Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Asylum dresses[]

Hiya, the asylum dresses aren't from the atomic shop. All of the colors are found in the game, that's why I moved the images from the atomic shop apparel category to the normal one. Queenmirelurk (talk) 04:28, April 15, 2019 (UTC)

Search Error[]

Colescharcher was getting a search error where it was popping up twice, he linked me it thinking it was a duplicate article so I deleted it. Apparently there weren't duplicate articles after all. ---bleep196- (talk) 21:25, April 15, 2019 (UTC)

Yeah Dekker said as much. As far as wikia fixing it, well given their history, I'm not surprised anymore. ---bleep196- (talk) 21:37, April 15, 2019 (UTC)


In the Bulk Copper page for Fallout 76, it's mentioned that while 10 copper scrap weight 0.15 with Pack Rat 3, there is an unjustified increase of 0.4, since Bulk Copper weights 0.19 with Pack Rat 3, but, Bulk Copper is created using 15 copper scrap, not 10. I don't know if I'm reporting this in the right place. Psychowhite19

Map location names[]

Thanks for responding. I've been searching for a program that will open .dds files that will run in Windows 10, haven't had any luck so far. I assume that the names are somewhere in the BA2 extracts with map coordinates or in .dds files that place them in the map. I'll look around some more. Thanks. --Lakewalker (talk) 05:48, April 24, 2019 (UTC)

RE: Dialogen[]

Dialogen zouden wel moeten lukken denk ik. In wat formaat lijkt het jou handig? Welke informatie zou je bijv. willen zien?
- FDekker talk 11:24, April 28, 2019 (UTC)

Dat zou best goed te doen moeten zijn. Holotapes werken op exact dezelfde manier dus het is vooral een kwestie van output formatteren. Ik zal kijken wanneer ik tijd heb.
- FDekker talk 15:37, April 28, 2019 (UTC)
Yes, daar zal ik op letten. Dat is niet zo moeilijk. Ik heb er vandaag geen tijd voor, misschien morgen of overmorgen.
- FDekker talk 18:30, April 29, 2019 (UTC)

BB cave[]

Where is breakheart banks cave located at? Iv. Looked everywhere and haven't found it? I'd greatly appreciate your help with this matter. Thank you ahead of time! Pommama01


Let me remove it--Vault-Tec Staff (talk) 05:17, May 6, 2019 (UTC)

Most edits[]

Hello, Jspoelstra! I admit honestly, I admire your editing abilities. 300,000 edits... how did you got them? You've a secret? :)

I would like to get an answer from you. --ReMaGeR (talk) 14:42, May 7, 2019 (UTC)

Line in the Sand exp points[]

I looked at this page after you added the exp points given. There was a note on the page about not receiving points that originally referred to the points for Officer on Deck that can be earned here by participating in killing the scorchbeasts. I have clarified that but did two playthroughs to see if participating in killing the scorchbeasts had any effect on the points given. I found that the scorchbeast kill exp points were awarded at the time of the kill, 365 for a level 50 and 469 for a level 65. Completing the event without attacking the scorchbeasts netted me 362 exp points for the event. Completing the event and assisting in the kills netted me 202 points for the event (not counting the 834 points for the kills) much lower for some unknown reason. All of the point values are different than the listed values, one lower, three higher; apparently there are other factors that affect the number of points awarded. Just thought you'd like to know.--Lakewalker (talk) 01:12, May 13, 2019 (UTC)

RE: Dialogen (2)[]

Het exporteren van die dialogen was wat moeilijker dan ik had verwacht (en ik had minder tijd ervoor dan ik had gehoopt) maar het lijkt nu te werken. Het script exporteert al het dialoog per quest in plaats van per NPC aangezien ik niet kon vinden hoe die twee aan elkaar worden gelinkt. Weet jij toevallig hoe je de dialoog-quests van een NPC kunt vinden?
- FDekker talk 16:20, May 13, 2019 (UTC)

Er zat nog een klein foutje in waardoor de derde kolom ook cursief was maar dat is nu opgelost. De dialogen staan trouwens in wiki/DIAL.wiki.
- FDekker talk 19:28, May 13, 2019 (UTC)


i like what you did with the forager ant images i added splicing them together what gave you the idea01:28, May 15, 2019 (UTC) Springtrap1128

New Wiki Manager[]

I'm Tephra, the new Fandom Wiki Manager for Nukapedia. I am here to help the community and be your liaison to Fandom. If you need anything, feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
◄► Tephra ◄► 19:43, May 15, 2019 (UTC)


I have a question why did you delete the picture of the operator butcher that my friend posted96.4.180.37 18:49, May 16, 2019 (UTC)

FO4 MacCready Affinity.[]

Hey, just a passerby with information. I found another “Like” for MacCready in Fallout 4. In the Far Harbor DLC he likes when you tell Old Longfellow to stop ordering you around. I just stumbled upon it a few minutes ago, actually. https://youtu.be/xIDVy1cuFf0 Imattyakaz

Vehicle images[]

Hey there and sorry for the late response, you asked me where I found my vehicle images. I made those, so I thought it would be ok to post them here. I guess I was mistaken, sorry to bother. -Pan-Chemlon

FO76 dump locaties[]

Ik ben op het moment bezig de dumps te verplaatsen op GitHub omdat GitHub een restrictie heeft op de hoeveelheid data die ik in de repository mag zetten. Gelukkig is er geen restrictie op de grootte van releases op GitHub, dus zodra ik klaar ben (hopelijk vandaag of morgen) zullen de dumps te vinden zijn op deze pagina (onder het Assets tabje, waar nu alleen nog een .db-bestand staat) in plaats van de oude locatie.
- FDekker talk 23:32, May 27, 2019 (UTC)

Xedit prefixes[]

By any chance would you happen to know what the prefix "POST" means in xedit entries? It seems all POST items don't exist in 76, but i'm not going to jump the gun and say they're cut if they don't have a NOTINUSE, CUT or DEPRECATED prefix. Similar to the prefix "zzz", which has mainly items that also don't appear in the game, but some of them *do*, so i'm immensely confused on what to do.

