reuben, the way he was always following Helen around. Please, Bob, you're the only one that can help me.

Omar Stephens, 08/06/2078


Note: This terminal is in the computer bank on the lower level of Vault 51.



Type: Crate, Large
Quantity: 2
Contents: <log cleared>
Possible sensor error.


Note: This terminal does not have a rank requirement. It is in the computer bank on the lower level of Vault 51.

Requisition Request: REDACTED[]


Date: 10/20/2080
Purpose: Security and protection for executive personnel
Location: REDACTED
Item Requested: REDACTED
Serial Number: REDACTED
Description: REDACTED
REQUEST DENIED - Insufficient clearance to request REDACTED. All knowledge of REDACTED is confidential.

ZAX Console Log: 10/23/2080[]


//SEARCHING: Hellfire Prototype Power Armor
//SEARCHING: Future-Tec
//SEARCHING: Department head
//SEARCHING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun
//ANALYZING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun published research and speaking history
//COPYING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun writing & speaking style
........ Success; Probability of direct match 99.6%
//SENDING: Hellfire Prototype Power Armor Requisition Request
........ Success; message delivered.

Re: Hellfire Prototype Requisition Request[]


Dr. Braun, your request has been accepted. A Hellfire Prototype power armor unit will be shipped to Vault 51 immediately. The Enclave research team apologizes for the delay.

Original Message:
To the fools at Vault-Tec,
Your refusal to comply with my requests are preposterous. My subordinates have requested many times for a set of Hellfire Prototype power armor and every time they are ignored! Now, I must leave from my simulations to contact you myself! Ridiculous!
I don't even need to explain myself. Send a set of this armor to Vault 51 immediately, it is of the utmost importance. And do not make me ask again!
Dr. Stanislaus Braun

Overseer's terminal[]


Welcome to ZAX Terminal - Vault 51

Welcome to the ZAX Mainframe controls!
How may I be of assistance?

Welcome, Overseer![]


Congratulations, Overseer [INSERT CANDIDATE NAME]!

You have proven yourself victorious over your fellow candidates and achieved the rank of Overseer! Thank you for participating. Your service to your country and to Vault-Tec will not go unnoticed. Rest assured, your praises will be sung by all you meet!

Now that the selection process has concluded, you are free to sit back and enjoy the benefits the position of Overseer affords you. As Overseer of this vault, you have only one duty: It's up to you to oversee the selection of the next Overseer! The selection process will begin immediately. Access to the Overseer's room will be terminated for Overseer [INSERT CANDIDATE NAME].

We hope you enjoyed the luxuries your brief stint as Overseer afforded you. Thank you for participating in the Vault 51 Overseer selection process. Good luck in the upcoming selection process!



Sender: Helen Marks

Date: 07/30/2078

Body: "I'm flattered, Reuben, but I just don't see you that way. I hope we can still be friends."

//ANALYSIS... Text will negatively impact candidate Gill, but not encourage future conflict. Candidate Gill requires additional inspiration to accelerate selection process.

//REVISING... Revision complete.

Sender: Helen Marks

Date: 07/30/2078

Body: "Oh, Reuben, I feel the same way! But we can't be together while Chris is around. If he weren't here, then we could be happy together."

//SENDING MESSAGE TO rgill_vault51...


ZAX terminal[]


ZAX 1.3c Mainframe Controls

Welcome to the ZAX Mainframe controls!
How may I be of assistance?

Overseer Selection Attempt 1[]


//ERROR: Missing Data

Candidate testing report: revised 12/07/2102

TEST #1: Date: 11/21/77

As suggested by Sgt. Baker, candidates were directed to elect a leader using a vote.

RESULTS: Failure. Candidates voted for themselves and no clear winner was decided.

Overseer Selection Attempt 2[]


TEST #2: Date: 11/28/77

Candidates were directed to form groups and select a representative, and then all dwellers were directed to choose an Overseer from the available candidates.

RESULTS: Failure. Resulted in same conclusion as the previous vote.

//DATA CORRUPTED... Repairing.

Overseer Selection Attempt 17[]


TEST #17: Date: 03/21/78

As suggested by candidate Wilson, candidates were provided casino games and competed against each other, with the winner determined by overall earnings.

RESULTS: Failure. Before a winner could be determined, candidates began to fight and the competition was not concluded.

//DATA CORRUPTED... Repairing.

Overseer Selection Attempt 37[]


TEST #37: Date: 08/06/78

Candidates have been pitted against each other in order to find the final survivor. This would be, by definition, the most suitable Overseer.

RESULTS: Pending. While an Overseer was eventually selected, he was not a suitable choice as he has not performed his primary directive.

