Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mole Rat Races[]

Not sure if this has been mentioned before (I've never seen it on the wiki nor in-game until now), but it seems some raiders may run mole rat races. I can get screeshots up if others want to see, but I came upon a group of raiders in the street surrounding what's a cage on one end that the mole rats begin in, that feeds into two "lanes" that are made of barbed wire fencing. At the far end is chunks of bloody meat (presumably to attract the rats). There's four raiders watching, two on each side of the "track", and one near the cages who, when the rats re-enter their cages and turn around, will fire a pistol in the air, the mole rats then running to the far end of the lanes. It's quite interesting, really.Sinujutsu 04:54, 29 March 2009 (UTC)

I've seen them too but I was too busy getting shot by them to see the race. I found them in the same spot on multiple files so I doubt its a random encounter.

I came across that once. I found the lanes and cages but no mole rats or raiders. Im fairly sure its a specific location tho. --Radraider 02:46, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Well, it's finally been added now. Not sure if that's confirmation by another player, but it's awfully indicative of it. --Sinujutsu 02:16, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

The mole rat race always takes place on a bit of highway in the city

  • Yes, could you post pictures and maybe a quick shot of the location on the map. Sounds very interesting! ThePog 13:01, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

Exploding Wastelander[]

Not sure if this is a random event or specific to a location, but I recently came across an escaping wastelander who said that a group of raiders had wired her with explosives. There were several raiders in persuit. You had the option of disarming them or leaving her to blow up.

Not sure exactly were I encountered this. Has anyone else seen something like this? I was thinking I could add it to the list of unique radier sightings in Fallout 3. Atten418 19:14, 25 December 2008 (UTC)Atten418

It's a random event. Shadowgm 20:30, 25 December 2008 (UTC)Shadowgm
Yep. See Wastelander#Bomb. User-Mirar pawprint14Mirar (Talk) 21:05, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

Up in the sky[]

I noticed, during a morning Jog to Old Olney, a nearby raider encampment in a Dot's Diner some quarter-mile north of the Temple of the Union. I also noticed, however, the presence of vultures/ravens(?) circling above the encampment. Of course, I figured it could be just visual ambiance, but a full 360 search around my surroundings, I didn't see any other flocks circling around. Is this true of Raider camps in general, or is it just coincidence?--Kajex Firedrake 15:30, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

These flocks appear all over the wasteland, Megaton and the Super Mutant camp near Jury Street, to name just two. I've actually found one in the middle of nowhere, near the Yao Guai Tunnels at the western edge of the map. Sangheili1024 08:37, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Enclave Ties?[]

It can be inferred from the ample amount of corpses found wherever the two meet that the Enclave and Raiders do NOT play nice together, but has anyone else noticed that every single Raider radio that can be found playing is tuned into the Enclave Station? Seems too often an occurrence to be a coincidence to me, and the Raider-Enclave hostility might just be caused by either of the two very trigger-happy factions deciding to shoot first and ask questions later. Of course, they might just hate all the anti-raider propaganda that Three-dog plays on GNR... Techercizer (say hi) (pwnage) 02:39, 1 March 2009 (UTC)

Not exactly. There are Raider's radios on the GNR station. 21:40, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Really? I've never encountered them... Techercizer (say hi) (pwnage) 21:44, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

I once met raiders, talons and enclave all fighting eachother, they just seem to shoot first and ask questions later.