Beth tends to use multiple prefixes to essentially mean the same thing and in that regard, do we label POST/zzz prefixed items as cut? A lot of """cut""" (probably unreleased/upcoming) items in the files don't even use POST/CUT etc making it just a pain to work with, but if we can label certain prefixes as "yes this is/n't cut content", it would help massively. Prof. Sugarcube (talk) 02:59, May 28, 2019 (UTC)


Hey thanks for kind of cleaning up my edit about Mange on the Dogs Fallout 4 page, is there anyway that we could create a page just for Erikson's dogs. If there isn't one, I think this could save a lot of room on the Dog page, because if someone added all of Erikson's dogs it would take up a lot of room. So yeah thanks for cleaning my edit. AssassinZ05 (talk) 23:17, May 30, 2019 (UTC)AssassinZ05


Hi. Questions about FO1 and FO2. And why did the editors avoid the promo videos and not allow them into the pages? I have a suspicion that this is the very first promo, but I can’t find proofs.--ExplorerSmaily (talk) 09:41, June 3, 2019 (UTC)


hey i didnt know who else to say this too but ive been thinking about going around and in fallout 3 new vegas and 4 and taking pictures of the vault doors closed so you could see the number on the door so please tell me what you think of the idea (and i mean the ones that are already opened like 92 108 34 75 95 and 118 for example and dont worry about not being able to close the door i could just noclip through the wall) Springtrap1128 (talk) 01:42, June 4, 2019 (UTC)

Rights request changes discussion[]

Hey, could you hop on Discord for a little? You, Richie and I need to discuss the outcome of this forum. I don't think we all have to be present at the same time, we can just share our thoughts when we have the time. DisgustingWastelander (talk) 18:40, June 5, 2019 (UTC)

Some capitalization concerns[]

I know Jeff discussed this with you but I'm fairly certain the capitalization of "Tequila" is incorrect, as even wikipedia does not capitalize it on the drink's own page. Unlike "Gauss" or "Gatling" which are directly named after their inventors, it appears that "tequila" is not subject to the same rules on wikipedia, and in that regard, shouldn't we uncapitalize the various references to tequila on the wiki to fit within the consistent capitalization rules? A similar case can be made for margarita, which is also not capitalized on wikipedia's page. However, "Bellini" and "Tequila Sunrise" do follow the capitalization rule.

One last case is that we also capitalize High Voltage Hefe, as it sounds more like a brand name (like "New River Red ale") than anything else (particularly since the drink itself isn't literally high voltage, nor is the Ballistic Bock a drink that flies through the air). Prof. Sugarcube (talk) 13:55, June 6, 2019 (UTC)


Hi J, hope you're well.

I'm working on adding some redundancy to the article management templates, just so they don't categorize outside the mainspace. Thought I'd add a location verification option to the list as well (seeing as Fo76 can be a little difficult to confirm fixed/random).

I have a little more work to do, but I have to head out now. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Didn't want you thinking I'd left a job half done :) Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 14:13, June 6, 2019 (UTC)

Just finished the work now, I added a control module in so you can now state what namespaces should have the categories (bugs, stubs etc) populate. If the namespace isn't on the approved list, the categories won't be added to the page. For now I've set it to mainspace and file only. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 18:53, June 6, 2019 (UTC)
You're welcome. I think it has knocked a few user pages out the categories too, so they are more representative of what needs looking at. Any other bits you can think of while I have some free time? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:14, June 6, 2019 (UTC)
I'm afraid not, I haven't had time for much lately; studies have taken centre place these last few months. Got a week or two of breathing room at the moment so thought I'd wrap up the project for bleep and had the inspiration of that in the back of my mind to get out. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:22, June 6, 2019 (UTC)


Hi J, would you mind lowering (or even removing) the protection on this template? Its an old legacy template that could do with being brought up to date :) Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 14:56, June 9, 2019 (UTC)

Will do, the only big changes so far is that Abbcat was moved to a lua module and {{Mbox management}} now handles multiple categories by game (you can now have one page appear in two infobox incomplete categories for example). I plan to move all the Abb templates to a single module and remove {{abblink}} completely (it's identical to Module:Games, so might as well just use the one template).
In the end it should improve page loading. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 15:10, June 9, 2019 (UTC)
Next set of changes done, can you delete everything but Infobox/doc and Infobox/doc/standard from this template list? The PI conversion has made them redundant. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 17:23, June 9, 2019 (UTC)


I've tweaked the code so it looks for a specific link in the lookup table now. If a link isn't declared, it will fallback to the full title. I can see everything is resetting now as it should be. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 22:17, June 9, 2019 (UTC)

favor to ask[]

hey j could you make the page for the turretbot it appears during the battle with the mechanist ive already put the image out but since i dont know how to make a page on this wiki i was wondering if you could do it or if you know someone who could do it Springtrap1128 (talk) 23:44, June 20, 2019 (UTC)

update i got the page made but it didnt turn out entirely correct i was wondering if you could fix it if so that would be great

Blog post[]

I was wondering if you would kindly re-title my recent blog post to the 205th edition, instead of the incorrect 206th edition, like it is now. I would appreciate it. Leea (talk) 19:42, June 21, 2019 (UTC)


how do you know the scorched radrat was cut from the game do you have a source Springtrap1128 (talk) 00:12, June 27, 2019 (UTC)

Discussions moderator actions[]

Hi J,

just as an FYI, I have an exceptional number of discussions moderator actions (16K) on my bot account. I was clearing up the damage from earlier today when Autumn (who I've been told was hacked on here and Discord) bulk deleted a users messages. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:33, June 28, 2019 (UTC)

Purely Daki, can't do anything from this account as I officially resigned my position (I forgot to remove the relevant rights from Daki, but I'll let you decide if they stay or go). Everything should be alright. Discords back up and running now I believe and the damage on /d was very minimal (one user affected we think). Strange you're only seeing 7 for Dakiatte, I have a screenshot confirming 16.0k. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:59, June 28, 2019 (UTC)


What happened to the Discord server? It's not on my desktop app anymore and the link posted on the wiki says the invite expired. Great Mara (talk) 21:52, June 28, 2019 (UTC)

President Augustus[]

There are a lot of questions right now about whether or not Augustus' account was compromised. Checkuser runs were made against his account on The Outer Worlds wiki, which showed that suspicious edits over there were made very close to when he removed all 17000 of DJ's discussion posts. There are also questions that arise as to why, if the account was compromised, he only deleted that users posts, as DJ and Augustus have a history of disagreement. There are other things that I can't discuss here that are available for viewing on the discord. As of right now, until Autumn can answer some questions... I would be very hesitant to return his rights. This was initially an emergency ban, but I'm very concerned and would advise against returning his rights for the time being. ---bleep196- (talk) 21:57, June 28, 2019 (UTC)

Regarding OSUDHW's block/ "vandalism"[]

I don't think OSUDHW was vandalizing the page intentionally just because of the innuendo stuff they inserted, more like an insensitive behind the scenes edit, I've looked it up the thing about the southpark thing exists but still a speculation (I know I know the edit was still disturbing regardless) but still like I said; in my good faith I don't think they were being intentionally trolling the page. You may want to rethink about the said user's block, J. --Cassie The Rodio Girl I see you. 11:51, July 8, 2019 (UTC)