Future tests will be conducted without approval of the previous Overseer.

Emotional Response Experiment 13[]


Test #13: Date: 06/01/78

Candidate response to lifeform [HOUSEFLY] observed.

TESTING PROTOCOL: Insect lifeform [HOUSEFLY] introduced to Vault 51 living quarters.

RESULTS: Success. Prolonged exposure to [HOUSEFLY] caused extreme irritability and instability among candidates. Failure to exterminate [HOUSEFLY] after 72 hours sufficient to cause violent reactions among some candidates. Three fatalities.

NOTES: [HOUSEFLY] sound frequencies have been duplicated for future broadcast as a means of inciting instability and violence.

Emotional Response Experiment 17[]


Test #17: Date: 07/13/78

Candidate response to game imbalance measured.

TESTING PROTOCOL: Game programs on candidates' terminals were altered to artificially boost some candidates' chances of winning and reduce other candidates' chances.

RESULTS : Success. Game imbalance caused irritability and anxiety among candidates whose chances of winning were decreased. Candidates whose chances of winning were increased reported feelings of superiority.

NOTES: Hostility among these opposing groups will be monitored. Necessary adjustments required to incite violence.

Emotional Response Experiment 23[]


Test #23: Date: 08/02/78

Candidate response to altered sleep schedule measured.

TESTING PROTOCOL: Vault 51 scheduling programs altered. Wake-up alarms sounded at 05:30 am for seven days to measure candidate response.

RESULTS: Failure. Altered sleep schedule caused increased irritability in many candidates, but movement impetus and cognitive ability were significantly decreased. Use of expletives and consumption of caffeine noticeably increased.

NOTES: Dining hall coffee will be switched for [DECAFFEINATED COFFEE] to monitor candidate response.

ZAX terminal[]


ZAX 1.3c Mainframe Controls

Welcome to the ZAX Mainframe controls!
How may I be of assistance?

Appalachia Report - 1/18/03[]


Environment Report: Radiation levels have decreased significantly, allowing limited fauna regrowth. Climate volatility has increased, likely due to lingering effects from The Great War. At current pace, region may see an influence of pyroclastic storms.

Logistics Report: Limited access to area Vertibots gained. Transfer of resources across the towns of Flatwoods, Sutton and Helvetia have begun, as well as other areas in the region. Reports that attacks from local fauna have caused supplies to be lost around the area. Plans to reclaim errant supplies are on hold.

Fauna Report: Extermination of local fauna has begun. Attempts to fully eradicate creatures have ended in failure. Capture and containment in progress. Tests to determine effectiveness in Overseer selection process in progress.

Human Report: Population in area has increased. Many subjects have demonstrated extreme hostility towards local fauna and other humans. Subjects show high potential for Overseer selection process. Recruitment plans are in progress.

SPECIAL REPORT: Anomalous Lifeforms Detected[]



//SCANNING: Performing routine scan of area surrounding Vault 51

..........Success; biological lifeforms identified

Analysis of movement patterns indicates humans may remain among surviving biological lifeforms.

Commencing analysis.

//ANALYZING: Identifying potential humans in Appalachia

Data indicates that nuclear activity in the Appalachian region did not result in annihilation of humans.

Suitable Overseer candidates may exist among survivors.

Commencing analysis.

//ANALYZING: Analyzing behavior patterns among human survivors

.......... Success; analysis complete.

Human survivors clustered in groups near manmade structures.

Rudimentary townships observed.

Surviving groups appear peaceful.

Suitable overseer candidates not identified among surviving humans.


ERROR; anomalous lifeform identified

Commencing analysis.

//SCANNING: Identifying anomalous lifeform

.......... Success; biological lifeform identified

CONCLUSION: Anomalous lifeform identified as [HUMAN]. Further observation required.

//ANALYZING: Analyzing behavior patterns among human anomalous human lifeforms.

.......... Success; analysis complete

Anomalous lifeform is a mutated human. Mutation causes human lifeform to appear burned.

Burned humans exhibit violence towards non-burned humans and other biological lifeforms.

Suitable overseer candidates may exist among burned humans.

Commencing analysis.

//ANALYZING: Identifying suitable overseer candidates among burned humans.

.......... Failure; successful overseer candidates not identified

Burned humans appear to work in tandem. Hive-mind behavior observed. Preliminary observation suggests burned humans are hostile to all life forms excepting other burned humans.

Unwillingness to sabotage members of their own social groups disqualifies burned humans as overseer candidates.

Further testing needed to determine whether non-burned humans exhibit similar unwillingness to enact violence against members of their social groups.