Base ID?[]

Would anyone happen to know the base ID for any of the raiders? It'd be an effin BIG help, as I've been trying to find this for -ever-. --Holygiant 20:15, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

Raider Hazing?[]

Has anyone ever seen this before? And, if so, is there a video available somewhere of it? I've never seen this, and would actually be fairly interested in seeing what the heck it is. Bishop Locke 21:38, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Just saw this recently. You'll randomly come upon four or so Raider dudes in full armor using weak melee weapons like baseball bats on another fella who's stripped to his underwear. It's fairly easy to knock them off with a couple of well-placed grenades as they're all clustered together and concentrating on beating their initiate to a pulp. (If I weren't playing on a PS3 I'd crack out a video for you--hopefully someone can.) Unfortunately it's not really as interesting as it sounds :) Ihugmutants 04:40, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

Yeah ive seen it a few times on 36086.16.161.101 02:57, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

I found it in the barn near the broken highway (also a raider encampment) which can be found by taking the 'scenic outlook' route directly from Vault 101, however they did attack me when I shot one in the head dramatically with a hunting rifle. At first I thought I was rescuing a Wastelander...I was confused when he shot me!

Raider Images?[]

Would it be possible for some kindly individual to take some screenshots of Raiders and their armor in Fallout 3? I've searched everywhere and can't find a single one, and have been trying to describe it to someone--the only thing I can come up with is "You know the Mad Max series?" which resulted in a "no". That and it would be cool to have some pics in this article, as the Raiders are pretty unique-looking. Thanks! Ihugmutants 04:46, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

There are dozens of variations, it might be in your best interests do search the names of each one individually on Google Images. ThePog 14:26, January 4, 2010 (UTC)


Props to master mold for all the new FOBOS content, but wouldn't it make more sense to have that info come before the lists on the Fallout 3 incarnations? I mean, FOBOS and tactics take place before F3. TunnelSnake 19:19, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Named Raider[]

I've been trying to find an article about a named raider I came across in the metro system, but I can't remember the name. It was something like "Rocky", "Rocko" (or I'm very mistakened). All I remember is that I was lost in one of the many metro stations, went through a door to another area and came out into another metro area, I think it was the bottom of a sloping tunnel, there were some barricades, mines set on the floor and the raider was further up. No idea why he/she was a named raider. Anyone know what I'm talking about ? --Penumbra 01:23, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

His name is Rocksalt. I'm pretty sure he has a page on the Vault. Butcher Pete 18:53, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

Thanks a mil. --Penumbra 03:58, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

In my game i was playing just last night, Rocksalt was a female character, not a male. I thought this was kind of odd.

Rocksalt can be male or female. The gender is random.--Hollow Points 00:50, October 9, 2009 (UTC)Hollow Points

Raider Symbol?[]

Do the raiders have a symbol of some sort like the BOS and the Enclave? If so post the image below this WasteHound

They have this painted-on symbol that looks like three circles inside another circle. I'll post a picture if I get a chance. 07:43, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

They seem to like to draw Red and Yellow mushroom clouds. They do lots of graffiti. Which begs the question, where do they get the paint?--Hollow Points 00:55, October 9, 2009 (UTC)Hollow Points

Well you do find paint guns all over the place don't you? Maybe they're really well sealed and usable, just like all the pre-war food you find. Just your character isn't big on graffiti so doesn't use them.

Nice Raider[]

I was in SuperDuper-Mart when after killing most of them i noticed one was not shooting at me. A girl raider, just named "raider", doesn't attck me, and if i talk to her she just says somthing like "not now" or "whats up"

anyone else?

If that raider is sitting down beside a car she is part of an ambush team that attacks a pack brahmin and two bos soldiers, happens only with broken steel, surprised you couldnt find that out, especialy since they attack you when you get that close.

this has happened to me she was west from tenpenny tower all she said was "im not in the mood for you asshole." i checked her inventory she had bottlecaps(6), missle, missle launcher, combat knife and wasteland settler outfit

I think I met her too. I hate that I can't be friends with the raiders.

You can! See Jericho! ThePog 14:30, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

At the small raider outpost south of Dukov's Place I encountered 2 male raiders. One was friendly and the other was hostile. After I killed the hostile one, I decided to sleep in the bunkbed there. Well once I woke up, that friendly raider was still there but from nowhere a female friendly raider showed up. All they did was walk around the outpost greeting me with "what's up" and such though ( 07:37, February 13, 2010 (UTC))


what is the raider console command plz?

info section for raiders (fallout 3)[]

i edited the tag skills section because it said rank 3 twice... was that on purpose?

on a random note i was on the quest wasteland survival guide and i was heading towards super-duper mart i was prepared to encounter raider as they usaul spawn their but i was taken by suprize when a raider was weilding a fatman!!!!! has this happend to anyone else?