Agreed. That is a pretty well known colloquialism, and that episode of South Park does exist, so I'd assume good faith on their part that they were genuinely trying to be helpful with adding a possible reference to the wiki. 寧靜 Fox 20:09, July 8, 2019 (UTC)


Hey J, sorry to bother you at this hour or so but there's someone I would like you to run a scan. I had a weird vibe feeling coming off this user can you check them? Just wanna make sure they're not what I think it is but I do hope its just my tummy rumbling. --Cassie The Rodio Girl I see you. 11:19, July 9, 2019 (UTC)

My mistake, I thought my sensors went off. Anyways I hope his IP is not a proxy. --Cassie The Rodio Girl I see you. 15:40, July 9, 2019 (UTC)


if someone doesnt make those pages then i certainly will no problem and also im going to be making alot of creation club related edits over the next couple of hours and or days because im basically watching a creation club marathon on youtube and adding any guaranteed content and or notables to the appropriate areas however you will need someone to get the images as i dont have creation club Springtrap1128 (talk) 16:37, July 11, 2019 (UTC)

response to armor and clothing[]

sorry about that i just find it easier to copy and paste and then change the info and some info i leave the same because i purely don't know it Springtrap1128 (talk) 14:22, July 13, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Merge[]

Goeie! Had ik even niet aan gedacht. Zal er in het vervolg aan denken.
- FDekker talk 16:20, July 16, 2019 (UTC)

Uitfaseren van fora[]

Ik zie nog met enige regelmaat gebruikers die berichten plaatsen op het forum met vragen over de spellen ([1] [2] [3]). Ik denk dat veel van deze posts eigenlijk veel beter geschikt zijn voor /d, niet alleen inhoudelijk maar ook omdat de posters daar veel sneller en veel meer reacties zullen krijgen. Ik denk dat het daarom een goed idee is om de fora uit te faseren en de gebruikers die er zouden willen posten door te sturen naar /d.

Mijn voorstel is om de {{forumlist}} template bovenaan de fora aan te passen zodat de "Add new topic" knop (en bijbehorende tekstbox) worden vervangen met een link naar /d. Op die manier kunnen we de bestaande posts behouden en toch gebruikers naar de beste plek verwijzen. Dat is dan met uitzondering van de Wiki discussion en [[Forum:Wiki proposals and applications|Wiki proposals and applications]] fora omdat deze nog steeds een belangrijke functie hebben en niet zo snel kunnen worden vervangen door /d.

Wat vind jij?
- FDekker talk 21:50, July 16, 2019 (UTC)

Ik had nog niet nagedacht over het doorsturen van gebruikers naar de juiste sectie op /d maar ik zal kijken of dat mogelijk is. Misschien een nieuwe template waaraan je de ID van de categorie meegeeft ofzo. Daar zal ik vandaag of morgen nog naar kijken.
Aya, AYF, bleep, en Rogue vinden het ook een goed idee en verder was er niemand die er iets op tegen had, dus ik denk dat we ermee door kunnen gaan. Zou er nog voor gestemd moeten worden door de community of kan het uitfaseren gelijk beginnen zodra de template klaar is?
- FDekker talk 08:37, July 17, 2019 (UTC)
Deprecate forum sample
Ik heb de templates voor de fora al een beetje opgeschoond en ze zouden klaar moeten zijn om straks doorgevoerd te worden. Zie de afbeelding voor hoe het eruit gaat zien. Ik heb aan de andere admins gevraagd wat zij ervan vinden maar heb nog geen reactie gekregen. Wat vind jij? Is het duidelijk genoeg?
- FDekker talk 15:25, July 18, 2019 (UTC)
Dat was niet het geval, maar dat is het nu wel. Op basis van feedback op Discord heb ik uiteindelijk de knop waarmee je vroeger een nieuwe post maakte vervangen met een knop die naar Discussions linkt, voor het geval mensen de intro missen.
- FDekker talk 20:22, July 18, 2019 (UTC)

Demolition charge update[]

Zoals je misschien (waarschijnlijk) hebt gezien heb ik eindelijk mijn belofte van vorig jaar waargemaakt door alle overviewpagina's over mines en grenades te hernoemen naar enkelvoud. Dat is nu nagenoeg klaar op twee problemen na:

  1. Om "Demolition charges" te hernoemen naar "Demolition charge" moet ik de pagina "Demolition charge" hernoemen naar "Demolition charge (Dead Money)". Dat heb ik gedaan. Nu wil ik links die naar "Demolition charge" gaan veranderen naar "Demolition charge (Dead Money)" waar nodig. Een hoop New Vegas pagina's had natuurlijk een link naar het wapen in de navbox dus die link heb ik gewijzigd. Om de één of andere reden wil WhatLinksHere alleen niet updaten; al die wapens staan er nog steeds in. Purgen lijkt ook niet te helpen. Zie ik iets over het hoofd of zal ik nog maar een paar uur wachten?
  2. Het lijkt erop dat de wiki nogal inconsistent is over wat voor soort mijnen pulse mines en plasma mines zijn. Zijn het anti-personnel mines? Noemen we ze apart op op de Land mine pagina? Heb jij een idee?

- FDekker talk 14:44, July 29, 2019 (UTC)

Bump, voor het geval je mijn bericht over het hoofd hebt gezien door Springtraps bericht 😬
- FDekker talk 17:25, July 29, 2019 (UTC)
Klinkt goed!
- FDekker talk 20:01, July 29, 2019 (UTC)

something to ask[]

it's obvious to me at this point that you have the captain cosmos content so i have something to ask if at all possible could you get pictures of the different paint jobs for the cc-00 i would do it myself but i don't have creation club Springtrap1128 (talk) 15:40, July 29, 2019 (UTC) Thanks a ton man i really appreciate it Springtrap1128 (talk) 17:17, July 29, 2019 (UTC)


the outcast and racing stripes paints both come from the sentinel control system companion content Springtrap1128 (talk) 21:23, July 29, 2019 (UTC) and also you probably already know this but the 2 slocum's joe paints come from the slocum's joe creation Springtrap1128 (talk) 01:45, July 30, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Dialogen[]

Ik heb de dialogen gisteravond geüpdatet. Als het goed is staat het in het bestand wiki.DIAL.wiki op de releases pagina.
- FDekker talk 17:04, August 2, 2019 (UTC)

Nee hoor, ik genereer ze altijd opnieuw na elke update, meestal binnen een dag of twee.
- FDekker talk 21:47, August 2, 2019 (UTC)