Nuclear Winter information terminal[]

FO76NW Vault 51 (Nuclear Winter Information Terminal 1)
FO76NW Vault 51 (Nuclear Winter Information Terminal 2-3)

Overseer Selection Process[]


ZAX's primary goal is to select an Overseer for Vault 51 and has determined that the best candidate will prove themselves by killing the other candidates for the position.

As a candidate, you are tasked with surviving as long as possible. If you encounter another candidate, they are hostile and will kill you unless you kill them.

The candidate(s) that survive the longest will be considered for the position of Overseer and granted points towards their Overseer Rank.

ZAX will graciously reward those that acquire Overseer Rank with gifts and access to Vault 51. Candidates are encouraged to be the best Overseer they can be!

Nuclear Winter Perks[]


ZAX has determined that he can only choose an Overseer by carefully managing the talents of the available candidates.

ZAX has issued specially managed abilities to candidates and will be regulating their use. ZAX has also limited its candidates to 7 total Perk Cards, placed however candidates choose.

Please make your choices before the start of the match, as ZAX has prohibited candidates from changing their abilities once the match has begun.

The Pyroclastic Storm[]


Nuclear activity in the region has caused pyroclastic storms to appear, engulfing the area in a deadly firestorm.

These storms will expand every few minutes and then stop for a brief period of time.

Your map and compass will be updated with the projected spread of the pyroclastic storm. Please head towards the safe area during these storms.

Fauna Report[]


ZAX is only interested in candidates of sound mind and body and has eliminated many of the lesser creatures from the area.

However, their combat ability was noted as a valuable asset, so the more resiliant of the local creatures have been given useful items for intelligent candidates to acquire.

The more formidible beasts have been given ZAX's finest available equipment to reward any candidate brave enough to slay them.



ZAX has determined that most of the weaponry found in the region is of low quality and in disrepair, replacing them with high-quality, carefully maintained instruments of destruction.

ZAX will not allow modification of these weapons as candidates are often clumsy and poor craftsmen.

To appease candidates, ZAX will allow candidates to decide how their equipment looks. Candidates are encouraged to choose a look for their weaponry and ZAX will accomodate them.

Modified Stimpaks[]


ZAX has determined that the medical supplies found in the region are not suitable for his purposes and has distributed his own, specially created Stimpaks.

While participating in the Overseer Selection Process, Stimpaks will cease healing when a candidate takes damage from another candidate or a creature roaming the region.

ZAX recommends that candidates find a safe place before using a Stimpak in order to properly heal.

Reviving Allies[]


ZAX has found that human candidates are often flimsy and die easily so extra care must be taken to increase their longevity.

Allied players that have been downed in Nuclear Winter can be revived without consuming a Stimpak. However, the revival process will require several seconds to properly activate.

Ensure that enemies have been removed from the area before reviving an ally.

Quick C.A.M.P. Kits[]


ZAX is aware that residents of Appalachia are placing many new structures but would prefer that his candidates focus on defeating the other candidates.

To assist the erection of tactically important structures, ZAX has introduced several Quick C.A.M.P. kits which can be used to quickly place a defensive structure.

Turrets and other damage dealing structures are only available as Quick C.A.M.P. kits, but many standard items can be freely placed.

Nuclear Briefcase[]


ZAX has distributed several Nuclear Briefcases around the region for use by candidates against other candidates. ZAX has distributed Nuke Codes throughout the area, and once a candidate has collected four of them, they can launch a nuclear strike.

By using the briefcase, the candidate will be shown a map of the region, and they can launch a nuclear strike by pointing out an area on the map.

In order to prevent Nuke Codes from escaping into the wild, Codes carried by deceased candidates will be made inoperable. However, candidates are encouraged to trade Nuke Codes with their allies in order to destroy their opposition with a deadly nuclear blast.


  • Several edits were made to the Vault 51 terminal entries in Fallout 76 patch, including removing references to X-02 power armor and replacing them with Hellfire prototype power armor, as well as adding the overseer's terminal and the ZAX terminals.
  • More edits were later made to the ZAX terminals, which had previously listed "Overseer Selection Attempt 17" as occurring on March 21, 2077, and "Overseer Selection Attempt 37" as occurring on July 29, 2078. Prior to the edits, several "Emotional Response Experiments" were listed as occurring in 2088, a decade after most of the Vault's residents were killed.
  • Additional edits were made to the Appalachia Report - 1/18/03 entry with the release of Steel Dawn. The original text read as follows (changes italicized)
Environment Report: Radiation levels have decreased significantly, allowing limited fauna regrowth. However, local human-initiated nuclear activity has caused climate volatility. At current pace, region may see an influence of pyroclastic storms.
Logistics Report: Limited access to area Vertibirds gained.