Raider with a fat man TRUE![]

Yes I was roaming the wastes trying to get to the Rep. of Dave then a raider came running to me with a couple of more and when he got near to me he pulled out a fat man and fired it at me. everoyne died (even my followers Dogmeat and Charon) and the other raiders well i didn't die becasue i was always in god mode when roaming.

Raider/PC Faces!?[]

On multiple occasions I have found raiders (mostly just their heads) whose face and hairstyle are exactly the same as your PC or other PCs that you have saved under your GamerTag! I found this quite unusual at first finding my bad-karma characters head lying on the floor after I shot them all up with my good character! Recommend Fairfax Ruins or possibly Evergreen Mills if you want to find this, it's quite incredible! Admittedly this may have something to do with Preset faces but the hairstyle, facial hair and hair color where identical!

Out of their minds?[]

Owning to the amount of Jet and Psycho you usually find around raider bases can we pretty much accept that most raiders are probably out of their minds on the stuff, which is why they can't be reasoned with and thhey are so aggressive when they attack you. Everyone agree? I thought I'd ask for general agreement before trying to add it to the main article.--A Pickering 22:47, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

Khans are better than that. Doesn't need to be added to the article. Nitty Tok. 23:23, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
Interesting theory! But the operational word is, unfortunately, theory. ThePog 14:24, January 4, 2010 (UTC)


I read the page about Rocksalt and it said you can become friendly with him/her,,Please can someone find out because i can't get it to work.Nukey Snake - Tommygunner32 - talk 20:30, March 15, 2010 (UTC)


Maybe the page could use some raider quotes? 20:36, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed vandalism.

Just wondering...[]

Shouldn't there be trivia or notes or behind the scenes or anything like that for the specific raider groups? I don't see anything like that and I think it makes the page sorta lacking. Hell, I checked on ths page (Specifically the midwest raiders) because while playing Fallout Tactics a raider said I need "A good critical to the eyes" which is an obvious reference to how you killed deathclaws in f1 and f2. You know, stuff like that should be added. (Lvdoomien 16:59, August 17, 2011 (UTC))


I am always a very evil character. What i dont get, since the raiders are evil, why they still attack me even though Im horrible. I mean, most people listen to GNR, and they know about me, but yet the raiders still try and kill me. Its really confusing.


the unknown gang leader is the raider leader we saw and heard talking in the wastelanders trailer Springtrap1128 (talk) 13:11, September 7, 2019 (UTC)

Too specific for a multi game spanning overview page[]

I've cleaned up the Infobox because I believe it to be too specific for a multi game spanning overview faction infobox. I also think that the page is also a little too specific.--Ant2242 (talk) 11:26, February 18, 2020 (UTC)

Very late reply, but I agree completely - the listing of Garl Death-hand as the "founder" and presence of a seemingly-random selection of characters under "notable members" creates the impression that this is a page for a specific faction rather than an overview of Raiders in general, or alternatively that all Raiders are subgroups of some kind of gigantic super-faction, which is extremely misleading.
The fact is, IMO, that the current infobox is pretty much just a completely random assortment of names and locations with no rhyme or reason, selected with seemingly no consistent criteria and simultaneously representing way too many factions and not enough factions - what I mean by that is that the total randomness of it causes it to highlight some groups and exclude others, with no actual reasoning behind it as far as I can tell.
The infobox should really be culled a whole lot - cut it down to just information on Raider Gangs as a concept, and leave the highlights of "founders" and "notable members" to the pages of specific groups; the infobox as-is is just a jumbled smattering of multiple factions. --DirtyBlue929 (talk) 04:05, September 18, 2020 (UTC)