Super tool kit[]

Hi J, would it be possible to merge Super tool kit (Fallout 2) with Super tool kit (Fallout Tactics)? I have what the merged article would look like on my userpage. DogeNumbers (talk) 16:58, August 3, 2019 (UTC)

Meat week oufit sets[]

Hey, the grillmaster and bloody chef sets have been collected into one page apiece. The redundant bloody chef hat and grillmaster hat pages are ready for deleting asap.--DankalorYT (talk) 03:29, August 4, 2019 (UTC)


Is this better? DogeNumbers (talk) 19:51, August 5, 2019 (UTC) https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:Fo2_Moms_out_of_business.png

She goes out of business after she is killed (I'm currently doing an evil playthrough). On a side note, would you be able to add an image of the redding tunnels (not wanamingo mine, but the tunnels used to access the saloon and casino) to the Redding page? (I couldn't find any images of it online) I think I have the map images in my files after I extracted them from the critter.dat folder (using DatExplorer), however it seems that my computer is unable to view .MAP files so I'm unable to access it. Thanks. DogeNumbers (talk) 20:10, August 5, 2019 (UTC)

I see now that you had already uploaded the image to this wiki, however it wasn't present on the Redding page. Thanks for including it. DogeNumbers (talk) 20:28, August 5, 2019 (UTC)

Tubby's pic has now also been made larger. DogeNumbers (talk) 20:38, August 5, 2019 (UTC) https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:Tubby%27s_out_of_business.png

I could do that. Got one for the Hole and Happy Harry's as well. Doesn't seem like Tanker shops are affected. Will continue tomorrow. DogeNumbers (talk) 21:09, August 5, 2019 (UTC)

I think I'm finished with the out of business sign images. No businesses I know of in Klamath, Modoc, Broken Hills, Redding, New Reno, NCR, or San Fran get signs if their owners die. And I don't think they are any signs in Fallout 1, as nothing changed when I killed everyone in the Hub and Junktown. The signs seem to be exclusive to the Den and Vault City. DogeNumbers (talk) 09:24, August 6, 2019 (UTC)


The Wild Appalachia vendors don't trigger any dialogue from what I can see in-game. No lines are activated when approaching them, and interaction just repeats 'Protect and Serve' for every single on. Toyzkillah (talk) 18:13, August 7, 2019 (UTC)

Thanks for editing my page, Im new to the form and what I could find no one had this design doc around and I just wanted to share it in case it was new or not or what ever, anyways I just wanted to say thank you.

Chally's milk[]

Are we sure this was only added in Nuclear Winter? If anything I'd have presumed Wild Appalachia which is when we got the ability to milk brahmin... --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 13:59, August 8, 2019 (UTC)


So in case you didn't see the blog, you can now use Special:Analytics to see useful and interesting traffic data for this (or any other) wiki.
◄► Tephra ◄► 20:46, August 8, 2019 (UTC)

Joshua Graham[]

Why are we reposting an ending slide image in the gallery when it's already further up the page under the endings? Great Mara (talk) 22:01, August 8, 2019 (UTC)

Pump action shotgun[]

Hey, you seem like someone who knows this wiki well, I'm wondering if I can get a third party's perspective on this...

The pump action in Fallout 76 has a name on one side of the receiver calling it a Remington and a serial number on the other. Both sets of text are mirrored for some reason, so I ignored that as a simple texture bug as it affects both sides of the weapon and recorded the information to the wiki as it appears in game. Another user has continually revert changes to the Remington article stating that because the texture is mirrored the information is not accurate, is this the case? If the shotgun shell's box texture was reversed would we still not say it was produced by Purebore?

This is all really confusing for me and the user has not been helpful in explaining why the case is as it is, and all I've been trying to do is report information strictly as it appears in game.Toyzkillah (talk) 03:37, August 9, 2019 (UTC)

I suggest this conversation is continued on the gun's talk page because three-way conversations are hard in wiki format. I've left my opinion on the matter there as well.
- FDekker talk 10:46, August 9, 2019 (UTC)


ive noticed a typo on your acadia map j where it says total hack #4 it should say Islander's Almanac #4 Springtrap1128 (talk) 04:36, August 10, 2019 (UTC)

Could you delete Pinnicle Highrise? I misspelled it so I didn't think it was already one here. --AssassinZ05 (talk) 02:27, August 13, 2019 (UTC)AssassinZ05

Hey there[]

Hey J, it's been a while. Ever since Wikia and Curse joined forces, I've been mulling over the future of our wikis (Fallout 2 providing a good amount of inspiration) and I was wondering what you were thinking. Are you available for a chat? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 16:18, August 13, 2019 (UTC)


I might be able to do that if I change bots, but those ID's actually have a topic name e.g. "Hello", like in the NV files. It might be better to confirm what those ID's relate to and change it to the topic text rather than the ID, makes it more human readable. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 16:20, August 18, 2019 (UTC)

If you take a look at Anne Hargreaves' dialogue in the creation kit under "hello" you will see the dialogue grouped under 000F47B, "idle" has everything under 000F47AC, "greeting" is 000F47BD (which you can see appears in two places on the wiki's dialogue page) and so on. I hope that makes sense Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 18:35, August 18, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Birthdates[]

Ik was er een beetje mee aan het experimenteren (ook in de hoop er een reactie op te krijgen). Dit zou het makkelijker moeten maken de geboortedatapagina compleet te maken zonder constant die pagina bij te houden. Ik ben het met je eens dat die {{#set:}} erg verwarrend is en ik ben op zoek naar een betere manier, maar heb die nog niet kunnen vinden. Misschien door middel van een template ofzo. Als ik niets beters kan vinden haal ik ze weer weg.
- FDekker talk 20:53, August 18, 2019 (UTC)

Ja OK, dan zal ik het wel weghalen. Je zei "in compleet", moest dat "compleet" zijn?
- FDekker talk 21:06, August 18, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Nieuwste patch[]

Yep, ben nu bezig met het maken van de pagina.
- FDekker talk 18:52, August 20, 2019 (UTC)

Ik ben nog niet in de vault geweest, maar ga het straks proberen. Wordt aangeraden om met een groep te doen maar even kijken wat ik zie als ik erdoor heen ren. Genereren van dialoog enzo ben ik mee bezig maar duurt altijd een paar uur. Ben het nu toevallig net aan het uploaden.
- FDekker talk 20:25, August 20, 2019 (UTC)
Het goede nieuws is dat de dumps geüpload zijn, het slechte nieuws is dat vaults 94 en 96 vol zitten met erg sterke vijanden waar ik niet langs kan komen. Ik kan dus niets over de vaults bevestigen totdat ik een groep heb gevonden om mee te spelen, maar dat gaat vanavond in ieder geval niet meer lukken.
- FDekker talk 20:54, August 20, 2019 (UTC)

Vault 94 content[]

Should the Vault 94 content be listed under the Fallout 76 base game or Nuclear Winter? Some of it's been in the game since launch, just inaccessible, but there are new items that have been introduced as well. AllYourFavorites! (talk) 21:28, August 20, 2019 (UTC)

Sounds good. What about the new stuff, like the "Vault 94 steel" or the Strangler Heart armor set? AllYourFavorites! (talk) 21:41, August 20, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Nieuwste patch (2) + Notable loot[]

Ik ben bang dat mijn karakter nog niet echt goed genoeg is voor de raids (heb bijv. geen goede power armor) dus dat kan ik pas later doen. Op het moment ben ik echter FO2 aan het spelen dus dat komt even voor, maar daarna kan ik weer kijken voor screenshots enzo.

Heb jij overigens nog opmerkingen over mijn notable loot voorstel? Het gesprek is een beetje stilgevallen. Ik hoop dat dat is omdat er niets op aan te merken is en dat ik daarom mijn suggesties binnenkort gewoon aan de policy kan toevoegen, maar als dat niet het geval is hoor ik het graag.
- FDekker talk 11:02, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

De notable loot in de FO4 guide is meestal een subset van wat wij hebben omdat ze vaak niet alle notes en holodisks enzo erop zetten, maar er staat eigenlijk nooit echt iets tussen dat er niet tussen zou moeten staan. Die kaarten zijn idd erg mooi maar ik weet niet hoe legaal het is om ze op de wiki te zetten. Desnoods gewoon overtekenen ;-)
- FDekker talk 12:24, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

RE: Pages[]

I'd be willing to add those pieces to the infoboxes, I just need to know how to find the information as I've never done that. If there's more than one way/source please let me know them all. Thanks. Enclave Soldier Elliott (talk) 23:43, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

Thanks, I appreciate the input and info. I'll work on that. Enclave Soldier Elliott (talk) 23:57, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

Hey, so I won't be able to use xedit to finish those infoboxes for the time being since I play on Xbox one. I will however be able to use it in the future but until then would you prefer for me to refrain from making new pages (mainly Plan pages) or just make pages and fill out what I can and mark the page as infobox incomplete. FDekker said he'll send you a link relating to this. Thanks. - Enclave Soldier Elliott (talk) 20:33, August 27, 2019 (UTC)
^ About those links: I was working on automatically generating overview pages and was recommended by Saka to use DPL. I experimented with a page for plans and one for recipes, but haven't rolled them out yet because they cannot display pages that do not exist (obviously), while our current overviews can (because they're manually created). Anyway, in the meanwhile these pages make it very easy to track down plans and recipes with incomplete infoboxes.
- FDekker talk 20:39, August 27, 2019 (UTC)
I wasn't actively working on those pages since there's still quite some issues to iron out with our plan and recipe pages in general. The reason I brought it up was to tell you that there's a simple way of finding inconsistencies or missing data in the infoboxes, which I thought was relevant to Elliott's question of whether you'd prefer no pages at all or pages with incomplete infoboxes. Speaking of which, which do you prefer? (Probably a topic to discussion on his talk page btw.)
- FDekker talk 18:50, August 28, 2019 (UTC)
Elliott just pointed out to me that you had already responded on his page. My bad 😬
- FDekker talk 19:31, August 28, 2019 (UTC)

R.E. Sheepsquatch[]

I would love to obtain a higher quality image, however the image was obtained off of a friend, and that might be the highest quality version there is. I did crop it to 4:3 for formatting, however, so the quality may jump if i put up the uncropped version. You can decide!--Dankalor😳 14:25, August 25, 2019 (UTC)

  • Done, let me know if its to your liking!😉--Dankalor😳 14:25, August 25, 2019 (UTC)
    • Damn, sorry man. --Dankalor😳 17:22, August 25, 2019 (UTC)
      • I'll do my best. Ill try to find better mothman/flatwoods ones, but i guess for now we can just leave it up.--Dankalor😳 21:05, August 25, 2019 (UTC)

Notable loot (2)[]

Dank je! De lijst is niet uitputtend dus er kan altijd aan worden toegevoegd. Zou je zeggen dat de miniguns en alien blasters op de lijst moeten? Ik snap eigenlijk niet helemaal wat je met "er zijn weer uitzonderingen" bedoelt.
- FDekker talk 14:32, August 25, 2019 (UTC)

Oh je bedoelt een uitzondering op wat ik eerder zei. Ik dacht een uitzondering op wat ik tot nu toe had opgeschreven. Ja die miniguns zijn idd niet echt notable. Ik zal zo eens even door xedit browsen.
- FDekker talk 14:56, August 25, 2019 (UTC)
Er is nog een derde locatie van de alien blaster, namelijk ergens in de Toxic Valley. Die kun je vinden in xEdit via de reference van LL_Weapon_Ranged_AlienBlaster, dan de reference ToxicValley_LPI_Weapon_Ranged_AlienBlaster, en die heeft een reference ergens in de Toxic Valley.
Anders dan locatie-specifieke wapens (zoals Camden Whacker) of unieke wapens (zoals Grant's saber) kan ik eigenlijk geen opmerkelijke zeldzame wapens vinden. Ik was nieuwsgierig en zag dat de minigun ca. 20 in-game locaties heeft en de Fat Man 7.
- FDekker talk 16:17, August 25, 2019 (UTC)
"op die pagina"? Bedoel je in de guide? Ik heb de FO76 guide namelijk niet.
- FDekker talk 20:23, August 26, 2019 (UTC)
Oh die pagina. Nou ja die pagina is juist incompleet toch? Er staan maar ca. 10/20 vaste locaties.
Maar goed, terug naar het onderwerp: Naast unieke wapens, welke wapens zijn er nog meer notable? Alleen de alien blaster? Of nemen we de Fat Man ook mee? Die staat wel in de guide namelijk.
- FDekker talk 20:49, August 26, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Images[]

Hey, I can do that yeah, I was just trying to match the ratio of the pictures that were already in that gallery, which I believe I did. I can retake my pictures and use 5:7, do the other ones on that page need replaced? - Enclave Soldier Elliott (talk) 02:07, September 1, 2019 (UTC)


Hi J, got another page for you to merge. Doctor's bag (Fallout) and Doctor's bag (Fallout Tactics). Please replace with whats in my in my User:DogeNumbers/Sandbox2. Thanks. DogeNumbers (talk) 18:09, September 6, 2019 (UTC)

R.E. Radscorpion[]

Ouch. i took them off of "The Vault" but i guess they probably arent best for nukapedia. Sorry about that.--Dankalor😳 20:05, September 6, 2019 (UTC)

I downloaded them right off the thumbnail. That's on me. Ill get to replacing them right away.--Dankalor😳 20:16, September 6, 2019 (UTC)

No clue whats going wrong. im on mobile right now, so maybe thats the problem? i followed your instructions, but i wouldnt want to keep screwing it up. ill see if i can rectify the issue when i get to a computer in a few hours.--Dankalor😳 20:16, September 6, 2019 (UTC)

Creation Club[]

hey j spring here im going to try to see if i can pick up some more creations next week so stay tuned for that unfortinutely i dont have any images for you this week but hopefully next week i can get some more Springtrap1128 (talk) 22:04, September 6, 2019 (UTC)

hey j got a question i couldnt help but notice your picture for smiling kate she was holding a handmade shotgun does that mean you have the handmade shotgun creation? Springtrap1128 (talk) 22:02, September 13, 2019 (UTC)

don't forget the triple-barreled one and thanks i hopefully will have some creation club images up later as well also i uploaded some pictures of fallout 4 power armor i see you already fixed up 3 of the 6 Springtrap1128 (talk) 22:32, September 13, 2019 (UTC)

well guess what steam fucked up on me tonight and i wasn't able to get the creation credits so ill try again tomorrow i swear i am just cursed with bad luck Springtrap1128 (talk) 00:59, September 14, 2019 (UTC)

well im going to try again today and hopefully my bad luck curse won't fuck me over Springtrap1128 (talk) 13:12, September 14, 2019 (UTC)

hey could you turn the 2 more zoomed images of the pistols into pngs and use those instead Springtrap1128 (talk) 12:45, September 15, 2019 (UTC)

dude trust me if i could do it and knew entirely how to i would Springtrap1128 (talk) 13:13, September 15, 2019 (UTC)

unfortinutely i dont think i can its hard to perfectly time these because when i stared fighting these it was daytime also i have images for the heavy incinerator creation and the champions from deathmatch coming soon so stay tuned for those j my man Springtrap1128 (talk) 14:18, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

ok its daytime and im fighting gunners so i should have a great image of a named gunner up soon Springtrap1128 (talk) 14:23, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

Hey buddy typing this on my phone but are you going to be turning that image I posted of the heavy incinerator into a png you probably will but I just wanted to make sure i wish I could do it myself but I don’t have any photo editing software that I know off Springtrap1128 (talk) 19:28, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

ok i uploaded a new image let me know if you need a more zoomed in one Springtrap1128 (talk) 21:01, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

ok i got another one for ya last night but its reallt small but the text and stuff isnt on it Springtrap1128 (talk) 12:11, September 29, 2019 (UTC)

Unimplemented/unreleased content for FO76[]

Hi J, there's been some chatter on Discord about how we should be handling unreleased content for FO76 which is in the files but don't have the CUT tag (therefore cannot be confirmed to be cut). We also can't badge them as upcoming because we don't know if the items are actually on their way or if they're just legacy content from FO4. We've kinda been handling things on an ad hoc basis up til now, but with the Vault merger they have a lot of pages for items which are in the files but not necessarily in the game?

Examples: Alien (Fallout 76) - No evidence (even on Youtube) that anyone's actually seen these in 76; Modified bowling ball (Fallout 76) - Dyre Wolf's made a comment on the talkpage that this is a bit ???

The leading proposal would be to make a new category Category:Fallout 76 unreleased content which could have Fallout 76 cut content AND Fallout 76 upcoming content as a sub-category, but also be able to categorise some of the unreleased stuff that can't be confirmed as cut or upcoming.

Thoughts? --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 12:41, September 10, 2019 (UTC)

Perfect! I'll see if Tagaziel knows anything more concrete about that sort of stuff and then we'll start using it. I know quite a few people who will be happy to see the new category :D --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 13:47, September 10, 2019 (UTC)
I made the template Template:FO76UN. Hope it looks okay, I'm not very good with them. Used the Wikify icon because I couldn't see one in the available icons that looked a lot like "here's a pile of stuff we don't use". Maybe the guy sorting through the chest, not sure. :/ --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 23:31, September 11, 2019 (UTC)

Your userspage[]

I'll continue to work on it tonight. Figure just straight porting would be best (simpler) and then do a massive house cleaning from there. Is there anything else that I can work on that you see wrong with my pages?--Ant2242 (talk) 22:41, September 10, 2019 (UTC)

Also is there any specific way I should handle the images on pages that are being merged? I'm trying to work my way down from my personal page and keep going from red links from there with the pages I've linked to. Like the recon armor page, although I don't want to start the "Underarmor" page until its completion with merge policy.--Ant2242 (talk) 23:00, September 10, 2019 (UTC)
So Far How has my image importation been going? Have I been doing it correctly?--Ant2242 (talk) 02:06, September 15, 2019 (UTC)

Infobox Themes[]

I've noticed that Wikia has added Infobox Themes into the experimental features available to us. I see that it's remained disabled, and I'd be interested in trying it out.

What are your thoughts on this? I'd like to get some feedback before I decide to take it out for a test-run. 寧靜 Fox 01:15, September 12, 2019 (UTC)

FO2 Guide beta weapon images[]

Hello J. I found two beta images of a Gauss Rifle and Needler Pistol in FO2 while browsing a PDF file of the games official strategy guide (Here's a scan [1]). I am wondering if I can upload both of the images and add them to their respective pages? They are both in black and white, not sure if the real guide would have them in colour. I already uploaded the Gauss Rifle image https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:Fo2_Beta_Gauss_Rifle.png image, so I am curious as to what you think. DogeNumbers (talk) 17:30, September 12, 2019 (UTC)

  • Ok, makes sense. Thanks for replying. DogeNumbers (talk) 06:03, September 13, 2019 (UTC)

Boulder city name[]

Thanks, didn't realize the sex gender difference with the templates, I'll try and fix the rest when I can. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 23:42, September 13, 2019 (UTC)

That's what I've been doing when merging pages. It's just a lot of the pages are incomplete themselves. And I didn't realize they were deleted, but since they were being used on the military ranks page as examples of use I decided to remake them and they had changed some since they were deleted here anyway. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 23:54, September 13, 2019 (UTC)


I realize they were badly named but that's what they were on the articles they were associated with. And I didn't remove a lot of the content, I just moved it over to the FEV-NZ article, tho we can look at it further if you want. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 15:42, September 14, 2019 (UTC)


Thanks, I was trying to find that category. I deleted the one I made. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 16:16, September 14, 2019 (UTC)


Mistype, I meant FEZ-NV for the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 18:28, September 14, 2019 (UTC)

Riverside cottage/Huntington house[]

Hey J,

Sorry for not getting back to you on your last message! I received about $60 of Steam money for my 10,000th edit here. Ended up buying the Danganronpa bundle. I also wanted to ask you about two pages - Riverside cottage and Huntington house. They're the same location, but I'm not sure which name should be used when merging. AllYourFavorites! (talk) 01:20, September 17, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Welcome + Question[]

Thanks for the welcome; I've heard a lot about you in the community and I look forward to working together on a common project. I noticed most pages here didn't display editor IDs of items, so there wasn't much of a reference to use for formatting. Is the <tt> tag (that you added here) something that should always be used when displaying the IDs, and if so, should it just get thrown into the item infobox template around that parameter?

Thanks, Brantmeierz (talk) 21:53, September 18, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Editor ID[]

I realized my wording wasn't very clear; should the <tt> tag be inside the source for the infobox template, so as not to require it typed again on every page using it? That seems like it would be easier to maintain than continually adding it.

Brantmeierz (talk) 18:05, September 19, 2019 (UTC)

Creatures Category[]

I have a question. Would animal companions, such as dogmeat, be considered Creatures? If so, someone should go and add that. If not, please remove the category I added to Dogmeat (Fallout 3)

why did you delete FO76 Wendigo.png[]

that was a good image who deleted it if it was you why'd you do it 12:05, September 20, 2019 (UTC)

Size of Fallout 1 and 2 Maps[]

Hello I am looking for an approximate measurement to Fallout 1 and 2's maps for something I'm working on. If you know anyone who worked on the World Map page section that showed the measurements for the all the games after 3 can you tell me who they are or if you and the other users here tell me how to get the real life size of the game maps. Thank You. Senatedude14 (talk) 06:48, September 22, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Bot program task[]

Would GSSunnySmiles.txt be a good example of an "updated" dialogue page? And VGOMVarDealers.txt one that still needs to be? Brantmeierz (talk) 16:01, September 23, 2019 (UTC)

And I'm assuming the "#" column is simply derived from the current line within the dialogue file? Brantmeierz (talk) 16:08, September 23, 2019 (UTC)
Does VGOMVarDealers.txt look correct? Brantmeierz (talk) 19:40, September 23, 2019 (UTC)
Ah, I did overlook the topic header I threw in there. How should it be split up into those sections? I don't see anything in the line of data to distinguish "Topic" in the sense that it's being displayed on other pages. Brantmeierz (talk) 20:14, September 23, 2019 (UTC)
The dialogue files should all be moved over to the new format now. Brantmeierz (talk) 21:46, September 23, 2019 (UTC)

( Sounds good, if you could throw the Bot rewrite template on those and any other pages that come up I'll process them when I have time. As for the Fallout 3 pages, what aspect requires new programming? From the looks of it the data is structured in the same way. Brantmeierz (talk) 22:39, September 26, 2019 (UTC)

Sorry for the delay, all the new pages should be taken care of. I see what you meant now about the new code being needed to handle them; if you end up having more Fallout 3 files in the future I should be able to process them easier now. Brantmeierz (talk) 20:38, October 4, 2019 (UTC)

Wastelad box[]

Honestly, this was for someone else who was requesting it. But I was thinking of just turning that infobox into something for fictional characters since there's a lot of pages for Grognak and all the other Hubris Comic characters that use the infobox for in-game characters. Right now, it's just a base to see how it works but there's a lot of information in the Wastelad and Grognak game that'll be too much for a just a simple table imo. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 16:42, September 23, 2019 (UTC)

That's actually a pretty good idea, since it would allow for a little more granularity than being forced to categorize in-universe fictional characters under regular categories. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 16:53, September 23, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Creature template[]

That's a remnant from when there were two different family templates. Those templates have been merged into {{Stats creature FO76/family}} to make it more maintainable. I've removed the red link now.
- FDekker talk 08:18, September 25, 2019 (UTC)

Walkthrough guide[]

Fandom is currently trying out a new Walkthrough teaching aid for new editors. Apparently, results so far are much better than expected. After trying it on a limited number of wikis, they would like to expand the number using it. It appears on the rail, you can what it looks like here. Is this something you would want to try on this wiki? If this is something that should be brought up in a forum or whatever, I can do that first.
◄► Tephra ◄► 10:27, September 27, 2019 (UTC)

I think the other bureaucrats ignored you. This should be going up on willing wikis on Monday. I hope you can make a decision before then.
◄► Tephra ◄► 06:33, September 29, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Plan: Elegant tables[]

Why does there need to be a Location section with nothing but a blank bullet? It looks stupid. Navy athletics Don't give up the ship! Bill the goat 23:44, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

Disregard. AllYourFavorites added a location. Navy athletics Don't give up the ship! Bill the goat 23:46, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

Thanks for your help with the page on the ArcJet Engine Core Trailer Transport, or whatever you call it. Obviously, I am a novice at doing these pages, so any advice you can give will be appreciated.

karma images[]

Currently working on those right now, I'll post them when I have more time to finish the last one. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 16:05, September 30, 2019 (UTC)

I have a subscription to the adobe suite, so I'm using Illustrator to make the vectors. I do an image trace on them that turns the images black and white (sometimes have to upscale them in Photoshop, tho I'm thinking of using ESRGAN to upscale all the gif images) and then do a clean up on the edges and redraw what I have to with some brushes I had to make myself. The vault boy face is almost always a cut and past, which is how I think Menze and Issac did their vault boys. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 16:20, September 30, 2019 (UTC)

New fr template integration[]

Hope you're going well.
I don't really know where to post my request, so I leave it here. I'm the admin of the french Fallout Wiki, and I started to update some of our old templates, based on the english ones. I'm a programmer but as far as I understand template scripting, they are using "Lua" scripting. I'm actually working on the "Infobox" template. Yours is worth 244 lines, while ours has actually more than 3150 lines. Id didn't work on the initial form of our template but when I'm trying to copy/paste the english code on our wiki, this works but produces a dull, simple green header and no separating lines, while yours is producing a clean, beautiful Infobox. I'm not able to find the code property which is managing the overall look of the infobox. If you're looking at this, is it the "titlehead" property ? Our code with 3150 lines is producing the same infobox as yours, but I want to update and clearify code, so I'm searching a way to understand how template scripting works.
I don't know if my request is clear, and I'm really sorry for my approximative english. I hope you can lead me the way or redirect me to someone who understand all this (or a tutorial ?)
Best regards,
--Arkadyos (talk) 11:52, October 08, 2019 (UTC)

Thanks a lot for your answer, I didn't even think about checking changes on the template itself. I've reached Sakaratte for more informations, hope it will be the right thing to do. Thanks again, it will help me a lot.--Arkadyos (talk) 15:12, October 08, 2019 (UTC)
Keeping tabs on me I see ;-). You're right to redirect them to TOW as I would have ignored the message left here, but I've dropped a reply on the FR wiki.
Just wanted to let you know I've seen and am dealing with it. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 18:27, October 8, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Quest Animations[]

I was holding off on adding them to pages for that reason, I figured I'd consult you first. I agree that having them autoplaying and visible could be disruptive, but I think it still would be nice to have the option to view what the full animation looks like. I threw together an example here; would something like that work? Brantmeierz (talk) 23:28, October 9, 2019 (UTC)

I updated the Quest infobox template to support it outside of the footer, and revised my test page here. Does that look appropriate to add to pages? If the parameter isn't written or is empty the infobox won't appear any different than it formerly did. Brantmeierz (talk) 16:52, October 10, 2019 (UTC)

Advertising users[]

Hello, JS.

Just stumbled – via the avatar log – over User:Envyusre47 which seems to be just an advertising account. Don't know how you handle such over here.

Greetz from The Vault. -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 10:05, October 10, 2019 (UTC)

Two questions, regarding guidelines[]

Hi, again.

Just noticed your change of "Dialogue" to "dialogue" … the guidelines say to use AE, where "dialogue" actually would be "dialog". I'm mainly working on another wiki that also should prefer AE over British English, but specifically this is a term I can hardly accept and think, "dialogue" is the far more neat word. What's your, what's this wiki's approach to this?

And second, what's the reasoning behind using capitals for game statistics, such as Radiation Resistance, when almost everything else is lowercase?

Mind to answer me? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 16:45, October 10, 2019 (UTC)

About the game statistic pages, we capitalize those.Jspoelstra, User talk:CompleCCity
Yes, I've read this. But – why? -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 07:41, October 11, 2019 (UTC)
Ah, found a source.
Thanks for replying! -- UserCCCSig -- You talkin' to me? -- cCContributions -- 07:43, October 11, 2019 (UTC)

Rep images[]

Yeah, I've already seen them and saved them, I just need to redraw them. Thank you though! I'm more than likely going to miss a vault boy along the way, so it's good to separate them into chunks. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 14:40, October 11, 2019 (UTC)

Type location in Infoboxes[]

What is the policy on the "type" icons on the wiki? Should we be using a "type" for the location when the game doesn't use the icons for it? I tried to keep the icons game specific on The Vault.--Ant2242 (talk) 02:25, October 18, 2019 (UTC)

Re: Real world category[]

Alright, no problem. Colgan dog 19:33, October 21, 2019 (UTC)


I'm back--Kingclyde (talk) 00:44, October 25, 2019 (UTC)

Ranger armor[]

dont forget that the ranger armor is also in NV


Could you contribute full array of images for Atomic Shop/Emotes article?

Path to learning how to edit. Correctly[]

Hi, I'm the guy that made a change to the radio station: Signal Alfa Lima on 20:52, October 16, 2019‎, without knowing what I was doing. Since then I have learned a few things. Some things, (DOESN'T BELONG), on a page being viewed. There is a page called: Fallout Wiki:Notable loot policy. Obviously, I had not read that page. That there is a difference between Signal Alfa Lima, the signal itself, and the Drainage chamber for Broadcast tower KB5. What I added to the wrong page would normally go onto the Broadcast tower KB5 page under notable loot, if the criteria was met for notable loot. Which most of what I listed was not. That being said, I want to learn how to do this correctly and take credit for the changes I make - right or wrong - and then learn from those as well. I have been editing over at Gamepedia. It has been trial and error because at the time I was copying the format that was on the page, Trade Packages, without understanding the format code. Yes, I have had moderators go back behind me and change things back because I did it wrong. Here is a link to my profile page at Gamepedia. I have no idea what level 45 means and I need to learn there as well. Thank you for your time and hope to have more interaction with you in the future. Daddyattitude (talk) 19:44, October 26, 2019 (UTC)

I've been learning to use BAE v0.10-78-0-10. Quest icons and emotes. How did you manage to extract images or turn swf to gifs?

Nukapedia - Vault Merger: voting has reopened[]


As you may have already seen, voting for the proposed merger has been reopened. Voting was originally postponed so that users could better discuss the proposal, and after a lengthy conversation, that forum has since come to a close. For more information, please see the discussion itself. The post is a little lengthy, but if you are truly interested in making an informed decision, I would recommend reading through it.

Because this discussion may or may not affect how you voted initially or your rationale at the time, please review your post so that it reflects your current beliefs accurately.

This is only a notice of open polls and is not soliciting a change of vote. This is a generic talk page message intended only as for any and all voters, so as to avoid any indication of bias towards a particular outcome. Voting is slated to end on 5:01 pm November 1, 2019 (UTC).

The formal vote can be found here.


The Dyre Wolf (talk) 11:41, October 28, 2019 (UTC)

General policy question[]

I've been running into a few situations where I'm not sure on categorization policies or some pretty mundane formatting guidelines. Are there pages where things like that would be outlined that I'm missing, or if not, a good place to ask? So far I've just been referring all my questions to you since I've been here and I figure that would get tedious with a flurry of small questions. Brantmeierz (talk) 15:52, October 29, 2019 (UTC)

I've been making a few different passes over categories and planned to do that at the end, but yeah I'm probably better off doing it that way so I don't miss any. There are some inconsistencies with the navbox as it is right now, so I was kind of delaying that issue. Brantmeierz (talk) 17:17, October 29, 2019 (UTC)

Brotherhood of steel Eyebots[]

where do you find the brotherhood Eyebots I've been curious ever since I saw the image on the wiki 15:08, October 30, 2019 (UTC)

Answer To Emote Question[]

I found them in the game assets, the interface ba2 file, then handled them in Adobe Flash. 22:38, October 30, 2019 (UTC)


j do these new images mean what I think they mean is new content coming to creation club? Springtrap1128 (talk) 14:47, November 1, 2019 (UTC)

Hated image[]

I'm planning on it, I just need to find the time to get it done. Lots of graphic work has been piled on me recently, so that's cut into wiki time. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 17:02, November 1, 2019 (UTC)
